
3 Ways to Benefit Your Business with VoIP

When you’re trying to get your home business off the ground, one thing that is of the utmost importance is making sure you have effective ways to communicate with clients/customers, and other employees if you have them.

One of the best ways to do that is with a VoIP phone system. You can learn more about VoIP solutions at Simply put, VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is a digital telephone service that allows you to make and receive calls through the Internet.

So, why not just use a traditional telephone to communicate with others connected to your business? Can VoIP make a difference? Let’s look at three ways this service can benefit your business, and why you might want to make the switch.

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | 3 Ways to Benefit Your Business with VoIP

1. It’s Cheaper

You want your business to continuously grow, right? Well, think about how many phone lines you might need in order to make that happen. Even if you only have a few, if you’re working on international business, the costs can start to add up quickly when it comes to calling times.

With VoIP, you only have to pay your Internet Service Provider – and you’re doing that already! It’s a good idea to have a solutions team at the ready in case you run into any issues with your VoIP, but the cost can still be less expensive than traditional phone lines, especially if you’re making long-distance calls to other countries.

2. It Makes Conference Calls Easier

If you have to have a conference call with several people at once, VoIP is the clear winner. Not only is the cost of conferencing usually built into the VoIP service you have (unlike most phone lines), but because the communication is through the Internet, you can enjoy additional benefits.

This includes things like video conferencing where you can share images and texts in real-time. It’s a great way to keep things organized and make sure everyone on the call is getting the correct information.

3. It’s Portable for Telecommuting

Remote work has become hugely popular in the U.S. and across the globe. As of 2019, about 4.7 million employees in the U.S. work from home at least half of the time.

When you use VoIP for your business, your remote employees can connect to it from any location, and they’ll have a specific phone number that won’t change no matter where they go. Not only does it allow them to access the phone to make calls, but they can also send faxes and access the other data services of your office.

VoIP isn’t necessarily anything new, but many businesses still aren’t taking advantage of it the way they could be. So, whether you’re a business owner with several remote workers or you just want to streamline your communication options with clients and customers, it’s worth looking into VoIP solutions and how they can save you money, time, and the headaches that can sometimes come from working with a traditional phone system.

Is Your Web Designer Turning Viewers Into Customers?

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, Is Your Web Designer Turning Viewers Into Customers?

Is your website attracting traffic but failing to draw in customers? If so, then this is likely to do with the design of your website. There are so many companies who are failing to reach their online potential because of their website. You may think your site looks impressive visually, but a good design incorporates so much more than this.

Too many companies offering website design services are doing their customers an injustice. They try and wow them with the likes of flashy graphics but they don’t take the time to deal with what really matters; generating money. After all, isn’t higher profit what every business wants to achieve? The flashy graphics may look fantastic, but it may also take ages to load, and by this time your potential customer has gone elsewhere and bought off of your competitor.

When you are looking for website design, find a company that will deal with the hard facts. Is your bounce rate too high? Are you generating enough page views? Are people only visiting your site for a short period of time? How many viewers are you turning into customers? They need to tackle these issues and work tirelessly until the resolution is one you can be satisfied with.

This is not to say that they will not generate innovative and creative website designs. They should have an undeniable talent for their field, which is matched with the training, qualifications, and experience required. Designs must always visually delightful and every decision is made whilst thinking about your brand image and the corporate identity you assign yourself with.

A goal-orientated approach and innovative design ideas must be coupled with a focus on user experience and a powerful functionality in order to give you the complete package. The internet is all about convenience; that’s why people love it so much. When you look at your website now, can you honestly say it is easy to use? Can customers easily navigate to the returns page? Is a method of contact easily accessible?

Apart from a thorough approach, another area to look for is a thorough process. The company should begin with a consultation whereby they are able to soak up as much as possible about your business as well as provide you with a creative brief. They will identify the key conversion factors for your business i.e. how they are going to turn those viewers into customers! Then the web design process begins followed by website development. This is where the design is turned into the complete finished package. They will then provide you with in-depth CMS training to ensure you can use your new website without any difficulty.

They should not just design a website and leave you to it; they should provide ongoing support and quarterly reports to ensure your website is performing to the optimum level. After all, the internet is ever progressing and developing and thus you simply cannot remain stagnant.

The Entrepreneur’s Roadmap to Success

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article | The Entrepreneur's Roadmap to SuccessWhen speaking with groups, questions arise on how and where to get started on going into business for ones self. Often times a new entrepreneur feels he or she has done their due diligence only to learn later that they barely scratched the surface. They checked out the market, discussed the business idea with friends and family and feels they can come up with enough capital to set themselves up for success.

Unfortunately, often the amount of working capital needed to fund the project is simply not enough to account for all the expenses that arise with a new business. It seems that most businesses fail, not due to the validity of the idea, but rather that the project was under capitalized or underfunded from the start. The simple fact is that if you cannot preserve your working capital, “You won’t make it”. We have all seen great business ideas go down in flame because of working capital issues. Too often, the unforeseen – which were not budgeted for, will consume the cash that the business was relying on to bridge the gap between idea and implementation. If nothing else, budget and plan for the unknown – because if something can go wrong – it will.

Being in business for yourself, according to many entrepreneurs, is the greatest job most individuals will ever have . In doing so you have the potential to impact other people’s lives in a positive way while leading an organization to success. This can be both a blessing and a curse. If you are confident enough in what you are doing, and you have truly done your due diligence, you can have a prosperous business. If you don’t put in the time and effort to cover all your bases, you are not only setting yourself up for failure but you are doing yourself a disservice. A successful entrepreneur not only plans for the unexpected, but anticipates that it will invariably happen.

