
4 Ways to Make Your Customers Feel Valued

StrategyDriven Customer Relationship Management Article |Make your customers feel valued|4 Ways to Make Your Customers Feel ValuedIf you want to make sure that your business is a success, then you have to make sure that your customers feel valued. If your customers or clients do not feel valued, then you may find that they seek the same service from elsewhere and this is the last thing that you need. If you want to do something about this, then you need to make sure that you are doing everything you can to focus on your customers and also make sure that they are respected at every stage of the process. Want to find out more? Keep on reading.

Clients are People Too

Everyone loves the feeling of being acknowledged, even in very small ways. One thing that you can do to try and help them here would be for you to ensure that you are treating them as if they are real people. They are not robots that sit on the other side of your computer screen, and they are not another number in your sales pipeline. Find out when your clients are going to be celebrating their birthday or even an anniversary. If it works for your company, then you need to try and offer them a discount if you can. This can work wonders for your sales, and you may even find that it shows your customers that you value them and the business that they bring in. Sign the discount card personally whenever you send it to them in the mail as well. If you can do this, then you’ll soon be able to make them feel more looked-after.

Give them some Personal Attention

Nothing says “very important person” than having someone actively roll out the red carpet. That being said, you do not want to suffocate your customers and clients. You do not want to pounce on them the moment they walk through the door. If you know that your clients do a lot of business with you online rather than in a storefront, then don’t send them emails all the time. If you do, then you may find that they end up feeling overwhelmed. You may even find that you end up turning them off if they feel pressured into using you, and this can cause you to lose out on business in the long run. If possible, you need to find the right balance so that you don’t seem pushy, but caring and supportive instead. This will help your customers to feel valued more than you realise. If you want to support all of your customers, then you may want to invest in something like LoopTV.

Thank Them

Whenever possible, you need to try and thank your clients for doing business with you. You do not want to overdo things here as you may come across as being false. If possible, you need to make sure that you are always genuine and that you are also speaking to them from the heart. By being authentic you can really resonate with them, and you can show them that your company cares more about them than the money they give you. This is an essential step when it comes to customer satisfaction.

Use Gift Cards

Newer clients can easily be given things like gift cards. That being said, you need to make sure that you are not forgetting about the clients that you are working with right now. Your repeat customers, who have come to you time and time again need to feel rewarded too. Loyalty programs are a great way for you to do this and it rewards them every single time they make a purchase. You might also want to think about holding a client appreciation day too. This is a set day where you can thank all of your clients for doing business with you. You have to remember that they are the reason why you are even in business, so it helps to make them feel appreciated.

So, if you can follow this guide then you should be able to make your clients feel way more looked-after and appreciated. If you can implement changes now, then it should not be long before you start seeing great results, so keep this in mind and always be mindful of tracking your bottom line. This will help you to know if the money you are investing is benefitting you in the long run. It will also help you to really push your company to that next level in terms of profit and customer satisfaction.

Accepting What Is and Creating Your Future

StrategyDriven Practices for Professionals Article |Creating your future|Accepting What Is and Creating Your FutureGiven all the unprecedented challenges businesses have been dealing with in the past two years, I support you and your organization in having a fantastic second half of 2022 instead of another six months of survival mode.

Given the Challenges such as rising fuel prices the supply chain, COVID-19, inflation and on and on, you ask, What the heck are you talking about? How can I have a fantastic second half with all that going on? Simply put, what if you and your organization chose to embrace the present and stopped resisting the past? I am inviting you not to resist what you are dealing with and simply engage in having a remarkable rest of the year.

An opportunity that I had during the pandemic is being able to see organizations and their various responses to the Pandemic. A case in point are three commercial Uniform laundry and delivery companies that reacted differently to the Pandemic. One thing about these companies, that even in a pandemic, people need their products delivered to their door. So, the plants ran, the trucks delivered, and the organizations functioned as best they could.

In the first example, the Leadership really took on COVID-19. This was led by the Owner/CEO. Even before the lockdown, they were researching and learning about COVID-19. Early on, when COVID-19 was just in Wuhan, one of their executives raised a flag of concern and the rest of the leadership group began to study what was happening. Once Lockdown occurred, they embraced the Pandemic. There was no denial or resistance. Of all the companies that I worked with, they were the most initiative-taking in securing a safe and functioning workplace. They took on having their company continue to run and deliver great service to their customers and to the greatest extent possible supply a safe, healthy work environment.

This company is in the middle of one of the largest American cities. COVID-19 was prevalent and surrounded them. Real time was spent communicating on Zoom and face to face. Real money was spent on air filtration systems. As knowledge was gathered on COVID-19, it was applied. The best ideas on how to social distance and use zones for bathroom coordination were studied and adopted.

There were challenges and definite hiccups. With that said, profitability improved. The scores from customers in their annual survey all were at their highest levels. Their sales force made their numbers, and they added several new accounts.

