A one-of-a-kind website is essential for impressing your target audience. Keep in mind that it is thanks to an audience that the goods and services your business offers are used.
Without an online presence, no one will know about your company’s mission, and nor will you stand to make any profit as a result of it. Thus, you need to have a website that allows you to market your brand properly, and leaves a strong impression on anyone that finds it.
The very first step is to hire individuals who are experts in web design and development. Moreover, you want to guarantee that it is user-friendly so that people can easily navigate it, and lastly remain consistent with the branding you set up for it. All of these tips will be further explained below.
With professional assistance
There are expert web designers for a reason, and they know exactly how to help you put together the ultimate website for your brand. There is no need to spend countless hours learning how to do it yourself from scratch.
You should also keep in mind there are certain agencies and individuals who specialize in your niche company needs. After all, if you are looking to grow your charity’s website, you want the assistance of a reputable company such as Charity Box, that knows exactly how to grow your specific brand.
Everything from the development and up-keep assistance can be tied back to hiring the best professionals for the task. More so, given that they are already knowledgeable on the subject, they have a good understanding over what has and has not worked for other companies in the past, and can reduce the amount of trial and error that you have to go through.
Ensure it is user-friendly
Is your website user-friendly? This can include the following factors:
Easy to navigate
Clear layout
Readable text
Simple payment methods
Imagine that an individual starts to browse your website, but they have a hard time understanding what you do. It could be that the layout is jumbled and disorganized, the text itself isn’t clear, among many other factors. Company reputation is important, and if people can’t spend more than 5 seconds on your site, you need to re-evaluate everything you put together thus far.
Remain consistent with your branding
Remaining consistent is also crucial to build stronger relations with your audience. Once enough time and marketing effort have been put into growing your company, people will start to recognize you even by simply seeing your business logo.
It is incredibly important that you don’t change courses out of the blue with your branding, as this will only confuse people and further ruin the relationship you built with them. All in all, your brand will suffer if you are not careful.
Remember, when you impress your target audience, you are also strengthening the relationship with those individuals. They will be so impressed with your content, that they will continue visiting your website to check for updates. You also want them to spread the word about your company, and the only way you can do this is if you create an online presence that is buzz-worthy.
https://www.strategydriven.com/wp-content/uploads/AcerLaptop.jpg7981200StrategyDrivenhttps://www.strategydriven.com/wp-content/uploads/SDELogo5-300x70-300x70.pngStrategyDriven2019-01-03 16:00:122019-01-04 12:40:43How To Create A Website That Will Impress Your Target Audience
Boosting your website’s performance needs to be your number one priority. Without a great site, all of your digital marketing efforts will be for naught. Imagine, as a user, you see an ad on Instagram. You are interested, click it, and are directed to a website that fails to meet your trust factors. Perhaps it doesn’t work on mobile, or perhaps its design is old and outdated, making it difficult to navigate. There are many different trust factors that online users rely on nowadays before they buy from a new company online.
Boosting your website’s performance isn’t rocket science, but it does need to implemented well and to the best of your ability. You need to ensure your website is secure, that its information is correct, and that downtime is limited. Users do not want to be made a fool of, so ensure your website is up to code. To show them your site can be trusted you need to improve your site and its digital presence.
Understand How Users Are Interacting with It
Google analytics or other tracking tools can be incredibly useful in determining where the problem areas of your website are. A high bounce rate indicates that your homepage or perhaps your PPC marketing strategy are in some way failing. A less than impressive home page can have people click off before they even see your product lists, whereas a misguided PPC strategy can have people who don’t want your site click on your ads.
Conduct an SEO Audit
Understanding how users are engaging with your site will help you address the key problem areas first, but that doesn’t mean you should ever stop there. Go through and conduct a full website or SEO audit to clean up your website, ensure there are no broken links, unnecessary redirects, or now black-listed SEO tactics on your site.
Commit to a Strong Content Strategy
Content is king because it is how customers can engage your website in more ways than just scrolling through your product or services pages. It is how you can become a true resource to your customers, and how you can attract new, organic traffic streams.
Create content that is effective and useful to your audience. Post it on your company blog but also across social media. Keep to a consistent plan, such as uploading a weekly blog post every Tuesday, for instance, and make your content interactive.
