
What Is Real-Time Speech to Text and How Does It Benefit Businesses?

StrategyDriven Innovation Article | What Is Real-Time Speech to Text and How Does It Benefit Businesses?

If you are familiar with simultaneous interpreting service, real-time speech-to-text is somewhat similar. In simultaneous interpreting, the interpreter allows the speaker to speak first before starting the interpretation after a few seconds’ delay. Real-time speech-to-text accurately transcribes the words in a spoken language into text a few moments after its delivery.

Real-time speech-to-text is a general term used to define the accommodation wherein auditory information and other spoken words are translated into text at the same time. In the past a transcriber types the information they hear and the text is displayed on a screen so consumers can read it easily. Today, professional real-time speech-to-text service solutions do the process automatically, with AI assistance and human transcribers and editors working together to provide high quality and accurate transcription immediately.

There are simpler speech-to-text apps available for PC and mobile phones. Some work like dictation application, while others allow users to say the text instead of typing it and send it through SMS or email. Some apps are useful for note taking.

Benefits of speech-to-text solutions to people and businesses

People who are deaf or hard of hearing can get information faster because they can read what they need to know. Businesses stand to gain many benefits from using real-time speech-to-text solutions. They can either buy the program and implement it themselves or hire a provider on a per-need basis. Either way, the technology offers several benefits, such as competitive advantage, increased efficiency in day-to-day operation, and enhanced customer experience. The program can collect data as well, which can be used for data analysis.

Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Communication becomes easier. Handwritten notes that are illegible will no longer be a problem.
  • The turnaround time for documents, such as minutes of the meeting, seminar, discussion groups, forum, conference or lectures is quicker.
  • The increased efficiency of the work force saves time. It also reduces paperwork.
  • It allows employees to be flexible. They can dictate while on the go.
  • It allows employees to immediately share files across different devices.
  • The system allows for fewer mistakes. The program accurately and reliably transcribes what has been said.

Aside from the above, certain businesses and organizations also benefit from real-time speech-to-text program, such as those conducting live events and productions, which may include the following:

  • Live podcasts, webinars and live video feeds
  • Speaking engagements, conferences and events
  • Training sessions, meetings and phone calls
  • Briefings, announcements and speeches

As mentioned earlier, real-time speech-to-text application helps you communicate with people who are hearing-impaired. They can access and enjoy your live events and media presentations with transcripts and captions that are easy to read. Further, you provide them with information with correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.

With the support of artificial intelligence (AI), you can monitor the quality of customer support calls in real time.

A real-time speech-to-text provider can be vital for those engaged in corporate training and learning, media production, education, legal transcription, and court reporting.

The thing to keep in mind is that the real-time transcription program works in conjunction with professional transcriptionists and editors to make sure the transcription is accurate.

Managing Your Business with Location Mapping

What are businesses to do with the explosion of data occurring in the marketplace? The ideal solution is to put it to work.

Chances are, you already knew that. However, we’re willing to bet that you aren’t using your data to its full extent. For example, are you using the locations of your current customers to find hidden insights about your business? Didn’t think so.

But how can you find these insights in your data without burning yourself out? With location mapping tools, it’s a piece of cake.

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | Managing Your Business with Location Mapping

Location heat mapping in action, courtesy of

Let’s look closer at what location mapping is and how it can help manage your business.

What is Location Data?

Most location data is information that comes from a mobile device, such as a tablet or a smartphone. This data provides the current position of the user. It can also simply come from spreadsheet data that you have collected from your customers.

With smartphone use on the rise, location data only continues to grow. At first, it might seem that all of this data would add to the complexity of the business landscape. However, this information brings power and makes the information easier to understand.

Location Mapping Can Help Your Business

As you exploit location mapping, you gain the information needed to make smart business decisions.

Location intelligence showcases the relationship between the data in a way you might not have seen without the analytics. With these advanced insights, you can quickly see where your customers are, where there is room to grow, and so much more.

You can also use location mapping to set boundaries, label points of interest, segment the demographics, analyze interest and assess risk. Instead of relying on spreadsheets, bar graphs and pie charts, you can showcase your data with the help of a useful map.

Location Mapping Case Study: Starbucks

Wondering what companies are using location data? Look no further than the coffee in your hand.

Starbucks has found incredible success through location intelligence. By using their rewards app to offer freebies and special offers, Starbucks has received valuable data worth far more than a free coffee.

The coffee giant now knows what products each customer likes; and they can quickly extract information about purchasing habits from that data. On its own, this would create overwhelming amounts of data, but Starbucks uses the information to personalize content, laser-focus their marketing, and make ordering coffee easier than ever.

This information also helps Starbucks determine where to put up new locations; and it also helps them decide what items to add to their ever-growing menu.

While you might not be as big as Starbucks, it doesn’t take millions to achieve the same results for your small business.

Getting Started with Location Mapping

If you want to turn your data into an easy-to-understand map, here are a few simple steps to follow.

