
Why You Should Buy A Nearly New Car

StrategyDriven Practices for Professionals Article |Nearly New Car|Why You Should Buy A Nearly New CarWhen it comes to buying a car people generally think of two categories, new or used. You might prefer to buy your car new. A car with next to no miles on the clock that has never been driven by another sole before. New cars can commonly be bought from Manufacturer’ main dealerships. There certainly are positives to this. Buying a new car gives you the full manufacturer’s warranty, which can be as much as 10 years. You will be able to order the exact specification you want on that car and there is no unknown car history to worry about. Brand new cars also benefit from the latest technology, safety features, and fuel efficiency. There is a lot to be said for spending big on a brand new car. That is however the downside and a big one. Buying a new car comes at a premium. You will be paying top dollar, and the value of that car will depreciate the second you drive it off the forecourt. It can depreciate as much as 20%.

Then there is buying used cars. Buying used cars will allow you to avoid taking that huge hit in depreciation. Used cars are, of course, also cheaper than new cars. You pay a reduced price to reflect the fact someone has already owned, driven, and used the car before you have. You can buy used cars from dealerships or private sellers. If you buy a used car from a dealership you will also get legal recourse should there be a problem with the car soon after purchase. Alternatively, you can buy a used car from a private seller. This option will save you money in that the purchase price will be lower but you will not get the same protections as if you had bought from a dealership. Of course one of the biggest drawbacks of buying a used car is that you are to some extent buying the unknown when it comes to the car’s history and previous usage.

Then there is a third option that isn’t so widely known, buying nearly new cars. Nearly new cars are often cars from a dealer’s demonstration fleet of cars that they have bought to meet certain targets dealers may have. Alternatively, nearly new cars are vehicles that have had an owner for a matter of months, no more than a year. A good place to look for nearly new cars are manufacturers’ main dealerships or used dealerships known for buying and selling new or high-end cars, for example, if they advertise the fact ‘we buy 2021 cars’ you know they will be selling (very) nearly new vehicles. Buying a nearly new car will allow you to benefit from the extensive manufacturer’s warranty, they will still have around 90% of the warranty left, if not more. You may not be able to order the car to the specifications of your choice but you will be buying an ultra-modern, high-tech car that benefits from the new safety features, keeping you safe on the road, and the latest mod cons of a new car. Without paying the price of a brand new car. What is more, buying nearly new will take away a good chunk of that depreciation value. Ultimately, your money will go further.

There are of course some downsides to buying nearly new, namely that it will have an extra name on the registration document and this will decrease the value of the car when you come to sell it, as you will be the second owner. Even if the first owner only did 100 miles in it. The more owners a car has had, the lower the resale value it will have. All nearly new cars will have some mileage on the clock, no more than 1000 miles so the efficiency and functionality of the car won’t have been impacted, but it won’t of course be ‘brand new’ and have that ‘brand new’ never-been-used feel about it.

Whilst there are some drawbacks to buying nearly new, the benefits are extensive. Weigh up what is more important to you and whether those negatives are a price worth paying.

Making Your Employees Feel Important

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article |Make Employees Feel Important|Making Your Employees Feel ImportantThere are few things in life that will make someone better than knowing that they are important. Most people like the idea of being important to those around them, and this can be especially crucial when it comes to the world of work. Of course, each and every one of your employees provides an invaluable service to your company, but this isn’t something that a lot of employers express. To help you out with this, this article will be exploring some of the best ways to show your employees that you wouldn’t be able to do what you do without them.

The Impact Of Their Work

It can be hard for an employee to see the impact of their work, especially when they aren’t doing a job that involves working with money. This is something you can solve by simply showing them the results of their work, with regular meetings to discuss the state of the business and the work that is driving it forwards. Of course, you may have to keep some things secret, but this doesn’t mean that you can’t give your team members a glimpse at the success of their work.

Praise & Rewards

Many employers fail to take the time to talk to their team members. You need to make sure that you are praising the people who work for you, letting them know that you are grateful that they are working hard. Some bosses will also include rewards along with this. This effort will always help to incentivize harder work, pushing your employees to do even more to help your business to succeed. Of course, though, you need to make sure that this feels sincere. Small gestures such as giving care packages can go a long way in making employees feel valued, especially during these difficult times when many workers feel isolated. Gift packages can contain a funny graphic tee, comfy socks, delicious snacks, scented candles, tea bags, and other items for comfort and relaxation.

A Good Working Environment

Many people in the modern world have to work in environments that don’t inspire a sense of importance. While you may not be able to give everyone their own office, you should make sure that their workspace is comfortable, personal, and filled with things that they like. Alongside this, you should also make sure that their work outside your business will also make them feel important. Options like a limousine company can help you with this.

