
Women Leading Women: The Future of Entrepreneurship

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Future of Entrepreneurship|Women Leading Women: The Future of EntrepreneurshipThere’s a lot of talk in corporate circles about inclusivity and empowering women in business. But why is it that so much of this talk is coming from male business leaders?

Not that there’s anything wrong with that. We need people from all walks of life leading the charge towards equal opportunities for women. But wouldn’t it be amazing if women were paving the way for more females to succeed in competitive markets?

My service-based business is women owned, women centric, and women powered. From the beginning, I have made lifting females up part of my mission and our company culture. After just a year in business, we are thriving in ways none of us thought possible. I attribute a lot of that to being surrounded by incredible women with unique ideas and perspectives, and I know that other organizations can benefit from a similar model.

I want to see more women seeking out ways to bring their fellow females along with them in their entrepreneurial journey. Instead of pushing others aside to get to the top, what if we helped each other along? I’m not talking about simply offering encouragement or mentoring, I’m talking about creating the opportunities we want to see for other women by becoming entrepreneurs who hire and give real power to other women.

Here are three ways I’ve accomplished this in my business:

1. Focus on talent.

Women tend to be hard on themselves. They don’t always believe what they are capable of, even after achieving results. It’s up to women in leadership positions to actively identify talented women and make space for them to shine.

As a young professional, I had a friend reach out and invite me to attend a prestigious aesthetician program. I was in a different industry and happy to just coast, but she saw something in me that I didn’t see in myself. This changed the trajectory of my life and directly led to me opening my own business and giving other women jobs.

My business director is a former client of mine who I saw amazing leadership skills in. She wasn’t looking for work, but seemed a little lost in the direction her life should go. I created an opportunity for her and we’re both beyond glad we took the leap.

There’s a ripple effect when women show other women their value.

2. Hire moms.

Motherhood is near and dear to my heart. I built my little business empire from a rocking chair, holding my twin babies. So I know firsthand what can be accomplished.

Not all women choose motherhood as their path, but those who do deserve options. While it is true that sometimes accommodations must be made for working parents, there are so many solutions that don’t put out the organization in any significant way, particularly as work is becoming more modular.

For me, the strongest statement in favor of moms in the workplace is simply to hire them. Use your actions to prove that you have confidence in their ability to navigate the work/life balance. Millions of women with real talent are being left behind, and both moms and corporations will benefit from a new way of thinking about work.

3. Be the example.

Women need to model leadership behavior for their younger counterparts. Young girls need to see women who own businesses, women as CEOs, women holding patents, women innovating, and women teaching and training others.

But that’s not enough.

Women need to see other women creating a work environment that invites female perspectives on their own terms. The workforce was created with men in mind, and it’s time to change that.

If women band together to make the kind of future we’d all like to see for girls everywhere, we’ll get there in no time. Focusing on women’s strengths and giving them tailored opportunities, hiring parents, and leading through example are great ways to start. As women lead other women through the corporate landscape, they will slowly begin to hear more female voices chime into the conversation. What better way to learn how to truly empower women?

About the Author

StrategyDriven Expert Contributor | Gia CarterGia Carter is an entrepreneur and the owner of The Brazilianaire Studio, a full-service luxury medical spa in Spanish Fork, UT. As a licensed master esthetician, Gia has developed a proprietary method of Brazilian waxing that minimizes discomfort, along with her own private-label wax line. She has used her talents to expand her clientele and become one of the most sought-after waxing professionals in Utah County. Beyond her professional success, Gia has dedicated her life to empowering women to love their bodies and believe in themselves. When she isn’t changing the world, Gia loves to spend time with her husband, four year old and twin toddlers.

Expanding Your Professional Business Without Compromising

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Professional Business|Expanding Your Professional Business Without CompromisingRealizing that it’s time to expand your professional services business is a big moment. You’re ready to grow your business, but you also know that you want to protect your brand and your reputation. Up to this point, you have run a small business that perhaps offers a very personalized service. As you grow, you don’t want to lose that integrity or compromise on the quality of the services that you offer. Fortunately, you can expand your business while sticking to your values and focusing on what matters to you. Keep reading to find out how you can grow your business without compromise.