One thing that stood out is that the employees of this company were demonstrably appreciative of how the owner and the leaders went to every length to have a safe and healthy environment. The employees were appreciative of being able to work in a company that took on dealing with COVID-19 seriously and in the most initiative-taking and safest way possible. The leadership team supported employees as they dealt with their families and COVID. Even though some co-workers have left, retention has been high. Hiring has been challenging and workable. Interestingly, the frontline has remained stable.

The second example is of a company that was not as initiative-taking or fast moving as the first. They were dealing with COVID-19 circumstances and engaged. However, they were not as engaged as the first company. This company reacted to COVID-19. They did not embrace the challenge of COVID-19. There was resistance and confusion. They certainly muddled through.

This company is rurally found where COVID-19 was not as present. Money was not spent like in the first example. Communication did not happen, and the company got through COVID-19. Deliveries were always made, and the plant continued.

They did lose some customers, retention slipped, and sales decreased. Profits declined and the Sales Department had a tough time connecting with prospects and did not make its numbers. There was also higher than normal turnover. Given all that was going on, they did ok.

The third Company example is in an urban setting with COVID-19 present everywhere. They were not set up prior to the pandemic to work remotely and they struggled to get that set up. They struggled to get social distancing working, the offices safe and worked with protocols. There was resistance to dealing with COVID-19 and changing things. All the communication issues that were present before COVID-19 now occurred on steroids.

This company was hit by COVID-19 with many of the office staff getting it at the same time. I remember talking with one of the leadership group members from the hospital before he was put on a ventilator. The way COVID-19 ripped through the plant nearly prevented them from getting the trucks out and delivering. A competitor was called to see if they could cover for them and manage their deliveries.

Leadership tended to work at home and stay away. There was a big communication issue that occurred among the leadership team where executives threatened to quit. The GM, because of disastrous communication and what happened with direct reports was fired. Another top leader did not vaccinate and because of the state regulations, moved his family to Texas where he would work remotely. The CEO/Owner, after a traumatic and challenging two years, sold this company to a competitor.

Can you find your company in one of these three examples? What can you learn and apply from the above? I am supporting you in learning from the past, being present to right now, and complete with what has occurred.
The third quarter and beyond of 2022 is unwritten. However, the story of 2021 is written. It happened. Yet is it accepted and what does it mean to be accepted? Is the pandemic accepted? Is inflation accepted?
For many I say not. For many it seems as something wrong has happened, pandemic wrong, inflation wrong, fuel prices rising wrong. The incompletion and resistance as to what has happened before has you ensnarled… shackling you with a lack of freedom and power.

The rest of this year is unwritten. Every day is unwritten. While I can theoretically understand this, it is hard to live. What is it like to live your circumstances newly and to bring possibility to them? To hold them up to inspect, to look at them from a different frame, a unique perspective. What allows you to do that? Where does acceptance fit in? Where does creating and embracing fit in?
What if it is always possible to be engaged in a positive way? What if it is always positive to create anew if you are not resisting what is happening? Carl Jung said, “What you resist persists”. I find this idea to be useful in helping me see where I am stuck.

Part of resistance is a notion that whatever is happening should not be. Resistance, rather than embracing what is, gets in the way of acceptance and again, for me, stops any notion of being free to take new creative actions.

From the examples that I have presented of the three organizations and their differing responses to COVID-19 and other challenges, I think the power of choosing and embracing what you are dealing with is clear. You can see how resistance and just muddling through can be disempowering and produces subpar results.

Choosing it the way it is, is an action that allows for being present and for new possibilities. Then acceptance allows for lessons from the past to be learned, the past to be in the past and for new actions to be taken. I am complete with COVID-19 and the many challenges of the last two years. I am choosing to embrace the rest of 2022 exactly the way it is. From here, I am engaged in having a fantastic year.

I invite you to do the same from that place of acceptance and choosing to engage in having a fantastic rest of the year. I ask that you get your organizations to be accepting of whatever happened over the last two years, and from there create a powerful future to live into. Let us know how it goes and what you and your organizations are creating.

About the Author
StrategyDriven Expert Contributor | Bruce HodesBruce Hodes, President and Founder of CMI, is dedicated to helping companies grow. The focus of his work is developing work teams, business leaders and executives into powerful performers. Bruce has an MBA from Northwestern University and a Master’s Degree in Clinical Social Work.

5 Ways To Improve Warehouse Efficiency

StrategyDriven Tactical Execution Article |Improve Warehouse Efficiency|5 Ways To Improve Warehouse EfficiencyAn inefficient warehousing operation can be the difference between profitability and losing money. Technology plays such a huge role in warehousing and logistics in today’s economy, that it would be almost impossible to run a modern warehousing system without it.

Even with technology, there’s still a lot of room to improve processes and maximize productivity.

Focus on employee engagement

Research has shown that engaged employees benefit a company in numerous ways. For example. Engaged employees are more productive, take fewer sick days, and have fewer workplace health and safety incidents.

Take steps to ensure that your employees are engaged through good pay, conditions, and professional development.