Promotions & Progression

No one likes the idea of doing a job that will never have the potential to change or improve. Promotions are common in the modern world, but you also need to make sure that your employees can progress and improve their current roles. Personal development plans are great for this, though you should also consider the idea of advancing their training to ensure that they are always moving forwards.

Feeling important at work is crucial to your employee’s happiness. Many people lack this in their jobs, and this can make working feel very unsatisfying. Of course, though, you can’t do this at the expense of honesty and discipline, making it extremely vital that you balance this out and ensure that your team is always working to improve itself.

The “Golden ISA” of Post-Pandemic Business Presence

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Post-pandemic Business|The "Golden ISA" of Post-Pandemic Business PresenceThe pandemic has completely transformed the business environment. As a result, companies of all sizes have adapted to meet the new challenges. Maintaining your interactions with remote customers is no easy task, especially for small shops and businesses that are more experienced with face-to-face practices.

The post-pandemic business world focuses on digital strategies. Your audience has learned new behaviors during the health crisis. Therefore, if you are going to digitize your company presence, you need to ensure you can meet the new expectations of your customers. Not sure where to start? Here’s a clue for you: Golden ISA. Indeed, business experts recommend the GISA or Golden ISA approach to bring your small company to the post-pandemic requirements.

Golden Google

G in GISA or Golden stands for Google. As the leading search engine platform, your Google presence needs to be part of your strategy. Indeed, Google is the holy grail of marketing and customer acquisition for small businesses. In a post-pandemic world, being visible online requires dedicated SEO. Experts recommend local SEO strategies that utilize the benefits of Google Maps, using Google My Business. Boosting your local rankings means that your business is more visible to local searches and mobile users in your vicinity. Additionally, your Google Maps presence can provide all the information customers need before committing to a visit or a purchase: Reviews, opening hours, photos, and targeted content.

I for Information technology

There is no going any further forward with dedicated IT services. For most small businesses, having an in-house IT team is not an option. Therefore, you need someone who can help manage cybersecurity risks, tech issues, and IT network to make the most of your resources. When IT is at the core of your business processes, you can’t afford delays or frustrations. SMBs need to compete with corporates in terms of IT effectiveness, reliability, and security.

S for Social media

People are looking online for your brands. They turn to your social media network for support, inspiration, guidance, and information. Your social media activity will help position your brand’s attractiveness and popularity. Unfortunately, social media channels are a crowded place. If you want to get noticed, you need to make sure your strategy differentiates your brand from your competitors. Don’t be afraid to start new trends rather than relying on the overused marketing content and campaigns. Ideally, partnering with a professional agency can enable you to be creative without committing a costly faux pas.

A for Almighty apps

A responsive website doesn’t match the functionality and ease of use of a mobile app. Indeed, apps can significantly increase your sales with unique features such as notification, discount, and simple payment methods. A business application doesn’t need to compete for visibility on search engine result pages. On the contrary, customers can have direct access to your products without the risk of competing brands affecting your reach. In an age where most people carry their smartphone everywhere and rely on it for most of their interactions, a business app is the safest way to always be by your customers’ side.

Your online presence must meet the needs and behaviors of a post-pandemic market. The smartphone is at the heart of many interactions, from information research to transactional exchanges. Therefore, maximizing your efforts to be visible and user-friendly to local users and smartphone buyers can go a long way. Finally, it’s crucial to maintain your tech up-to-date and safe for all in a digital environment. Without reliable tech, your business activities become less effective.

Unhealthy Ways To Cope With Work-Related Stress

StrategyDriven Practices for Professionals Article |Work-related stress|Unhealthy Ways To Cope With Work-Related StressWhen you’re stressed at work, it’s often necessary to find a coping mechanism. Some stress-busting techniques are less healthy than others. A few unhealthy ways of dealing with stress include:

Getting aggressive

Aggression is a natural release of stress, but it needs to be channeled into the right places. Many people let out this aggression in an unhealthy way either by snapping at colleagues, getting road rage while driving or taking it out on family members. This could damage relationships around you and even risk you losing your job if you hurt someone or act very unprofessionally.

Aggression can be released in healthy ways. Exercises such as running, boxing, swimming, cycling and weightlifting are all examples. You can even try things like scream therapy classes.

Comfort eating

Many people that get overweight do so through comfort eating. Eating food can release endorphins that can combat stress. This can become a habit that is hard to break.

Comfort eating isn’t so bad if the foods you’re eating are healthy, however many people tend to choose sugary and high calorie snacks. Try to avoid comfort eating by not packing unhealthy snacks to work or making a conscious effort not to resort to unhealthy foods on your lunch break.

