
How To Get Started On Your Blogging Journey

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, How To Get Started On Your Blogging Journey

Blogging can be many things to many different people. To some, it is a hobby. They can talk happily about the subjects that interest them, and engage with like-minded individuals who also feel a passion for the same topic. For others, blogging is a side-line, a great way of earning money alongside your regular income. Many people, however, can turn their blogs into their full-time jobs and earn a lucrative income from the content that they create. Businesses will also use blogs to fantastic effect as a way of raising awareness of their own brands. It is important to never underestimate the potential of blogging.

If you have ever thought about blogging, you should understand that with the right amount of effort, and with great content,  it is possible to create a successful blog that will be ready by countless people, while generating you a reasonable, if not, substantial income.

But if you don’t know your WordPress, from your Yoast, or your affiliate marketing from your search engine optimization, here is some great advice to get you started on your very own blogging journey.

Pick A Niche

You will have a few decisions to make early on in your life as a blogger. The first one is to decide on the niche that you will write in. You might be able to write confidently and inspiringly in a number of subjects, and if you can do this, and link them all together, you can cover a range of topics on your blog. Generally, readers will have an interest in a specific niche, and if your blog covers too big a range of topics it can get confusing. Stick to the areas that you are the most knowledgable and passionate in. Make sure you pick a subject that you have enough milage in, you will need to write about this on most days for a very long time to come.

Pick Your Platform

There are lots of different blogging platforms out there. Some will host your site on their servers, and in others, such as, you will need to buy for your own hosting from a company such as Bluehost.

Read all about the various platforms that are available and try and understand the differences and what the benefits and limitations of each one are. This is a big decision, and, while it is possible to migrate your blog to a different platform and host at a later date, it is quite a stressful and time-consuming process to carry out.

Creating Great Content

The reason that your readers will visit your site is for your content. You need to regularly create great content. Try and stick to a schedule so that you are posting to a reasonable frequency. Many sites will posts a couple of times a day. You don’t have to post each day, however, if you are going to post six or seven posts all at once, and then not update the site for a month or so, this is not going to do you any favours when it comes to building repeat readerships. If your readers know that they can expect new content on a regular basis, it will keep you fresh in their minds.

Make sure that your posts are of a reasonable length. The bare minimum a blog post should ever be is 300 words, however, longer-form content often fares well, so aim to write posts that are much higher in their word counts.

Include a striking image with your post and a catchy title. You need to bring your readers in any way that you can.

Monetizing Your Content

When you have a reasonably large readership, you should be able to start earning money from your blog. There are many ways that you can do this, though affiliate marketing is one of the most popular. The way that affiliate marketing works is that you will insert a link to a product or service in your blog. This will act as a recommendation to your readers, and, if anyone signs up or buys whatever the link is offering, you can earn a commission.

Remember, if you are using affiliate marketing on your blog, you need to be perfectly clear that you are earning money from the links that you are sharing. Create a disclaimer or disclosure page on your site and make sure and link it on any relevant posts that use this type of affiliate link.

You could also monetize your blog by using adverts, or by selling paid content such as eBooks, or by offering up your services as a consultant in your area of expertise, or as a content writer.


Your blog needs readers. You can obtain these by sharing your posts on social media. Create social media profiles and build up a strong following on as many platforms as possible. Engage with your followers and make sure that they are engaging with your content.

Social media promotion is a vital way of generating visitors to your site, and you need to do everything that you can to build up relationships. The bigger your following, the wider your reach.

Search Engine Optimization

An area that all bloggers need to learn about and understand is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO involves getting your website as high in the internet search engine rankings as possible. If you are not in the first few results on any relevant search, then your site won’t be found by people looking at Google.

SEO is a wide subject that covers everything from inserting relevant keywords in the right places in your content, through to building up a web of links between all of your pages. By inserting a link back to relevant content elsewhere on your blog, you will be helping to optimize your website. You should also include links to other sites, and try and get your site linked to from as many external sites as possible.

The Importance of Healthcare Marketing for Your Medical Business

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, The Importance of Healthcare Marketing for Your Medical Business

Do you have a thorough marketing plan in place for your medical organization?

Are you missing out on the benefits of healthcare marketing?

If you’re not treating your medical organization like a business and putting serious effort into promoting your services, you’re making a mistake. You need to do everything you can to get the word out about your healthcare practice if you want to get more patients and form great relationships with the ones you already have.

