
4 Key Things to Think About Before Starting Up a Business

StrategyDriven Starting Your Business Article |Starting a Business|4 Key Things to Think About Before Starting Up a BusinessThere are many things in life that do not require much thought or planning, from daily tasks such as washing the dishes to getting dressed; there are a lot of things people do without much consideration. However, setting up a business is very different and is a task that requires a great deal of thought and preparation. You wouldn’t get into a bath without testing the water, so why start up a business without testing its practicality?

Let’s dive right in. Here are four key things to think about before starting up a business:


One of the most important things to consider before anyone sets up a business is finance. How much money do you need to start your business? Do you need to take out a bank loan? How are you going to manage your finances? These are some of the key questions you should be thinking about before you set up a business.

If you are setting up an online business, you may not need to consider the cost of a business premise; however, you will more than likely need to consider a budget for advertising, for example.

If you are reading this and you know you struggle with numbers and organizing finances, it could be beneficial to contact an accounting firm for assistance in sorting out the figures of your business.


An important consideration is whether your business can grow. If you are sitting in a very niche market, it may be hard for you to get recognition and stand out from overly saturated markets, where bigger businesses take the stage. When you set up a business, your main goal should be growth at as low a cost as possible to maximize profits.

Here are some things you can think about when considering scalability:

  • What will be my business model?
  • Do I already have a plan?
  • What will be the strengths of my business?
  • Is there room for my business?


Setting up a business takes a severe amount of time, energy, and an extra bucket load of patience. If you are someone who struggles to find time to themselves most days and can only find an hour in the evening to relax, setting up a business might be particularly challenging, and it could become overwhelmingly stressful. It is recommended that you make sure you have time to manage and run a startup business so that you can meet its exact needs.


Before you enter any market, you should know your main competitors inside out. Your competitors are what could stop you from gaining more consumers, as established businesses will already have the traffic of your target consumer, which is why it is a task to get the consumer’s attention. You have to establish what makes your product or business different from your competitors and make this known to your target consumer. You must tell them why you are better. Simple!


As much as the thought of starting a new business venture can be exciting, it is crucial for you to understand it does not come without its challenges, and there are many aspects to a business that needs planning. Having said that, a good entrepreneur will take on a challenge. Best of luck!

4 Effective Ways to Launch Your Small Business

StrategyDriven Starting Your Business Article |Launch a Small Business|4 Effective Ways to Launch Your Small BusinessIt feels as if small businesses are popping up wherever you look, which is a welcome change from the monopoly of Big Box stores that stock just about everything you can think of. If you’ve spent the last year working on your business plan, you may be close to the big launch day. This lead-up is stressful for sure, but it’s also an exciting next step in life as long as you find the right way to launch your new venture.

Complete Your Research

No plan for launch day is complete without first completing your research. Understanding the market and what your customers want will put you in a superb position for success, and help you provide exceptional customer service that is leagues ahead of any other small business in the area. This research is also essential if there are logical competitors. You may not be concerned but stepping on toe3s, but you should focus on providing a better overall experience that serves as an alternative to what your customers know.

Drum Up Interest

No one expects a small business to go viral by drumming up interest in their product or service, but this doesn’t mean you can’t still get people interested. There is a range of marketing possibilities that can help your business stand out from the crowd, so consider both digital and traditional marketing efforts. If you want to work with established businesses, you could also think about offering taster products with their existing service. This will spread the word about your brand before launching and give you an initial base to work from.

Protect Yourself

As exciting as launching a business can be, you should also take steps to protect yourself. You need to think about risk prevention for intellectual property, and also remember that business and trading licenses are not merely recommendations, but instead necessities. The more you understand how to protect your business, the fewer roadblocks you’ll encounter. You should also consider physical ways of protecting your business, especially if you go the brick-and-mortar route. Security cameras, deadbolts, and alarms can all prevent burglaries and keep your store safe.