Find the Right Staff

One of the most important things when you grow your business is the people that you hire. They need to share your business’s values and be a good fit for the company. This goes double if you’re looking for someone with more authority, such as a partner in your firm. Using a search firm can help you find the right talent. Wegman Partners lawsuit attorneys, paralegals, and other experts could help you to fill your legal firm with top talent. Look for recruiters that specialize in businesses like yours to get the staff that you need.

Become a Voice of Authority

Becoming a trusted voice of authority in your industry is a great way to grow your business and the reputation of your brand. It can increase your integrity and trustworthiness by showing that you know what you’re talking about and that you can be trusted to give valuable advice. Think about how you can find opportunities to share your thoughts and expert opinion, whether it’s through your own business blog, giving talks at events, or various other methods. The more you show that you’re knowledgeable and helpful, the more it benefits your business.

Offer New Services

Offering new services to your clients can be an excellent way to expand your business. You can look into what services your current customers might be looking for, as well as add new services that could attract new customers. Are there any services that your clients have asked you about that you’ve had to turn them down for? Perhaps there are some services that will complement your current services? Make sure you don’t rush to add a new service to your business. Spend some time researching to find out how to set up your service.

Expand Your Target Market

As well as adding services to your business, consider whether you can expand your target market. There could be an additional audience that you’re not capturing, whether it’s customers who are close to those you already have or a completely different demographic. Do some research to find out whether there could be an audience you’re missing. Perhaps you don’t even realize who your current audience is. Get to know your customers so you know more about them and can market more effectively.

You can grow your professional business without compromising your brand or lowering the quality of your services.

How social media can help build brands

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Social Media|How social media can help build brandsIn its short, 30-year history, the internet has come to transform almost all areas of modern life – everything from how and where we work to the way we shop and find/watch media. However, while the web has changed our business and personal lives, one particular technology has utterly upended the online experience – namely, social media.

In the not-so-distant past, if you wanted to get your firm online, you would have needed to employ the services of a web design agency to develop a website and, hopefully, start building your online profile. With the advent of social media sites, all that changed and now anyone with an internet connection can have a personal or business page up and running in minutes and start reaching out to clients (existing and potential).

The power of posts

Social media has revolutionized publishing, putting firms big and small in control of their online profile and allowing customer penetration and reach on a scale never before possible. Where once firms would publish content on their corporate sites in the hope that visitors might take the time to come and read the content, nowadays companies can broadcast on social sites and their posts will appear automatically on their followers’ timelines. Furthermore, using social media marketing software, firms can now schedule the time of their posts to coincide with when the majority of their users are online to have a greater impact. Furthermore, the software can also offer useful insights on the effectiveness of posts.

‘Going viral’ – a phenomenon born by social media

Most of us are familiar with the ‘going viral’ concept but perhaps haven’t contemplated how it works in practice. When you consider the average Facebook user has 338 friends (obviously some have many more, some less) – if one of your followers shares your post, it has the potential to be seen by each of those 338 friends. Extend that process again with just one of those additional 338 also sharing your post it will have already reached almost 700 users. And so the phenomenon continues.

Viral posts have the potential to be seen by thousands – if not millions – and all at zero cost to your firm. It’s little wonder traditional media is having such a hard time in the social age with many traditional magazines, newspapers, radio and TV stations finding themselves unable to compete.

The importance of having a strong social presence

Today’s internet users expect firms to not just have a website but also be present across the major social platforms. Indeed, these days it’s not uncommon for customers to use social sites almost like search engines – an idea proven by the fact that YouTube is now the world’s second-biggest search engine, just behind Google (both platforms are owned by parent company Alphabet, which shows just how important its search-based platforms have become).

