Professionals may not all be high earners, but they usually earn a decent amount of money in return for their skills. When you start earning more, it can really make you start thinking about the best ways to make the most of your money. If you’re a professional who wants to manage your money better, there are some tools and resources that can really benefit you. Sometimes it can be useful to use technology to manage your money, while sometimes it’s the advice of experts that can really help you to get your finances into shape. Take a look at these tools and resources that can make money management easier.
Online Banking
It might seem like an obvious tool to use if you’re already somewhat financially savvy, but having a bank account with online banking can be a gamechanger. If you don’t already have one, you should look into online banking from your current bank or consider opening a new account. Online banking makes it easier to do everything from setting up automatic payments to checking on your balance. Some banks, called challenger banks, are now entirely digital and can provide you with plenty of tools to manage your money.
Money Management Apps
There are all kinds of apps that help you to budget and manage your money. They give you the tools that you need to keep track of your spending, set savings goals, and do a whole host of other things. You can use apps like Mint or YNAB (You Need a Budget) to start budgeting your money and taking control over your finances. You can also use apps like these to help you keep track of what you have in different accounts and your investments, as well as find ways to save money. It can also be useful simply to keep a budgeting spreadsheet if you don’t want to bother with an app.
Investment Apps
Investing has become more high-tech too, and you can now use various apps to start investing in different ways. Investment apps such as Acorns, Betterment, and Invstr can help you to invest using a few methods and tools. Some apps will give you advice, sometimes using a chatbot or robo-advisor, while others make it easy to start investing in certain assets and financial products. There are also investment apps that have a community aspect to them, so you can chat with other investors and share your stories and advice.
A Financial Advisor
Even with all of the tech tools available for managing your money today, there’s one thing that hasn’t gone out of fashion. A financial advisor will help you with your finances to ensure you make the most of your money. The ARQ Wealth Advisors website shows you the benefit of fee-only financial advice. You can save time and avoid losing money when you have expert financial advisors on your side. Smart financial planning can help you to get ready for the future.
If you’re a professional who needs help managing money, get some useful tools in your life that make it easier. The right resources can simplify your financial management. 17:00:462021-01-22 09:22:43Essential Tools Professionals Need to Manage Their Money
Gone are the days when companies would treat their employees as cogs in the machine. While there are still businesses that do take this approach, the consequences of doing so are too severe — it results in low productivity and high staff turnover, and can even cause more severe problems if the issue isn’t addressed.
No, it’s much better to treat members of staff as what they are: human beings. In doing so, you’ll find that there are a lot of positive side effects, such as a higher output and generally improved atmosphere at the workplace. Plus, you’ll feel happier too! In this blog, we’re going to take a look at some of the key ways that companies show their employees that they care. Be sure to incorporate any that are applicable to your own venture.
They Get To Know Them
When you hired your employee, you will have done so based on their professional merits. But that’s only one side of them. They’ve also got rich inner and personal lives, too. So why not take some time to get to know your employees on a deeper level? While work should, first and foremost, be a place of professionalism, there’ll always be time and space to chat more informally. Everyone likes it when another person shows an interest in their life. Also, by doing things like getting to know about their family and interests, you’ll be developing a deeper bond between you and your employee, which will make it easier to work together.
They Help Them Know Each Other
A company that does not want its workers to mingle is not a good company. They do this because they’re afraid that if everyone’s too friendly with one another, then they won’t work as well, or that they might gain too much collective power. But this, of course, is a cynical view for a company to take. Plus, it’s not one that’s backed up the studies conducted by researchers, which shows that having a friend at the workplace can significantly boost productivity.
So be sure to give your employees a chance to get to know one another. It’s easy enough to do — simply hosting after-work drinks at the end of the week will be a good start.
