
How Can I Choose Management Software That’s Right for My Church?

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |management software |How Can I Choose Management Software That's Right for My Church?Thinking about what software is best for your church but aren’t sure what to consider?

It needs to work with your growing congregation by recording and offering the right information. But what information does that include? And what features are a must-have?

This article looks at how to choose the best management software for your church.

We consider 5 areas where the right software can help your church to grow. From event registration to money management, you’ll discover the easiest way to administer your membership.

1. Event Registration

In the pandemic era, it’s essential to track who will be attending your church events.

Smart management software allows your church attendees to register online on your website or via their phone. The system can even print labels for when they arrive. And you can market your events on social media directly from within the application.

The system is self-managed. So that means less time worrying about administration and more time focusing on the events themselves.

2. Contributions and Finance

Keeping records of donations, contributions, and other financial records is a must for any company. But it’s a legal requirement for non-profit organizations.

Non profit money management is governed by FASB rules.

They produce the GAAP principles which state how non-profits should have a fund accounting system in place. As not all software offers fund accounting bookkeeping, it’s essential to choose the right service.

Some members audit their giving and ask for a financial breakdown. So you also want to keep track of your church congregation’s individual contributions.

Churches also have to separate donations to see how much money has been donated to each mission. The right software produces reports that can do this with ease.

Using the right technology not only keeps your books in order but also ensures you’re compliant with current legislation.

3. Church Attendees

Do you know who attends your congregation? When they came? How to contact them?

Church management software can record a range of basic contact details. That could include names, addresses, and phone numbers. But it can also flag upcoming important dates, family structures, and volunteer data.

Working with children and young people also requires guardian information. And everything needs to remain safe and secure.

All church apps include a secure connection and control access. No one gets to view sensitive data who isn’t cleared to do so.

4. Member Communications

Constant communication is the key to any organization’s success. And that’s especially true of a church.

The best apps integrate email, text messaging, and social media alerts. That means you can share prayer requests with just a few taps.
Members can also contact other members using your secure online directory. That’s great for building up teams like worship and prayer groups.

5. Combined Calendar Management

Matching your events and attendees with your calendar may seem like a chore. But with the right software, it’s a breeze.
As most apps are modular-based, it means they work together to create and manage your calendar.

You can track individual members’ attendance, for example. Or if you postpone an event the app automatically updates everyone on the guest list.

Choose the Right Church Management Software

We’ve outlined five issues to consider when choosing the best management software for your church.

Remember to factor in cost, support, and minimum agreement terms before signing up. And if you need advice on issues like smart management read our other online guides.

Topics include strategy, monitoring, execution, and smart marketing. Remember to download our podcasts to keep up-to-date with the latest StrategyDriven advice.

Fun Ways to Market Your Brand

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article |Market your Brand|Fun Ways to Market Your BrandMarketing is one of the most crucial elements of growing any business, whether it’s established or brand new, big or small. Without effective marketing campaigns, all of your hard work goes to waste. You could spend years trying to get seen, struggling to make sales, and feeling frustrated. Many entrepreneurs even give up.

For bigger businesses or those with more money to spend, marketing is often one of the first jobs that they consider outsourcing to the experts. This is undoubtedly a worthwhile investment, and one that can grow your audience, build trust and drive sales enormously.

Unfortunately, however, for many newer or smaller businesses, this isn’t an option. They are forced to use their own skills and learn as much as they can, or to rely on the talent already in their company.

The good news is, with the tremendous growth of social media and internet usage, it’s easier than ever to market your brand. Digital marketing allows you to reach a far wider audience, find your people and build your brand, without spending vast amounts of money.

The better news is, it doesn’t have to be boring. Effective marketing isn’t all about writing content for your website or hitting those social media share buttons. There are some more creative and fun ways that you can boost your business. Here’s a look at some of the best.

Get Out into the Community

Most modern marketing methods, and certainly lower budget methods, focus on digital marketing and online campaigns. While these can be exceptionally useful, there is still value to marketing in the real world and getting off the computer. Some of the most fun marketing methods are actually out in your local community.

Work with Local Businesses

If your business sells to or works with the local community, working with other companies can be a great idea. Attend, or start, regional networking events, get to know other business owners and look for ways that you can collaborate. Even if it’s just supporting each other online, and meeting to share ideas, it could be useful.

