
Soft Skills for Handling Change and Uncertainty Effectively

StrategyDriven Change Management Article |Handling Change|Soft Skills for Handling Change and Uncertainty EffectivelyTackling Change Amidst Uncertain Circumstances

Handling change is always difficult. It can be tough to adjust to starting a brand new and complex job or needing to shift your business. COVID-19 has resulted in significant changes in all aspects of life. If you want to be able to get through major changes well, then there are various soft skills that can help though.

1. Flexibility

You should never be the kind of person who is “rigid.” You should strive to be as open as possible to things that seem foreign to you. Remember that familiarity isn’t always optimal especially when trying to learn and change.

2. Communication

The people who deal well with change tend to be the ones who have great communication skills. Succinct communication can go a long way, it’s productive and will help you in a time poor business environment where things need to get done quick! People gravitate to others who make things as transparent and hassle-free as possible.

3. Teamwork

Teamwork and solid communication skills basically go hand in hand. It’s in your best interests to team up with others who are around you well. Don’t ever forget that power exists in numbers. If you’re able to work well with others, you may be able to get through trying situations with ease, confidence and ample support.

4. An Upbeat Personality

It’s essential to have an upbeat attitude. It’s essential to be able to look at the bright side of life. It’s only natural that human beings are drawn to people who know how to keep things cheerful. A cheerful attitude is conducive to productivity that can pave the way for substantial and meaningful upgrades.

5. Being Able to Take on Problems Well

There’s no avoiding occasional problems. Occasional problems are natural. Your aim should actually be to figure out how to get through them like a bona fide champion. Learning how to think analytically and logically can take you far. If you’re able to remain composed, then you should be able to come up with solutions that can help all of your most pressing dilemmas become distant and irrelevant.

6. Leadership

The world could benefit from having leaders who are capable and confident. If you’re serious about the concept of being able to get through change in a healthy and productive way, then you should strive to hone your leadership abilities. It can be beneficial to know how to guide others.

7. Accountability

People who have the ability to get through change well are the ones who steer clear of being in denial. They are accountable. That’s because it can foster growth and personal enrichment. If you’re interested in being able to handle change in a healthy and beneficial manner, then you must admit when change needs to occur and there are issues. If you’re okay with change and all of the things that it may entail, then it can help you figure out how to take charge of it fully. Taking charge of change and all of its possibilities can give you a feeling of liberation and self-esteem.

Although there is a great deal of uncertainty especially in the current environment there are a range of soft skills we can improve and utilize. Be aware of the above soft skills in your workplace or personal life and try implementing the above advice.

StrategyDriven Expert Contributor |Simon ChoiAbout the Author

Simon Choi has a background in change management in consulting (including EY and KPMG) and financial services from Australia. In 2017, he started his own small business distributing lensball photography accessories.

The Social Network: 5 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Social Media Manager (Now!)

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |The Social Network |The Social Network: Why You Need a Social Media ManagerWe all know how important digital marketing is especially when it comes to social media. In fact, there are 3.81 billion social media users around the globe so each business is sure to find its target audience on social media.

Yet, as a business owner, it can sometimes become difficult to balance the task of creating content, engaging with followers, and just keeping up with social media in general.

This is where the job of a social media manager comes in to help manage the social network for your company.

Keep reading for our guide on the five reasons why you should hire a social media manager right away.

1. Brand Awareness

When you look into hiring social media managers you have the ability to find someone that can help bring more awareness to your brand through social media. As we mentioned before, there are tons of people already on social media so you will be sure to find your target audience there.

You need to find a social media manager with fresh and creative ideas that will bring brand awareness to your company. When you sit down to talk with potential social media managers you will want to find someone that believes in your company’s values and can show that through social media.

2. Save You Time

If you’re currently the one managing your social media, then you already know how time-consuming it can be. Hiring a social media manager for your social network can totally give you more time to move onto other things that you need to get done.

You can eliminate any thoughts or worry about your business’s social media accounts. Instead, put all of that energy towards different projects that pertain to your company. You will find that you’re getting a lot more done throughout your day.

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3. Customer Interactions

Another great thing that social media managers will do is interact with customers on social media. There is a list of social networks that your social media manager will be in charge of for your company and each one will have tons of customers trying to contact you.

