
How Can I Start My Own Business?

StrategyDriven Starting Your Business Article |Start my own business|How Can I Start My Own Business?While many ideas for businesses never fully come to fruition, some entrepreneurs dream big enough to actually put pencil to paper. Though starting a business amidst the current pandemic might feel impossible, over 69% of American entrepreneurs begin their businesses right from the comfort of their own homes. If you’re wondering how to go about making your own entrepreneurial dreams a reality, consider the steps below on how you can start your own business even during these uncertain times.

Have a Concrete Idea

It’s no secret that many business ideas seem good in theory but become much more complex in practice. Whether your idea for your small business is one you have fleshed out on your own, or one you’ve developed with the help of family and friends, make sure it’s a solid one. A good rule of thumb is to start simple. For example, should your dream be to develop an entire clothing line, it’s probably in your best interest to begin with one category of garment at a time, such as blouses and shirts. Focussing your creative energy on one portion of your idea will likely save you money at the beginning of your business venture, and it will also keep you from feeling overwhelmed as you work to get your business off the ground.

Conduct the Proper Research

The nature of the business world is a competitive one and thus requires the right amount of research if you plan on entering it. Conducting market research along with taking the time to do a full competitive analysis as it pertains to your business is vital to the success of your company. As you do your research, use the questions below as your guide:

  • Is there a demand for the product or service your company offers?
  • Who is your target consumer?
  • What is the population size of the consumers you plan to market to?
  • Does your target audience live in your area or are they elsewhere?
  • What do you plan on charging for your product or service?
  • Who else already offers your product/service and what can you do to set yourself apart?

Though your research isn’t required to be limited to the questions above, answering them will give you a starting point for where you stand amongst your competitors and what you’ll have to do to stand out as a business. For more information on market research and competitive analysis, utilize this guide from the SBA.

Develop a Clear Business Plan

It’s important to note that having a business idea is vastly different from having a business plan. There are numerous online resources available that outline the proper steps for developing such a plan. Block out some time in the coming weeks to sit down and write. A simple Google search on how to write a business plan should suffice for the information you’ll need to get things started. If you plan on presenting your finished plan to investors, be sure to keep it concise and to know your audience. However, if you’re composing your plan simply to keep yourself on track, make sure you’re using the future as your guide. Have an emergency fund should things go south, and look for ways your business can adapt should the pandemic continue for longer than expected. Business plans are essential to the overall success of your company and are a perfect guide for you to stay on track and organized.

Know Your Funding Options

Once you have a plan in place for your company and you’ve done the proper research, the final piece to the puzzle is locking down your funding. While there are plenty of options to choose from, make sure you consider non-traditional funding methods such as:

Crowdfunding: As the name suggests, this funding alternative is all about who you know. If you’re a big networker, this may be a great option for you aside from a regular business loan. Take to your social media outlets or even create a GoFundMe page and get the word out. Though those who fund your business are not guaranteed a return, you can always offer them perks when you do get your business off the ground.

Home Equity Loans: While most individuals use home equity loans for affording a college education or for funding a home renovation, they can also be used to cover business expenses. The appeal of a home equity loan comes from it’s low interest rates, making them a stable option long term. If you are unfamiliar with how these loans work, use this home equity loan resource as your guide should you be interested in using one to fund your business.

Microfinancing: This option of funding was developed specifically for entrepreneurs who may not even have the option to go traditional with their funding. Microfinance organizations provide small loans in order to help entrepreneurs get their business off the ground in the beginning. Microfinancing is an option for those who want to achieve their dreams but have no collateral to do so. For more information on microfinancing, consider this article on: what is microfinance?

While traditional business loans are still an option, the unique choices listed above may be more viable funding alternatives during these uncertain times.

As you put the steps above into action, remember to stay focussed on your goals. Starting a business can be overwhelming and discouraging at times, so be sure to maintain a strict budget and use your business plan as your guide when you feel lost. With the right research, a clear plan, and the proper funding, any business dream can be made possible.

5 Tips to Help Streamline Your Business

StrategyDriven, Business Management, Business Plan, Bussiness Software, cIt’s important for any business to ensure it’s making the most of its resources. Often, you don’t need to add anything to your company in order to improve its performance; you’ve just got to make better use of what you’ve already got, and this is where streamlining comes in.