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article |Market your Brand|Fun Ways to Market Your BrandCommission a Mural

If you’d like to get more creative with your marketing, what about commissioning a mural? Find a talented local artist to paint your logo or an image that is personal to your business, on the side of your building.

Hit the Streets

Chalk drawings on the footpaths might not last very long, but they will certainly get noticed. Pick an area with passing footfall, or close to your premises, and draw quirky pictures or quotes on the sidewalk.

Flyers and Posters

Flyers and posters might seem old-fashioned, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t still be fruitful. Flyers and even business cards can work well, as they are something tangible that people can walk away with. They don’t need to make a brilliant first impression or communicate information quickly. The recipient can take them away to process later.

Sponsor Events

Sponsoring events and working with charities on their events and fundraisers is a brilliant way to both get your name out there and also to build a reputation as a caring brand.

Have Fun with Clothing

Clothing is made to be seen. It’s probably safe to say that unless you are a clothing brand, or have a trendy logo, people are unlikely to buy clothing with your name on. But that doesn’t mean that they won’t wear them, and so advertize your business, if you give them away for free. Have t-shirts printed and put socks in goodie bags at tradeshows and conferences. Click here to look at some cool options.

Think Outside the Box with Sponsorships

When you think about sponsoring someone, as a brand, you might think of well-known brands on the front of sports shirts or at stadiums. But, many groups, businesses, companies and community spaces are seeking sponsorship to help them to make money, especially in the current climate. Think of sponsorships that could benefit your business, even if they aren’t closely related to what you do, and reach out to local teams, charities, events and community spaces with a pitch.

Host a Contest

Social media dominates many of our lives. We’re continually checking feeds, updating photos and videos, and checking in with our favorite brands and celebrities. Chances are, your audience is online a lot, and they are looking for creative and fun ways to spend their time.

So, give them something to do, that also gets you extra shares and attention. Host a photo or video contest, asking your followers to share photos or videos around a theme or their favorite images of your products. Offer the winner a small freebie to increase entries, and don’t forget to engage.

Attend Trade Shows

Trade Shows are both a great way to increase your audience and sell yourself, and to meet other businesses and suppliers who could be useful to you. Be creative with your stall, advertising your best products or services, and using props and banners to grab attention. Give away cool goodies, such as those socks, or stationary, and wrap them in a tote bag for some easy advertising, and make sure you are ready to answer any questions that anyone might have for you.

Be Controversial

Content marketing with a blog, either separately, or one your website, is a great way to gain traffic from search engines and reach a significant audience. But, it’s often the more controversial posts and opinions that get noticed. Obviously, this is a risk, and you may alienate some people, but your true fans are likely to share your ideas, and it will certainly get people talking about, and so googling your business.

Most businesses and entrepreneurs will need to experiment to find the marketing methods that work for them. Your audience might not respond to everything on this list, and some things will undoubtedly be more effective than others. Don’t be scared to try new things and remember to give campaigns and ideas a chance before giving up on them and moving on to the next.

Launching A Building Business This Year

StrategyDriven Business Startup Article |building business|Launching A Building Business This YearIf you are handy with a trade or two and you are looking for a new career move this year, one thing you could consider is starting your own building business. When it comes to small businesses a building business can be a great choice because everyone in the world needs building services now and again. Today we are taking a look at some simple tips for launching a building business this year.

Word of mouth

When you are trying to build a local business rather than an online business there are different things to consider such as how you will build a reputation for yourself in the area. Whereas with an online business you will want to use social media and a website to spread the word, it is different for a local company. The best way to get through to people in your area is to post flyers through doors, speak to people in person and encourage customers to talk to their family and friends. Word of mouth is powerful and it can be exactly what you need this year.

Compile your customers

As you grow as a small business you will end up with a database of people who you work for and this can become difficult for you to manage after a while. The best thing you can do is get a roof estimating software where you’ll be able to keep a database of all of your customers as well as your materials and costs for each job. This can be a huge help and it will allow you to calculate labour costs and keep on top of your budgets.


