
3 Steps To Take Building Your Business From The Ground Up

StrategyDriven Starting Your Business Article |Build your business|3 Steps To Take Building Your Business From The Ground UpAre you getting ready to open the doors of a new business? If so, then you do need to make sure that you take the right steps here. It’s important to make sure that you are thinking about what crucial steps you should be taking from day one. The right steps will guarantee that your business is secure and ready to compete with some of the bigger players who are already on the market and doing a fantastic job of working the narrative. Here are some of the options we recommend that you do think about.

Get The Best Tech And Equipment

First, you do need to make sure that you are getting the right tech and equipment for your company. Do be aware that the equipment that you use can become part of your brand and shift the perception that clients have of your company. You need to make sure that the perception is positive and the measure is clear. If you are interested in rising to the top then you also need to make sure that you’re not overpaying. This can set you back financially from the beginning. You should use resources like to ensure that you are not overpaying for the vital equipment you need.


It doesn’t matter what industry you are joining or what sector you are going to be a part of. Regardless of how large or small your business plans are, you always need to make sure that you do invest in the right insurance plans. The key coverage here will ensure that your business is protected from any possible disaster that you could encounter. Specialist insurance options are also worth considering too. For instance, if you are running a business with a lot of technology at the heart of it, then it does make sense to think about cybersecurity insurance. This is all about planning for the key worst-case scenario.

Get The Right Team

Finally, a business is only ever going to be as strong as the team working behind the scenes. Don’t forget, your business team is going to decide and determine your level of productivity and help you build the right reputation for your brand. You need to make sure that you are getting innovators and key thinkers. If you are interested in this idea, we recommend that you do look at using a recruitment agency to help you along the way.

We hope this helps you understand some of the key steps that you need to take when you are building up your business from scratch. If you explore these options, then you will be able to guarantee that you do have the right level of security in place. You can mitigate levels of risk and guarantee that your business is not going to be exposed to threats on the market. You can also take measures to ensure that your business is more competitive in a heated market, potentially rising above some of your top business rivals who are already on the field.

3 Simple Ways to Grow Your Business

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Grow your Business|3 Simple Ways to Grow Your BusinessTo guarantee your success in the business world, it is imperative that you grow your company in a sustainable way. It is sometimes the case that a business will try to grow too soon, and this can, unfortunately, contribute to failure. By first establishing your place in the market and then seeking stable opportunities to expand, you can begin to thrive in your industry.

When you are genuinely confident that your business is stable, the time to think about growth has arrived. If you are unsure where to get started, then the following three tips will help you on your way.

1. Get a Virtual Receptionist

A professional virtual receptionist from Telephone Answering is an amazing way to drive your business growth.
Your customer service is an essential component of your success, and the person answering your business calls will take much of this responsibility. When you entrust these tasks to an expert agency, you can be sure your customers are getting the service that they expect with each and every phone call.

A virtual receptionist can also help with other tasks that will enable you to focus more on growing your business. For example, you can outsource your diary management, switchboard handling, and your website live chat function to a virtual receptionist. This will undoubtedly free up a great deal of resources within your company.

2. Up Your Social Media Game

Social media is undeniably a fantastic way to expand your brand awareness and to boost your sales.

When you are successful at building a brilliant social media presence, then more and more people will become aware of who you are. This creates practically limitless potential for how many new customers or clients you can get on board.

Having an in-house social media team has its benefits as communication between different departments may flow seamlessly. However, that does not mean that hiring an external social media management team is not a good idea. Outsourcing this aspect of your marketing strategy can ensure that your social media efforts are consistent and that your campaigns are expertly executed.

With the right social media team behind you, you might be surprised at just how quickly your business starts to grow!

3. Host Your Own Events

Hosting events is an exciting way to boost your reputation and begin growing your business. These events can serve as networking opportunities, as well as being a great chance to show those in attendance what your company is all about.
You might consider hosting an event to coincide with the launch of a new product or service. It might also be something that you do on a schedule, such as once every two months. Either way, make sure that your event is always well organized and beautifully presented. You will also want to make sure that those in attendance are having a good time.

Growing Your Business

With the right plan in place, it is possible to start growing your business and future-proof your success.
Ensuring that the time is right is always going to be one of the most important factors, combined with a brilliant team and a commitment to success.

The ABCs Of Successful Digital Marketing

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Successful Digital Marketing|The ABCs Of Successful Digital MarketingBuilding an effective marketing strategy should be a priority for all business owners. Whether you’re launching a startup or managing an established SME doesn’t matter. A winning strategy is key for winning new clients and retaining loyal ones alike.