They Invest In Their Skills
Your employee won’t be the finished article. They’ll know that. The sign of a bad company is when it tries to limit the knowledge or growth of its employees. They fear that if they become too educated, then they might leave for another company, or ask for a raise. And this is true — it could happen. But holding someone back for your own reasons is a selfish attitude, and your employees will know this. So invest in their skills. Pay for them to go on training courses, attend seminars, and so on. Doing this will also benefit your company since you’ll be gaining access to well-trained employees.
They Stand Up For Them
Someone once said that the customer is always right, but whoever that was must have been a customer, because it’s rarely true. This is a good thing to keep in mind generally, but it’s especially important when you’re dealing with your staff. If a customer targets one of your employees, what is your response? Do you back the customer in front of the employee, or do you defend your member of staff? Of course, there’ll be a fallout no matter what path you take, but one is less severe than the other. You might lose a client if you back your employee, but you’ll lose the trust of your employee — and possibly other members of the team — if you back the client.
They Don’t Question Illness/Off Days
Everyone gets ill from time to time. It’s just the way life goes. If you’re a good boss, then you won’t question the trustworthiness of your employees, or force them to come back to work before they’re ready. This can be the tempting route to take, but ultimately, you’ll just find that it causes more problems — and that you don’t come across as uncaring. Also, if a member of staff has an emergency — such as an ill family member or a logistical issue — then let them get on with it. Your business might be a priority for you, but it’s a secondary concern for your employees, especially when they’re dealing with an emergency.
They Give Raises
You’ll have started your employees on a set salary, but it doesn’t mean that you should keep them there, even if you’re legally allowed to. If they’ve proven that they can produce work to a high standard and have become a valuable member of the team, then you should reward them. There are plenty of employees who end up growing resentful that they never get a raise, and you know what they do? They leave to find another job. In making it a company policy to review your employee salaries from time to time, you’ll be helping to boost your employee retention rate. Of course, there may be times when the company is unable to give raises, for various reasons. At those times, it’s important to communicate the reason for the lack of raise, and mention that things will change when things improve.
They Focus On Wellness
Wellness has become a big corporate trend in recent years. This has been driven, in part, by a need to address the rising stress levels that many employees are beginning to experience. We know now, in a way that we didn’t in the past, that it’s important to find a balance between work and relaxation. The only problem is that employees are working so much that there’s usually not enough time for wellness. This is where you can come in. By offering some wellness activities and treatments at your workplace, you’ll be showing that you care about the mental health of your employees.
They Focus On Site Safety
Of course, while there are plenty of things you can do to push your employee wellness program forward, it’s important to first take care of the basics. Offering a morning yoga class won’t do all that much good if the basics of employee care have not been handled. First and foremost, your workplace should be safe and free of hazards. How you create a safe workplace will depend on the type of business you run, but could include installing industrial dust collector filters, having a secure access system, or investing in safety clothing/equipment for your employees. In essence, it’s all about identifying the potential threats to the wellbeing of your team and taking steps to address it.
They Offer Employee Perks
The salary of your employees is important, but it’s also important to offer more. What is your employee perk program, for example? If it’s currently non-existent, then perhaps now is the time to get one going. There are plenty of different things that you can offer your team. Can you offer a flexible working schedule, which allows them to choose their hours and where they work? A flexible approach to work will also prove to be incredibly beneficial as businesses begin to re-open post-pandemic and is a great way to show your employees you care. Alternatively, could you offer more than the minimum vacation time? Or what about simply having coffee and donuts available? It’s amazing what a difference these types of things can do for the happiness of your employees.
Another fun and creative way in which you can provide your employees with perks is by providing them with Company Swag. While swag is often used for promotional purposes and to draw in customers, it can also be used to improve the employee experience and promote workplace efficiency. For example, you could send out a ‘Working from home kit’ to your employees, which provides them with office tools and resources they may currently be missing out on. Not only does this help them deal with the task at hand, it means that they do not have to go out and buy the materials at their own expense.
