
5 Businesses You Can Start Without Any Prior Experience

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Starting a business| 5 Businesses You Can Start Without Any Prior ExperienceWhen starting a business, it is vital to find something that is appealing that the person will enjoy doing. It is pointless to choose an industry that they see as tedious or unrewarding. By choosing a niche that they like, the person is more likely to succeed and dedicate more time to the venture. They can start the business easily and won’t have to jump through a lot of hoops to get started.

1. Home Cleaning Services

Home cleaning services are an easy to start option for anyone who loves to clean, and they can set up appointments by letting people in their community know that they are taking on clients. A cleaning service doesn’t require them to set up a corporation. They can obtain a limited liability company license to operate the company. Most people have experience cleaning their own homes, and they can adapt to the cleaning preferences of their clients. Anyone can learn how to get started by reviewing information from Launch27 now.

2. Pet Sitting Services

Anyone with pets will at some time need someone to watch them or sit with them. Whether they travel or just work long hours, they will need someone to take their dog for a walk or manage their cat. The services don’t require extensive experience, and anyone who loves animals can do the job easily. They will get paid to feed and water a pet while paying them attention. By setting up the business, the person gets to literally play with animals all day. It’s a win-win.

3. Home Painting Services

Home painting services aren’t difficult to set up, and anyone who can use a paintbrush can paint a house. It doesn’t require great skill to complete, and they can generate a nice living by painting homes. All homeowners will need a fresh coat of paint on their homes at least every two years to keep them aesthetically pleasing, and the painting company capitalizes on areas such as subdivisions.

4. Starting Your Own Taxi Service

Taxi service is a great way to provide necessary transportation for a local community. While the person can’t set up their own company under Uber, they can set up a transportation service under a different name. They will need the highest coverage level for their vehicle and take on additional coverage for liabilities such as accidents that result in injuries. They will need to define their service area and their rates clearly.

5. Tutoring for Children or College Students

Tutoring for children or college students is an easy setup. All the person needs is knowledge of the desired subject, and they should be patient with others. If they are a people person, they will find tutoring a rewarding business venture. However, they will need to define the age group, subjects, and their rates. The advertising for their services is easy since they can set up flyers and business cards anywhere such as schools, college campuses, and other areas where students venture each day.

Hopeful business owners examine business options that allow them to complete tasks they like, and they need an industry that doesn’t require extensive experience if they are just starting out. An assessment of easy to start business ventures helps people find the best industry for them and start earning more money quickly. If they can avoid a lengthy application process for establishing the business, this is even better.

Finding Specialist Suppliers for Your Unique Business Needs

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Specialist Suppliers|Finding Specialist Suppliers for Your Unique Business NeedsDoes your business do something unique or different? If so, then you’re probably doing it for the sake of standing out, to improve your products, or to get your brand noticed. This is an excellent strategy when starting a business for the first time. First impressions matter, so doing something unique and different can help you stand out.

Unfortunately, being different in the world of business can be difficult and expensive. So here are a couple of tips to help you find specialist suppliers to meet your unique business needs.

Start by considering your budget and your needs

First, ask yourself how much you’re willing to spend on specialist suppliers and if it’s worth it for your business. For example, if you offer lots of personalisation options but it drastically reduces your profits, then you need to decide if it’s worth sticking with your current business model or if you should go for something more generic at first. Evaluate your needs and keep an eye on your budget to see what kind of suppliers you can work with and which you might need to pass on.

Consider networking at various events to connect with suppliers

Networking is an incredibly helpful way to connect your business with new suppliers. It’s important for you to chat, introduce yourself, exchange business cards, and gossip about the industry. This helps you learn more about different suppliers and could be the start of a lucrative partnership.

Be highly specific about what it is that you’re looking for

The more specific you are, the more likely you’re going to get a fantastic service. Even if the price is a little higher, being specific ensures that you get exactly what you’re looking for, thus reducing the possibility of wasting money and time. For instance, if you’re looking for plastic packaging technologies, then dig a little deeper and find a packaging company that works with the exact dimensions or use cases that you’re looking for.

Speak with influencers and spread your presence

Influencer marketing has become a huge deal in the marketing world, especially if you’re a relatively new and hip company that has a social media presence. Making use of influencers is difficult. You need to focus on building a healthy relationship with them to spread your presence, and you need to work with many different people to spread your reach to different audiences.

Look for a bespoke service that offers flexibility

One of the best ways to build a healthy relationship with your suppliers is to look for a service that offers flexibility. If you find a supplier that just about does what you need, then it’s going to create further complications when you request bespoke services. However, if that supplier already offers bespoke services, then you’re less likely to cause annoyances and delays, and you’re more likely to have your jobs accepted.

