
How you can use AI to become a more effective leader

StrategyDriven Management and Leadership Article |AI|How you can use AI to become a more effective leaderOne of the greatest challenges of business is dealing with the unknown. As a business leader, you must manage risk and reward every day of your working life.

The ability to know if a new product has been marketed correctly or if your customers are satisfied with your brand is something only skill and experience can bring.

However, the rise of artificial intelligence is a potential ace card up your sleeve, waiting to be used. Armed with the ability to understand your market better, interact with it and know precisely what customers will want next can give you a huge advantage over your competition and help you lead your business far more efficiently.

Here’s how:

You can make far more informed decisions

What is the most important information you need when making a tough sales decision? Consumer data. Without it, you are operating blind, and the right decision is perilously tricky to make.

Thankfully, AI – such as the system – changes this, because it can collect and quantify gigantic amounts of data on both your customers and your company. This allows you a deep, meaningful understanding of every single one of your prospects, one-time buyers and lifetime customers. The AI analyzes this data and gives you an easy-to-process report, giving you all the information you could ever need to make a reasoned decision about your brand strategy.

You know exactly how your customers are feeling

Because of this huge resource of information, you can connect far more personally with what your customers are feeling about your brand. As a business leader, it can be almost impossible to stay in touch with ‘on-the-shop-floor’ colleagues and the buyers themselves.

Previously, you could be handed completely warped information on the state of the market. Customer surveys can only go so far. This gives you the ability to correct any flaws in your products and better position your brand in the market.

While AI software will be used differently by different departments, you can use it to stay better connected to the day-to-day running of the overall business and track its progress.

Cut down on wasted resources

When marketing your product, it is difficult to analyze what works well and what doesn’t, especially with any real precision. This often leads to huge swathes of the resource being invested in advertising campaigns and even products that consumers simply don’t want. By using AI software, you can minimize this expenditure and focus on the prospects that are most likely to buy, and the products most likely to sell.

Avoid making mistakes

AI is, obviously, not human. This means it overcomes human flaws by remembering everything it has learned and never making the same mistake twice. Even the most level-headed business leader cannot deliver this level of consistency.

With every passing marketing campaign, the AI software will remember what went well in the past, and what can be improved upon in the future. This allows you to minimize the chances of managerial error and gives you peace of mind that (in theory at least) your strategy should improve the more you use AI.

How to Grow Your Dispensary Business

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | How to Grow Your Dispensary BusinessYou are reading this article because you are probably intrigued about what a dispensary SOP is, or you are trying to find a way to improve your current model. The only thing that matters is that you are taking the necessary initiative to get things done and ensure the future success of your business needs. If you are a beginner who isn’t quite certain about the world of dispensary SOP’s, then it is best to start by establishing its meaning. A dispensary SOP is a shortened name for Dispensary Standard Operating Procedures PDF which is the most significant document that is unique to each business because it sets out specific outlines, procedures, and regulations particularly in the cannabis industry. Even though it can be a complex document to formulate, it is the most effective document that you need to ensure that your business’ resources are managed adequately.

What Is A SOP? 

A well-thought-out and professional dispensary SOP will benefit you with acquiring your license but it is the main building block towards your success in dispensary marketing. A strong dispensary marketing strategy will elevate your cannabis business and ensure that it ranks highly because the dispensary SOP provides a step by step manual that guarantees an understanding of the core areas of the business that require standard operating procedures. This is why it is important to establish a dispensary SOP that your employees and management can understand.

What To Cover 

When establishing a dispensary SOP for a cannabis business, you ought to have a detailed assessment of how your business will be able to cover these areas.


The potential for theft and other related illegal activities is high when dealing with large amounts of money. The types of security measures need to be considered alongside the state requirements.

Quality Assurance

Your dispensary SOP needs to detail how it will maneuver environmental, sanitation, and inspection factors. Adequate testing has to be conducted by any of the licensed cannabis testing facilities.

Packaging and Labeling

States have different laws regulating how cannabis products should be packaged and labeled, particularly where products could be exposed to the youth. Safeguarding measures are necessary for children.

Inventory Control

This is also known as “track and trace” in some states. Strict inventory management is a necessity to outline the procedures of handling and storage.


It is generally separated into the storing of records and cannabis products. Licenses and any required documents need to be stored in a secure place that will enable authorities to see them when requested.

Cash Handling

This needs to be addressed to avoid any potential fraud allegations. Strict practices are necessary for a dispensary SOP.

