
Some Of The Best Insurance Tips To Help Manage Construction Risk

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article |Insurance tips|Some Of The Best Insurance Tips To Help Manage Construction RiskConstruction always has risk attached to it. This is true with any kind of construction. Because of this, the risks need to be effectively managed. The most common and perhaps best way is by getting Advantage Insurance. Here are some of the best tips to help with this.


1. Contract

The construction contract is the number one thing that needs to be ironclad for better risk management. Everything in the contract needs to detail the plan. The contract and its related documents should have the risk allocation plan in them. This includes any insured provisions, exculpation, and indemnity clauses.

2. Builder’s Risk Insurance

This insurance is very important. This type of insurance can be purchased with a much more broad policy that doesn’t have to be overly expensive. With this insurance in place, you can protect yourself from any potential damage that incurs on the site or any lost profits from various problems that could crop up.

3. Don’t Buy Insurance Coverage Unless Necessary

You will want to ensure that you are hiring an experienced and knowledgeable broker. Find someone that has direct experience working with these types of projects. You want someone that has direct knowledge of the work that’s to be done. Someone with experience will know the right questions to ask and they will know how to minimize risk. You will find that some insurance isn’t necessary for specific projects. You want to figure out what insurance is needed and why it’s needed for each project you do. Try not to assume anything on your own. If you don’t know, then you don’t know. You don’t want to purchase insurance if it’s not going to help. You want to save your money for when insurance can help.

4. Read The Policy

Don’t make the mistake of not looking over the policy. You want to read the policy right when you get it. Reading the policy and going over it will help you figure out what it covers and what it doesn’t. There is no substitute for reading it. You need to do the legwork to ensure that you know what you are getting into. You cannot rely on the certificate. You need to read the policy yourself and try to comprehend what it entails. Anyone that is a policyholder needs to know what they are signing up for. You want to read it as soon as possible and reject it if the terms aren’t to your liking. You want to ensure that the policy matches what you were told.

5. Mind Your Prepositions

There was at least one court that ended up ruling that a blanket additional insured endorsement did not necessarily extend the coverage to someone who was a prime contractor of the project. This is true even though the holder of the policy agreed to extend the coverage within the contract itself. They even issued a certificate of insurance showcasing that there was mutually agreed insurance in place. The court ruled that the prime contractor is a legal entity to whom the holder agreed to extend coverage, but it didn’t meet the legal “with whom” requirement that was set forth within the policy.

6. Be Crystal Clear About Who Qualifies As “Another Party”

The majority of CGL insurance policies don’t offer coverage for contract-based claims. The exception is where the claim comes out of an “insured contract” agreement. This is an agreement where the holder of the policy assumed the liability of “another party” to pay for any resulting property damage or personal injury to someone deemed a third party. Some courts have narrowed the view of what qualifies as “another party.” This is typically used as an exception in a contract and it’s usually limited to the holder’s contractual counter-party. This ends up excluding the insurance coverage for a GC’s liability to the owner coming from any third-party negligence. This is true even though the GC assumed the liability in the original contract. This is a situation that should be handled through an endorsement amending the contractual definition of “insured contract.”

7. Understand The Restrictions In Endorsements

The coverage can be restricted in numerous ways when it comes to additional insured endorsements. One of the newer changes is the limiting of how much coverage was available to those who are additional insured. There are limits in place and anyone deemed additional insured could access more significant policy limits by clearly specifying within the contract that the greater number would apply when comparing the minimum specified and the actual limits.

8. Keep An Eye On Waivers Of Subrogation

This is something that can end up relinquishing the right to recover from various losses that would normally be covered under the insurance policy. This is sometimes an action that takes place between a couple or more parties that are involved in a construction project. It’s important to be wary of these because some of the policies out there will end up penalizing the holder of the policy for waiving subrogation. You want to ensure that everyone involved is doing it properly.

9. Excess Of Wrap-Up Endorsement

This is something that can bring a lot of benefits to everyone involved. It can help with the risk management of a construction project. Contractor-controlled insurance programs or “wrap-ups” can help to minimize finger-pointing, help with cost savings, and more. However, you do need to understand the limits of wrap-ups and that they are equally shared among those involved. Thus, they may not necessarily be the best option to protect the interests of everyone involved with the construction project. A lot of the newer corporate insurance programs have some wrap-up exclusions attached. Therefore, you’ll want to speak with your hired broker to endorse your insurance program to apply excess wrap-ups if you do participate.