Ask yourself, “Why do I want to go into business for myself?” The first answer most of us give is that we want to be our own boss. A great perk is that most entrepreneurs can live and work wherever they want. Entrepreneurship, if done correctly, can not only be rewarding from a financial perspective but also from a quality of life perspective.

How someone with a limited amount of experience and resources thinks they can go into business and be successful is beyond me. Furthermore, what financial institution would ever loan this type of person any money? Does this mean there is little or no hope for young adults to make it as budding entrepreneurs? Not necessarily. Since most young entrepreneurs don’t have the luxury in making a lot of mistakes, they must go about this very differently. Having a partner with the experience and resources to make this idea or business a reality is a route these young entrepreneurs must take. Finding a business mentor can be the difference between success and failure. You may have to give away more ownership in this type of arrangement than you wanted, however, if successful, it should be well worth it.

About the Author

Randy Steele, author of The Entrepreneur’s Roadmap to Success, is a lifelong entrepreneur and has had tremendous success in the financial service business, real estate, real estate appraising, greenhouse growing operations, and the mortgage industry. Through these experiences, the knowledge he has gained is invaluable to someone wanting to start a business or someone wanting to take their business to the next level.

Spending Money To Save Money (Yes, Really)

StrategyDriven Managing Your Finances Article | Entrepreneurship | Spending Money To Save Money (Yes, Really)

As the owner of a modern business, you naturally understand the need to make your capital work harder. This removes a great deal of stress from the venture while also allowing you to pass some of the savings onto your clients. Price comparisons and cutbacks can have a positive impact. Still, it’s possible to find investments that spearhead further savings.

Spending money in the right places is essential or creating an efficient company built for sustained results. Here’s are the best solutions at your disposal.

1. Security, Safety, & Protection

Prevention is the best form of protection for your business. Aside from removing the threat of damaged reputations, it can actively reduce insurance fees and put an end to wasted time. Hiring a site safety manager may feel like an added expense, but it’ll save you vast sums of money in the long run. Data protection is equally important in this modern age. Updating your systems can prevent major problems including penalties as well as direct damages. Given that almost half of all hacks hit small business, now is the time to take control of the situation.

2. Accountancy

Like a site safety manager, a professional accountant can seem to be an unnecessary expense. However, they will save you money in the long run as they have a far greater understanding of the financial and legal elements. When added to the time savings on offer, it is evident that this will be a wise addition for your company. Related investments into automated accountancy software can seriously boost your endeavors. Aside from the financial benefits, you will gain peace of mind and enjoy easier time management. You’d be very foolish to ignore it.

3. Eco-Friendly Upgrades

It’s very easy to embrace a “why fix something that isn’t broke?” mindset. In reality, though, upgrading the workplace with eco-friendly features is essential. While you may not see the property value improvements seen by residential users, the monthly energy savings are huge. Boosting the company’s green credentials can also enhance its reputation. For the sake of your finances, brand image, and personal responsibility, this is a vital addition. Even the employees will respond positively to this new approach. Better still, the results can be seen right away.

4. Marketing

Regardless of the industry, reaching the target market in a cost-effective manner is vital. However, the cheap option doesn’t necessarily offer the best value for money. It’s important to focus on the cost per acquisition rather than the actual overheads. With this in mind, social influencers can be the best investment for your business. When supported by improved web design and a conscious effort to gain positive customer reviews, you should see the very best returns.

The Final Word

While wasting money is the worst thing a business can do, there’s no reason to fear spending money. As long as you invest in the right features and expertise, your venture will begin to see positive outcomes in the very near future. The positive outcomes can bring upgrades for many years to come.

What to Consider When Buying a New Commercial Property

StrategyDriven Starting Your Business Article | Entrepreneurship | What to Consider When Buying a New Commercial PropertyLeasing a commercial property isn’t the best option for a lot of businesses. Therefore, if you have made the choice to buy your next business property, you are opening yourself up to more flexibility and more freedom to allow your business to grow.

That said, there are a lot of important areas to take into account when searching for the ideal commercial property.

The Maintenance Costs

Alongside your fixed monthly outgoings, you’re going to have to prepare for maintenance costs over time, and any unexpected issues that may arise. This means you should consider any commercial property that you view with the expected maintenance costs in mind.

For example, are there any structural features of the building which you see as having a high maintenance bill? Does the sheer size mean more maintenance should be expected?

Maintenance is always a must, no matter the building, so budgeting for it is essential. You should also seek out a dependable maintenance service such as

The Need for a Survey

Having any new potential business property professionally surveyed is a must. You shouldn’t elect for the cheapest and quickest option, either. Although it’s preferable to save money, you will lose money in the long run if you fail to have a property survey in the first instance, resulting in your property running into problems further down the line. Ensure that you have a thorough survey carried out, which is specifically tailored for commercial properties.

The Location

Your location needs will vary depending on what your business entails, so you’ll need to think carefully about yours. Location can be a crucial factor in the successful running of your business.

Consider the following:

  • Do you have clients regularly visiting your business premises? If so, the property will need to be in an easily accessible location, and close to your main clients.
  • Do you have a large team of staff who will work on site? If so, the property will need to be easily accessible for them, and not difficult to travel to.

Also think about the impression that you want to give of your business; you need the property and location to reflect this in a positive light if you are going to have external individuals and clients visiting the commercial property on a regular basis.

Transport Links

This is an imperative consideration if you have people traveling to the premises on a daily basis, whether they are staff or clients. If your new commercial property is near plenty of public transport links, such as train stations and bus stops, then this is a huge positive.

If you can’t find a property which is close to public transport links, or if your commercial premises is in a very remote location, then you need to ensure that there is at least a car park for staff and visitors.

A commercial property in a remote location, without a car park, and far away from any public transport links, will be very problematic and may be seen as unprofessional if you are failing to provide these needs.