There are many services that you should be trialing for your business, with trialing being the key word here. Your business should have a lot of services that it relies on, and these will grow over time. From the moment you establish yourself as a trading business, you will begin building those connections. You’ll find yourself an accountant who can help you manage your books. You’ll dabble in companies that offer marketing solutions. And one by one, you’ll have a team of people who you rely on to keep your business ticking, without even thinking about it. But there are no doubt going to be some services that you might be missing out on at the minute, simply because you’ve been managing it in house, or haven’t thought about it before. But it’s these services that might mean the difference between steady growth, and struggling growth. So, keep on reading, and we’ll show you what services we think you should look into.
Customer Related
Customer related problems are ones that we’ve all experienced at some point or another. In fact, the biggest headache we often have problems with customers, is trying to retain them, and trying to bring in new ones. And that’s often because we don’t understand how to build and secure that relationship with them, and work on it so that your customer base only keeps on growing. WhiteOwl is just one company that can help you to do so if you choose their CRM service. CRM stands for customer relationship management, which will be right up your street if this is what you’re struggling with. It will focus on customer relationships, and building bridges with them so that you can progress. The more your business grows, the more important this is going to become simply because there’s just so much to try and understand in terms of customer relationships and how to keep them strong, and you might have so many age ranges to try and connect with, that will require different tactics to be used.
Financial Saviours
Financial saviours are what nearly every small business is looking for. It’s hard to find a small business that has not long been established, that isn’t struggling financially. Often the investment can be crippling, especially when profit is slow to build. So, the perfect people to liaise with, are business financial advisors. These can help you to decide where your money should be going, where you might be able to get more from, and how to progress your business financially. All you have to do is find a trusted one that can understand how your business works.
Investment Gurus
Investment is one you should be thinking about as soon as profit starts to build. It’s so easy to find an investment route that will suit your business. From small investments to big investments, you can use them all depending on the profit you have to play with. But an investment broker can help you properly manage them, making sure that you’re getting the most out of them, rather than losing out all of the time. 11:00:502019-11-26 15:13:05The Services That Can Pull Your Business Together
Promoting your hotel to your target audience, increasing occupancy rates and online bookings, maximising your ROI and engaging with guests can often be an overwhelming task. This is where hotel marketing comes to the fore, because it includes a range of strategies that can be combined into one cohesive marketing campaign. These strategies include internet marketing, social media marketing and email marketing, but basically it’s all about understanding how to make your hotel stand out from the competition.
Larger hotels can afford to employ individuals who specialise in just one of these strategies, building a team of marketers who design specialised campaigns to promote specific aspects of their hotels. Smaller hotels however, usually rely on one or two individuals to organise all their hotel’s marketing strategies. If you are feeling overwhelmed with the concept of hotel marketing and don’t have the backup of a team of marketing professionals, your first goal is to identify your hotel’s target market and then explore the different types of vehicles you can use to run your campaigns (including internet marketing, social media marketing and email marketing).
Who is your target market?
Unless you can clearly identify your target market, any marketing campaigns will likely have limited success, at best. It’s essential that you know the type of guests you want to attract to your hotel, their likes and dislikes, and where they hang out online. Once you have this information at your fingertips, you can craft numerous campaigns to specifically target different sub-groups of this audience, pushing their buttons and giving them every reason to book accommodation at your hotel.
Your target market will depend on your brand, whether it’s young and trendy, modern, conservative or traditional. It will also depend on the size of your hotel, whether it’s part of a big chain or a small and independent boutique establishment, even whether it focuses on luxury or budget accommodation, and it’s location.
Once you understand your brand, you will start to understand your target market and be able to identify the type of holidays they prefer, their budget and their reasons for traveling. For example, your target market might be couples with young children who have a limited budget and like to visit the beach, researching hotels online and avidly reading reviews to help them make their decision.
Alternatively, your target market might be empty nesters or single people who have a large budget and look for luxury accommodation in unique locations and are willing to pay for a one-of-a-kind experience. Then there are groups of friends or large family groups who love company and socialising with others of like mind. If they have children they look for accommodation that offers child minding services and plenty of activities to keep their kids occupied. If they are groups of friends, they look for lots of exciting activities and trips they can do together from one location.
