
How To Safeguard Your Company Data

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article | How To Safeguard Your Company DataIt doesn’t matter what kind of business you run, you will need to take steps to safeguard your company data, and that of your customers, from cybercrime and data loss. Losing important business information or having it stolen by a hacker could easily spell the end of your enterprise altogether, and it will certainly have a negative impact on your reputation. Therefore, it makes sense to put in safeguarding measures to protect the information and yourself. Here are some ways to do it.

Back Up

Backing up your information is simple and effective. Although it won’t protect against an attack by a cybercriminal by itself, it will allow you to restore the potentially missing or corrupt information left in the hacker’s wake, or as a result of a system failure.

If you can restore the information then you can continue working, even if there are other problems that still need to be dealt with. Without a backup of your work, you may well lose everything and have no way of continuing your business at all.

The most important thing to remember about making backups is that you will need to use a reliable external source to do it. There is no point in backing up your information to another computer on the same system; this is not going to keep it safe. Ideally you should use the cloud as not only will the information be protected but you can access it from anywhere – this is perfect if you are unable to get to your office or if there was a fire, for example, that destroyed your computing equipment.

Use A Firewall

A firewall will give you an extra line of defence against cyberattack. It works as a barrier against any malicious software that you may have inadvertently downloaded. This barrier, when correctly installed, will ensure that the virus cannot reach the more vulnerable and important parts of your computing system, blocking it completely.

The idea is a simple one, but there are many different types of firewall and it can become confusing and even overwhelming when you start to look more deeply into it. Because of this, it is best to have IT services Birmingham find the right firewall for you and install it – that way you know you are protected.

Password Protection

It is possible to set passwords on some programs such as Adobe Acrobat and the Microsoft Office suite. This adds an extra layer of security so that only those who have the password are able to open the document.

You can even password protect entire folders and networks if you want to and feel that this would be a useful protective measure that will safeguard your company data. When you are choosing a password, it must be something unique that cannot be guessed easily; never use phone numbers or birthdates or names. For the best password, you should use a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. Although this will be harder to remember, it will also be harder to guess, so your information will be much safer.

Mastering the Tech: 4 Strategies for Getting the Most of Your Medical Cart Computers

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | Mastering the Tech: 4 Strategies for Getting the Most of Your Medical Cart ComputersThe modern medical cart is a lot more than a cabinet on wheels, it is an advanced system that combines digital processing power, safety, and efficiency-enhancing physical features.

Despite the power and potential that the best computer-equipped medical carts bring to the table, many organizations end up sticking to the absolute basics. Use the following four strategies to ensure your hospital, clinic, or other facility can make the most of your medical cart computers.

1. Stay Organized

Medical carts were invented to make sure professionals would always have access to important resources like medications, bandages, and instruments. Even the simplest, most traditional Med Carts from Capsa Healthcare and other leading producers include plenty of features that make the organization of their contents easy.

The mere fact that a med cart includes a computer should never be seen as a reason to fall behind in this important respect. In fact, adding a workstation to the equation makes it even more important to stay on top of physical organization.

It also means the digital contents of each computer will need to be made just as accessible. Should the users of a fleet of medical carts end up struggling to find the software features they need, productivity and efficiency will suffer.

A medical cart that makes its contents readily available but never gets in the way will always be welcome in any facility. Make organization of both physical and digital kinds top priorities and your medical carts will serve your organization very well.

2. Keep Things Secure

Concentrating potentially dangerous or theft-prone supplies in a small area can be problematic. Medications that are normally held under lock and key sometimes end up becoming vulnerable when they get loaded aboard medical carts.

The same goes for the valuable, important information that med cart computers often hold. While laws like HIPAA provide appropriate guidance, some organizations fail to keep up.

Medical cart computer security should be seen as every bit as important as any physical sort of protection. That means making sure workstations on wheels receive plenty of attention from digital security experts.

3. Streamline Your Processes

Medical carts of all kinds allow healthcare professionals to provide care more efficiently. Adding a computer to a med cart, though, sometimes means slowing down experts who could be working more quickly.

In just about every such case, thinking about ways to simplify common processes will enable plenty of progress. From single sign-on systems to improved user interfaces, medical cart computers should support productivity and never interfere with it.

4. Don’t Forget Training

Handing computer-equipped medical carts to staff members without preparation is always a recipe for disaster. Plan your roll-out carefully and be sure everyone who will work with a computerized medical cart receives appropriate training.

Anytime a system is to receive a major update, it will be wise to hold a refresher session. Making sure that staff members are always comfortable with the technology they are to use will emphasize the benefits and keep the drawbacks to a minimum.

A Great Addition to Many Healthcare Facilities

Medical carts with integrated digital workstations are becoming more and more common. In some cases, hospitals and clinics fail to make the most of their potential. Keep the four tips above in mind and your own organization should benefit greatly from its use of medical cart computers.

Hardware VPNs or Software VPNs? What’s the Best Option?