Posting regularly to social sites allows companies to build a stronger, two-way relationship with clients, making them feel actively involved in their brand and encouraging dialogue and reactions.

The major players in the social landscape

All firms are different and have different target markets, however, the mainstays in the world of social media typically include Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. Depending on your type of company, you might also consider Pinterest (particularly successful for clothing companies, especially women’s clothing) and LinkedIn.

While there are many, many other online social platforms, if you attempt to publish to all, you run the risk of spreading yourself too thin. You should constantly be mindful that the quality of your posts is the most important aspect of building a strong social media profile, so be wary of trying to take on too many accounts and potentially watering down your content.

Effective Ways To Cut Transportation Costs For Your Logistics Business

StrategyDriven Tactical Execution Article |Logistics Business|Effective Ways To Cut Transportation Costs For Your Logistics BusinessBusinesses in every industry are constantly faced with the ongoing challenge of reducing costs to boost profits. However, the key is to lower your expenses without hindering service quality. So, when it comes to dropping transportation costs for your logistics business, you should avoid any approach that will negatively impact your services’ quality. Therefore, you should avoid cutting salaries, opting for cheaper vehicles, or increasing delivery times. To help you minimize your costs without harming your business, we have listed a few practical approaches for you to consider.

Buy Bulk Fuel

Suppose your fleet has been filling up at gas stations while making deliveries. In this case, your fuel expense is a lot higher than it could be. Instead of filling up the traditional way, you should consider buying bulk fuel. You can find out more about bulk fuel purchases and payment terms with a little bit of research. However, it is also essential to determine safe storage methods before making your first bulk buy as fuel can be dangerous if not stored correctly. With that said, bulk buying will save you a substantial amount of money.

Enhance Your Fleet Management Strategy

There’s no doubt that a fleet management strategy is essential when running any business in the logistics industry. However, by enhancing your management strategy, you can ultimately save on your business expenses. Part of your strategy should include essential ongoing maintenance, which can degrade the likeliness that you will have to spend on expensive repairs later on. What’s more, a well-maintained fleet will also consume less fuel. Your management strategy should also include insurance that will protect the best interests of your business in the event of an accident.

Monitor Drivers

Even if you have employed qualified drivers, employees in any field of work will slack off a bit if they are not monitored. To enhance delivery time and reduce potential extra costs that could occur from late deliveries, lost customers, or additional fill-ups on the delivery route, you should install commercial camera systems in your vehicles that will monitor your drivers. The small initial spending will go a long way in enhancing service quality and reducing any additional costs that could be avoided with a monitoring system.

Plan Routes Ahead Of Schedule To Save On Mileage

Planning trips ahead of schedule to include as many deliveries as possible into the same route is a great approach to save mileage on your fleet. While reducing mileage build-up will reduce maintenance and repair costs, the decision will also reduce your fuel consumption significantly. Planning routes beforehand will also reduce the likeliness of late deliveries.

Reducing costs in any business is possible with the right approach. Being a money-savvy business owner is often all it takes to avoid overspending on your expenses and keeping costs as low as possible. Once you have reduced your transportation costs, you can find other areas of your business that could be eating at your profits and find practical approaches to mitigate such costs.

8 Super Tips to Grow Your Small Business Today

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Grow your Business|8 Super Tips to Grow Your Small Business TodayIf you’re a small business owner, you probably understand that it takes proper planning, flexibility, and excellent organizational skills to succeed. Today’s business environment is competitive, and your company needs to stand out from the crowd. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports 20% of startups collapse in the first year of their operations. Fortunately, if you’re looking to grow your business, this guide got you covered. Here are great tips you can use to achieve your desired goals.

Take Advantage of Modern Technology

If you’re not using the available technological tools in your business, you could be missing a lot. Technology can enhance your business operations while reducing the effort you may need to manage it. You can do this by utilizing various tools ranging from spreadsheet to logo maker.