Understanding your brand and your target market is only the first step in creating a successful hotel marketing plan. Let’s take a look at online marketing, email marketing and social media marketing and identify how each of these can have a significant impact on your hotel’s success in a very competitive market space.
Online marketing
With the massive increase of online shopping, it’s no surprise that hotels need to market their brand online to their target audience. Many travellers now research their accommodation online, reading reviews, researching the area and once they have made their decision, actually making an online booking. With more than half of all bookings made online and half of these bookings made using mobile devices, you can understand the importance of online marketing to the success of your hotel. In fact, without an online presence and a professionally crafted marketing campaign, hotels don’t have much hope of outwitting the competition and increasing their occupancy rates.
Online marketing is actually an umbrella term for a variety of marketing vehicles, including email marketing, social media marketing, SEO and video marketing. This wide variety of platforms gives hotel marketing teams the opportunity to flex their creative muscles and find unique ways to engage with their target audience. For example, some people are visual and respond to images or videos better than to text, whilst others are happy to settle down for a good read. All of this information comes from thoroughly understanding your target audience and what motivates them to travel.
One of the most important aspects of online marketing is that it must be tailored to your target audience and it must come across as a personal message, rather than a generic promotion. People like to believe that they are special and by personalising your marketing messages you will be speaking directly to their goals, motivations, needs and desires. Ignoring these needs or simply not understanding what your target audience wants from their accommodation often leads to low occupancy rates, fewer repeat bookings and poor reviews.
Email marketing
Email marketing, if it’s done correctly, can make a massive difference to your occupancy rates and repeat bookings. This is one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies available to hotel operators, because it’s estimated that for every $1 you spend on email marketing, you receive a return of $38, which is a massive ROI.
Your first step is to put together an email list of potential guests who may want to stay at your hotel and guests who want to be kept informed of any special offers. You can encourage people to sign up to receive your promotional emails by simply adding a sign-on box to your website or Facebook page, as well as asking them in person during their stay at your hotel. Research has shown that it’s much more cost-effective to spend your budget on repeat business, rather than trying to attract new guests to your hotel, and email campaigns are the perfect vehicle for engaging prior guests with an offer.
If you personalise your email marketing campaign to your target audience, you might be quite surprised at how many recipients will make a booking, simply based on the information in your email. This type of marketing is ideal if you know that there is a quiet period coming up and you want to increase your occupancy rates. Here are a few tips for putting together this type of email marketing:
Target repeat guests.
Focus on peak times.
Personalise email promotions.
Identify the best days and times to send your marketing materials.
Create engaging subject lines.
Use stunning photos to increase engagement.
Optimise your CTAs to encourage direct online bookings.
Social Media Marketing
With the popularity of social media, using this vehicle to promote your hotel is a given and the most popular platforms are Facebook and Instagram. This is where your guests and potential guests will spend a lot of their time online and where you can engage them with your marketing promotions. It’s well-known that people tend to trust the opinions of their friends, so it’s no surprise to learn that more than half of Facebook users are inspired by holiday snaps they see on Facebook. This is a huge opportunity for hotels to build a loyal following online and to increase their occupancy rates using engaging promotions aimed specifically at their target market.
To make the most out of social media marketing you will need to create a large online following on Facebook and Instagram, both of which can be achieved by adding share buttons on your website and asking guests to write reviews and ‘like’ your online content. Writing quality content with great photos and videos of unique locations in your area will all help to engage your target audience with your promotional materials.
You can even include links to your social media sites as part of your email marketing campaigns, encouraging recipients to visit your Facebook or Instagram page. On the subject of video marketing, you can create videos and upload them to your own YouTube channel or website, even ask guests to create their own videos that they can post on their own Facebook page or allow you to upload them to your website or Facebook page.
Facebook marketing
On Facebook, you can not only post your own content to engage your target audience, but you can also create and promote paid ads that will reach thousands of people, all over the world. For example, you can offer exclusive accommodation offers or discounts to people who have ‘liked’ your page, if they book online within the next five days.
To further enhance your social media offerings, you can now add a BOOK NOW button to your Facebook page and even your Facebook ads, which connects directly with your booking engine. The great benefits of Facebook marketing is that you are only limited by your budget and you receive virtually instant feedback from your ads.