10. Ensure Your Risk Management Matches The Scope Of The Project

You need to ensure that your risk management is scaled properly with the project itself. Keep in mind, that the “guaranteed maximum price” is not going to be any more guaranteed than something deemed an “all-in lump sum.” The price that ends up getting paid out is always subject to expansion. It can also be subject to a reduction in some cases. You need to look at the work needed and ensure that all of the risks are mitigated. When deemed appropriate, try to transfer the risk to the insurance. You want to attempt to get “claw-back” provisions in place if the total cost of the future work insured isn’t yet known.

How You Can Supercharge Your Marketing Efforts

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article |Supercharge your marketing|How You Can Supercharge Your Marketing EffortsWhen it comes to your company’s overall performance, stepping up your marketing can make all the difference. It is not always the easiest thing to do, and it frequently calls for a good deal of change in order to get everything sorted out completely, but in the end it will be well worth it. The only thing that matters is how the results turn out. There are a number of things that you can do to improve your marketing, so keep reading for more information.

Be Open-Minded and Able

The first thing you should consider is trying something new. If your current marketing strategy isn’t working, you’ll need to reevaluate what you’ve already tried. As long as you haven’t tried anything new, or even thought about doing something new, now is the time to do it. It is impossible for things to get any worse, but there is always room for improvement.

Gather your marketing staff together, and listen to what they have to say about everything that has been going on. Introduce some novel concepts into the discussion, and then observe how things develop from there. Ensure that you are also using your own items, and you can now begin again. It is not going to be a simple process, but in the end, it will be well worth the effort.

Hire a Professional

Our next piece of advice is to enlist the assistance of a professional. It’s possible that your marketing team isn’t putting in the initiative they need to, and as a result, they’re not performing at a level that’s adequate to keep the company afloat. Bring in some outside help at the current stage of the project. For instance, you could hire a creative/marketing department that can assist you in attracting the kind of online traffic that you require. In order to bring in new clients and generate high-quality leads for your company website, this is a necessity.

Focus Can Help You Reach New Heights

As a final point of discussion, we would like to bring up the fact that you can broaden your scope by concentrating your efforts. This entails directing your marketing efforts toward certain demographic groups and speaking directly to them. Utilising the promotional strategies that you are aware will drum up the most interest from them and in which they will be the most active participant. For instance, certain demographics will interact with television advertisements a great deal more frequently than they will with social media; if this describes your newly targeted demographic, then you need to get on top of this matter as soon as humanly possible.

We hope that this article has been helpful to you, and that you now understand some of the ways in which you can improve your marketing. The outcome of your marketing, as well as the success of your company as a whole, will be drastically affected as a direct result of this. We hope that you will have success in this venture and that you will be able to raise the bar for your marketing efforts to a higher level.

10 Great Tips for a Great Night’s Sleep

StrategyDriven Practices for Professionals Article |Tips for a great night's sleep|10 Great Tips for a Great Night's SleepTip 1: Make sure your bedtime is sacred. It needs to stay the same every single day even on weekends. This will help guarantee a better night’s sleep on a consistent basis.

Tip 2: Create a routine before bed that calms you down. This could be a bath, a book, meditation, yoga, anything that lets you relax and come down from the day.

Tip 3: Cooler bedrooms are better. Make sure to bring down that temperature before throwing on the quilts.

Tip 4: No one sleeps better with noise. White noise from a fan or rain, maybe, but not from a TV, music with lyrics, etc. Get quiet in your room to sleep better.

Tip 5: If you don’t have blackout shades for the room, buy them. It’s a life-changing purchase based on what it does to sleep patterns.

Tip 6: Find the right pillow and mattress combination for you whether that’s soft, medium, or harder for more support. Sturdy bed frames are a must for a good night’s sleep.

Tip 7: Don’t eat in the 3 hours before bed.

Tip 8: Exercise regularly, but do it early in the day. A good evening walk is fine as long as it doesn’t come right up before your bedtime.

Tip 9: Limit the caffeine and try to keep it before noon.

Tip 10: Don’t underestimate the negative effects alcohol and nicotine have on your sleep.

The Metaverse and the Future of Video Production Content

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Metaverse|The Metaverse and the Future of Video Production ContentThe world has been waiting for the metaverse, an imagined virtual space where people can ?do whatever they want. The next generation of networking technology may finally give us this dream with its ability to merge our digital lives seamlessly into one cohesive reality – but at what cost?