Hire an SEO Agency
Auditing your website is step one. It is essential if you want any future digital marketing tactics to work well, because if your site isn’t looking great then getting people to your site will result in nothing more than a high bounce rate. If your site needs a huge overhaul, however, it is wise to hire an Austin SEO agency like Creatif Digital that can help improve your site’s design, SEO, and then work with you to bring more organic traffic to your site through search rankings and PPC marketing.
Your website needs to be perfect, because if there is any hitch in its performance, you can turn away a potential customer in a second. Go through and remove any problem areas, improve it with SEO and content in mind, and know your limits. If you don’t have the resources or skill needed to do this, hire a company who can make these improvements for you.
https://www.strategydriven.com/wp-content/uploads/pexels-photo-1029757.jpeg8381280StrategyDrivenhttps://www.strategydriven.com/wp-content/uploads/SDELogo5-300x70-300x70.pngStrategyDriven2018-12-29 11:00:072020-10-17 20:54:27The Strategy Driven Guide to Boosting Your Website’s Performance
The majority of us become employees when we head into the world of work. This makes sense. From a young age, we are asked what we want to be when we grow up and are given ideas of different employed positions, no matter how outrageous or unlikely they might be – footballer, ballet dancer, fire fighter. When we head to school we are encouraged to get qualifications to show off on our CVs rather than the focus being placed primarily on the actual skills that we pick up along the way. This makes sense. Being employed makes for a relatively comfortable lifestyle. You have contracted hours, guaranteed pay, annual leave, and other privileges. However, it’s not necessarily the best option for all of us. There are alternative career paths out there and one of the best tends to be setting up your own business. Setting up your own business means becoming your own boss and determining exactly what direction your company will take. You can specialise in the area that you like and keep the majority of your profits for yourself – nobody else will be getting rich from your hard work. But where can you start on this journey? Well, one of the most lucrative areas to get involved in is retail. So, let’s start there!
Creating an Appealing Product
When you get involved in retail, you are going to have to provide the market with an appealing product. You need to come up with something that people are willing to part with their hard earned cash for! This is going to be a long and arduous process, but once you have a final product, all of the effort will be worth it. Identify a gap in the market, think up something that can fill it, and conduct a little market research to determine whether consumers would be interested in what you’ve come up with. If you get the go ahead, you can manufacture the product and bring it to reality!
Ecommerce vs. Brick and Mortar
The next decision that you need to make is how you are going to sell your products – you need a base where customers can find you and process sales. The main decision is ecommerce vs. brick and mortar. Now, Ecommerce is appealing for various reasons:
Cheaper to Setup – to set up an ecommerce store you only really need the help of a web designer and a product photographer. You could also call in a writer to come up with your captions, blog posts, and other written material. This is consequently extremely low cost.
Cheaper Operation – once you’ve setup, operating online is cheaper to run in general. You don’t have to fork out for commercial property, you don’t have to fork out for commercial overheads, and you don’t require as many staff.
Round the Clock Operation – the web doesn’t have opening and closing areas, meaning that consumers can browse your products and make purchases at all hours of the day and night!
Brick and mortar stores, however, have their own individual set of benefits and you can run an online store at the same time as running them!
Better Customer Service – you can interact with your customers and potential buyers on a face to face basis, answering questions more easily.
Fewer Returns and Exchanges – when customers can see and try out what they’re buying before handing over cash, you are less likely to receive return requests and exchange requests. This saves you money!
Setting Up
Furnishing Your Store
You will need furnishings to display your stock effectively. These can include shelves, rails, and other display units. Employ a merchandiser who will be able to give you advice on what types of display equipment will make your store look the most aesthetically pleasing and navigable.
Limiting Movement to Restricted Areas
If there are areas of your commercial property where you don’t want members of the public roaming, you are going to have to take steps to ensure that nobody trespasses. There are different methods that you can use to achieve this. If there are doors that lead to areas with confidential information, staff belongings, or stock, you can place signs on the doors that read “staff only”. If you are worried that people will ignore these warnings, you can add coded locks – permitted individuals can key in the code or scan a registered card to pass through. If there are outdoor areas that need to have limited access, you could make use of used sucker rods to create barriers and fences.
