4 Benefits of Server Monitoring: How Involved in Every Aspect of Your Business Can You Afford to Be?
When business owners first open up their doors, either literally or proverbially, they often manage most or all aspects of the company’s operations. As the business grows, though, things get complicated fast and business owners need to be more judicious with their time. They need to focus on those functions that serve to generate the most income or require the most specialized expertise.
Unfortunately, growing businesses can’t usually afford to hire additional employees to manage other important aspects of keeping things running smoothly. It costs a lot of money to hire a full IT staff capable of performing server and network performance monitoring, but without any kind of server monitoring, growing businesses will be at an ever-increasing risk of experiencing costly network failures. Thankfully, there’s a better option. Read on to find out about four of the biggest benefits of using remote server monitoring as a means of mitigating costly risks without spending a fortune on hiring or expanding a full IT department.
1. Identify Issues Before They Come Up
It’s amazing how quickly a seemingly minor server issue can become a major headache for business owners. Using a Server Monitoring tool makes it easier to detect small problems before they become huge headaches. Remote server monitoring allows business owners to keep track of things like backups and updates and detects irregularities and server failures. Some well-designed monitoring tools can even correct common errors automatically, helping to prevent more serious issues from developing.
2. Get Advanced Warning for Hardware Upgrades
Remote server monitoring can’t eliminate 100% of network maintenance tasks from business owners’ plates. A remote monitoring tool can’t perform necessary hardware upgrades, and eventually, all hardware will need to be replaced. It will, however, offer an advanced warning to business owners so they can plan for a seamless server switchover and eliminate unplanned downtime. A remote monitoring program will let the user know when processor usage is rising to dangerous levels or hard disk space is running low, letting business owners know that it’s time for an upgrade.
3. Improved Security
One of the biggest advantages of remote server monitoring is that it improves security dramatically, especially for companies that don’t have in-house IT departments. The monitoring tool will keep track of everything happening to the system’s firewall, install security patches immediately when they come out, reduce spam relay attempts, and free up server capacity. The happy results of these steps are lower chances of being targeted by hackers looking for an easy mark and reduced downtime due to security breaches, which translates into less stress for business owners and happier customers or clients.
4. Increased Productivity
Already have an in-house IT department and am wondering if remote server monitoring is worth the investment? It is. The IT professionals already on the staff will no longer have to deal with simple fixes that could be managed remotely, nor will they be faced with crisis-level situations that arise as a result of lapses in server monitoring. The automated program will simply alert the IT staff when there’s something that needs to be dealt with in person.
The Bottom Line
Growing a business is hard, but business owners don’t need to go it alone. They can rely on effective, affordable tools like remote server monitoring programs to shoulder some of the burdens.