Given its importance on the future of your business, it is very easy to overcomplicate your marketing efforts. In reality, you can achieve greatness simply by focusing on three key steps. Remember your ABCs and you won’t go wrong.


First and foremost, it is impossible to generate leads and conversions if nobody knows of your existence. Even if you offer the perfect product for a client, they can’t buy it if they never see it. So, ensuring that your brand gains online visibility should always sit at the top of your agenda.

Search engines remain the most popular choice for consumers to find products. Roughly 85% of people run online searches before making purchases. Working with a professional SEO company to get your business on the first page of the SERPs will bring a huge increase in traffic. The best strategy will extend to cover mobile optimization and voice search optimization too. This reflects the new landscape.

Organic search results can be supplemented by PPC and other paid advertising. Display ads shown on websites and video ads that play before YouTube clips can work wonders. One of the great things about paid advertising is that you can limit your reach. This means that ads are only shown to members of your target market (age, city, hobbies, salary) and should remove wasted clicks.

Social media is another crucial tool for building awareness. Regular interactions with customers will ensure that your brand is seen on their feeds, as well as the feeds of their followers. Given that it is free to set up accounts on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, et al. it would be crazy to ignore it.

It is suggested that consumers must interact with a business at least seven times before following up on their interest. Through a combination of search engine, social media, and display ad marketing, your brand will get seen. While it’s not the only key step for success, it will give you a solid platform to build upon.


Visibility is one thing, but it counts for very little if it doesn’t engage the consumer and make them want to complete a purchase. While the eCommerce arena has scaled new heights in recent times, it should be noted that the competition is greater too. In short, you must ensure that your company stands out from the crowd.

Understanding how consumer minds work is vital. They are shown to remember visual and audio content far more than anything they read. You can still remember commercials and radio jingles from several years ago. It’s never a bad idea to utilize these concepts to your full advantage. Once you have planted the seed, your brand will stay fresh in their minds whenever considering the products and services you sell.

Consumers are increasingly determined to work with businesses that they can relate to. Therefore, joining corporate social responsibility situations is highly advised. Aside from impressing customers with your commitment to creating a better world, it can influence employees. Above all else, focusing on issues that you actively care about will deliver a sense of self-satisfaction.

As mentioned, visual and audio elements can work well. And that’s because content is king. With this in mind, creating a blog or using social media live videos to provide insight into the people behind the brand can work wonders. This allows you to market the business with ideas that you wouldn’t necessarily use with traditional channels.

While you can embrace a host of marketing traditions and trends, it’s important to show a unique element too. Doing things your way is what will ultimately grab the attention of your target market. And build the sense of excitement that will make them seek more info about your products and services.


Consumers have greater demands than ever before. So, simply getting your brand noticed isn’t enough. You need to show that they can trust the company and will be treated as more than just a number. In fact, studies show that up to 88% of people would pay more for a better customer experience. Embrace it.

The client support features should be a key component of your business model. Returns policies, live chat, call redirection and showing consistent fairness are the key issues to consider. When clients are treated correctly, they will come back for more.

Most people will read reviews, and they are a great way to establish trust from new leads. If they can see that you’ve done a good job for other customers, they will be inclined to trust you. The power of recommendation is as strong as ever, people just now look online for the referrals. You can capitalize on this further with social media influencers and affiliate marketing schemes. Positive words from other people will have a huge impact on client decisions.

Customers want to feel valued and need to see that you are responsive. Investing in an email marketing strategy that sends automated messages as soon as they have provided their details is key. This quick response sets a winning tone while it also promotes products while they are still fresh in the user’s mind. Sending an email on their birthday is another way to show a sense of genuine care for the customer too.

As a business, you can no longer focus solely on the short-term goal of getting a sale. You need to think about long-term aspirations and building a fanbase of loyal customers. It’s always easier to gain repeat sales than target new customers, which will make your life a lot easier in the long run.

The Final Word

Marketing is a complex matter, but building a solid strategy needn’t be too taxing. And once you find a strategy that works, stay consistent while ensuring it also evolves with the latest consumer demands. Strike a winning balance and your success will last for years to come.

7 Great Tips on How To Fund Your Business

StrategyDriven Managing Your Finances Article |Fund your business|7 Great Tips on How To Fund Your BusinessThe first thing that comes to one’s mind when deciding to start a business is, of course, the funding. Whether it’s capital to start the business or funds to run the business operations- you need M.O.N.EY!

The cost of doing business can get steep quickly, so the smart thing to do is start with as much money in your bank account as possible. But even if you don’t have much money in the bank, there are still tons of places to source from.