Your social media manager can help to answer any questions or concerns that customers have in a timely manner. This will help you out greatly and your customers will definitely appreciate this. Building a good relationship with your customers is important and your social media manager can help.

4. Generate New Customers

Besides keeping up with your current customers, a social media manager can also help you gain new customers! By creating content and keeping up with your social media your social media manager can help attract new followers.

These new followers will potentially be interested in your products and services and want to shop with you. It requires time and research to determine which types of content your target audience will be attracted to which is why you should hire a social media manager for this role.

5. Expand Your Team

One of the best reasons to hire a social media manager is because you can add a new friendly face to your team. Your social media manager is another person with thoughts and opinions to help drive your team in the right direction.

They can help come up with good campaigns to get your business’s name and products out there. Social media is an awesome place to market and they’ll be able to come up with awesome ideas to reach your target audience which makes them an awesome member to have on your team.

Managing the Social Network

Depending on your company, the social network could be a vast and complex place. You might have tons of different social media platforms that you want to keep up with which is why a social media manager can take over and help to strengthen your image online.

Make sure to check out our website for more tips and tricks to help your business!

Tips to Improve Efficiency and Quality in Pharmaceutical Businesses

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Improve Efficiency|Tips to Improve Efficiency and Quality in Pharmaceutical BusinessesTo remain relevant and record notable growth in the pharmaceutical industry, companies need to make productivity enhancement a priority. But what does this entail? well, driving productivity in a pharmaceutical company involves seeking more efficient processes, equipment, and recruitment strategies.

More so, it is advisable that pharmaceutical companies keep track of the Standard Operating Procedures relevant to their industry and consistently match their current processes to what is expected. This will ultimately enable them to measure and know how much improvement is needed to maintain the standard. In this article, we’ll be looking at four ways to improve your pharmaceutical business’ efficiency and quality.

1. Evaluate Processes

The benefit of evaluating your processes lies in identifying and analyzing key areas in your company that need improvement. In manufacturing, this is referred to as identifying your pain points. For instance, you simply need to take a look at the flow chart of responsibilities in each department and ensure employees are aware of what is expected of them to operate at a high standard.

A good way to start this is through the implementation of process mapping. In a nutshell, this enables you to execute improvements in your process which will, in turn, improve your overall quality and efficiency.

2. Schedule Maintenance

Since a lot of things are subject to wear and tear, your equipment should be routinely checked. Go over their warranty timeframes, evaluate the equipment, and schedule maintenance in the areas it’s needed.

If you notice that any equipment needs a replacement, make sure you carry out extensive research before buying new specimens and SMC products for pharmaceuticals. This can undoubtedly be quite complicated and costly and the implication of buying the wrong one can affect your business for quite some time. In this vein, you should consider purchasing equipment with energy-saving capabilities.

3. Invest in Employee Training

It is no secret that one of the greatest assets a business can have is the people so, ensure that your employees are knowledgeable by providing training programs that educate them on processes, safety, and quality sustenance in terms of production. One important thing to note here is that, whenever the FDA carries out an inspection, they often look at the training programs offered to employees as well as quality standards to ensure that each Standard of Operation Procedure is in accordance with their guidelines.

In the case that it’s not, they may issue a warning letter or a form 483. Based on this, it is important to stay consistent when it comes to employee development programs because its a sure way to set your business up for success.

4. Promote Team Work

It takes the pooled effort from different departments working together to manufacture products and keep a business running. As such, it is imperative that strong communication across departments and between employees is maintained for a steady workflow and to build team spirit.

A good way to encourage teamwork is by incorporating team-building exercises and acknowledging good performance. This will help to boost employee morale, and high morale amongst employees does not only encourage them to perform better but it also boosts performance and brings success to the business.

4 Benefits an Organizational Psychologist Brings to the Workforce

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article | 4 Benefits an Organizational Psychologist Brings to the WorkforcePsychology is traditionally associated with aiding those who suffer from mental illness to better their capability to function. In recent times an alternative approach called positive psychology has emerged. The aim of positive psychology is to thrive beyond just functioning. These principles can be applied to all aspects of life, especially in the workplace. Many employers are beginning to read more about employing organizational psychologists to assist in improving the emotional well being of their employees. Organizational psychologists study the company culture, managing techniques, the business mold and more to understand the effects on employees. The following are examples of how organizational psychologists can strengthen any business.