Finding specialist suppliers can be challenging, but as long as you do plenty of research and ask around your network, you’ll find your ideal supplier sooner than you think.

5 types of print marketing that could help your business to improve its bottom line

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article |Print Marketing|5 types of print marketing that could help your business to improve its bottom line“Print marketing is dead.” Where have you previously heard or read that phrase? Probably in quite a few places. However, the figures tell a different story: in 2017 alone, printing marketing generated a 190% stronger response than in the year prior, while 43% more customers responded to direct mail in that period.

Paradoxically, the increased digitization of marketing might have created an environment where the tangibility of print marketing materials is now much easier to appreciate. This all leaves the question: what means of print marketing should you especially strongly consider using to promote your business?


In essence, brochures your company produces and distributes should explain your products, services or, for that matter, your company as a whole. Small Business Trends points out that, while brochures can be folded into easy-to-carry pamphlets or leaflets, they can also be presented unfolded.

Fortunately, folded and unfolded brochures alike can be easy to make with the right equipment at hand, such as printing machinery from an esteemed, specialist brand like Duplo International.

Business cards

According to one statistic shared by Digital Doughnut, 72% of people continue to assess companies from their business cards. Yes, those are the kinds of cards these firms might be especially inclined to hand out at trade shows, lectures, seminars and similar meetings where person-to-person networking can flourish.

Therefore, you need to make sure that your company’s own cards catch the eye for the right reasons. Monochrome colors can work well for tech firms, while red is good for bolder brands, like those in sports. Unsurprisingly, green is often favored by eco-friendly companies.

Direct mail postcards

The modern effectiveness of direct mail marketing has already been well-attested in this article – and you can wield the power of direct mail especially effectively when you use postcards for the purpose.

That’s largely because, when postcards fall through a letterbox and onto a welcome mat, they can stand out relatively easily from the usual clump of white envelopes. Also, a recipient of the postcard only has to glance twice at it to discern what it offers, making your job as a marketer appreciably easier.


While there’s nothing practically stopping you from handing out posters much like you might do with brochures and business cards, posters are usually instead displayed at highly-frequented locations where they are thus likely to garner a significant amount of attention.

Posters can prove an especially cost-effective form of print marketing – as, when designed in an attention-grabbing but informative way, even just one poster could help you to attract a high number of customers.

Outdoor signs

Many principles of good poster design apply with outdoor signs, too. For example, you should limit the displayed information to a few basics to help people who see those more easily remember them.

Outdoor signage can be used to promote upcoming events, campaigns or sales – or, indeed, simply let people know what your business is and is about. This kind of signage is usually printed on durable plastic to help it withstand the elements.

The three business decisions that are too important to make on your own

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Business decisions|The three business decisions that are too important to make on your ownIf you run your own business, you’re likely considered an expert in your industry. The only problem is that you might not be an expert in everything else it takes to run a successful business. With that in mind, here are three business decisions you should always look for the guidance of experts before making any big moves.


When you think of your company’s most important departments, you might think about the design staff that plan your new range of products, the production staff that actually produce them, or your sales team that make sure they get to the customer. Many people often overlook the power and influence of the marketing team. In fact, some smaller businesses even believe they can run without a marketing plan altogether. It’s important to have a marketing system in place to make sure enough customers know about your products and are persuaded to buy them, so you’re business can truly grow over time. Even if every other department is doing their job correctly, you could be losing out on a lot of money without proper marketing.

While it is possible to run a business without full-time staff members trained in marketing, it doesn’t mean it’s smart to do so. As there are so many ways of marketing, and the size of marketing campaigns can range massively, it’s important to speak to someone who knows which steps are right to take for your business. What works for one business might be a complete waste of resources for another, and vice versa. A marketing company like Flyrise, can help you decide the best ways to spend your marketing budget on a monthly basis. With the right advice, you can enjoy a path to long-term growth and success year-over-year.


Another important decision for any business to understand properly is recruitment. Hiring an extra staff member means your business can be more productive. But, doing so also means an increase in your payroll cost, and if you’re a small business, even one person’s salary can make a big difference. With this in mind, it’s important to pick only the best people to work with you. If you’re unsure of the qualities to look for in your new employee, or even the best way to judge which candidate is the right one for the job, seek the help of a local recruitment firm. If you choose the wrong candidate, you could be stuck with someone who isn’t benefitting the business as much as you’d hope but is still being compensated as such.