Here are five tips to help you streamline your business.


There’s got to be a plan, and there have to be goals that everyone is aware of. If you don’t have these two things, then it’s difficult to know what direction your business is going in. The better your planning is, and the more people understand their individual goals, the more efficiently your business is likely to run.
Make sure you’re taking the time to invest in your business planning, and be open with your communication in conveying goals.


It’s much easier to do that planning and create realistic goals if you’re on top of your finances. You should know exactly where you are with your finances, and the best way to do this is to get the best bookkeeping services in Boston.

Not understanding how your finances stand is a perilous situation in business, but the more you know, the more you can streamline how you use that money.

Finances are clearly a vital aspect of any business, but too often, people don’t pay enough attention to them.


It’s extremely difficult for your business to run efficiently if you’re not hiring the right people. A company can be a complex, interconnected entity, and if there are just a few pieces that aren’t working well, then it can cause problems for the whole system.

This means you’ve got to put care and attention into every hire and really make sure you’re focussing on the process of how your recruit.

When you need to make a quick hire, this can be very difficult, but so often it’s worth taking the extra time and making sure you get the right person.


Even if you’ve got amazing employees throughout your business, they can’t do their job effectively if they don’t have the right tools.

Any business today needs to make sure they’ve got the right software. It can be expensive to invest in new software, but it can quickly earn that money back through streamlining processes. If you think about all the small inefficiencies you have across your business, then they can add up to a huge amount, and the right software can help in this area.


Culture plays a huge part in how well a business operates.

If there’s a negative culture where people end up doing the bare minimum, then it’s going to have a big impact. However, when you create the right culture where people can thrive, then you will find everything becomes much more streamlined.

Business culture isn’t something you can change overnight, but you can take active steps to create the kind of culture you would like. A positive atmosphere can make the world of difference, so it’s well worth investing in.

Measurement of Success in Business

StrategyDriven Organizational Performance Measures Article |Measurement of Success|Measurement of Success in BusinessSuccess is a relative term and does not only mean different things for different people but also different things for different businesses. What makes success even more tricky to measure or define is that it also changes over time or circumstance. What could be a success today might be underperformance the next.

As an entrepreneur, the one thing that you want to see is growth, but that growth does not necessarily mean that the bank account is filling up nicely. So how does one go about measuring success in business?

Looking at the business’s financials

Obviously, business financials are a good indication of whether the business is successful or not. No business can survive without money and no business can grow with it either. But when looking at the money, one must focus on all three the major streams or trails of money, the income statement, the balance sheet and the cash flow statement.
The income statement shows you how much money the business made over a period. It indicates the profits and losses of the business and gives an indication of the measure of profitability during the specified time.

Most entrepreneurs who are new to the game will place a very high value on the income statement and can tend to forget about the balance sheet.

The balance sheet is one of the most important financial indicators seeing that it depicts the health of the venture. It measures how much you owe and how much you own. A successful entrepreneur will home in on the debt of the business and strategically align it with the income statement to pay off the debt as soon as possible while still making a profit.

The cash flow of the business shows the state of how liquid the cash in the business is. When there is a cash flow problem, it can cause some serious strain on the other two financial aspects and ultimately lower the success of the business.

As the management writer for write my essay service puts it, “being successful does not necessarily mean that the business is debt, free, but rather that the debt repayments can be made without constraining the cash flow.”

StrategyDriven Organizational Performance Measures eBook

Customer satisfaction signs

When a customer has a bad experience, they probably will not buy from your business or use your services again. As an entrepreneur, you will know how important customer satisfaction is. Not only does it indicate that the business is doing well, but it is also a reflection of your efforts.

There is a certain pride involved with customer satisfaction, especially if you have poured everything into your business. To get a bad review or to deliver bad service, is like a slap in the face and an attack on your character.

It sometimes happens that bad experiences go unnoticed and this is only because it was not picked up and dealt with. There are many tools available that will help the young entrepreneur to measure how satisfied the clients are.

