5 Lenders with the Best Title Loan Interest Rates in 2020
When you have a financial emergency, you tend to make desperate choices. Car title loans can provide you with some immediate cash for your emergency.
Not all title loan companies have the same policies, though. To make the wisest financial decision when seeking a title loan, you need to find the company with the lowest title loan interest rates.
To stay financially healthy and learn more about the top five title loan companies with the lowest rates, keep reading.
Low Title Loan Interest Rates
Title loan interest rates vary as low as 25 and as high as over 100 percent. The rates may seem extreme, but lending companies understand the risk they’re taking, and they ensure they receive back what they lend by having higher than average interest rates. Plus, you typically do not need to submit a credit check before you apply for a title loan.
Considering the fact that one in five borrowers lose their vehicle after obtaining a title loan, you must search out the best title loan company with the most flexible plan and lowest interest rate.
1. Choice Cash Title Loans
When you do not understand how to get a title loan, you need a company with superior customer service. Choice Cash boasts of such service.
Choice Cash Title Loans also has competitive interest rates and zero hidden fees. They pride themselves on their flexibility with customers from the first payment until the end.
If you need an automobile title loan, Cash Choice makes sense as your first shopping stop.
2. Money Mutual
Money Mutual claims to be the largest online lending market place. This company offers short-term loans up to $2,500 and has an online marketplace of lenders to choose from.
Especially if you have bad credit, Money Mutual works well. Unfortunately, Money Mutual is not available in New York or Connecticut.
You cannot easily find title loans that don’t require the car, but Money Mutual may have your solution. In fact, because of their online nature, Money Mutual will provide title loans without seeing car quality.
3. CreditLoan
CreditLoan options start as low as $250 and reach up to $5,000. So if you need just a little cash and know you can pay it back quickly, CreditLoan makes sense.
They offer same-day approval and will deposit the cash right into your account. CreditLoan allows you to refinance title loans, where you use your car as collateral.
4. Highway Title Loans
Like the other lending companies, Highway Title Loans boasts of low rates and fast turnaround. Highway Title also accepts clients with bad credit, but they do have limitations. They provide loans title loans only in Arizona, California, Georgia, Idaho, Missouri, New Mexico, South Carolina, and Utah.
5. Max Cash Title Loan
Max Cash provides loans of as much as $50,000 in a single business day. Max Cash is not just a single company, but they work with many lenders throughout the country to help you find the best interest rate.
Max Cash requires all borrowers to be US citizens or permanent residents. You also must be 18 or older and have a regular source of income.
Be Smart, Shop Around
Now that you understand the different title loan interest rates available, you can make an informed decision. If you’re not sure what a car title looks like before you go into a car title lender’s office, you can find a car title example through a simple web search.
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