Disputes between staff members can be seriously damaging to your company. At best, they’ll damage the mood of your team and also affect their ability to collaborate together. At worse, and it could lead to court cases and other complications. When it comes to dealing with HR, it’s important to find resources independent from the business to make sure every situation is dealt with fairly and to the letter of the law. If you don’t hire an expert, these disputes will go on for longer and cause a lot more disruption than necessary.

5 Reasons Why Online Payday Loans With No Credit Check Are Preferred By Teachers

StrategyDriven Managing Your Finances Article |Payday Loans|5 Reasons Why Online Payday Loans With No Credit Check Are Preferred By TeachersIt is astonishing to note that our children and our country’s future lie in the hands of people who are paid very little for the work they do. According to a survey conducted in 2020, it was found that the median annual wage for a teacher is $60,000. An alarming fact was presented through this survey that teachers’ entry-level positions are only paid $40,000 per year.

This leaves our educators no choice but to pick up extra jobs and extra shifts to fulfill their basic needs. The state of our education system rests upon the hands of our teachers. Many already have previous loans resting upon their head, either for their previous education or for a house. If they cannot pay the installments back on time, they rack up a bad credit score, which makes it extremely difficult for them to apply for another loan. This is why teachers, left with no option, choose to go for online payday loans. These are a lifesaver for teachers when they are left with no viable financial option.

Teachers are given relief through no credit check online payday loans

It is not easy living a life where you can barely cover your expenses every month. As reported by many teachers, they tend to run out of cash-in-hand by the end of the month and usually have to do some serious budgeting to get through the whole month.

Payday loans offer a lot of relief to teachers in this regard. Payday loans are short term loans that can be repaid by the borrower within 30 days, that is, till their next payday. This loan is supposed to be paid back in one go. Teachers can easily apply for a loan to get some ease and convenience until their salary comes again.

Many teachers can have a bad credit score due to late loan repayments or even late credit card payments. This leaves them no way to apply for another traditional bank loan. A lot of lenders approve online payday loans without any credit check. You can learn more about no credit check online payday loans with instant approval to see how they can benefit you. This is quite an attractive feature for teachers looking for other viable financial options.

Help offered during emergencies

How many times have you had an emergency come your way? Maybe you had to take your spouse or child to the hospital suddenly. Maybe your car broke down, or maybe you had an unexpected household expense come up. We all know how hard it can be to deal with such emergencies, especially when we do not have any savings kept on the side.

As reported by many teachers, they barely have any savings kept on the side since all their salary goes into fulfilling their basic needs and necessities. Payday loans offer the borrower money in case of emergencies. Unlike traditional bank loans, these loans are provided almost instantaneously to the applicant after approval.

This offers a huge safety net to teachers by providing them with an option in hard-hitting emergencies.

No collateral is needed for a payday loan

Loans such as business or home loans require the borrower to put up security or collateral for borrowing the specified amount. Lenders do this to guarantee that the borrower will return the loan amount within the specified time. It is quite difficult to obtain such loans when the borrower does not have any collateral to put up or is quite skeptical about it.

Online payday loans do not require the borrower to put up any collateral at all. In case the individual is unable to pay back the loan, they can simply talk to the lender about changing the payment schedule. They do not have to worry about losing their property or whatever they have put up as security. This is quite a viable alternative for teachers.

Full control over the money

Business loans can only be used for specified purposes such as construction, payments to suppliers, employee salaries, or new equipment. Similarly, home loans can only be used to purchase property, home renovations, and similar things. Such loans do not give any control to the borrower on how to spend their money.

On the other hand, online payday loans offer full control of the loan amount to the borrower. Teachers can use the loan amount for anything such as their child’s tuition, household emergencies or bills, groceries, or even just for a vacation. They can use the amount in any way they wish to.

Applications have never been this easy before

Whenever we think of applying for a loan, the first thing that comes to mind is the extensive amount of work we have to apply for a loan. Traditional bank loans require the borrower to visit the branch multiple times, fill out a ton of forms, and go through an extensive credit score check to consider the bank’s application.

This is not a viable option for teachers since most of them are working two jobs to support themselves. Payday loans can be applied for online. All you need is five minutes of your time and a good internet connection to apply for a payday loan.

Unlike the endless requirements that are needed to be fulfilled for a bank loan, payday loans only require a few things. They need the applicant to be at least 18 years of age, have a valid and active bank account, provide their Social Security number, and have a stable income source.

It isn’t charming to see the median annual wage of teachers in this country. Sadly, our educators have to resort to other methods of income to survive. Till this country gears up and recognizes the need to pay teachers a better salary, payday loans have provided immense relief. Indeed, payday loans are a perfect financial alternative for teachers. So, if anyone is distressed with their financial situation and is finding it difficult to find any reliable source to borrow money, online payday loans can be of great help.