Instagram marketing
With a focus on high quality images, Instagram is the perfect platform for hotel marketing. Travellers and holidaymakers love Instagram because they can view thousands of images that help them to decide on their next trip. You can advertise your hotel on Instagram by including a BOOK NOW button on your Instagram page and also respond to customers enquiries via Instagram.
Although Instagram has mainly been popular with a younger demographic, it’s now becoming popular with an older audience who appreciate its functionality. Here are some examples of images that will engage your target audience:
Hotel staff interacting with guests.
Guests enjoying themselves at the hotel.
Highlight your hotel’s facilities – spa, pool or beach.
Guests dining in your restaurant.
Local attractions and scenery.
New menu items.
Guest and staff selfies.
It’s also a good idea to engage with posts from other operators in your area, for example travel operators or local attractions. Don’t forget to use hashtags in your Instagram posts, as this will make your content searchable and you can identify people who use these hashtags, commenting on their accounts and promoting further engagement.
Take home messages
Internet marketing, social media marketing and email marketing are all vital strategies that will help your hotel to engage with your target audience, increase bookings and improve your ROI.
However, you also need to make sure that your website is responsive, so that it opens correctly on all mobile devices and allows people to book online using their smartphones. Also invest in SEO as this will help to increase the visibility of your website in Google and other search engines, encouraging more traffic to your website. If you combine all of these strategies together, you will soon see a significant increase in engagement and bookings at your hotel. Ives Ives2019-11-25 18:00:212019-11-25 19:17:34Tips on hotel marketing 2019 (including email marketing)
There are a lot of misconceptions about running a business, and the biggest one is that some people are born to be business owners and some aren’t. But the idea that you either have it or you don’t isn’t really true. There are certain qualities that a good business owner needs and some people do have those natural talents. But if you are going to be a successful business owner, there are a lot of skills that you have to learn as well. A lot of new business owners don’t realize this and they think that they are guaranteed to succeed because they are a born business leader. Unfortunately, that means that a lot of new business owners have some serious knowledge gaps, and they run into problems. If you are about to embark on your business journey, it’s important that you fill these skills gaps.
The most important thing in any business is the finances. If you are an accountant that has experience working for a business, you should be fine. Otherwise, you won’t have a clue what you’re doing when it comes to business finances. Poor money management could sink your business, so it’s vital that you learn about business finances and where to turn for help when you need it. This small business bookkeeping guide will give you more information on how to manage your money and find the right bookkeeping service to help you stay on top of your finances. If you start a business without a good working knowledge of how to handle your money, your chances of success are slim.
The Law
There are a lot of exciting things about starting your own business, like watching your simple idea progress through the development stages until it finally becomes a working product. But it’s not all fun and games and there are some boring bits to deal with as well. One thing that people struggle with the most is the legal aspect. Business laws can get very confusing, and if you make mistakes, it could land you in a lot of trouble. These legal tips can help you out, but it’s important that you spend some time learning about business law and you hire a lawyer when you are out of your depth.
Process Management
Process management really catches people out because it’s not something that you will have to deal with when you first start the business. With a small team of 2 or 3 people and a relatively low number of sales, it’s easy to manage the workflow. But when your sales and marketing team start to grow and your sales volume increases, things get a lot tougher. Productivity will take a big hit if you don’t put processes in place to manage things, but a lot of new business owners don’t know how to run a business on that scale. You can use automation software to help a lot here, but you need to spend some time learning how larger businesses use process management to handle a large workload efficiently.
If you can’t fill these knowledge gaps before you start your new business, you will soon be out of your depth. 17:00:532019-11-29 12:55:323 Knowledge Gaps That Small Business Owners Need To Fill
When a fence needs to be built, choosing the right materials is crucial. On farms and ranches, installing standard fences like the ones around homes can be cost-prohibitive and may not provide what the property owner is looking for. Instead, an inexpensive and easy to install option would be steel tubing. For fences, corrals, cattle pens, horse pens, and more, steel tubing is often the best option because it provides the following benefits.
Recycling is Better for the Environment
Steel tubing doesn’t need to be purchased new to be used for fencing. Instead, it’s possible to obtain used steel tubing for any fencing project. Steel tubing like the options available from Varner Pipe comes in a wide range of sizes, from around 1 and 3/8 of an inch to 3 and 1/2 inch. Recycled materials are far better for the environment and it’s possible to save quite a bit of money compared to new materials. For those who need to build a large fence, used materials can lead to a significant amount of money saved.