  • Think Spatially: Determine how the place and location data will make a difference for your organization. How will this information help you understand the problems you face and allow you to craft solutions?
  • Perform Due Diligence: Go through the data you have to see how you can enhance it further. What steps do you need to take to ensure its integrity?
  • Collect More Data: What tools can you implement that will give you access to further data? Could you add a rewards app to gain more information about your clients?
  • Be Careful with Partnerships: You don’t want to choose just any location intelligence vendor. It’s vital to gain reputable data and high-quality support. Vet any company you plan to work with.

Most mapping solutions offer a free trial, making it super easy to import your location data from a simple excel spreadsheet.

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | Managing Your Business with Location Mapping

The key to starting with location mapping is to take the first step. Begin with the information you already have and see what new insights you can glean from using mapping software.

What your employees can do to reduce cybersecurity risk

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article | Cybersecurity | Cyber security | What your employees can do to reduce cybersecurity riskNo longer just the responsibility of the IT department, cybersecurity is something that all employees have a vital role in. From making smarter decisions in the workplace to understanding how to spot common attacks, employees can do much to combat cybercrime in all of its forms. Here we take a look at the things that your employees can do to help keep your business secure.

Install regular software updates

It is unfortunately the case that many employees leave their computer turned on at all times – even when they’re out of the office. The convenience of having all windows and browsers tabs open when they return to work is offset by one a major cybersecurity weakness – computers with out-of-date operating systems and applications.

When an employee does not regularly turn off a computer it can leave the system without critical updates that are only installed when it is shut down. These updates fix vulnerabilities and weaknesses that could be exploited by cybercriminals. This is why it is vital that employees shut down their computers regularly.

Understand the dangers of phishing attacks

Phishing is still a major problem. We have all seen a phishing email; sent from a fake account and designed to look like a legitimate sender. The email will attempt to trick you into clicking a link and being sent to a duplicate version of a genuine site, with the exception that when you enter your login details, these will be harvested by criminals.

You might think you know how to spot a phishing scam – but phishing is becoming more sophisticated in 2020. A rise in deepfake voice phishing could see employees tricked into sending money to scammers or revealing sensitive information after getting voice messages and calls that sound like they are from senior executives.

It is important to understand these risks in order to be able to combat them.

Broaden their cybersecurity awareness

It is important for your employees to stay up to date with the latest tactics and techniques being used by cybercriminals. Providing employees with regularly updated training can be hugely valuable in boosting their knowledge and understanding. Employees with good cybersecurity skills and knowledge make a valuable line of defence against cybercrime.

One way that you can assess the cyber maturity of your employees is by engaging a cyber security company to carry out a pentest of the organisation. For example, this could take the form of a simulated phishing attack to see if any of your employees give out their log-in credentials.

Work closely with the IT department

It is important that employees should avoid any instances of “shadow IT”. Shadow IT is the term for any application or software that is installed on an employee’s computer without the knowledge and consent of the IT team.

Going through the process of having a piece of software signed off and approved can be frustrating and time consuming, but failing to do so can lead an employee to download software containing a vulnerability which can be exploited by hackers. Or which isn’t updated in the future by the IT team when known issues are identified in the software.

Be willing to invest in enhanced security tools like privileged access management, so system users are provided with different levels of access. This ensures greater control and, therefore, security.

Set strong passwords

Experts disagree as to whether employees should change their passwords on a regular basis. On one hand, changing passwords can be an important way to limit the risk of stolen passwords being used to access accounts. But on the other hand, employees being forced to remember too many different passwords will often result in them instead using unsafe workarounds.

It can be agreed, however, that the use of weak and commonly-used passwords is to be avoided. According to cybersecurity specialists, businesses can prevent staff from setting common passwords by enforcing rules and complexity such as the use of special characters.

Follow good cybersecurity practice away from the office

It is important if an employee works from home or remotely, that they should follow good cybersecurity practice when they do so. Any time that an employee accesses company data they should do so in an environment that is as secure as the environment in their workplace. Their remote computer should have cybersecurity measures just as powerful as those in the office – otherwise they are making themselves an easy target. For example, using public Wi-Fi is a major security concern.

Backup data regularly

Ransomware is still a problem, and losing access to business-critical data can be a major problem for any company. That is why it is vital that employees should use their company’s corporate network where possible as this is likely to be backed up regularly by the IT team. However, if staff do store data locally then they need to back up their data on a regular basis – ensuring that it is saved somewhere that would not be compromised in the event of a criminal attack.

Final thoughts

It is important that employees understand cybersecurity best practice so that they can act in accordance with it. Informed staff can be a powerful line of defense against cybercriminals.

Top Marketing Tips For Law Firms

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, Top Marketing Tips For Law Firms

There have been significant changes in the world of the law of late, as we see more firms ramping up their marketing and business growth activities. The days when cases and clients casually sauntered in through the door thanks to reputation has long gone. The market is much bigger, more competitive and more dynamic than ever before.

Clients expect things to happen on-demand now thanks to the growth of high-speed internet and 24/7 connectivity, and the high street is rapidly being replaced with digital-only services. This also gives rise to the popularity of ‘DIY’ – information is at the end at our fingertips, and people are choosing to save money and represent themselves.