Surveys and questionnaires are excellent tools that provide an in-depth quality check of your products or services. The review does not necessarily have to be bad to make improvements.

Reviews are very specific and when a bad review is received, it should be dealt with immediately. A bad review could be turned into something positive if the customer feels as though their concerns were heard.

These reviews could also be posted on the company website so that people can see that real people gave their opinions. When you see mostly good reviews and positive surveys, it is a good indication that the company is successful.

The new clients that come in

A successful business will show gradual growth over time. When a business is turning a profit, it generally means that it is good health and successful. However, when the profits stay stagnant, it means that the business is not growing. New customers are a much more reliable indicator of the success of a business.

When you know how many new customers you get, you can measure the success and projected growth of the company. On the other hand, when the same old customers keep you afloat, then it might be time to invest in a marketing strategy. Customers come and go, but if there is not a general influx of customers, they will only end up going.
To see if new customers are supporting you, draw up a client list with email addresses to see if your sales are limited to existing clients.

The statistics writer and researcher at the essay writing service says that once you have a client list and a system in place, you can measure how well your marketing strategies are doing. Every time you launch a new product or run a promotion, you can run averages on your customers and establish which strategy is the best for bringing in new clients.

StrategyDriven Organizational Performance Measures Article |Measurement of Success|Measurement of Success in BusinessIt is not just about the clients

A business can only sustain growth if the people who are doing the work are doing it well. As a young entrepreneur, you might not have too many people working for you, but as your business grows, so also will your list of employees.

One way to measure the success of the business is to see how well the staff are doing. When they are discontent, it could spill over into the quality of their work and threaten the customer experience.

Running performance reviews is an excellent way of finding out where the bad spots are. Many entrepreneurs fail to do performance reviews because they do not want to step on the toes of the employees. The thing is, if they are not made aware of the areas where they lack, they will never know how they can improve.

It also serves as a morale booster when there are performance bonuses on the line. Nothing puts a smile on the faces of employees like money in the bank.

Stay on top of market trends

A successful business is one that keeps with the times. Technology has changed everything in the world, and it continues to change every industry. When your business is successful, it does not mean that you can relax and keep on with the same recipe, expecting the same results.

Unfortunately, you need to keep up with the times and the best way to do this is to see what the competition is doing. If your business is aimed at service delivery and you do not apply the newest techniques, then you will start to see a decline in profits.

Look to yourself

There is a bit of subjectivity involved in measuring the success of a business, which is why you should measure what your business is doing against your own expectations. It does not matter how well it is doing on paper.
If it does not meet your expectations, the business could still be unsuccessful. You need to be content with the growth of the business and if you are not, then a new plan can be drawn up.


The success of any business depends on so many factors that it is hard to put it all into one category. The main thing to remember is to continuously evaluate the state of your business and track where things are going well and where there is a need. The more you tinker with the things you do not like, the more successful the business will become.

About the Author

StrategyDriven Expert Contributor | Tiffany HarperTiffany Harper is a freelance writer from New York. She loves to share her experience through blog posts. She began writing from the professional writer service for Write my essay and later for buy college papers. Please do not hesitate to contact her on twitter.

Why Are Accredited CPD Training Courses Integral for Professional Development?

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article | Why Are Accredited CPD Training Courses Integral for Professional Development?Career development is what drives many employees within their professions but achieving this isn’t always as easy or straightforward as we all hoped. A highly competitive job market, teams with an impending recession has caused many business owners to place promotions and pay rises on hold.

This is why it’s imperative to stand out from the crowd and do whatever it takes to impress managers. One way of doing so is by undertaking accredited CPD training. These courses can provide invaluable information and skills that may not be able to be learnt on the job, and this article discusses its benefits and how it can help aid with career progressions.

Independently Verified

The internet is a fountain of knowledge, unfortunately, not everything is up-to-date or correct and some can even be a scam. By choosing a CPD accredited course, provides peace of mind as all of these have been independently verified.

This means the student knows they are getting the right facts, alongside value for their money. These courses are constantly updated to be in line with new findings, technology, trends and compliance.

Boosts The CV

With the job market being so competitive, it’s more important than ever to get ahead of the game and impress recruiters and employers.

