
What is the best CFD Trading Platform?

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article | What is the best CFD Trading Platform?

CFD trading can be a little overwhelming and complicated at the start, especially if you are entirely new to the scene. Therefore, it is definitely of the utmost importance to select a CFD trading platform that suits your needs. With the various types of CFD brokers that offer different services and access to different financial markets, being sure of what you want to achieve is the first step before you choose a broker and a trading platform. Forex brokers offer a range of trading platforms for the use of their clients and a majority of such online brokers may offer trading in a number of working and independent platforms, such as the MetaTrader, or MT4 software. Hence, ensuring that the trading platform is user-friendly and easy to use is paramount.

Apart from this, a good and reliable trading platform should be efficient when it comes to cancellation as well as order entry, to enable the investor to effectively manage their accounts and facilitate market analysis. It should also allow you to enter orders, receive real-time quotes and engage in transactions. Reliable trading platforms should offer a wide variety of tools to help investors in making prime decisions for profits.

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article | What is the best CFD Trading Platform?

Top Trading Platforms

One of the best trading platforms in the market is the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5) that are highly sought-after even by professional traders. They offer a range of tools and services that can help investors in their money-making decisions.

MetaTrader 4

CFD trading regards MT4 as the standard in the market and the platform is now being used by thousands of brokers all over the world. With their highly advanced technology and tight security, traders are able to open and close positions with their minds at ease as MT4 guarantees reliability and stability.

Key Features

MT4 is known for its extremely user-friendly interface that allows traders to easily manage their assets and trade with ease. The platform also supports major languages, appealing to a larger audience who can trade without having to be faced with a language barrier. Moreover, MT4 not only has ideal trading characteristics, but it is also equipped with highly advanced charting capabilities. This allows traders to conduct comprehensive analyses on the technical elements and their assets, facilitating better trading decisions.

Communication Tools

MT4 also allows an enhanced experience when it comes to communicating online. The various communication tools offered by the trading platform allow traders to interact in real-time, and to post messages without lengthy and complex email threats in the way.

As MT4 runs its software on low resources, this means that the platform is less prone to technical difficulties, and therefore allowing the platform to have shorter waiting times. This allows traders to act swiftly while trading, and that they are able to complete trades and implement transactions in the nick of time. With the accessibility to traders’ own account information, they will be able to see their access details, trading history, account balance and password information to help them keep track of their monetary assets easily.

Furthermore, MT4 boasts amplified security to protect traders from possible hacks and attacks. It safeguards sensitive and private information and encrypts the data between traders and the servers with a 129-bit key. The IP address of each trader is also completely kept from view, allowing them to trade without having to worry about security issues.


Unlike other platforms, MT4 allows trading platform customization for each CFD trader to tailor it to their own needs and practices. By being able to develop their own programs and technical indicators through their advanced MQL programming language, traders will be able to tweak the platform to their own benefit and needs. There are also various plugins offered by MT4 like the MetaTrader Supreme Edition plugin which gives premium access to traders to conduct trading insights, advanced analysis, and a variety of trading tools to enhance their experience.

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article | What is the best CFD Trading Platform?

MetaTrader 5

The most up to date version of the MT CFD trading software is the MetaTrader 5. With a highly easy-to-use interface, traders will not have any problems trying to navigate around the platform. Switching between accounts is also easy with their user-friendly interface.

For traders who wish to open two accounts to carry out trade and scalp, the interface allows for easy switching between your two categories to quickly respond to market events. This saves a lot of time especially for regular traders who prefer to engage in several markets at one go.

Indicator Types

As compared to MT4, there are quite a few advanced indicators that MT5 provides, and they can be classified into four categories which include Trends, Oscillators, Volumes, and Bill Williams. Moving beyond that, MT5 also offers custom indicators that make access significantly quicker and simpler. The new trend indicators include the moving averages which include the double and triple Exponential Moving Averages (or ETAs), the Adaptive Moving Average and the Variable Index Dynamic Average.

Among the indicators, both double and triple ETAs and their derivatives are relatively new inclusions in the toolbox. MT5 is highly sought-after for traders who prefer automated trading since it offers a powerful Expert Advisor and an outstanding trading script. The trading script has been recently running on its new version, where it has managed to fix bugs and address several errors and issues. Improvement has also been made to the programming language, which has been compressed into a more compact and hassle-free form. Furthermore, the addition of the chart-in-chart style provides a deeper analysis of technical strategies that users want to utilize, effectively enriching the trading experience.

