
Strategic Planning Warning Flag 1 – Business Unit versus Goal-Based Planning

StrategyDriven Strategic Planning Warning FlagExecutives and managers maximize their company’s value when they focus the efforts of the entire workforce on the organization’s prioritized mission goals and supporting objectives. Some executives and managers, by making the mission measurable, prioritizing those measures, and sharing accountability for identifying and executing the most value adding initiatives, ensure their workforce focuses on those activities that maximize the organization’s overall value. In other organizations, planning and/or execution shortfalls allow the pursuit of initiatives that do not optimally support mission achievement; diminishing the organization’s value creation capacity. While many factors result in misaligned focus at all levels of the organization, one in particular, the failure to align the organization’s programs, budgets, and procedures to the mission’s prioritized goals and supporting objectives is the most devastating.

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Additional Information

The following StrategyDriven recommended best practices are designed to reduce the likelihood of business unit based planning while simultaneously fostering mission goal based planning:

StrategyDriven Contributors have created several illustrations to visually depict the mission to programs, budgets, and procedures alignment. The Strategic Pyramid Model highlights the alignment that should exist between an organization’s mission and its programs, budgets, and procedures. The Strategic Organizational Alignment Model reveals the typical executive and managerial responsibilities associated with identifying, reaffirming, and translating the organization’s mission into goals and objectives and then into programs, processes, and procedures.

About the Author

Nathan Ives, StrategyDriven Principal is a StrategyDriven Principal and Host of the StrategyDriven Podcast. For over twenty years, he has served as trusted advisor to executives and managers at dozens of Fortune 500 and smaller companies in the areas of management effectiveness, organizational development, and process improvement. To read Nathan’s complete biography, click here.

Evaluation and Control Program Best Practice 1 – Data Synthesis

StrategyDriven Evaluation and Control Best PracticeEvaluation control programs must be credible in order to add meaningful value to the organization. Credibility is built not only by the quality of the data collected but also by the method by which it is collected, how it is combined, and how it is interpreted to create useful information in support of decision-making.

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About the Author

Nathan Ives, StrategyDriven Principal is a StrategyDriven Principal and Host of the StrategyDriven Podcast. For over twenty years, he has served as trusted advisor to executives and managers at dozens of Fortune 500 and smaller companies in the areas of management effectiveness, organizational development, and process improvement. To read Nathan’s complete biography, click here.

Recommended Resource – Manager Tools

Manager Tools
by Michael Auzenne and Mark Horstman

Website Address:

About the Reference

Manager Tools by Michael Auzenne and Mark Horstman is a weekly podcast that provides managers with the step-by-step tools and techniques for becoming more effective. Updated weekly, the Manager Tools podcasts provide insight to a broad range of topics including feedback, one-on-ones, coaching, and mentoring. Manager Tools was recognized as the best business podcast in 2006 and 2007 by Podcast Awards.

Benefits of Using this Reference

A great strategy is nothing more than a tome of good intentions until executed. The more accountable the organization and the more effective the execution of its processes the greater the likelihood the organization will achieve its mission objectives.

Professional executives and managers are responsible for establishing and reinforcing a culture of accountability and effectively leading execution of the organization’s processes. StrategyDriven contributors like Manager Tools podcasts because each of these approximately 30 minute discussions provides a clear, step-by-step method executives and managers can immediately implement to increase their organization’s accountability and their leadership effectiveness. We particularly encourage all of our readers to listen to the Manager Tools Basics podcast series focused on feedback, one-on-ones, coaching, delegating, and conducting meetings.

Many of the Manager Tools recommendations support the effective execution of StrategyDriven best practices; making Manager Tools podcasts a StrategyDriven recommended listen.

Final Thought…

The vast majority of Manager Tools content is FREE! We encourage all members of the StrategyDriven community to take a moment and visit the Manager Tools website and begin to benefit from Mike and Mark’s advice today.

Diverse Indicators

StrategyDriven Organizational Performance Measures Best PracticeA picture comprised of only one color is not a picture at all; rather, it is simply a field of color. Likewise, a single performance indicator cannot paint a picture of performance.

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StrategyDriven Evaluation and Control Program Forum

StrategyDriven Evaluation and ControlAn organization’s evaluation and control program is a data gathering and action initiation mechanism. This program monitors the external business environments, the internal performance of business units, processes, and individuals, and the output products and services of the organization. Once collected, data is processed to present a picture of the company’s overall performance and to trigger actions in response to conditions representing opportunities or threats.

The evaluation and control program is comprised of several component processes that monitor performance on a continuous, periodic, and event driven basis; driving action when necessary. Component processes include:

  • organizational performance measurement system (continuous and periodic)
  • external environmental monitoring program (continuous and periodic)
  • condition reporting/corrective action program (event driven)
  • self-assessments program (periodic and event driven)
  • benchmarking (periodic)

Outputs from the various monitoring processes are often combined to create a richer understanding of organizational performance relative to both internal performance standards and external benchmarks. Synthesized data drives actions on a day-to-day operational basis and serves as input to the strategic planning process. When predefined thresholds are reached or exceeded, action is prompted to take advantage of opportunities or mitigate threats representing a risk to the business or its operations.

Focus of the Evaluation and Control Program Forum

Evaluation and control program components play a key role in an organization’s learning and growth efforts. They not only identify improvement opportunities, they also identify internal and external best practices that can be used to better existing processes. This continuous growth mechanism is critical to an organization seeking to maintain and advance its position in the marketplace. Materials in this forum are dedicated to discussing the leading practices of companies successfully executing an evaluation and control program in support of strategic business planning and tactical business execution. The following articles, podcasts, documents, and resources cover those topics critical to an effective evaluation and control program:


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