When you are working as a building firm you will need to buy your own supplies to bring to a job and use on the house. The cost of buying things such as bricks and tiles and cement can be heavy as this is why haggling can be super helpful for you. If you can learn to haggle for your supplies you will end up saving a lot of money and this will make things much easier for you when calculating your costs and your profit margins.

Take your time

It is important for the integrity of your job as well as your ability to gain more customers that you never rush a job. Just because it might feel easier to rush your job so that you can move onto the next one, it’s not worth it in the long run. Take your time and take pride in your work and in turn you will get better reviews, more customers and you will be able to charge more due to the quality of your work.

Be friendly

A friendly builder is one who will gain a good reputation! Make sure when you work on a house you talk to the owners and have a laugh. People like to work with people and the impression you give off can make all the difference to your success.

Operation Getting More Value In Business

As a business, providing customers with value for money. However, you mustn’t forget to ensure that your spending generates the best results too. Making your capital work harder will lift a great weight from your shoulders while also enabling you to pass some of the savings onto your clients.

So, how exactly can you ensure that all decisions are made in the best interests of your customers? Here’s all you need to know.

StrategyDriven Managing Your Finances Article | Business Financies

Assemble The Strongest Possible Team

The majority of business matters will be handled by your employees. Therefore, getting the recruitment process under control should be the first item on your agenda. This should be followed by an ongoing investment into their development both individually and as a team. The best ways to achieve this are through training and team building exercises. When they work harder, you’ll get more value for money on a daily basis. There is no stronger foundation for success.

Keep Assets In Good Health

Taking care of your business assets will unlock greater performance levels and prolong the lifespans. Keeping business vehicles in good health with the right gas oil is a significant step in the right direction. Meanwhile, computer system updates should bring telling results too. Even though the daily maintenance can have a very significant impact, you must learn to spot signs of faults. The sooner you act, the sooner you’ll restore their health. This should save a lot of money in the long run.

Research Your Purchases

You already know that customers want to get the best value for money when buying products or services. You should take a similar approach before completing your transactions. Simple ideas like using price comparison sites can work wonders. Likewise, you’ll want to check that any company you plan to do with business can be trusted. Falling victim of fraudulent activity or inadequate supplies will harm the venture and could be very hard to recover from. It’s best to be safe rather than sorry.

Know Your Demographic

Marketing is an area where only the best will do. Efficient marketing should be built around targeting a key audience. It’s impossible to impress everyone, but smarter research and insights will allow you to focus on the people that are likely to purchase. SEO, PPC, trade show stools, printed materials, and social media marketing can all be used to great effect. Remember to analyse the success of every campaign and make the necessary adjustments for ongoing success.

Avoid Bad Debts

While you obviously want to get as many sales as possible, you must not force thing when dealing with repayment plans. Good sales figures count for nothing if the money never arrives. Understanding bad debts and how to avoid falling victim to them is vital. While some people will default on payments, but you don’t want to let this become a major problem. Protect yourself in this manner, and your hopes of maintaining a positive cash flow will be greatly increased.

When the financial elements are under control, you can focus on actively driving the venture in the right direction.

19 Essentials Every New Car Owner Must Have


Just bought a new car? I am sure you are basking in the supple leather and that new car smell with a full-tank, ready to ride off into the sunset.

But are you really ready to drive off? Once your car has gas, it may seem like you have all the essentials, but not quite. Like a good ceramic coating for cars, these 18 items are absolute must-haves for every car owner. They will see you out of trouble and make the difference between a good day and a bad day.