What Types of Funding Are Available?

Once you’ve decided what type of funding is right for you, the next step is deciding where you’ll get the funds. Again, it’s good to have several funding options so that you can compare the terms and conditions of each.
If you are short of cash for the business, then you’ll need to borrow it. Or maybe source money from friends and family or even apply for a grant. The type of funding for you depends on what you need, where it will come from, and how fast you need it.

Personal Savings

One popular way to fund your business is through your savings. Before you venture into a business, you can start by saving towards it. You can tap into your savings account if you’re starting a new small business or use the money to invest in an existing enterprise.

A Business Loan

A business loan is a good option if you’re looking for startup capital or paying off other debt that you owe. If you decide to pursue this path, you might wonder, How do business loans work? The money comes from a bank or alternative lender in cash, equipment, or different types of collateral. Some lenders will even give you a loan to help you become more profitable or buy inventory.

Most business loans come with some interest. The interest will vary depending on the lender. The trick with these business loans is to clear the loan as fast as possible to avoid high-interest rates.

Business Line of Credit

A business line of credit is a revolving credit card that you repeatedly use as long as you have the money in your account to pay back each time. It’s perfect for ongoing expenses, such as utility bills and insurance, that you have to pay even when cash is tight.

Asset-Based Loans

You might also apply for an asset-based loan, which puts equity from your business up as collateral for the loan. For example, if your company owns a car, equipment, or property that secures the debt, it could be better than a traditional loan because you won’t have to pay as much in interest, and it could even help you avoid bankruptcy.

Talk to Friends and Family

If the money you need is relatively small, perhaps $5,000 or less, a friend or family member might be willing to give you a loan with no interest or repayment schedule. This type of funding is a gift because there’s no expectation that you’ll pay it back. It’s an excellent option for cash emergencies when you don’t have the time or resources to find other funding sources, but make sure you’re not taking advantage of someone who can’t afford to give you a loan.


One more form of funding that’s becoming popular is crowdfunding—individuals can now fund projects through money-raising websites and apps. You’re not getting a loan with crowdfunding. Instead, you’re raising funds to launch your business or fund a specific project, such as manufacturing and selling your product.

Apply for Grants

If your business is in a field related to caring for the environment, improving technology, or providing social benefits, you may be eligible for funding from government sources. There are grants available on federal and state levels that can help small businesses get started or grow.

To Sum It All Up

There is no need to stress about business funding. There are tons of options to pursue when exploring financing for your business.

Is Your Business Struggling To Grow?

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Business Struggling to Grow|Is Your Business Struggling To Grow?Life as an entrepreneur is tough, and when your business is struggling, it can make life very difficult for you. You don’t want your business to be pulling funds for your personal bank account for too long, and you should be looking for solutions to help your business pick up the pace again. There are often many solutions when it comes to fixing the problems that your business is having, and it may just need a little push in the right direction to get things as they should be. Whether it’s finding new customers, changing up your marketing strategy, or rethinking the direction that you actually want to go in.

Improve on your financial decisions

Taking the time to look into your financial decisions and really analyze where you might be going wrong can change everything. If you’re properly managing your cash flow, then it will allow you to see where you might need to make changes and cuts here and there. It’s important that you do these things so you know how much money you’ll have available and where. Not only that, but you can use the data that you get from your last month of sales to help you reconsider where you should be putting your money. You might need to allocate more money to marketing rather than overstocking your products.

Hire an advisor

Sometimes you just don’t have the answer yourself, and it can be hard to handle the decisions on your own. Hiring a financial advisor, for example, can help you to figure out what the best investment for you is at this moment, and what you should do later on. You shouldn’t expect to be able to do everything on your own, and an advisor can make life much easier for you. Maybe you need help with marketing, maybe you need someone to help you get off match list. Even the most experienced entrepreneurs will struggle with the right answer from time to time.

Invest into your reputation

An effective marketing campaign can significantly improve the cash flow within your business, and you’ll find that you’ll be back on track in no time when you’ve learned how to properly appeal to your audience. Finding the right way to reach out to that demographic, while also not having to break the bank over it can be a promising investment, and will be paying for itself in no time at all.

Putting out new marketing ideas isn’t the only way you can improve your reputation as a business. Sure, you need to make your presence known, but advertisements aren’t always the best way to do it. People don’t want to have a constant stream of marketing displayed to them, and it can help to break the mold here and there. For example, running a social media page that isn’t all business and promotions can be a great way for you to build a better relationship with your audience. It doesn’t have to be all business all of the time, and sometimes no marketing is good marketing.