Luckily, we’re here for you. Below we’ll tell you about the top reasons you should have a solid healthcare marketing strategy for your medical business.

1. Reach More People

One of the top reasons you need healthcare marketing is that it helps you to expand your reach and build more brand awareness.

Like with any other company or business, it’s also important to build the brand of a healthcare organization as well. Marketing a clinic will allow you to cultivate your brand image and more potential patients will know about the type of care you offer.

Having a great healthcare marketing strategy is essential for expanding your reach and ensuring your medical business has a great local reputation.

2. Build Stronger Relationships

Creating a marketing plan for your practice will not only help you to get new patients. It can help you stay connected with the ones you already have as well.

Ideally, your patients won’t need your services too often, but if they do, it’s important that you’re at the top of their minds.

Be sure you’re marketing your medical business not only to potential new patients but also to previous patients as well. By doing so, you’ll ensure that your practice helps as many people as possible.

3. Educate Your Patients

Patient education is also essential for building a strong practice or organization. Part of your marketing plan should include creating educational content and informing patients how to better take care of themselves, their general health, and any specific conditions they have.

The better educated your patients are the easier they’ll be to care for and the more likely they’ll be to come back if they notice issues with their health.

4. Patients Will Do Their Research

These days, patients will do a lot of research first before deciding to visit your practice or healthcare organization. Healthcare marketing can help you to craft your image and will help ensure patients find the most useful information online.

Creating a great marketing plan, ensuring your website is filled with useful information, and managing your online reputation will make it more likely that patients will make the decision to use your services.

5. Ensure Great Word-of-Mouth

It’s important that you realize the importance of building a great reputation both on and offline. These days many people will pay attention to online reviews when deciding whether to visit your practice or not.

A great marketing plan and online reputation management tactics can help you to improve your reputation. This will help ensure that bad feedback isn’t scaring potential patients away.

Recognizing the Importance of Healthcare Marketing

There are many more benefits than those listed above, but by now you should be starting to realize the importance of healthcare marketing.

While your main goal may be to help people you still need to treat your organization as a business. Marketing your organization effectively is essential for getting great patients and doing the best you can for those who need your services.

Looking for more marketing tips and ideas for medical businesses? Start exploring our blog now to find more useful advice and insights.


Key Areas To Focus On When Starting A Manufacturing Business

StrategyDriven Starting Your Business Article | Key Areas To Focus On When Starting A Manufacturing BusinessThe manufacturing industry is one which is always in demand, so it is easy to see why so many entrepreneurs look to start a business here. Manufacturing can also be a complex industry to work in and highly competitive, so success is not as straightforward as it may seem, especially when you consider how hard it is to compete with the much larger manufacturers.

This is why it is so important to focus on the right areas when you first start out so that you can hit the ground running and find some success early on.

Market Research

Much like with any new business venture, the first stage will involve thorough research. This will help you to determine if it is a viable business idea, which sector you should operate in, who your competitors are and who your target customer is.

Business Plan

With this information, you can then create a detailed business plan which will act as a blueprint to your success and guide you through the early stages of the startup. In addition to this, a business plan will also be important for securing funding which will be crucial for getting the operation up and running to a high standard.

Premises & Location

Manufacturing operations often require a lot of space so you need to find suitable premises that will allow your team to work safely each day. In addition to being a large enough space, this should also be somewhere that is easy to access with plenty of parking so that staff and suppliers can easily reach the site each day.

High Quality Equipment

High-quality equipment is essential for any manufacturing business so that you can create products of the highest standard. For those working with liquids, this is likely to include float switches designed by a specialist, so that you are able to increase productivity and allow staff to work to a high level each day.


Following on from this, you also need to make sure that you take the time with recruitment as it will be impossible to succeed without a skilled and hardworking workforce. A good way to keep costs down is to outsource certain areas of the business, but for the key parts of the operation you need to find the right people for the job and keep them happy in their role.


It is important to start marketing your manufacturing company early so that as many people are aware of your business as possible from day one. As previously mentioned, it can be hard to compete in this industry, which is why marketing is so important and also why you should use the services of an experienced agency to raise awareness about your new business.

Focus on these areas when starting a manufacturing company and it should pave the way for future success, as well as help you to hit the ground running in what can be a challenging industry to succeed in.


Why Is Manufacturing So Hard to Master?

