
Ensuring Your Customers Feel Valued

StrategyDriven Customer Relationship Management Article |Valued Customers|Ensuring Your Customers Feel ValuedIn business, you have to make sure that your customers get everything they want from you. To do that, you’ve got to create a sense of value; your customers want to feel like you care about them, and have more to offer them specifically, as it’s the best way to promote a sense of brand loyalty amongst your customer base.

However, how can you go about ensuring your customers come back when you’ve got so many competitors to deal with as well? Everyone is trying to build a loyal customer base, and drive up sales with both new and repeat custom – what can you offer that’s different? Pure value, especially when you follow the ideas below.

Don’t End Your Customer Service at the Checkout

The customer service you provide for the people who shop with you needs to extend beyond the point of sale. It’s not a one-and-done kind of deal here; you need to check in with your customers after they’ve left, to see what they think of their experience and their product, and whether or not they have suggestions for what can be done better.

So ask for their email addresses at the checkout – it’s the best way to both boost your mailing list and ensure you can easily contact them again once they’re out of the door or have closed down your website. It’s best to make this an optional agreement, as people who are already willing to shop with you are more likely to sign up when they’re simply given the choice to.

Give Them a Reason to Come Back

Giving your customers a reason to return and shop with you is key to building the type of value you’re looking for here. You need them to want to come back, because you’ve got something great for them to spend their hard earned cash on, and moreover, you’ve got some benefits for them to reap at the same time.

Which is why a Rewards Network always works out best in this scenario. You’re offering your customers a program in which, if they subscribe to the idea, they get to enjoy free items or money off coupons in the future. It’s a great incentive, and it shows you value the people who shop with you.

Use Their Feedback

Finally, and following on from our first point, make sure you take the feedback a customer gives you and actually put it to good use. If you get the same kind of feedback from more than one person, you can be sure it’s a problem you actually need to address – maybe there are not enough staff on the floor, or maybe it takes too long to checkout, etc.

Take this feedback and make a change based on it, and then tell your customers you’ve made that change. Announce new and exciting changes to the way your business works, and invite them back to come and see them.

Your customers need value; are you offering it?

4 Ways To Ensure Your Staff Are Fully Trained And Knowledgeable Regarding Cybersecurity

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article |Cybersecurity Training|4 Ways To Ensure Your Staff Are Fully Trained And Knowledgeable Regarding CybersecurityWhen you have a business to run, you need to make sure every single hole is plugged. If there’s a way you can be caught or taken advantage of, then people will look to exploit. Your job as the manager and owner is to keep everything ticking over properly. You’ll likely have staff to help you out with this kind of thing, but you’ll be overseeing every little aspect. Businesses can be awkward at times as there are so many facets, but this part of life isn’t meant to be a complete cakewalk.

When it comes to new-age technology and the cybersecurity that comes with it, you have to ensure that you’re keeping everything safe and secure. A lot of important data is stuck online and in a digital form, so you have to keep it all under wraps. If you’re interested in attracting customers, building a solid reputation, and having longevity, then you’re going to need to make sure that everything is grand regarding your computers.

One way to do this is to ensure that your staff is fully trained. If they know what they’re talking about, then things will be a lot smoother and easier. Here are 4 ways to do just that:

Keep The Training Regular

If your staff have regular training, then their minds will be in a good place with regard to how things are going to work. It’s easy to train them once when they join, but then they may forget a few things over time. You don’t have to worry specifically about how to train your staff because there will be lots of training firms around that you can bring in.

Bring In Experts

Many, many people around the world know about IT systems and will be able to help you – and your business – out a lot. If you have a solid IT support company on your side, then your business is likely to be in a good place going forward. Your current staff will also be able to pick up a few things from them subconsciously.

Create Rules And Laws Around The Workplace

If your employees do not abide by particular rules and laws you put in place, then harsh punishments could be handed out. Make it clear that cyber safety isn’t something that should be treated lightly. One small mistake or some underhanded behaviour should be punished accordingly. If they have this idea in their heads, then they’ll think twice when sitting at their desks.

Hire IT-Literate People

You can solve a lot of issues by simply recruiting all of the right staff in the first place. Obviously, training will likely be required, but you can solve those problems by outlining the kind of people you need in the job description. If you hire people that know what they doing with regard to computers, then you won’t have to panic over their skills or conduct. These new employees will set a good example for the rest of the team. The more competent people you have, the better things will be.