Smoking/drinking/using drugs

Nicotine, alcohol and other substances are a common stress-buster. However, they can all damage our health in the long run. The likes of alcoholism and drug addiction could also have negative social effects such as causing us to abandon responsibilities or act hostile towards others.

Try to break these habits before they become addictions. Smoking can be particularly hard to break – consider exploring healthier options such as vaping by looking at wholesale vape carts. When it comes to drinking heavily or taking drugs at the end of a stressful day, try to limit yourself to healthy amounts or occupy yourself with other activities.

Bottling it up

The worst way to cope with work-related stress is not to relieve it at all. This allows the cortisol and adrenaline to build up. You’ll either end up snapping and having a mental breakdown or you’ll wear down your body and suffer burnout. Bottling up stress could also increase the risk of heart disease, as well as creating short-term problems like insomnia, digestive problems and headaches. All in all, you need to find a way of releasing stress.

How should you relieve work-related stress?

Stress needs to be dealt with in a healthy way. There are lots of healthy ways to deal with stress including:

  • Meditation: Taking 5 minutes out to clear your mind can do wonders.
  • Exercise: As already mentioned, this can be the perfect healthy release of aggression. It could include a HIIT workout on your lunch break or a long workout after your shift.
  • Listening to music: Music can release feelgood endorphins that combat stress.
  • Laughter: Laughter can also release feelgood endorphins.
  • Taking a hot bath: A hot bath will relax muscles and lower cortisol levels.
  • Herbal teas: Such drinks are also great for lowering cortisol levels. A much healthier alternative to caffeinated drinks (which can make stress worse).
  • Taking a break: When you’re feeling stressed, don’t be afraid to take five minutes out – you could return feeling much more productive. Make sure that you’re also taking holiday. A week away from work could give you perspective and allow you to combat the source of the stress whether it’s taking on less work, fixing relationships with colleagues or getting a new job.

4 Amazing Strategies That Fast Track Business Growth

StrategyDriven Strategic Planning Article |Fast Track Business Growth|4 Amazing Strategies That Fast Track Business GrowthEvery entrepreneur wishes to start a company and scale it to the highest possible peak with little market resistance.

Unfortunately, due to numerous challenges that small businesses face, this is not all possible. Without a step-by-step plan, you may have to painfully watch as your closest competitors make a killing in the market.

Read on to find out the strategies you must put in place to increase sales and, consequently, boost your business growth.

Maximize Online Selling

If you’ve been a sucker for traditional marketing methods like T.V., radio, or billboard ads, it may be time to re-think this strategy.

With most potential consumers online, using social media and e-commerce websites to facilitate growth is a smart business move. The digital world also gives you a chance to interact with your consumers on a one-to-one basis and, therefore, you can build a loyal base in no time.

It is challenging to maintain a social media presence without overlooking other essential tasks in your company. As a business owner, you should consider outsourcing some of your online responsibilities to IT managed services that help develop marketing campaigns, create social media content and optimize your website effectively.

Understand Your Audience

Anyone can create a product or service and try to force it down consumers’ throats. However, you may not have much success selling than businesses that tailor their works to meet individual consumer needs.

If you want to develop a product or service that resonates with your target audience, or expand your business, interact with consumers daily, positively taking in their views and concerns about your business.

Surveys and reviews are two of the best ways to get legitimate reactions from your audience. In addition, it allows you to develop meaningful products and services and strengthen the weak points within your organization.

Develop Strategic Networks

No man is an island, and trying to grow your business on your own can be counteractive to your objective due to burnouts.

Instead, direct some of your energy in trying to foster closer relationships with valuable people in your industry, such as influencers or product suppliers who can be beneficial to your business. You might also consider a legal agency to partner with, Visit Website for more information. 

To get the attention of helpful people around, you need to have excellent conversation skills, be proactive, and participate in impactful projects within society. Attend any industry-related events that will get you close to influential people.

Improve on Customer Service

If you want to land and keep a loyal consumer base, you need to have more than quality products or services. How you interact with first-time visitors on your social media pages, website, or those who visit your premises directly affects business growth.

As a rude or assertive entrepreneur, you stand little chance of converting potential leads into actual clients. So instead, have a clear head when answering questions, even if they seem like a direct attack on your business.

Handle each customer with utmost care and respect, and they’ll likely refer other people to your business.

Strategically Growing Your Business

While the business field remains open for anyone with an entrepreneurial bone, only those with strategic plans get to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Implement these four techniques, and your business will begin to chatter to new heights.