The impact of the metaverse on the film industry is already being felt, with production companies scrambling to adapt their business models to a world where traditional distribution channels are no longer relevant. As Julian Anderson, Immersive Experience Creator and Co-Founder of Hot Dark Matter said to video production London company Ideal Insight:

“Within the Metaverse, consumers will ?enjoy films on screen or in Virtual or Augmented Reality, and may even ?interact as part of the narrative. Therefore, for films to be ‘Metaverse ready’, they will need to be produced differently.”

But this is just the beginning. Not only are the metaverse and technology advancements transforming the film industry, it is also affecting the process of video production capabilities for businesses and their marketing processes.

Let’s ?look at how this is happening.

Provision of Fully Immersive Environments for Video Content Production

As the demand for high-quality video content continues to grow, so does the need for more immersive and realistic environments in which to produce it. Traditional green screen studios have their limitations, whereas the metaverse is a fully immersive virtual world that can be used for video production.

This provides a huge advantage for the marketing department of organisations who want to push the boundaries of what is possible by promoting their products or services, and this opens up new possibilities for collaboration and creativity.

Viewers will ?step into virtual worlds and explore them at their own pace, discovering new things along the way. This could ?create interactive marketing campaigns or educational videos that allow viewers to learn in a fun and engaging way. It could also ?create immersive experiences for product launches or brand activations.

Businesses can place ads in virtual worlds and target them at specific demographics. They will also be able to use the metaverse to host paid events or charge for access to premium content.

Perhaps one day we’ll all have implants in our brains that allow us to communicate telepathically or travel through time. But for now, the metaverse is a promising new platform that has already captured some major attention-grabbing investors, including Facebook and Microsoft.

AI-Powered Content Creation

The Metaverse will also enable the development of new AI-powered content creation tools. These will help businesses to automate the production of high-quality video content, making it easier and faster to create engaging and informative videos.

As the technology matures, it is likely that these tools will become increasingly sophisticated and widely used by businesses of all sizes, leading to an enhancement in brand reputation and loyalty.

By producing high-quality video content in virtual worlds, businesses will ?create a strong emotional connection with their audience. In a world where businesses are constantly competing for attention, the metaverse provides a powerful new tool for differentiating themselves from the competition.


As businesses move away from physical locations and into virtual spaces, they will need videos to help explain what their products or services are and how they can be used. As we enter the metaverse era, don’t be surprised if video production becomes an essential part of many organisations’ marketing strategies.

The film industry is already embracing video production technology enhancements. Will other businesses embrace that and the metaverse? Time will tell.

Why Your Business Should Use Less Jargon

StrategyDriven Business Communications Article |Jargon|Why Your Business Should Use Less JargonJargon is not an uncommon sight in business materials, sales calls, and things of that nature. There are certain terms that are associated with certain business practices and most of us use them in the course of running our companies.

However, jargon that may be totally natural to us is not always so natural for our customers and clients to understand. If you use a lot of jargon in your interactions with customers, whether online or in person, you should definitely think about changing that. Here’s why:

It is alienating

If your customer does not know what various words mean, then they will find it difficult to understand what it is your product can actually do and why they might want to buy it. They will end up feeling confused and this will alienate them from your company. They will end up buying the same thing from a company that explains what their product does in plain English instead.

It’s not ideal for SEO

Search engine optimization is an important part of any modern company’s marketing strategy. Good SEO will ensure that you maximize the number of visitors to your website, and that means higher sales too.

Talk to any good SEO company and they will tell you that jargon typically does not rank well. Customers do not typically use jargon when searching for products and services, so if you do use jargon in your content, it will end up getting buried and customers will not easily be able to find you.

It’s not uniform

The jargon you use in your company may not be the same jargon another company uses in your sector, which means the customers may be used to a whole different set of jargon, and they might find it hard to see what you are talking about. By stripping out the jargon and using plain English, then, you make it easier to get your point across, whatever that point may be. It enables you to be more consistent and that is a big plus point when it comes to marketing and selling just about anything you can think of.

It can feel like a hard sell

Rightly or wrongly, when you use jargon, it can come across like you are trying to confuse and baffle your audience with big words and complicated sentences, and it can make them feel like you are going in for the hard sell by trying to impress them while also obscuring the meaning of what you are saying. Lots of customers do not like jargon, for this reason, and it is just another reason why you should think about removing it from your customer interactions more often too.

Using jargon is not necessarily something you need to eliminate completely in your customer interactions, and in some industries, especially if you are selling B2B, keeping it may be more appropriate, but it is definitely something you should think about using less for all of the reasons above if you want to maximize your sales potential.