However, it’s important to remember that Company Swag – though branded – does not necessarily have to be used for work purposes – as you should also demonstrate a vested interest in your employee’s health and wellbeing. Company swag such as fitness devices or tools can help you demonstrate this commitment.
They Take On Feedback
It’s hard to feel as if someone cares if they never listen to you. It’s always a good idea to look at the dynamic of your relationship with your team. Is the conversation always one way? Or do you present an opportunity for your employees to talk, and then take their ideas on board? If it’s anything other than the latter, then work on making changes. It’s not so much about having an open door policy as it is about getting rid of the door entirely.
They Improve the Work Environment
People look primarily at the work they’re doing and the amount of money they’re getting paid. But they also look at secondary factors, too. For example, the work environment in which they’re working. So take a look at your workplace. Is it as inspirational as it could be? Is it pleasant, clean, and trendy? If not, then invest the time and effort required to make it so. Your clients will be happier to work in an environment that they like.
They All Pitch In
If there’s one thing that employees dislike, it’s feeling as if they’re the ones doing all the work, while the people at the top take breaks. If you want to show that you care about your staff, then it’s important that you pitch in to help. A family member would rightly assume a lack of care if you let them do all the housework. The same principle applies for regular work, too. If there’s a deadline, don’t leave the responsibility of meeting the deadline just to your team — make sure you’re the one that’s not only helping out, but the one leading the charge and setting the example. 16:00:222021-05-10 17:41:16How Companies Show Their Employees That They Care
The average employee spends almost a third of their adult life in the workplace. You only get one life, and all this time sitting at a desk, sending emails, and working for someone else’s dreams is stealing valuable minutes away from it.
Although paid work is essential for survival, 64% of employees are unhappy with their job. So why spend so much of your precious time on Earth doing something that makes you miserable?
As a small business owner, the wellbeing of your staff should be one of your top priorities. Some bosses see their employees as mere tools to help the business grow, but any good employer will treat them as humans and do what they can to make them happy. After all, a happy worker is a productive worker. You have a great deal of power in your hands to greatly improve your team’s quality of life. With a few simple changes, you can transform the way they feel about work, and make them enjoy coming into the office each day. As a result, they will work harder and better, and the atmosphere in the workplace will change dramatically. Their physical and mental health will improve, and you will find it much easier to attract and retain the top talent.
To get you started, here are three ways to improve the quality of life in your workplace.
Embrace flexible working
Every single one of your staff members has a life outside work. They will have family, hobbies, side projects, and other concerns that they struggle to fit in around their work. One of the biggest changes you can make to your employees’ lives is to give them more flexibility at work. By allowing them to choose their hours or work remotely when needed, they will find it easier to pick up their kids from school, go to the gym, visit the doctor, and do all the things that make their life fulfilling. And if you’re worried they won’t get as much work done, relax. Studies show that flexible working actually boosts productivity.
Promote good health
You might not think it, but office work is one of the unhealthiest professions there is. Humans weren’t designed to spend eight hours a day slouching at a desk while staring unblinkingly at a screen. The sedentary and digital nature of the work can lead to weight gain, musculoskeletal disorders, and vision problems, not to mention the mental health risks of all that stress. Help your employees to look after their health. Invest in standing desks and ergonomic desk chairs to promote good posture, and talk to them about ways you can help manage their workloads and remove some of the stress.
Make them feel safe
No employee should feel unsafe in the workplace, so do what you can to instill a sense of security. Your office should comply with all fire and safety regulations. For example, fire exits should be signposted and unobstructed, while low voltage electric appliances will reduce risk. Ensure there is always a trained first-aider in the office and ask your team for suggestions about creating a safer environment to work in. 13:00:082021-01-21 10:34:223 Ways to Improve Quality of Life in Your Workplace
Sadly, money does not grow on trees – life and business would be so much easier if it did – but there are some ways to get the capital that you need to start up your new business venture without having to sell your soul. Let us take a look at some of them.