Work With Accelerator Programs

If you want to get all the funding and interest you need, local accelerator programs are something you must consider. While competitive, there are plenty of benefits to working with an accelerator program before launch. You can read this blog article from Treble about how effective previous programs have been, and how the cohorts have found success in whichever industry they operate. Through these accelerator programs, you get support and a financial buffer. Besides this, expert entrepreneurs can also provide crucial advice to help you manage your first year in business, giving you a better chance of success.


The run-up to launch day is going to be stressful, no one is saying any different. But, this is all part of running a small business. As long as you have everything in order before the big day, you’ll not encounter any issues during launch, and you can cement your company as one that will attract business from all over.

Give Your Startup A Great Start Online

StrategyDriven Starting Your Business Article |Startup|Give Your Startup A Great Start OnlineWhen you are setting up a new business, there are so many things that you need to be aware of in the first instance if you want to make it as successful as possible. One of the most important things that you will need to spend some time and effort on is the online side of things – your company’s presence, but also your ability to engage with people and convert their attention into sales and onward contacts. Let’s look at how you can give your startup a great start in the online world.

Build A Professional Website

The website is your major starting point, and the place that you are going to be aiming to direct people back to again and again. You need to therefore make sure that it is as professional as possible, and the best way to achieve that is to hire a professional to do it. You should absolutely be prepared to put some of your seed money towards this – as it will help to bring back plenty of revenue in the long run. A good website is going to help your business look the part online, so it is a sound investment.

Develop Your SEO

Now that you have a professional website, you are going to need to draw people’s attention to it as best as you can. All this comes down to a series of processes and methods known collectively as Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, and it’s something that is worth spending some time investing in, as it can really pay off in the long run. By hiring a good SEO company, you can expect your website to become hugely popular in the searches people carry out related to your business venture, and that will boost your visibility hugely over time.

Don’t Forget About Social Media

However you feel about social media, the fact is that it is an extremely effective marketing tool, and you would be foolish to ignore it. The main thing you can use it for, at the very least, is to provide plenty of backlinks to your website. You can also engage with customers and the general public there, and developing a brand identity which is somewhat socially aware or even just funny can really pay off very well on Twitter and Facebook and the like. Be sure to have a proper social media strategy, and dedicate someone to the task if you have the resources.

Forge Your Own Path

It’s important to bear in mind that these are just ideas, and you can achieve much more by making a point of forging your own path in some way. That means you should be unafraid to fail, if it means that you will ultimately come out better off for having tried. This is an important point that a lot of people overlook in their attempt to do all this ‘correctly’. Make sure you are doing what makes sense for your business above all. That is what is going to lead to results in the end.

5 Proven Ways to Create Eye-Catching Video for Social Media

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Video Marketing|5 Proven Ways to Create Eye-Catching Video for Social MediaWhether you have a product you want to sell or wish to reach more people on your social media, video marketing is a tried and tested method that guarantees results.

There are various challenges that the modern day content creator faces. Most social media users are overstimulated, and there are multiple brands vying for the user’s attention. So, how do you stand out when the stakes are high and the competition is tough?

In this article, we’ll talk about 5 ways you can make your video stand out among the others.

1. A Good Hook

The content of your video doesn’t matter if you don’t have a good hook. Users will only pause on your video for one or two seconds, if at all, and that’s all the time you’ll have to make them stay.

Include keyword phrases designed to catch the attention of your target audience. Create suspense or ask them a question directly that makes them pause for the answer.

And it doesn’t just end with a good hook either. Now that you have your audience’s attention, make sure to give them something that makes them glad they stayed. It could be information, or the answer to your initial question, or something that you know your target audience wanted to know in the first place.

2. Include Text

Most of the time, people watch videos on Instagram and Facebook without any sound. It hurts your brand and it hurts your engagement if your users don’t find your videos worth watching, or pause because of one reason or the other only to find that they need to turn the volume on to understand what’s being said.

Most of the time, they’ll keep scrolling. And every person who doesn’t engage with your post might be a customer lost. Adding text even gives you a unique opportunity to add some color and motion to your video.