Making Your Business Known

Once you have compiled an efficient dispensary SOP that covers every area of your business including your founding values, vision, and mission the next thing that you need to concern yourself with is to devise a quality and innovative dispensary marketing strategy. The industry is highly competitive and with more countries relaxing their strict laws around the sale and purchase of cannabis it will become more saturated. This is why it is important to come up with a dispensary marketing plan that can adapt to the current digital age. The advertising laws in this industry are still strict and it makes it a challenge to advertise cannabis freely. Moreover, cannabis is still classified as a Class 1 drug, as a result, dispensary marketing is a major challenge. If your adverts are not being removed from advertising channels, they are too costly for most businesses to afford. As a result of these problems, most businesses have opted to use practical and less costly methods to improve their dispensary marketing challenges – direct mail, mass SMS, and email. However, mass SMS seems to be the most effective option of these three methods of advertising.

Word of Advice 

If you still feel like you don’t quite understand how dispensary SOP documents work or feel as though you might struggle coming up with a unique dispensary marketing campaign, then you can enlist the services of a company that will assist you to come up with great ideas to improve your business to be world-class standard and compete with industry giants.

Tips to Choose the Best Keywords for SEO In 2021 and Beyond

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Keyword Search|Tips to Choose the Best Keywords for SEO In 2021 and BeyondMore than 50% of consumers use Google to research their purchase items before buying. The search engine uses those search keywords or phrases to find related results. If your business doesn’t appear on the first page, you will not get much traffic.

How can you pick the right keywords for the best converting traffic? You must begin your keyword search with the proper tactics in mind. Following are some tips that will help you choose the best keywords for SEO.

Examine the Search Intent

Search intent helps you to discover what keywords to choose based on why people search. You can divide these into three categories:

  • Navigational – The consumer wants to find another web page
  • Informational – Researching a specific topic
  • Commercial – Wanted to make a purchase

To pick the right keywords with the best results, you require to think like your consumers. For example, searches like ‘buy cheap water purifier’ are different from ‘water purifier broken queries’. One keyword is a commercial key phrase, and the second one is informational.

Preferably, you must offer content on all three areas to finish your call-to-action (CTA). Your keywords are going to target different landing pages or website pages devoted to those search phrases.

For informational searches, you must offer some unique content related to that phrase. Blog articles are brilliant for this kind of search, and they can contain various key phrases. However, you need to link that content to your contact forms or product pages.

Similarly, commercial or transitional intentions are somewhat easy to focus on, but these are also extremely competitive. So, make sure that you analyze the search Intent for selecting the right keywords.

Use More Long-tail Keywords

When you do a keyword search to target, you should consider long-tail keywords. Today, since there are so many main players and international brands in the SEO world, it can become hard for you to stay competitive in search results. But long-tail keywords can help.

Long-tail keywords are particular and detailed search queries. For example, if you are an eye specialist, you may want to target the phrase “best family eye specialists in your location” as opposed to just “eye specialist’.

Long-tail keywords incline to have much lower search volume than short, broad keywords. But these keywords also have much lower competition and higher conversion rates. It is because long-tail keywords determine specific search intent.

Find the Best Tools

If you face difficulty in developing long-tail keywords, you can use the keyword tools to find long-tail keywords. And you may even use Google’s autocomplete feature to know more about the long-tail-phrases that users or consumers often search online. It will give you a quick idea about which searches are trending.

Start by writing a general keyword into Google search. Sticking to the eye specialist example, you can type the phrase “eye services.” Then, instead of tapping the enter button, take a look at Google’s autocomplete-results. It will get you a good idea of some prevalent longer tail keywords you can target to help users find your products or services online.

To sum up, doing the right keyword search will greatly impact your business website rankings in 2021. So, follow the tips mentioned above and don’t hesitate to ask for help from professionals when you’re stuck.

How can I start my own business?

StrategyDriven Starting Your Business Article |Building a business|How can I start my own business?Tired of using your ideas to grow someone else’s organization? If this is what doesn’t let you sleep peacefully, you must plan to start your own business. You need three things to grow your business successfully: investment, idea, and of course, manpower. Building a business from zero is quite exciting as well as daunting for those who find it difficult to struggle. The best thing about business is that no magically difficult step is required to solve a brilliance. If you are convinced to start a business today, you must know the steps that can help you walk through all the hurdles and makes the process easy.

The idea: The question you need to ask yourself is why! Why do you choose a specific idea and take all the risks associated with it? Is it worth it? The businesses that succeed today are all meeting the needs of the customers in the market. Look for the needs of the customer which you can solve and grow. It is great if you know what makes you work on your idea. If your why is focused on a need in the market Z, your business will be larger than the business that is designed to meet a personal need. And if you get hold of that idea, start hiring a dedicated team of developers to give your idea a shape. Choose a niche that is attractive and in trend.