How to source funds to expand your business

StrategyDriven Managing Your Finances Article |Funds to expand your business|How to source funds to expand your businessAs a small or medium enterprise business owner, you are probably always looking for growth opportunities. To realize such opportunities, you need a lot of money, and often you may not have that much to help you realize your dreams. You will need to source funds from other sources to make the most of the opportunities that come your way. But sometimes, due to the lack of financial literacy or good financial advice, you may end up making the wrong choice. For instance, you need to know the difference between grant & loan to know which one best suits your needs. Here are some options that you may consider when sourcing funds to expand your business.

Bank loans

Bank loans remain the most common option for most businesses looking to expand. Bank loans provide medium to long-term finance for your business. You will need to provide some documentation about your business, a plan, and collateral to acquire one. To be safe, get a financial advisor to help you understand the loan terms before deciding to go in for it.

SBA-backed loans

Only available in the United States, The Small Business Association offers small businesses various loans via participatory banks all over the country. SBA-backed loans are set up to help small businesses secure funding to grow their company specifically. Mind you, though, the SBA itself is not responsible for the loan. You will need to have a good working relationship with the loan officer at your local bank to gain access to such loans. You could also find the nearest Small Business Development Center SBDC and register to access their small business loans.

Venture capitalists

Venture capitalists are people who choose to invest in businesses to help them start-up or expand. Venture capitalists are looking to make a good return on their investment and, as such, may get involved in running the business or offer their expertise. Due to the huge amounts that venture capitalists look to invest in a business, you must have a solid business plan and serious projections for the future for you to be considered. The basic sums venture capitalists invest are from $500,000 to $10 million, so you must have a high growth strategy to entice them to listen to your pitch.

Angel investors

Much like venture capitalists, angel investors are looking to invest in businesses and see them succeed. The significant difference here is that instead of looking out for returns, angel investors rather want to transform their investment into the equity of your business. But they may not invest as much as venture capitalists. To seriously consider angel investors, you must first have an exit strategy for your business and solid projections for the future. If you aim to hold onto your business, then angel investment may not be for you. The goal is to gain equity, help the company grow and then sell it or when it goes very well, do an IPO.


This type of source funding has seen quite a hike as there have been many success stories. It is pretty straightforward; you ask people to donate a sum of money for a particular project to exchange diverse rewards. These rewards are generally categorized into equity, debt, and donation. However, to participate in crowdfunding, you need to know the rules and requirements of the sites and carefully review your options before you proceed.

7 Mistakes To Avoid After A Car Crash

StrategyDriven Practices for Professionals Article |Car Crash|7 Mistakes To Avoid After A Car CrashYou may have seen car accident reports on TV and how it’s a widespread occurrence around the world. These reports often remind people what to do in case they’re involved in a car accident. In fact, as per this site,, there are many times that an accident is a result of texting and driving.

This is why it’s important to know what to do after an accident. This is not only to ensure your safety and minimize injuries but also to secure and strengthen your injury claim later on. Anything you do after a car accident can make or break your claim and compensation.

For these reasons, listed below are seven mistakes you must avoid after a car crash.

1. Leaving The Scene Of The Accident

Understandably, the accident scene can be too stressful and traumatic for you. Perhaps, your first instinct is to save yourself and flee from the scene. Unfortunately, leaving the scene of the accident is considered illegal, especially if someone has been injured or someone’s property has been severely damaged. This will only make it more difficult for you and your lawyer to file a stronger injury claim later on.

Moreover, car accidents often happen in the middle of the road, so it’s your responsibility to move your car aside to make way for the rest of the drivers. Otherwise, if you choose to leave everything behind, not only are you committing illegal acts but also leaving a nuisance on the road. Failure to comply with this rule can result in a misdemeanor or felony conviction.

2. Not Calling The Police Department

Some of you may think that exchanging information with the other driver or party is enough, and then you can simply go separate ways. But whether you’re injured or not, it’s a vital step to call the police right away after the accident. The presence of the police is crucial, so they can create a police report that you can use for filing your claim and compensation, or when needed by the court.

3. Not Calling For Medical Assistance

One of the critical mistakes you must avoid is not calling medical help. Even when you’ve only sustained a bruise or a scratch, you might not be aware of your other incurred fatal internal injuries and bleeding. These are often dangerous and deadly when not treated on time. Thus, seeking immediate medical help will ensure that your injuries, both internal and external, are detected and treated right away. Additionally, seeing a doctor will also help you secure medical records, which is vital evidence for your legal claim in the future.

