Women Leading Women: The Future of Entrepreneurship
There’s a lot of talk in corporate circles about inclusivity and empowering women in business. But why is it that so much of this talk is coming from male business leaders?
Not that there’s anything wrong with that. We need people from all walks of life leading the charge towards equal opportunities for women. But wouldn’t it be amazing if women were paving the way for more females to succeed in competitive markets?
My service-based business is women owned, women centric, and women powered. From the beginning, I have made lifting females up part of my mission and our company culture. After just a year in business, we are thriving in ways none of us thought possible. I attribute a lot of that to being surrounded by incredible women with unique ideas and perspectives, and I know that other organizations can benefit from a similar model.
I want to see more women seeking out ways to bring their fellow females along with them in their entrepreneurial journey. Instead of pushing others aside to get to the top, what if we helped each other along? I’m not talking about simply offering encouragement or mentoring, I’m talking about creating the opportunities we want to see for other women by becoming entrepreneurs who hire and give real power to other women.
Here are three ways I’ve accomplished this in my business:
1. Focus on talent.
Women tend to be hard on themselves. They don’t always believe what they are capable of, even after achieving results. It’s up to women in leadership positions to actively identify talented women and make space for them to shine.
As a young professional, I had a friend reach out and invite me to attend a prestigious aesthetician program. I was in a different industry and happy to just coast, but she saw something in me that I didn’t see in myself. This changed the trajectory of my life and directly led to me opening my own business and giving other women jobs.
My business director is a former client of mine who I saw amazing leadership skills in. She wasn’t looking for work, but seemed a little lost in the direction her life should go. I created an opportunity for her and we’re both beyond glad we took the leap.
There’s a ripple effect when women show other women their value.
2. Hire moms.
Motherhood is near and dear to my heart. I built my little business empire from a rocking chair, holding my twin babies. So I know firsthand what can be accomplished.
Not all women choose motherhood as their path, but those who do deserve options. While it is true that sometimes accommodations must be made for working parents, there are so many solutions that don’t put out the organization in any significant way, particularly as work is becoming more modular.
For me, the strongest statement in favor of moms in the workplace is simply to hire them. Use your actions to prove that you have confidence in their ability to navigate the work/life balance. Millions of women with real talent are being left behind, and both moms and corporations will benefit from a new way of thinking about work.
3. Be the example.
Women need to model leadership behavior for their younger counterparts. Young girls need to see women who own businesses, women as CEOs, women holding patents, women innovating, and women teaching and training others.
But that’s not enough.
Women need to see other women creating a work environment that invites female perspectives on their own terms. The workforce was created with men in mind, and it’s time to change that.
If women band together to make the kind of future we’d all like to see for girls everywhere, we’ll get there in no time. Focusing on women’s strengths and giving them tailored opportunities, hiring parents, and leading through example are great ways to start. As women lead other women through the corporate landscape, they will slowly begin to hear more female voices chime into the conversation. What better way to learn how to truly empower women?
About the Author
Gia Carter is an entrepreneur and the owner of The Brazilianaire Studio, a full-service luxury medical spa in Spanish Fork, UT. As a licensed master esthetician, Gia has developed a proprietary method of Brazilian waxing that minimizes discomfort, along with her own private-label wax line. She has used her talents to expand her clientele and become one of the most sought-after waxing professionals in Utah County. Beyond her professional success, Gia has dedicated her life to empowering women to love their bodies and believe in themselves. When she isn’t changing the world, Gia loves to spend time with her husband, four year old and twin toddlers.