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article | Why Is Manufacturing So Hard to Master?Manufacturing is something that trips up a lot of smaller and medium sized businesses. Many feel that they’d prefer to keep their production in house rather than outsource to another company due to costs and control issues- but are put off due to it being such a mammoth task. What exactly do you need to know when it comes to manufacturing, and is it really out of reach for smaller and medium sized companies?

Getting set up

Whether manufacturing your own products will be a possibility will mainly depend on what you want to make and what your budget is. If your business makes complex items  such as electronics which require a lot of technology and specialist manpower then you might struggle. For other companies, it might not be too difficult to source and run the machines you need, even if you have to buy second hand. Some of the practicalities you will need to consider is where your plant will be based, and whether you can source skilled workers to run things. If you’re able to do this, then manufacturing might well be in reach for you.

The costs

One of the major roadblocks for SMBs looking to manufacture their own products is the costs of getting set up can be incredibly high. You’ll need factory and warehousing space, equipment, materials and staff. However, if you’re able to make this work, once you’re up and running it’s worth knowing that you will save more in the long run compared with outsourcing. So if you’re in it for the long haul when it comes to your business, and you have a product which is selling well, taking out loans to cover the startup costs could well be worth doing as it will pay off for you long term. Just be sure to get your finances right, you need to ensure you’re able to cover the costs of borrowing money as if things spiral out of control it could easily lead to bankruptcy. Spend some time sitting down and crunching the numbers, find out if it’s worth it for you.

Health and safety

Any workplace comes with risks, even in a shop or office employees can suffer slips and trips which can be disastrous if it was a result of your neglect. However, when you’re running a manufacturing plant, there are many more risks of accidents and injuries due to the nature of the workplace- from heavy machinery being in operation, vehicles like forklifts going back and forth and powerful equipment such as drills and saws being used, it makes things much more risky. For this reason, you need to take health and safety incredibly seriously and make sure that you’re insured correctly. Everyone should be properly trained and qualified and wearing the right equipment. If not and someone is hurt, you’ll end up with a personal injury law firm on your case, seeking the compensation your employee will be entitled to.

Have you ever considered manufacturing in your SMB?

Deftly Walking Through the Minefield of Business Error

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The pursuits of business can sometimes feel a little like pot luck, as it’s not always completely predictable just what will define our success and what may delay it. Of course, that’s the gamble we all take when launching a business, but there are measures we can partake in to reduce that gambling potential. For instance, staying on good terms with our customers and clients, using honest promotional tactics, acting with integrity in honoring our business arrangements, and treating our staff well will almost always be a set of positive influences on our brand, and if not, you’ve unfortunately experienced some terrible luck.

That being said, deftly walking through the minefield of business error is not always so easy. For that we need to continually refine ourselves, learn from the goings-on around us and staying abreast of all developments in our industry. To that end, we’re sure to approximate the best forward solution.

But how do we get started as far as this is concerned? Might it be worth considering our vital role in this going forward? With that in mind, let us consider the following advice:

Your Staff Are Ambassadors

Your staff are ambassadors of your firm, regardless of if they willingly fill that role or not. Their activities on social media, how they drive in your company car, how they speak to clients on the phone, all of it is included in the overall perception of your company. It’s important to make them aware of this, and to train them in the best social media or public facing policies and practices you hold. Additionally, reserving the right to discipline or terminate employment based on if these requirements have been ignored can also be a worthwhile means of distancing yourself from bad behavior.

Your Legal Standing

It’s essential to ensure your legal standing is perfect, from hiring the best accountant to establish your tax contributions, to using legal services to help in setting up a corporation, especially knowing the difference between S-Cop and C-Corp options can be vital. Protecting yourself through the hiring policy that allows candidates to submit to best practice, and ensuring your safety protocols and policies are watertight before permitting staff to exercise dangerous tasks, perhaps in your manufacturing line, is crucial to covering your back, and ultimately protecting everyone involved in your business approach.

Promotional Blunders

It’s also important to consider protecting yourself against promotional blunders. Revise your marketing strategy to ensure it will not offend, or will not promise over the mark. Additionally, ensure that with any business marketing strategy that you’re completely clear about what it is consumers can expect, what your privacy policy will be, and what you require from them for using your services. Do not hide charges, or market towards one group of people, as you can never tell just who might be interested in your brand. When you focus on that, you’ll ensure most of your promotional blunders are cared for.

With this advice, we hope you can deftly walk through the minefield of business error.