Survey your workforce regularly and act on their feedback. This kind of continuous listening is far more effective than an annual survey, which is often cumbersome and rarely leads to any time changes that improve the business. By the time you’ve collated all of the information, employees may have already left.

Use warehouse management software

If you aren’t already using a comprehensive warehouse management system, then you really should think of investing. It will document your business to a granular level, from inventory to supply chain. It can show you the best and most efficient ways to store and fulfill your orders. It can keep track of every inch of your warehouse, and tell you where things should be stored, whether in a 1200mm retention unit, pallet, or roll cage.

Invest in training

The equipment and software you use are only as effective as the people who use it. By investing in your people and giving them regular, quality training, you’re ensuring that they can work at a high level of quality. You’re also showing that you’re committed to their safety and development.

It’s also a good idea to train employees in other areas of the business too. That way, if you’re ever short-staffed through illness or employee turnover, you have people who can step in at short notice to plug any gaps.

Encouraging employee feedback

The best people to ask about improving the efficiency of the warehouse are the people who work in it. They know the job in a way that others do not and will be able to identify areas that need improvement.

Develop clear and open channels with employees at all levels. Encourage them to give honest and open feedback on how things are working and especially the areas where they are not.

Develop good relationships with your suppliers

An efficient warehouse relies on stock being delivered and shipped on time. By building up your relationships with suppliers, you can help to ensure that things run smoothly in this area.

Have your purchasing department put a strategy in place to nurture these relationships.

Final thoughts

There are many ways that you can improve the efficiency of your warehouse. Some are more obvious than others, but by looking at issues both large and small, you can address these problems and make real changes that will positively impact your bottom line.

How To Boost Workplace Concentration

StrategyDriven Managing Your People Article |Boost Workplace Concentration|How To Boost Workplace ConcentrationWhether you are an entrepreneur that wants to keep going and avoid burnout or a company boss that wants to improve the efficiency of their employees, it is ideal to know how to improve focus motivation.

This guide will share the best tips to improve workplace concentration, which will enhance motivation, drive, and efficiency.

Improve the air quality

A lack of air quality will significantly reduce the focus levels in the workplace. Whether the office or warehouse is hot and stuffy or dark, it will impact how well an employee can concentrate.

To improve air quality, it is essential to take the following steps:

  • Use the right window coverings. Should your workplace’s window coverings be big, dark, or old, then they might be hindering the air quality in the space. Taking them down or replacing them with lighter materials will help air pass through easily, especially when the windows are open.
  • Install the right tools. Whether it be air conditioning or dust collectors, it is important to install the right tools to help improve air quality. For example, if you work in an industrial setting then it will benefit your workers if you install Industrial Baghouse Dust Collectors as these can help to improve the air quality within your warehouse, which can not only help to elongate the lifetime of machinery but also help improve the air that the staff breathes in. The better the air quality, the more employees will be able to focus and produce better or more work.
  • Office plants. If you work in an office, then simply adding plants can help to improve the air quality. They will help to soak up humidity and offer oxygen, which will help to regulate and improve the air.

Encourage employees to switch off other devices

Although it might feel strange to ask your employees to switch off their personal devices, it can be a tremendous effort in improving concentration. If an employee has their mobile phone sat on their desk all day and each time they get a notification they check their phone, then it will be hindering their focus and efforts.

Hence, then switch off from personal devices to then switch on to work devices will help employees maintain focus and avoid distractions.

Play music or other noises

Speaking of distractions, it can sometimes help employees improve their focus if they have something to listen to. Sometimes the street noise or other unexpected noises can impact how concentration.

Therefore, playing the radio or white noise in the background while everyone is working can help everyone not flinch when they hear a loud horn outside the office or a pen falling off of a desk.

Change the workplace layout

Whether you own an office or other type of workplace, it can often help to change the layout. Sometimes the same old setup can hinder employees’ ability to focus and feel motivated.

Switching where the desks are or facing everyone towards the big windows can help them feel like they are in a new setting, which can often help to enhance focus and productivity.

Encourage time out

Although some employees might work their way through their lunchtime and get a good amount done each day, it won’t be good for their concentration levels. If a person sits in front of their desk all day and doesn’t move, then they will likely start to lose focus in the afternoon.

Hence, it is good to encourage time out. Whether that be ten minutes in the fresh air every 90 minutes or an extended lunch break, everyone can benefit from time out to refresh their mind.

Get fresh air

Although the air quality in the office might have improved after changing the window coverings or installing the right tools, sometimes proper bouts of fresh air are more beneficial for boosting concentration levels.

Hence, ensure to encourage employees to get fresh air. Exercising the mind at lunchtime can help to recentre the mind and boost motivation.

Set log-on and log-off times

Should employees often work at random times of the day, such as starting earlier than they should be and finishing later, then it will be a good idea to set strict log-on and log-off times.

This will help them avoid burnout and only work as much as they need to. For instance, if the office hours at typically 9 to 5, then make sure employees do not work outside of those hours unless they really need to. If an employee wants to work more, then ensure to offer them more time out (an extended lunch or half a day off).