It is essential to select an excellent platform when you trade CFDs and to choose a suitable one that meets your requirements and needs. As MetaTrader platforms have been consistently proving themselves as the best in the market, do not hesitate to test it out and get a feel for the platform so you can determine if they are beneficial for you. The most important thing is to choose a platform that you are comfortable with using, and one that provides the right range of tools and services that you need to make your trading decisions. Do not settle for the first platform that you chance upon, and never stop exploring other platforms until you choose the one that works best for you. In fact, according to the review published by business24-7, Plus500 could be one that is suitable for you!

Keep Your Workplace From Going Viral

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article | Keep Your Workplace From Going ViralWith the recent virus outbreak many people have become concerned with sanitizing their workplace to prevent the spread of the virus and germs. As a cleaning professional with over 25-years of experience, I have some good insights on how to handle this process. We at Cleaning Group Inc. have developed a protocol for disinfection and preventing infection in offices, gyms, medical facilities, restaurants, and other venues where the public meets with your staff.

The first piece of advice I can give you is don’t panic. Panic prevents rational thought and hinders the ability to make informed decisions. The first thing to do is assess the actual exposure. This is determined by how many people visit your facility on a regular basis and the probability that those people may be infected. Medical offices that treat patients or perform procedures in-office are at higher risk of infection than an office that only has a few employees and rarely receive visitors. The next thing to consider is where germs can be transferred. The most common places transfer takes place are telephones, door handles, light switches and restrooms. Air quality is another consideration as germs may become airborne and spread through ventilation systems.

Whether your workplace has a high or low risk, you should consider consulting a professional to assess what needs to be done in your facility. A professional cleaner will determine exactly what your individual needs are. There are safeguards that everyone can take. Start by informing employees, coworkers, clients and visitors of the risk factor. If you are a medical office treating infected patients or if you have employees who have been exposed, you need to inform everyone who enters your facility to take precautions. If you are hosting a meeting or conference, designate areas where visitors will be and properly clean and disinfect those areas before and after the meeting. Put hand sanitizing stations at entrances and lobby areas. Most people will use it if it is available. I recommend a touch free dispenser. When several people touch a soap dispenser before actually using the soap, they are leaving germs on the dispenser. Designate a phone that your visitors may use and place disinfecting wipes next to it with a sign asking people to wipe the phone before and after using it. Any keypads or touch screens that are heavily used should be treated the same way.

Signs should be placed in all restrooms asking everyone to please wash their hands. Touch free soap and towel dispensers are a great idea. Touch free faucets are beneficial. Electric hand dryers are better than paper towels. The restroom fixtures should be disinfected at a frequency that coincides with their use. A cleaning professional will be able to determine the proper frequency. Using the proper chemicals is key. For example, bleach evaporates much quicker than most other water-based disinfectants. In order for a disinfectant to work properly it must remain on the surface for several minutes. All surfaces should be wiped with a disinfectant daily.

Treating the air can be the trickiest. I recommend changing filters weekly using a high-quality filter that traps the most amount of allergens. Hepa filters work best. Having ducts professionally cleaned will help prevent germs from collecting in the ventilation system. Disinfectant fogging is the best way to treat the air and kill airborne virus. This process must be done by a professional. The fogger atomizes the disinfectant and sprays it into the air. This will treat areas that are hard to reach and may normally get overlooked.

Lunchrooms and kitchens are another area where disinfecting is important. Utensils and cups should be washed, dried and put away in a cabinet. Everyone should clean cups and utensils before and after each use. Water cooler handles should be disinfected as well. Make sure you replace kitchen sponges frequently and use an antibacterial dish soap. Wipe counters with disinfectant before and after each use also.

The best defense against germ and virus transfer is a good plan. Work with a cleaning professional and consult your local health department to assess risk factors and determine the level of reported infections in your area. These and other tips are available in more detail in our guidelines for disinfection. I realize that some of these things may seem extreme or expensive. Most business owners are reluctant to increase the cleaning budget. I can assure you that the money is well spent. Keeping your customers, clients and employees healthy is as equally healthy for your bottom line.

About the Author

StrategyDriven Expert Contributor | Glenn GreeleyGlenn Greeley is founder of CGI Cleaning Group Inc. headquartered on Long Island. For more information visit, call 631-669-6033, or email [email protected] for a free disinfecting guideline.