Hiring The Perfect Fit

Defining the company culture is one of the most important roles of an organizational psychologist. They will question, examine, and monitor key people to understand the culture and objectively pinpoint core values. This knowledge gives them a sense of what behavioral attributes are needed to flourish in any role within the company. Organizational psychologists help managers immediately identify worthy candidates by devising interview questions designed to reveal any behavioral mismatch.

Boosting Productivity

Organizational psychologists utilize psychological concepts and research methods to measure the overall happiness and welfare of employees. Based on their findings, suggestions will be given on how to aid employees in effectively working together and to become more engaged. The results of high employee engagement are lower turnovers, less absenteeism, increased sales, and ultimately improving the company’s bottom line. Employees are three times more creative and thirty percent more productive when emotionally thriving. Another aspect of employee well being is to maintain a better work-life balance. Employees begin to loathe work when they are burnt out. Organizational psychologists determine areas that may cause work-related stress, and develop strategies to help diminish them.


A mindful organization is key to a thriving workforce. A heightened awareness of natural behaviors and motivators can incite personal growth among both employers and employees. Organizational psychologists use their extensive background of human behavior to determine the individual’s strengths, as well as what hinders them from their full potential. A behavioral plan is then provided to help enlighten individuals with custom strategies to enhance their work performance and build meaningful relationships.

Resolving Conflicts

It is uncommon for a company to observe and manage interpersonal relationships. In the event, hostility rises between employees this can become a serious issue. Employee health can suffer greatly when constantly exposed to a stressful work environment. Organizational psychologists identify the issues within the social dynamic such as bullying and sexual harassment. They will advocate and mediate conflict resolutions. One strategy is to facilitate an open conversation to allow meaningful and constructive communication between leaders and their employees. Another strategy is to design, enforce, and enhance programs and policies that will benefit an organization on every level.

Focusing on individual needs and behaviors in the workplace can dramatically improve any business. With qualified help, the principles of positive psychology can transform an employee’s work performance and value to the company. A happier, self-assured, and fulfilled employee can unlock unlimited potential.

4 Things You Should Know Before You Buy a Website

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, 4 Things You Should Know Before You Buy a WebsiteBefore you decide to start an e-commerce business from scratch, you should know that you always have the option of buying a website that is already profitable and build it from there. This can be a great way to generate instant income if you have the capital to invest and it allows you to start much faster without the hassle of building a website and a brand. However, finding and buying profitable websites can be a challenge, and unless you know exactly what to look for, you could end up with a dud on your hands. Let’s take a look at some of the things you should know before you buy a website.

Choose the Right Platform

Know that there are only a handful of exchange marketplace websites you should trust, and it’s important that you do your research on any platform before you start. Ideally, you want to work with a platform that’s already attached to a major brand. Sites like these will allow you to check a site’s revenue, average monthly profit, and various other metrics. Working through a site like this will also ensure that the transaction goes smoothly and that your funds are safe at all times.

Look for Website You Can Take to the Next Step

If you want something safe and have the money for it, you can always go for a website that has a lot of revenue, but you’ll have to pay for it. Instead, we would suggest you also look at sites that you might feel are underperforming, but you could take to the next level.

In many cases, sites are sold by people who don’t have the motivation to push it further, and this could be a great opportunity for you. Research the niche, see how you could market it, look at the margins and asking price, and see how fast it would take you to start turning a profit.

Do You Understand the Site’s Niche?

A lot of people will look at profits first when picking a website, but it also pays to pick one in a niche and market that you understand. This will give you an edge when it comes to creating content, for instance. This will also come in handy if you have to do customer service yourself at the beginning.

Knowing your stuff will really allow you to build some credibility and show your expertise. People will trust you better and will be more likely to listen to what you have to say. You’ll also be able to immerse yourself better in the community and become an actual resource people turn to.

Buying Competitors

Buying a competitor’s website can be a great way to gain market shares, so that’s definitely something you should consider. Another thing you could do is buy a website that will complement your current one. For instance, if you already own a site selling gardening and landscaping equipment, buying a fledgling gardening blog could be a great option.

Buying an existing website can be a great way to capitalize on someone else’s work and build on their brand. But, before you make an acquisition, make sure that you look at the details and do your research so you can replicate their results.