Using Signage Appropriately
Health and safety needs to reign supreme in your commercial property. If there are aspects of the space that pose a risk to people, but cannot be changed, you need to use signage appropriately. If there’s an unexpected step, you will need to make sure that it is highlighted and that there’s a sign warning people of its presence. If there are low ceilings, you need to do the same. You should also use signage to indicate fire exits and fire safety protocol. Then you should invest in temporary signs, such as signs for wet floors.
While Ecommerce may be appealing, remember that you can engage with this alongside your brick and mortar company. Hopefully, the above information will help you to set up a brick and mortar business effectively.
https://www.strategydriven.com/wp-content/uploads/dark-light-neon-109998.jpg8001200StrategyDrivenhttps://www.strategydriven.com/wp-content/uploads/SDELogo5-300x70-300x70.pngStrategyDriven2018-12-28 16:00:432018-12-28 12:15:53Setting Up a Brick and Mortar Business from Scratch
No matter who the entrepreneur is or what industry a particular company is in, the overarching goal for a business venture is for it to be successful. If you are currently in the process of starting your company from scratch, there are a few factors that you must keep in mind as you are setting up the groundwork for it.
For starters, the employees are the individuals that make up the business. Thus, if you want high-quality work to be completed at the end of each day, you need to hire individuals that are good at what they do. Next, it is important to craft the perfect brand message, in order to be acknowledged and recognizable by the general public. You will need to maintain your finances, understand your audience, and all in all stick to your business goals no matter what.
Hiring the best employees
Great employees make the business great, and you must make a point of hiring the best as a result of this. Look for people who are experts in their particular field, but also have other attributes that make them a great fit within the larger team.
Craft the brand message
To develop your brand message, you will need to determine what it is you want to achieve with it. What tone best fits your brand? Remember to keep your target audience in mind as you are developing it, as well.
Maintaining finances
Without financial stability, there is no company to begin with. You must always think of new ways to fund your business. Some options for getting the money are through:
Friends or family
Understanding the key audience
Every single company has products or services that are aimed at a particular group in society. This is your target audience, and you need to properly understand and target them if you want to make profit.
Having a strong online presence, both with your website and social media usage, is one way that you can communicate with them. Of course, you will also need to do the proper market research on what it is they will use, based on their everyday habits, and that is where the help of a software development company will come in handy. They can help you conduct the necessary research and collect the data on your audience, in addition to helping you build up the perfect online presence with your website design. Getting expert advice in order to properly grow your business and using the technological tools at your disposal will always benefit you.
Stick to your business goals
No matter what business goals you set up for yourself, never lose sight of them. Consistently work towards making more profit, for instance, and every single new strategy or campaign that you devise should keep this in mind.
Consider the steps that you are taking in order to prepare your business for success, and never forget the big-picture goals. You will not achieve the results you want in the span of a few weeks, or even a few months, but the more you continue to understand the market in which you operate and spread the word about what it is you are doing, the closer you are to becoming widely recognized and used by people.
https://www.strategydriven.com/wp-content/uploads/dec-28.jpg8671200StrategyDrivenhttps://www.strategydriven.com/wp-content/uploads/SDELogo5-300x70-300x70.pngStrategyDriven2018-12-28 11:00:102018-12-28 11:51:45How To Prepare Your New Business For Success
As an entrepreneur, learning to navigate the business landscape can be tricky, especially if it is your first time starting a business. Learning the hard way is never advised if you can absorb the lessons of those who have sailed into the business world before you. However, as an entrepreneur, you may be facing greater risks than normal that can potentially become snares on the path to success. Consider these seven pitfalls to avoid if you want your company to flourish.
Not Setting Clear Goals
A business owner who does not take the time to set clear goals and objectives will travel in many different directions, and is more likely to waste time, money, and effort in the process. Avoid making the mistake of “winging it” as you go, or you may find yourself nowhere fast, or moving in unprofitable circles. Not setting logical, measurable goals can result in great frustration and disorder. Goals and objectives serve as a way to determine whether or not the company is making meaningful progress. Without goals, it is far more difficult for employees to meet quality standards, and for CEOs to make intelligent decisions on behalf of the business. Making your goals too general, or creating unreasonable, elusive aims can leave you and your employees wondering whether the company is sailing forward, or stagnant at sea.