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | Hardware VPNs or Software VPNs? What's the Best Option?

When talking about VPNs, you might hear people referring to either “software VPNs” or “hardware VPNs.”

Fancy and interesting terms, but what do they mean exactly?

Well, this quick 5-minute article will tell you everything you need to know about them (including which option would be ideal for you).

What Is a Software VPN?

Software VPN is the app you use to run VPN connections on your device. VPN providers or independent developers create software VPN and make it available on their websites. Pre-installed clients on your operating system also count as software VPN.

I should also mention that VPN software is what VPN providers use on their servers to establish and handle client-server communications. That’s not really of interest to you, but it’s useful info to know.

What Is a Hardware VPN?

Hardware VPNs are devices with dedicated processors that offer VPN, and firewall features. Unlike software VPN, they are completely standalone. That means they can handle every single VPN function on their own.

To give you an idea of how hardware VPNs look like, here’s a good example – the hardware VPN from Zyxel.

Which Type of VPN Is Better Suited for You?

Well, just reading the definitions won’t help you make a decision on the spot, so I’ll compare the two types of VPNs with a focus on user convenience.

Alright, so let’s get started:

1. Software VPNs Are Much Cheaper

Let’s get one thing straight – hardware VPNs are not budget-friendly at all. Just one of them might cost anywhere between $100 and $500. If you’re looking for high-end features, the price can easily go over $1,000.

Sure, you might (emphasis on might) find hardware VPNs that cost less than $100. But don’t expect them to be as powerful as their more expensive counterparts.

And while a cheap hardware VPN can be a good option for your home network, software VPNs are still better price-wise. I mean, at most you’re looking at anywhere between $3 and $9 per month. Usually, the longer the subscription period, the cheaper the price.

Now I know what you’re thinking – if you use software VPNs, won’t you need to pay for tons accounts for all your employees?

Well, not really. Depending on the service you pick, you can get support for multiple simultaneous connections, like six or seven. In fact, some VPN providers might even offer you unlimited connections.

2. Setting Up the Hardware VPN Is No Walk in the Park

If you’re expecting to just buy the thing, set it in your home or office, turn it on, and relax, you’re in for a nasty surprise.

Basically, if you want to set up a hardware VPN, you’re going to need an experienced IT team by your side. You can try to handle everything on your own, but if you make a mistake, you’ll end up with annoying errors and unsecure VPN connections.

Plus, get this; hardware VPNs don’t have the same configurations like corporate firewalls and routers. So, even a skilled IT team might need some extra training to get everything 100% right.

And that’s not all. Once the hardware VPN is set up and running, the job isn’t done. You’ll still have to configure your network to accommodate the new addition. Also, you’ll need at least one dedicated person to monitor the hardware VPN and perform maintenance when needed.

I mean, you can do it yourself, but it’s going to start feeling like a full-time job fast (it pretty much is anyway).

Well, on the plus side, once you handled everything, you get instant remote access whenever you want.

Though, that pales in comparison to software VPNs. You just download and install the client, run it, connect to a server, and that’s pretty much it. Takes just a few seconds at best, or a few minutes at worst.

3. Both Software and Hardware VPNs Offer Good Security

There’s really not much difference between them. Sure, hardware VPNs use dedicated connections, so you could say it’s a bit safer because you’re not sharing the VPN server with tons of other strangers.

But here’s the thing – there are also risks associated with a hardware VPN.

For one, connection errors can pop up if the IT team didn’t properly set up or monitor the device. What’s more, cybercriminals actually prefer targeting hardware VPNs.

With software VPNs, you can at least relax knowing the VPN provider is taking care of everything for you.

4. Business-Wise, Software VPNs Are More Scalable

If you’re running a small business, you get better scalability with software VPNs. If you hire more people, you just have to get some extra subscriptions to cover the new remote connections.

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | Hardware VPNs or Software VPNs? What's the Best Option?

With hardware VPNs, things aren’t as simple. You’ll need to spend money on add-ons to support the new employees. And if your company really grows, you’re going to have to just buy an extra hardware VPN (or more), or a new model that supports more connections.

The Bottom Line

Overall, I’d say that there’s no need to use hardware VPN if you’re an average online user. I mean you can do it if you have the money and skills, but let’s be honest – hardware VPNs are more suitable for large companies with very skilled IT teams and large budgets that want dedicated VPN connections.

As a regular Internet user, you’re better off with software VPN. It’s cheaper and easier to set up. Plus, you can even use it for your business to secure your VoIP calls, get around geo-blocks, do SEO research, and encrypt remote employee connections to your network – not to mention save money too.

If you need help to find reliable software VPNs, take a look at ProPrivacy. The website has tons of useful guides, and reviews that will help you make a smart decision.

4 Services Small Businesses Can Outsource

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | 4 Services Small Businesses Can OutsourceRunning a small business requires wearing a lot of different hats. You don’t have to do everything yourself or hire full-time staff to take care of all the daily tasks needed to keep your business going. Here are four services to consider outsourcing.