Law firms are now dealing with digital marketing, social media, website development, and sales training, as well as trying to improve productivity, morale, and retention of employees.

Each obstacle also presents us with opportunities, and there is still time to evolve your marketing strategy to stay relevant in the current legal marketplace. While Elite Lawyer Management can give you expert advice, a good marketing strategy involves listening to what your clients want, then coordinating and monitoring all your marketing activities. See our top tips below for some suggestions on how to get your marketing strategy on the right track.

Make sure you have an online presence

People want to know who they are dealing with. Clients are going to check and look for you online, and if you are nowhere to be found, you are going to be missing a trick. It is a captive audience and the perfect opportunity to highlight your up-to-date professional profile.


Google loves quality content, so a blog should be a part of your marketing strategy. It will set you up as an authority in a specific area of law and, if done correctly, it will also give your SEO (search engine optimization) a boost, bringing your website higher in Google ranking. Your blog posts should be a minimum of 300 words in length -more, if possible, and provide something of value to a reader. It can be about anything -news, opinions, questions, and answers or informing them about a particular process.

Embrace digital marketing

Digital marketing is getting sleeker. The more you analyze the effectiveness of your online activities, the more you can optimize your strategies to improve your conversion. Digital marketing can have a huge impact on finding the right type of work for you.

Whether you are advertising on Twitter, Google, Facebook or LinkedIn, find your core demographic and try it out.

Sadly, just being a good lawyer is no longer enough, going the extra mile can really benefit you and your firm to make sure that you stand out from the crowd.

Although competition is growing, there are still many opportunities out there!

Remember to listen to your clients and get feedback on each case. If you are not providing them with the service that they need or want, they are going to go elsewhere.

5 Characteristics of an Entrepreneur Bound for Success

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article | Success Factors | 5 Characteristics of an Entrepreneur Bound for SuccessThere is a famous quote that says “ Success is when your photos are uploaded on Google instead of Facebook.”

In just a short span of time, to be precise just 4 years, we were able to rank on the first page on Google. When we started Hostingpill there were already players in the market but that never de-motivated us from marching ahead.

As an aspiring entrepreneur, you must have seen many ups and downs in this journey and of course, you must have read the biographies of leading entrepreneurs, but today we wish to share with you our personal views which we think are very much necessary for any entrepreneur to be successful.

1. Humility and teamwork.

Humility is a quality of ‘Quality leaders.’ It does not come to all easily. As a leader, we should learn to be humble from the ‘water’. It does not have pride, stays grounded and whenever it is faces a hurdle, rather than going against it flows in harmony with it.

So also, it is necessary to attribute the success of an organization to the team collectively. This helps in strengthening the bonds and also motivates the employees to do better. It inculcates the sense of ‘we-ness’ in the minds of the employees which contributes to productivity.

2. Learning from experiments

In the words of Thomas Edison, “ I haven’t failed. I have found 10000 ways that don’t work.” Young entrepreneurs need to keep on experimenting with new techniques to ascertain which works and which does not. They never fear failures or setbacks.

Although experiments are vital they are not applied in toto. They are applied in a phased manner to study the effects.

It is only after a detailed study, that the desired changes are implemented.

3. Risk managers

Yet another characteristic of successful entrepreneurs is that they are risk managers.

They know the potential risks associated with business and always take calculated risks.

They believe in only one thing that ‘ Fear is temporary, Regret is forever.’

4. Knowing ‘why’ behind every task.

Dr. Stephen Covey in his book ‘ 7 habits of a highly effective people’ states that one of the habits of successful people is that they always begin with an end in mind.

Just as an athlete knows where he has to reach to finish the race, similarly a successful entrepreneur knows where he wants to heed and what are his ultimate goals.

All his plans are centered around these goals and being aware of his goals beforehand prevents him from drifting apart from his set standards.

By knowing the ‘why’s’ in advance he is in the position to make the most judicious use of the resources.

By knowing the goals in advance he is in a better position to guide his employees.

The employees too can have a clear cut idea of what is expected from them. This reduces the friction between the entrepreneur and the employees.

5. Open to changes.

Successful entrepreneurs are always open to changes. They practice the principle ‘Nothing is permanent, but change’.

They stay abreast of the latest technological changes and keep on changing themselves to stay updated.

To stay updated they constantly need to keep watch on new happenings and also learn new things.

There is a possibility that you may miss a big chance if you are not ready to change and adapt yourself.


Having own business is rewarding and exciting. But business certainly requires more dedication and effort rather than a job.

In a job, you are working for someone else and getting the salary whereas in business you need to motivate yourself to work.

You are the boss. So unless you are a self-disciplined person, it is hard to stay ahead.

With a proper mindset and ability to adapt to the changes, you can strive ahead to become a successful entrepreneur.

About the Author

StrategyDriven Expert Contributor | Chris WagnerI’m Chris Wagner, Head of Content @ HostingPill. I regularly write about Hosting, Web servers and WordPress. I have more than 9 years of Industry experience.