When a candidate states they have undertaken professionally accredited training courses, not only does it show off their wide knowledge range, but also a willingness to learn and initiative.

Candidates who undertook their initial training a long period ago can fall victim to recruiters assuming they are not using the most modern methods, these courses can prove otherwise.

It can even improve salary prospects and can increase the chances of obtaining a higher wage bracket.

Aids Career Change

There is no limit to what age an employee can change their career, but the longer they take to make this decision, the harder it can be to make the change.

Even candidates who are looking for entry-level roles can find these jobs too competitive and it can lead to having to put these career changes on hold.

However, CPD training can help to score that all-important interview. Candidates with no previous experience or formal qualifications in the field are often overlooked and their application is rarely considered to progress further in the recruitment stages.

By stating in a CV or covering letter the eagerness to learn, the interest in the field and the knowledge already obtained from their own initiative, candidates can really help themselves stand out and progress.

Impresses The Boss

When wishing to process within a current company, one of the best ways an employee can make sure they are considered for further development is to show initiative, interest and a willingness to succeed.

Employees who openly state CPD courses they are taking or have completed will always score points with bosses, as they can see their staff members care just as much about the business as they do.

This new-found knowledge can also be used to help other colleagues and to refine practices and processes in the organisation. Showing off training and managerial skills that can lead to the all-important promotion.

Boosts Confidence

One major reason for employees to hold themselves back from career progression is lack of confidence.

Lack of faith in oneself will often lead to staff not putting themselves forward for new roles and becoming complacent and comfortable in their current role.

By undertaking training courses that are accredited and have been verified of a professional standard, students can quickly gain some confidence with new knowledge, while also reiterating what they already do know.

This can then be applied in the workplace, with the added benefit of access to experts in the subject matter of the course, they can always reach out for clarification and even find solutions to work-related problems.

Many of these courses even provide real-life examples and scenarios, meaning if similar occurrences happen in the workplace, they are already equipped to handle this.

Effective Ways to Get Premium Clients Online

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Premium Clients|Effective Ways to Get Premium Clients OnlineFinding reliable and high-paying clients in any industry is tough. Most of us have paid our dues in the freelance world; we’ve worked for free (or for close to it) and have handled difficult customers for less pay than we’d like. Sometimes we hear of professionals in the exact same field, doing the same job at the same level of skill or proficiency — yet they make twice what we do. What gives? What separates us from the high-paying, low-maintenance clients that everyone else seems to be able to find?

The difference, more often than not, lies in our approach to sales and marketing. Finding the right clients for your business requires a willingness to ask for the right rates unapologetically and the ability to prove that your service is worth it. How do we do that? Read on for some of the best ways to find premium clients online.

1. Qualify your clients

Your online marketing should tailor itself towards the right high-paying clients from start to finish. Aside from thoughtful and unique branding choices, your advertisements and sales funnels should be catered towards clients that have the ability to pay for your rates. How do you qualify the right client? A great way to do it is to have clients fill out an application with industry-specific questions. For instance, if you run an online personal training business, asking clients about time availability and goals will help you identify whether or not a potential client will work out for your business.

2. Define a nice

Let’s go back to the example of the personal training business. We know that an online training business will most certainly be catered towards the 25-45 age range. Older clients won’t want to deal with apps and video conferencing and younger clients generally won’t have the disposable income to pay for a service like yours. So we target middle to upper-class middle aged adults who don’t have the time to attend workout classes or train one-on-one. These clients will have the funds to invest in online courses.

StrategyDriven Online Marketer & Website Developer Magazine

3. Ask the right questions

The worst thing you can do is to ask too many questions and overload your client with a ton of information. Rather than try to make everything happen at once, try asking questions that lead to your client discovering whether or not your service is a good fit for them.

4. Always follow-up

You should give them enough time between your initial conversation and follow-up for them to process the new information they’ve received. Once enough time has passed (at least three days) you can send a follow-up email or phone call. The goal here is to make yourself visible to your client again, not force a sale.

If you begin to implement these tactics, you will be well on your way to finding high-paying clients that are a joy to work with on a consistent basis. Just make sure that your service is as premium as the clients you’re looking for.