A blueprint: Sketch all that comes to your mind and pen down every minute detail that you will work on. A blueprint means you concisely draw your business plan to work it out in a perfect way. Who are you selling to? What are you selling? How much are you investing? What are your goals? Conduct a good study on each of the aspects and create a detailed blueprint so that you know how concrete and fruitful it will turn out to be.

Consider an exit strategy: A business that is built with passion and obsession does not come with an exit strategy. If in the beginning, you think of how to exit the plan, you will see a lot of negativity everywhere. However, to be practical while you invest hugely, you must consider an exit strategy that can help you from a further downfall. Do try to work it out, as success doesn’t come overnight. However, if at all it does not work out and things don’t fall in place, keep an exit strategy ready to let things off and manage what has been lost.

Your finances: Nothing works without investment. An idea is essential, but if you don’t invest, nothing can be fruitful. You need to manage your finances and be aware of all that you will have to invest in shortly. If you are investing, make sure you know where you are investing and how you will earn it back. For a smooth financial journey, consider a good plan in terms of financial management.

Watch out for expenses: A working capital and occasion expenses need to be considered before you hop on a new business plan. A business needs to be fuelled up with investment from time to time. You cannot start a business and in the middle run out of the fund. You must consider all that you will have to bear and how will you manage your expenses. The goal is, minimum investment when you are starting it small. Check on the unnecessary expenses which do not repay.

Manage legal matters: Manage all your legal matters and take all license and permits you will need to start your business. No matter what, you need to abide by the rules and legal acts. Don’t go for anything that is against legal and government standards. Consider a legal check and get your hands on your permits to start your business ethically.

Wrapping up

A big organization starts with a tiny idea. An idea that changes the lives of humankind can grow much bigger than expected. Little patience and these steps can help you start your business and make it a success. If you are having sleepless nights growing someone else’s business, it is time for you to start something new for yourself!

About the Author

Harikrishna Kundariya, a marketer, developer, IoT, ChatBot & Blockchain savvy, designer, co-founder, Director of eSparkBiz Technologies @Software Development Company. His 8+ experience enables him to provide digital solutions to new start-ups based on IoT and ChatBot.

How Has Pharmaceutical Distribution Adapted In Recent Years?

StrategyDriven Tactical Execution Article |Pharmaceutical Distribution|How Has Pharmaceutical Distribution Adapted In Recent Years?In the year of 2020, there have been several changes that have revolutionised the world we live in with several companies now becoming completely remote, there are several elements that have changed including the medical industry. With the pharma industry changing at the hands of Covid-19, just how much has actually changed within the industry?

Industry Globalisation

When looking at some of the ways that the industry is expanding, it is important to look at the globalisation that has taken place. With several medications being sent to Europe and other parts of the world there has been a huge number of deliveries sent to many different parts of the world. Though this has taken about 10 years for this to happen, this is a trend that is set to continue in 2020.

New Technology For Drug Manufacturing

In addition to the globalisation of the industry, there has also been a vast amount of technology in pharmaceutical distribution helping to improve the manufacturing process. This has revolutionised the industry as it has enabled the manufacturing of medication to be improved with faster and more accurate manufacturing times. This has revolutionised the industry as it has allowed for much more medication to be manufactured and sent to wholesalers in order to keep up with supply and demand at this unusual time. This is a trend that is set to continue in 2021 as brand-new technology is brought to light that can improve the industry at this time.

Improve Supply Chains

In addition to drug manufacturing, several elements have improved the supply chain. With management software being generated specifically for the distribution of medication, this has made sure that orders are being tracked. This not only makes sure that there is improved communication between the manufacture and the distributor, but it can also make sure that deliveries are much faster than ever before. This is great for the expansion of the industry, as it enables as it has enabled you to improve supply chains and make the process much easier than ever before to make it stand out.

Increased Medication As A Result Of Covid-19

The final way that distribution has adapted is the increased supply and demand. This has meant that many pharmaceutical distributors have had to step up their delivery options to make sure that every delivery is met. With the supply and demand increasing as a result of Covid-19, medication such as paracetamol and other cold medicines have been very popular with many, therefore the distribution of this medication has had to be improved. In addition to this, there are several medications needed to be sent to pharmacies in order to ensure that patients can get the medication that they need even during the lockdown period.

With this in mind, there are several ways that the industry has adapted in recent years making it stand out at this time. How do you think that the distribution method will change in the next 10 years?