The good news is you may not require a lot of money to invest in many of these advancements, but you’ll gain considerably by incorporating them into your business. Before you utilize such tools in your organization, it’s essential to ensure you familiarize yourself first.

You don’t want to work with something you’re unsure of because sometimes it can be a recipe for trouble. That’s why you should test any technology tool with an experienced IT company before integrating it into your business to know if it can match your day-to-day activities.

Set Attainable Goals

Setting achievable goals should be part of your business. If you don’t set goals for your enterprise, you need to start it today. Creating business goals shouldn’t be daunting. One of the best ideas you may want to consider is making them attainable but challenging to achieve. This enables you to push yourself more.

If you set goals that you can quickly achieve, your business may appear to do well, but this may not translate to long-term success. That’s why you should make your objectives broad and measurable. What things can you do to improve your business’s success? If you’re unsure of how you can set attainable and measurable goals for your business, here are a few ideas you may consider:

  • Enhancing employee retention
  • Improving your enterprise’s online ratings
  • Reducing operation cost
  • Boosting sales
  • Attracting more clients to your business

Consider Work-Life Balance

While the dream for many entrepreneurs is to grow their businesses and make more profits, it’s advisable to focus on other areas of life. Proper relaxation is a critical part of business success, and you should set time for it even if you’re a workaholic.

Unfortunately, some people may work too much and forget to take a break. This can lead to stress and burnout, and soon you won’t accomplish the required tasks. If stress continues to build up, you may succumb to the pressure and fail to achieve your objectives.

You need to focus on either direction and don’t swing too far. For example, if you’re doing well with your company, maintain the pace instead of slowing down and relaxing. This will ensure a steady growth curve for your enterprise and avoid unpleasant experiences if things don’t work as per your wishes.

Think of Innovative Ideas for Your Enterprise

If you’re looking to enhance your business, you need to be creative and develop innovative ideas, as this may help you implement the necessary measures and lead to improved results. While not all ideas can be successful, some changes could work best for your company. The bottom line is to keep thinking of things you need to implement to achieve your objectives.

Every successful entrepreneur may tell you it’s vital to take measured risks and accept the results. If you’re looking to change your niche’s status quo, don’t be afraid to experiment and see the possible outcomes. Here are some ideas you can fiddle with:

  • Strategic pricing
  • Partnering with other enterprises
  • Adding or removing some products or services
  • Marketing efforts

Enhance Your Hiring Process

Whether your firm is small or big, improving your hiring process is something you don’t want to underestimate. You can look for ways to get the most talented employees into your company. If you’re not currently hiring, prepare for the issues you may need to handle when the time comes. Find ways you can improve how you hire your employees.

This means you should always focus on the next step, allowing the process to be systematic for easy following. Sometimes you may face challenges that need your particular intervention. However, when hiring employees, you may not require new methodologies. You can take advantage of the available tools to hire the best talent in your industry.

Nurture Your Customers and Look for More Prospects

Every business needs to retain customers and attract more to boost sales. That’s why you should design strategies to nurture existing clients. For example, you can connect with them in various ways, including offering information about upcoming promotions and sending e-newsletters with valuable information.

You also want to generate leads and convert them to reliable clients. Look for ways you can find such opportunities and continue building your customer base. Ensure you balance between maintaining existing clients and attracting new ones.

Use Social Media

Many enterprises are utilizing these platforms to advertise their offers. The powerful tool can help you interact with your potential customers and comprehend what they need. Through social media, you can spot current market trends and what clients are talking about your brand. This helps you to make better decisions.

Provide Excellent Customer Service

Some businesses may focus on making more profits and forget to tackle clients’ needs. However, modern customers are looking to work with companies that can solve their most pressing problems. Offering exceptional services gives clients the best experience, and they can refer to other individuals leading to the growth of your network.

The Bottom Line

If you’re looking to grow your small business, you need to understand what it may take to do this. You can use these valuable tips as a checklist to help you attain your enterprise’s objectives. What other tips do you think can lead to small businesses’ growth?