1. Technological Support

If you use any technology to operate your business, even if it’s just website maintenance and email, you need some type of IT support. It may not be cost effective to have your own team on staff, though. IT outsourcing can help you manage your technical infrastructure and keep everything running smoothly.

2. Janitorial Services

When you have a brick-and-mortar location, you want to keep it clean to protect yourself, your employees and your customers. You can ensure that regular cleaning happens when you enlist the help of janitorial services Minneapolis. You can set up a schedule that works best for your business.

3. Accounting

You hope that all areas of your business run well, but one area you need to be as close to perfect as possible is accounting. Accounting helps you keep track of payroll, revenue, expenditures and taxes. You can use payroll software for basic functions, but hiring outside experts can help you avoid costly mistakes.

4. Marketing

Analyzing the marketing strategies that will work best for your particular business can be time-consuming. That’s why it makes sense to outsource your marketing to a team of professionals. Marketing specialists can focus on finding the best way to reach new customers and keep your current customers informed. This releases you to have the time you need to focus on what you do best.

Part of running a small business is making sure everything is taken care of. Instead of trying to add a lot of employees to the payroll, try outsourcing as many services as possible.

Keep Your Workplace From Going Viral

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article | Keep Your Workplace From Going ViralWith the recent virus outbreak many people have become concerned with sanitizing their workplace to prevent the spread of the virus and germs. As a cleaning professional with over 25-years of experience, I have some good insights on how to handle this process. We at Cleaning Group Inc. have developed a protocol for disinfection and preventing infection in offices, gyms, medical facilities, restaurants, and other venues where the public meets with your staff.

The first piece of advice I can give you is don’t panic. Panic prevents rational thought and hinders the ability to make informed decisions. The first thing to do is assess the actual exposure. This is determined by how many people visit your facility on a regular basis and the probability that those people may be infected. Medical offices that treat patients or perform procedures in-office are at higher risk of infection than an office that only has a few employees and rarely receive visitors. The next thing to consider is where germs can be transferred. The most common places transfer takes place are telephones, door handles, light switches and restrooms. Air quality is another consideration as germs may become airborne and spread through ventilation systems.

Whether your workplace has a high or low risk, you should consider consulting a professional to assess what needs to be done in your facility. A professional cleaner will determine exactly what your individual needs are. There are safeguards that everyone can take. Start by informing employees, coworkers, clients and visitors of the risk factor. If you are a medical office treating infected patients or if you have employees who have been exposed, you need to inform everyone who enters your facility to take precautions. If you are hosting a meeting or conference, designate areas where visitors will be and properly clean and disinfect those areas before and after the meeting. Put hand sanitizing stations at entrances and lobby areas. Most people will use it if it is available. I recommend a touch free dispenser. When several people touch a soap dispenser before actually using the soap, they are leaving germs on the dispenser. Designate a phone that your visitors may use and place disinfecting wipes next to it with a sign asking people to wipe the phone before and after using it. Any keypads or touch screens that are heavily used should be treated the same way.

Signs should be placed in all restrooms asking everyone to please wash their hands. Touch free soap and towel dispensers are a great idea. Touch free faucets are beneficial. Electric hand dryers are better than paper towels. The restroom fixtures should be disinfected at a frequency that coincides with their use. A cleaning professional will be able to determine the proper frequency. Using the proper chemicals is key. For example, bleach evaporates much quicker than most other water-based disinfectants. In order for a disinfectant to work properly it must remain on the surface for several minutes. All surfaces should be wiped with a disinfectant daily.

Treating the air can be the trickiest. I recommend changing filters weekly using a high-quality filter that traps the most amount of allergens. Hepa filters work best. Having ducts professionally cleaned will help prevent germs from collecting in the ventilation system. Disinfectant fogging is the best way to treat the air and kill airborne virus. This process must be done by a professional. The fogger atomizes the disinfectant and sprays it into the air. This will treat areas that are hard to reach and may normally get overlooked.

Lunchrooms and kitchens are another area where disinfecting is important. Utensils and cups should be washed, dried and put away in a cabinet. Everyone should clean cups and utensils before and after each use. Water cooler handles should be disinfected as well. Make sure you replace kitchen sponges frequently and use an antibacterial dish soap. Wipe counters with disinfectant before and after each use also.

The best defense against germ and virus transfer is a good plan. Work with a cleaning professional and consult your local health department to assess risk factors and determine the level of reported infections in your area. These and other tips are available in more detail in our guidelines for disinfection. I realize that some of these things may seem extreme or expensive. Most business owners are reluctant to increase the cleaning budget. I can assure you that the money is well spent. Keeping your customers, clients and employees healthy is as equally healthy for your bottom line.

About the Author

StrategyDriven Expert Contributor | Glenn GreeleyGlenn Greeley is founder of CGI Cleaning Group Inc. headquartered on Long Island. For more information visit, call 631-669-6033, or email [email protected] for a free disinfecting guideline.