Not Performing Market Research
Many individuals may brainstorm what they believe is a great business idea, but it is a mistake to avoid performing thorough market research before launching any type of business. By understanding the intended industry you plan to break into, you can make more strategic moves to obtain higher influence and more customers while blazing a trail to success. Selecting an oversaturated market can also make it far more difficult for your business to excel, so it is recommended to pick a niche market that you can dominate in.
Not Defining Your Target Market
A business that intends to serve everyone often ends up serving nobody well. It is crucial to focus on a target audience as an entrepreneur. The Small Business Chronicle declares that any company that lacks a target audience can have haphazard promotion strategies, severe budget issues, ineffective consumer tracking, and poor site traffic and conversions. If you know who is a part of your target audience, then you can invest in marketing, omni-channel advertising, and product research and development accordingly.
Not Having Adequate Capital
Ensuring that you have enough financial resources to launch and keep the doors of your business open is wise. It is critical for business owners to secure enough capital to execute operations,obtain efficient, industry software and equipment, and to compensate employees (if you have them). As a small business owner, you can get a loan to help meet fundamental financial needs required to launching and maintaining your business. With a combination of personal funding, loan monies, and funds from investors, you can successfully fuel your small business.
Not Following a Solid Budget Plan
Having money at your disposal is not enough. Acting without a detailed budget plan for your company is reckless and can lead to a significant waste of resources. The Small Business Administration reports that about half of small businesses survive the first five years, but only a third make it past the 10-year mark. Business failure is often a result of the lack of financial resources. CEOs that are too eager to launch without being prepared for both fundamental and unexpected expenses are often stricken by surprise. It is not unusual for a small business to make little to no profit during the establishment stage, so your access to financial resources must be secure until you can generate a steady profit.
Not Creating an Online Presence
Billions of people browse the internet daily, and a huge number access social media platforms every day. If you want to launch a successful business, you cannot underestimate the power of an attractive online presence and reputation. In addition to creating an excellent website that is easy for visitors to navigate, your site and sales funnels must be mobile-optimized for stronger search engine optimization (SEO). Forbes suggests that your site should be mobile-optimized to rank higher in search engines and to cater to the growing mass of mobile users.
Integrating social media marketing into your company’s marketing plan is fundamental to expand your reach to any target audience. Tons of consumers regularly use social media to interact with friends, family, coworker, and strangers, and they are often glad to share their experiences and review companies that they deal with. The Pew Research Center reports that nearly 90% of 18- to 29-year-olds use social media, nearly 80% of people aged 30 to 49, and about 64% of people aged 50 to 64. If your company builds a significant online presence and maximizes it through social media, you can obtain widespread exposure for your brand, and boost your sales significantly.
Not Selecting the Right Partner
One serious pitfall that business owners must avoid is selecting a terrible partner to go into business with. Giving up too much equity too soon with a bad partner is a move that an entrepreneur can live to regret. Although the excitement of launching a business with someone to assist you may seem like a good idea, if you end up at odds and ends with your partner, it will likely cost you in an expensive separation. However, selecting the ideal partner that possesses strong industry knowledge, passion, and is fully committed to the company mission is a true advantage. When you are feeling anxious, your partner can provide encouragement and offer solid advice and direction. Entrepreneur suggests that selecting someone who complements your strengths and weaknesses and shares your vision for the company is key.
Achieving success in a business does not occur by chance, but it is often the result of extensive preparation, deep work, compatible partnerships, and strategic execution. Creating a detailed business plan is the first major step to take to sail towards success in any industry. Having a mission that resonates with your values and the type of brand that you desire to represent to the world is essential for becoming fruitful in entrepreneurship. Small business owners that do not heed the warnings may find themselves out of business and in debt within the first few years. If you cover all of the bases and avoid dangerous pitfalls in your business, you can attain excellence on your journey.
https://www.strategydriven.com/wp-content/uploads/office-pen-calculator-computation-163032.jpeg8751280StrategyDrivenhttps://www.strategydriven.com/wp-content/uploads/SDELogo5-300x70-300x70.pngStrategyDriven2018-12-27 16:00:112018-12-27 15:45:25Navigating the Seas of Entrepreneurship: 7 Pitfalls You Need to Avoid as a Small Business Owner