4. Admitting Your Mistakes

Even if you feel you’re at fault, never utter statements that imply you’re at fault. Some people tend to say ‘I’m sorry,’ ‘I didn’t mean to,’ ‘I didn’t see you,’ or ‘I took a wrong turn’ when they’re rattled. Unfortunately, these statements can severely jeopardize your chances of seeking compensation for the injuries and damages you’ve incurred during the accident. That’s why you must never admit any fault in a car accident, despite assuming that you’re entirely or partly responsible for it. Let the judge decide who’s at fault.

5. Posting On Social Media

Nowadays, many of you are fond of sharing every little detail of your life on social media. You may be tempted to share your side of the accident or post pictures on your accounts. Unfortunately, doing so can hurt your case and claim. You’ll only risk leaking valuable and confidential information to the other party’s insurance adjuster or defense attorney, and they may use it against you. As much as you want to share that traumatic experience as a way of destressing yourself, your best bet is to talk about it with your personal injury lawyer only.

6. Talking To An Insurance Adjuster Without A Lawyer

As sorry and sympathetic they may sound, the insurance adjusters are not on your side. Their main goal is to save money by offering you settlements lower than you deserve. Some insurance adjusters will try taking the opportunity to talk to car victims while they’re still confused and unable to think clearly. As much as possible, avoid making settlements and agreements with any insurance company before consulting your lawyer.

7. Stretching The Truth

Don’t try to stretch, add, remove, or exaggerate your details about the accident, even the minor ones. If the other party detects inconsistencies and false accusations in your statements, it can quickly jeopardize your case. In case there are minor details you don’t remember, tell your lawyer right away.


Car accidents can be disorienting and overwhelming. The influx of stressful events after a car crash may cause you to make hasty decisions without consulting your lawyer. Know that this could severely impact your case and injury claims later on. Thus, before divulging or sharing any information, you must first hire a personal lawyer to help you get through the entire legal process smoothly and hassle-free.

How To Boost Sales In Your Business

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article |Boost Sales|How To Boost Sales In Your BusinessWhen you run a small business, you will always be looking for ways to boost your sales. After all, the more sales you make, the bigger your business will grow. Fewer sales mean you could even be in danger of having to shut down altogether. This is why it’s crucial to think of new ways to boost sales in your business at all times. There are many different ways to do this, and you must find the ones that make sense for your business; otherwise, you will simply be wasting time and potentially money, plus you’ll confuse potential and current customers. Read on for some ideas that might just work for you.

Create A Dynamic Sales Team

One thing that will work for the majority of businesses is to create a dynamic sales team. When you build high growth teams, you can leave the sales aspect of the business in their hands, knowing that they have the right skills and capabilities to do what you need them to do. You can then focus on other aspects of the business.

Run Promotions For Existing Customers

When you run promotions for your existing customers, you are essentially rewarding those who have continued to buy from you and stayed loyal. Many companies run promotions just for new customers with the sole aim of finding these new customers, but in the process, they forget all about those who have brought the business to where it is today.

Not only will running promotions for your current clients help you to keep a loyal customer base, but it will also help them to feel good about buying from you. You are taking care of them and not neglecting them like many other businesses do when they are looking for ways to boost sales.

Request Customer Feedback

Asking your customers for feedback when they buy something from you can easily help you to boost sales. You’ll be able to quickly and simply understand which areas need to be improved, and when you make the necessary changes, more people will buy from you.

As well as this, you’ll be able to see what you’re doing well. These are the areas that you can focus on in your marketing, showing potential customers why others like buying from you and what you can do differently from your competition.

Asking for feedback doesn’t have to be an arduous task, and you can even tie it in with the promotional aspect. You might, for example, choose to enter everyone who gives you feedback into a prize draw. Other ideas include sending out email feedback forms or using social media to ask for customer experiences.

Use Social Media To Your Advantage

We briefly mentioned social media above, and this is actually a great way to boost sales in general, as well as when combined with a request for feedback. If you want to find the most customers and engage with them, and if you want to reach your target audience, social media is the right way to go about it.

It’s the right way, that is, if you utilize it in the right way. Social media is about engaging with people and showing them what you can do. It’s not necessarily about selling to them, at least not in a direct way. Understanding the difference and having a social media profile that offers exceptional content and isn’t focused just on making sales may be hard at first, but it will make a big difference to your sales once you get the balance right.

Refresh Your Branding

When you started your business, your branding was the cherry on top of your success cake. But after many years, you haven’t once looked at it again. Why fix something that isn’t broken, right? No, you need to relook at your branding every 1-2 years. Do market research, see what your competition is doing, look at what is new out there, and what your customers think. Breathing fresh air over your Custom Product Labels might be the change in your business needed to remind your customers why your product is the best. Sure it will cost your business money to do the exercise, but the return on investment will be worth it once you see your sales numbers rise.