Have the text appear and disappear from view in different ways. Maybe it pops up and out of sight in fun ways, maybe the colors of the text go well with the background and the video’s aesthetics.

3. Make a Script

It’s good to sound natural in your video- in fact, it’s probably best that you do. But that doesn’t mean that you should wing it either.

Sounding unprepared or beating around the bush in your video is something you can’t afford to do. There is a whole world of content at your viewer’s disposal that they can switch to any time, so if you don’t get right to the point and utilize every second of the video to tell them what you want to, you’ll hurt your business and brand.

4. Create a Good Looking Video

Content creators are beginning to understand the importance of visually appealing content now. People have more chances of pausing at a video they find beautiful and professional.

If you want to shoot indoors, invest in the proper lighting and some props to make your video look good. It might be a good idea to use a single colored sheet as the background to make your product or the subject of your video stand out. Make sure the colors don’t clash!

Another great idea would be to shoot outdoors. What’s stopping you from shooting at a beautiful spot in the forest or a bustling mall? Keep your brand’s identity and focus in mind, then choose the best looking option for your video.

5. Look Good!

If you’re going to be in the video yourself, make sure to look your best! Even if the video contains shots of the kitchen, living room, or just the product, you need to make sure that nothing looks sloppy or out of place.

It doesn’t serve you well to look unprofessional when you’re trying to attract people to your page- it’s the expertly made, high value and visually appealing and professional content that they’re looking for.

In the end, creating an eye-catching video is a combination of planning, good camera skills and a great location, so take your time in making it to make sure you get it right.

Quick Tips to Building a Strong Brand

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article |Building a brand|Quick Tips to Building a Strong BrandBuilding a business is undoubtedly a difficult thing to do. With all the pushes and pulls of your various responsibilities when establishing a business, it can be hard to find time to dedicate to refining and developing your brand. However, effective branding is often vital to the success of any business endeavor, and failing to keep up with the demands of building a strong brand could be fatal to your new business. What you need, then, is a way to quickly, efficiently, and effectively establish your brand without having to dedicate large amounts of time or manpower. Read on for quick tips to do this.

Refine Your Logo

Consider, if you will, the companies that you most associate with success. The chances are that a company like Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, or perhaps Google came to mind. Now, while there are doubtless a variety of factors that these companies have in common, one of the most important for our purposes is that they all have powerful and respected brands. A major element of this is their logo. When a customer sees Nike’s telltale swish or Twitter’s little blue bird, they immediately know what they’re looking at. Customer recognition is a powerful thing, as loyal and dedicated consumers can define the success of your business endeavors. One of the best ways to achieve this is through a carefully designed and implemented logo. Take the time to carefully think through how you want your brand to be perceived through the logo and think about colors, font, and how unique it will be.

Be Consistent

Once you have a well-designed and recognizable logo, one of the most important things you can do when building your brand is to be consistent. It takes 5 to 7 impressions for someone to remember a brand, and consistent and ubiquitous branding could be the key to ensuring your consumers are exposed to those impressions. There are a number of ways to improve your brand consistency. If you produce a product that consumers will use repeatedly, then you could consider investing in high-quality labeling services that would improve the presentation of your brand. Additionally, you could ensure that proper branding technique is employed in any correspondence with potential or current customers. Finally, a possibly useful way to build recognition for your brand through consistency is to be seen in support of socially important and high publicity causes.

Be Authentic

People appreciate honesty and clarity in the companies they support. In fact, 86 percent of consumers say that authenticity is important to them when choosing brands that they want to support. This means that consistency is of vital importance in the messages that you decide to align your future brand with. If your brand is aligned with a cause or ideal, then it is crucial for the future success of your business that your brand is shown to be consistent and honest in its support and dedication to said ideal. Trust is key to a brand’s success and, if you show your brand to be honest, authentic, and trustworthy, you will likely find success in building a strong and recognizable brand.