Structurally Sound to Prevent Issues
Steel tubing is structurally sound, so there is little chance of the fence failing. When the steel tubing is properly made into a fence, it is highly durable and is not going to suffer from issues that could cause it to fall apart. It can hold some weight if needed, which minimizes potential issues when building or after the construction of the fence is finished. Different techniques used during the installation can help make a fence that’s more structurally sound than other materials.
Easy to Set up in Any Location
Steel tubes are an easy way to build a fence. Some cutting may be required to ensure the fence is properly built, but the steel tubing is easy to weld, so the resulting fence is as strong as possible. Most people who can weld will be able to set up the fence on their own, which can help them save money. The company selling the steel tubing may provide information on how to assemble and install the fence, and there are other tutorials available as well if needed. If the person who needs the fence doesn’t need to hire a fence installer, they can avoid labor charges which can be as much as half of the cost of a fence installation.
Can Last Almost Indefinitely
Once the steel pipes are installed, they can last almost indefinitely. Properly installed steel tube fencing is not going to fall down or become damaged with use. Corrosion may be an issue, but there are ways to protect the steel tubing from corrosion to reduce the chances of it causing significant issues. The steel fencing doesn’t require a lot of care or maintenance, though it is a good idea to inspect it regularly and repair any parts that may require it. When the fence is inspected regularly and any necessary maintenance is done promptly, it can last for decades. This is significantly longer than other types of fencing, making it more affordable in the long run.
Steel tubing is an excellent option for fencing, for a variety of different reasons. If you’re looking for a durable, easy to install fencing option, make sure you look at the options available for steel tubing today. This might be exactly what you’re looking for and can help you save money on the fencing you need. 16:00:392019-11-25 15:10:13Why Steel Tubing is the Best Form of Fencing Around
AI, or Artificial Intelligence is something we often associate with science fiction movies. The concept of AI is to create machines that learn and are able to work autonomously, to make our lives easier. It is a wonderful and unique technology that can transform our lives as well as business ideas.
Whether its using a gpu server for ai deployment, creating self-cleaning machines, or clever robots who are able to think for themselves… AI is amazing. And here are some amazing facts you should know that could change our world.
1. Electricity transformed our world. But Google CEO Sundar Pichai thinks that AI will have a bigger impact on the development of human life.
2. The demand for data scientists will be over 50% more than the supply, making it a VERY smart career path to follow.
3. PWC believes global GDP will rise by 14% by 2030 due to AI.
4. Big Data and Analytics will be a huge source for spending by 202o reaching a global soend of $203 billion.
5. Men are currently dominating the AI industry and 71% of new applicants in this field are male…. Come on ladies!
6. AI continues to be a growing source of startups and as technology evolves it will continue to grow.
7. 84% of enterprises believe in the competitive power of AI resources for their empire
8. By 2025, revenue from AI projects will be $31.2 billion!
9. AI will soon be used as a marketing tool and will be developed for a more personalised email marketing campaign, changing the landscape of marketing.
10. Since 2000 the investment in AI projects has increased by 6 times!
11. Venture capital for AI between 2013-2017 increased by 4.5%
12. China has earmarked artificial intelligence as a key factor in their success going forward… and as a result of this they will look to be one of the dominating countries in AI in 2020 onwards.
13. Gartner believes that AI is crucial for business, and they believe that AI should be one of the most important investment opportunities. Those who invest in AI soon will be incredibly happy in the next few years as the markets continue to grow.
14. Nautilus is a self learning super computer. It was one of the first of its kind and has been used for a number of amazing tasks. The most crucial task this computer performed was to locate Osama Bin Laden. Computer such as these could literally change the world for the better.
15. These are the most highly valued companies from the US and China:
China Construction Bank
JPMorgan Chase
Berkshire Hathaway
Agricultural Bank of China
Bank of America
Wells Fargo
Bank of China
Ping An Insurance Group
16. VC investors are increasingly investing in machine learning and AI capabilities, making it a great career to choose.
17. Huawei are looking to develop AI chips that will reduce the need for China to rely on other countries for their technology needs. 07:00:242019-11-25 05:25:33Amazing AI Facts That Could Change The World