  1. The owner’s manual: as a new car owner, your manual is your best friend. Apart from giving you insight into all the tricks and fittings your car has, it will also be helpful when you are faced with your first car issue.
  2. Car documents: your registration papers, insurance details and license information should ALWAYS be in your car to prevent unpleasant confrontations with law enforcement agents. Remember, that the law demands you have all these documents at hand if you are driving. Keep them all in one place for ease of access such as in the glove-box.
  3. Repair information: always have a business card or the contact information of your auto-repair company so you are not left stranded. Your insurance company may also be helpful in this situation so keep your claim forms easily accessible.
  4. Insurance: a new car is like a baby, you have to protect it. The best way to do this is by getting insurance. Car insurance gives you coverage during accidents, vandalism, fires, theft and many other situations. If you are in New Zealand, consider using a provider such as AMI Insurance or talk to your current insurance provider about providing cover for your new car.
  5. jumper-cables-926308_640Jumper Cables and a battery booster: jumper cables are used to kick-start weak batteries. If your car battery dies, you can easily give it some juice and be on your way. This is very useful if you are in a hurry, or running late. You can also get a compact jump-starter kit, many of which have USB connections that can charge multiple devices.
  6. Duct tape: the usefulness of duct tape can not be overemphasized. Car owners have used duct tape to hold up their fenders, to keep wind-shield wipers in place, to keep the spare key stashed under the back tire, in short, to do a thousand things and more. You need it.
  7. Lug Wrench and Tire Jack: one of the first skills you should acquire as a new car owner is how to change a set of tires. To change them you need these two tools, a tire jack and a lug wrench, and most importantly, an inflated spare tire. If you have a jack and leave the lug wrench at home, you will not be able to change your car tires should the need arise.
  8. Lug nut key: depending on the type of car you have, your lug nuts may have special locks, so you will need a lug nut key in this situation in order to change your tires.
  9. Tire Pressure Gauge: this handy tool helps you check how much air your tires have lost and how much to add. Tires may not look flat, but it is still advised that you check them regularly.
  10. Envase_WD-40WD 40: next to duct tape, WD-40 is the second holy grail for car owners. WD-40 is a degreasing agent traditionally used for squeaky hinges. But, it can also be used to clean rusty license plates, clears carbon residue from spark plugs, protects spark plugs from moisture and removes grease, dirt and grime from car parts.
  11. A Multi-Tool kit: multi-tools give many different tools in one compact package. Most multi- tools contain screwdrivers, scissors, sharp edge, and a pen knife that you can use in indifferent situations.
  12. Reflective Triangles and Flares: another night-time essential, reflective triangles or flares are placed on the road, if you have pulled off to the side of the road, in the direction of oncoming traffic to prevent other drivers from running into you or your vehicle. They increase visibility for other drivers and keep you safe until help arrives.
  13. A change of clothes: this is very essential, you don’t want to miss an important meeting because someone spilled coffee on your shirt or you got caught in the rain. Neither does it paint a good picture for you to show up wet or stained. Also have gloves, a warm jacket, a spare tie, a scarf and a warm cap or hat.
  14. Glove compartment essentials: there are certain things that must be in your glove compartment. Having them there will save you time, prevent stress and even save your life. They include:
    • Pen/pencil and paper
    • Emergency money (keep this stashed in more than one place)
    • Make-up
    • Sanitary towels, pantyliners or tampons
    • A car hammer to break windows and seat belt cutter for dire emergencies
    • Instant cleaning items: antibacterial wipes, tissue, paper towels or a regular hand towel, and hand-sanitizer.
  15. Fire extinguisher
  16. Emergency supplies kit: you are going to spend a lot of time in your car so it makes sense that you are ready for emergencies. You can keep your emergency kit in your trunk.What should this kit contain?
    • Tactical flashlight: useful for night-time situations
    • Lighter, matches and any other fire starting equipment
    • Snacks such as energy bars, granola bars, and protein bars , also instant foods such as noodles. Dried foods such as jerky are also good to have.
    • Water
    • Weather radio
    • A physical map
    • A space blanket
    • Umbrella or raincoat
    • Chains, carpet or cardboard scraps: you can place these under your tires to gain traction on snowy, icy roads.
  17. Wind-shield Wiper Fluid: when driving in winter conditions, wiper fluid will make it easy to keep your screen clean and get slush, sludge and ice off. You need clear visibility when driving during the winter, wiper fluid will help you.
  18. Ice-scraper and Snowbrush: a winter essential, ice-scrapers will help you get ice, sludge and snow off your windshield without any scratches or damage to your car. Use a snowbrush to get snow off your car roof, this prevents the snow from sliding down your screen when you start driving or flinging off onto other cars and people.
  19. Car Coating: Now that you have a new car in place, you surely don’t want damages. So, how about going in for ceramic coating for cars, right during the vehicle purchase process. With this type of coating, you can easily clean your vehicle. Also, it’ll help you protect your car from chemical stains and harmful UV rays.

Now, you are ready to drive off into the sunset without looking back. But you can get a theoretical lesson on how to change your tires or jump-start your battery here.