Launch a crowdfunding campaign
Crowdfunding is becoming an increasingly popular way of raising money, and that is because there are so many success stories with it. It is a case of having the right business idea and the right pitch – get those right and you will have hoards of people wanting to help you out financially.
Using a crowdfunding agency gives you the chance to connect to people with like-minded interests and knowledge that you may not otherwise be in touch with. It also allows you to get an idea of the level of interest in your product or service and what resonates with people who may be your target audience. It also gives you an opportunity to practise your pitch and your marketing campaign and tweak it for the future. Most importantly, it helps you raise the capital for your new venture.
Find an angel investor
The general definition of an angel investor is an accredited business person or individual with a net worth of more than $1 million, or an annual income exceeding $200,000. In most cases, they work alone, but at times will work alongside other angel investors to build up a fund.
An angel investor works by providing capital for the business start-up in return for convertible debt or ownership equity – imagine along the lines of Dragon Den. These are usually used when a traditional investor will not take the risk.
Ask family and friends
Many people turn to family and trusted friends when they are trying to raise the money to launch a new business venture. According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, 5% of US adults have invested in a company started by someone they know. It is a tricky one though because it relies on a huge amount of trust and faith. You need to treat it like any other formal business transaction – draw up legal contracts with clear rules on how the money should be paid back, the time frame and what will happen in the case of late or missed payments. Be aware that it a risky way of getting capital, as if things do not work out as you hoped and you find yourself unable to pay the money back, it can irreparably damage your relationship.
Raising money to start your new business venture does not have to involve countless trips to that bank and meetings. It can be much more straightforward than that. The key is to have a solid business idea and a business plan to go with it. 12:00:292021-01-21 10:20:32Easy Ways To Raise Capital For Your New Venture
Your business is constantly in danger. It might not be imminent, and it might be through no fault of your own, but you’ve got to make sure that you are protecting it. Make sure that you take preemptive measures, and this will ensure that you’ve given your business the best possible chance of staying safe. In this article, we’re going to talk about what some of these measures are, so keep reading down below if you would like to find out more.
Online Security
The first thing that we are going to look at is online security. Unfortunately, cyber crime is constantly on the rise, and your business needs to be protected as much as possible from it. Make sure that your network has firewalls, encryptions and antivirus software to allow for maximum protection. It’s essential that you hire an IT expert to set all of this up for you if you don’t know what you are doing. Don’t try to do it yourself to save money or for whatever other reason, because it must be done right.
It’s very easy to leave holes in your security if you don’t know what you’re doing, which leaves your business vulnerable. The whole point is that we are trying to keep your company safe, so all of that goes out of the window if you try to save a little bit of cash by not using an expert.
Pay Back Any Loans
If you have borrowed any money, then you need to make sure that you are paying it back in a timely manner. We’re not saying that people are going to come round with baseball bats and trash everything, but the person you borrowed money from could take you to court if they don’t get it back. Don’t think that they are going to forget about the people that owe them money, because this is not going to happen. In fact, they use exception tracking and other methods to ensure they always know who owes how much.
You need to be careful about borrowing money in the first place, because you wouldn’t want to be in a position where you can’t pay it back. Stick to your payment plan and everything should be fine. You don’t want to lose your business over something like this, and you very well could if you aren’t careful.
Have People On The Door
The final thing that we are going to mention is that you should always have people on the door of your business premises. Nobody should be able to get into your business building without the proper clearance and authority to do so. That is where teams like this come in handy though. Having security on the door will act as a deterrent to those who would seek to do something harmful to your business premises or anyone on it.
We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the things that you are going to need to do if you want to keep your business safe from any and all threats. Of course, there is more that you can do but this is just to give you an idea of a couple of them. We wish you the best of luck, and hope your business remains safe for years to come. 11:00:452021-01-21 10:09:33Keeping Your Business Safe From Any And All Threats