What’s The Most Important Thing For Your Business Growth?

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | What’s The Most Important Thing For Your Business Growth?

When it comes to being in business, it’s safe to say that you’re going to want to make sure that you can grow. But this isn’t something that you can do overnight. And it’s not always easy to make it happen. And so, when you know that you want to get somewhere with your business, you have to be intentional about it. Being intentional with your business means knowing what it is that you need to do to grow. It means having a plan and focusing on the right things. And this can be hard. So, it’s important for you to work on the things that are the most important to your growth. Let’s consider a few options.

The Right Intent

To begin with, it may be as simple as you having the best intentions for the business. Sometimes, it’s easy to think that you know what you want to achieve, But then your actions don’t match that. And so, you need to be able to make sure that you are setting goals and then following through with actions that allow you to achieve them. If you are really keen to grow, this is something you definitely have to stick to.

Better Research

Or maybe for you, the most important thing to focus on right now is research. If you have a particular product that requires advancement or that is in a technological or scientific area, then research is everything. And you will want to invest here. Whether that’s in Chemyo SARMs for research or for the team and equipment, it’s important to do it. Because if this is the one thing that will guarantee you success, you should go for it.

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article | What’s The Most Important Thing For Your Business Growth?

More Sales

Sometimes, it can be as simple as needing to get more sales. When you want to increase your revenue, it can feel like you have to jump through hoops to get there – but that’s not always the case. Have a great product, try to help others, and watch the sales come in.

A Connection

When it comes to finding any kind of success in business, you’re likely to find that it matters for you to make a connection with your customers. So if you know that you want to see exponential growth soon, learning how to connect with your customers can really help you. So this is definitely something that you should make a priority. Because if you care to connect with them, it really makes a difference.


Sometimes, the most important thing that you can do is just keep going. Business success doesn’t happen overnight. It’s not a quick thing – it takes work and perseverance. It’s important that you can be patient and keep going – because the results will come. You never know whether the thing you need to make everything a success is right around the corner. So keep going – the growth will come.

How To Get Started On Your Blogging Journey

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, How To Get Started On Your Blogging Journey

Blogging can be many things to many different people. To some, it is a hobby. They can talk happily about the subjects that interest them, and engage with like-minded individuals who also feel a passion for the same topic. For others, blogging is a side-line, a great way of earning money alongside your regular income. Many people, however, can turn their blogs into their full-time jobs and earn a lucrative income from the content that they create. Businesses will also use blogs to fantastic effect as a way of raising awareness of their own brands. It is important to never underestimate the potential of blogging.

If you have ever thought about blogging, you should understand that with the right amount of effort, and with great content,  it is possible to create a successful blog that will be ready by countless people, while generating you a reasonable, if not, substantial income.

But if you don’t know your WordPress, from your Yoast, or your affiliate marketing from your search engine optimization, here is some great advice to get you started on your very own blogging journey.

Pick A Niche

You will have a few decisions to make early on in your life as a blogger. The first one is to decide on the niche that you will write in. You might be able to write confidently and inspiringly in a number of subjects, and if you can do this, and link them all together, you can cover a range of topics on your blog. Generally, readers will have an interest in a specific niche, and if your blog covers too big a range of topics it can get confusing. Stick to the areas that you are the most knowledgable and passionate in. Make sure you pick a subject that you have enough milage in, you will need to write about this on most days for a very long time to come.

Pick Your Platform

There are lots of different blogging platforms out there. Some will host your site on their servers, and in others, such as, you will need to buy for your own hosting from a company such as Bluehost.

Read all about the various platforms that are available and try and understand the differences and what the benefits and limitations of each one are. This is a big decision, and, while it is possible to migrate your blog to a different platform and host at a later date, it is quite a stressful and time-consuming process to carry out.

Creating Great Content

The reason that your readers will visit your site is for your content. You need to regularly create great content. Try and stick to a schedule so that you are posting to a reasonable frequency. Many sites will posts a couple of times a day. You don’t have to post each day, however, if you are going to post six or seven posts all at once, and then not update the site for a month or so, this is not going to do you any favours when it comes to building repeat readerships. If your readers know that they can expect new content on a regular basis, it will keep you fresh in their minds.

Make sure that your posts are of a reasonable length. The bare minimum a blog post should ever be is 300 words, however, longer-form content often fares well, so aim to write posts that are much higher in their word counts.

Include a striking image with your post and a catchy title. You need to bring your readers in any way that you can.

Monetizing Your Content

When you have a reasonably large readership, you should be able to start earning money from your blog. There are many ways that you can do this, though affiliate marketing is one of the most popular. The way that affiliate marketing works is that you will insert a link to a product or service in your blog. This will act as a recommendation to your readers, and, if anyone signs up or buys whatever the link is offering, you can earn a commission.

Remember, if you are using affiliate marketing on your blog, you need to be perfectly clear that you are earning money from the links that you are sharing. Create a disclaimer or disclosure page on your site and make sure and link it on any relevant posts that use this type of affiliate link.

You could also monetize your blog by using adverts, or by selling paid content such as eBooks, or by offering up your services as a consultant in your area of expertise, or as a content writer.


Your blog needs readers. You can obtain these by sharing your posts on social media. Create social media profiles and build up a strong following on as many platforms as possible. Engage with your followers and make sure that they are engaging with your content.

Social media promotion is a vital way of generating visitors to your site, and you need to do everything that you can to build up relationships. The bigger your following, the wider your reach.

Search Engine Optimization

An area that all bloggers need to learn about and understand is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO involves getting your website as high in the internet search engine rankings as possible. If you are not in the first few results on any relevant search, then your site won’t be found by people looking at Google.

SEO is a wide subject that covers everything from inserting relevant keywords in the right places in your content, through to building up a web of links between all of your pages. By inserting a link back to relevant content elsewhere on your blog, you will be helping to optimize your website. You should also include links to other sites, and try and get your site linked to from as many external sites as possible.

The Importance of Healthcare Marketing for Your Medical Business

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, The Importance of Healthcare Marketing for Your Medical Business

Do you have a thorough marketing plan in place for your medical organization?

Are you missing out on the benefits of healthcare marketing?

If you’re not treating your medical organization like a business and putting serious effort into promoting your services, you’re making a mistake. You need to do everything you can to get the word out about your healthcare practice if you want to get more patients and form great relationships with the ones you already have.

Luckily, we’re here for you. Below we’ll tell you about the top reasons you should have a solid healthcare marketing strategy for your medical business.

1. Reach More People

One of the top reasons you need healthcare marketing is that it helps you to expand your reach and build more brand awareness.

Like with any other company or business, it’s also important to build the brand of a healthcare organization as well. Marketing a clinic will allow you to cultivate your brand image and more potential patients will know about the type of care you offer.

Having a great healthcare marketing strategy is essential for expanding your reach and ensuring your medical business has a great local reputation.

2. Build Stronger Relationships

Creating a marketing plan for your practice will not only help you to get new patients. It can help you stay connected with the ones you already have as well.

Ideally, your patients won’t need your services too often, but if they do, it’s important that you’re at the top of their minds.

Be sure you’re marketing your medical business not only to potential new patients but also to previous patients as well. By doing so, you’ll ensure that your practice helps as many people as possible.

3. Educate Your Patients

Patient education is also essential for building a strong practice or organization. Part of your marketing plan should include creating educational content and informing patients how to better take care of themselves, their general health, and any specific conditions they have.

The better educated your patients are the easier they’ll be to care for and the more likely they’ll be to come back if they notice issues with their health.

4. Patients Will Do Their Research

These days, patients will do a lot of research first before deciding to visit your practice or healthcare organization. Healthcare marketing can help you to craft your image and will help ensure patients find the most useful information online.

Creating a great marketing plan, ensuring your website is filled with useful information, and managing your online reputation will make it more likely that patients will make the decision to use your services.

5. Ensure Great Word-of-Mouth

It’s important that you realize the importance of building a great reputation both on and offline. These days many people will pay attention to online reviews when deciding whether to visit your practice or not.

A great marketing plan and online reputation management tactics can help you to improve your reputation. This will help ensure that bad feedback isn’t scaring potential patients away.

Recognizing the Importance of Healthcare Marketing

There are many more benefits than those listed above, but by now you should be starting to realize the importance of healthcare marketing.

While your main goal may be to help people you still need to treat your organization as a business. Marketing your organization effectively is essential for getting great patients and doing the best you can for those who need your services.

Looking for more marketing tips and ideas for medical businesses? Start exploring our blog now to find more useful advice and insights.



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