
StrategyDriven Leadership Conversation Episode 1 – An Introduction to Leadership Effectiveness

StrategyDriven Leadership Conversations focus on the values and behaviors characteristic of highly effective leaders. Complimenting the StrategyDriven Management & Leadership articles, these conversations examine the real world challenges managers face every day that are not easily solved with a new or redesigned process and instead demand the application of soft leadership skills to achieve a positive outcome.

Episode 1 – An Introduction to Leadership Effectiveness introduces the concept of leadership effectiveness by exploring what leadership effectiveness is, the characteristics and behaviors exhibited by effective leaders, and the impacts of organizational culture and situational conditions on leadership effectiveness.

Final Request…

StrategyDriven Leadership Conversation PodcastThe strength in our community grows with the additional insights brought by our expanding member base. Please consider rating us and sharing your perspectives regarding the StrategyDriven Leadership Conversation podcast on iTunes by clicking here. Sharing your thoughts improves our ranking and helps us attract new listeners which, in turn, helps us grow our community.

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StrategyDriven Podcast Special Edition 17 – An Interview with Garry Ridge, co-author of Helping People Win at Work

StrategyDriven Podcasts focus on the tools and techniques executives and managers can use to improve their organization’s alignment and accountability to ultimately achieve superior results. These podcasts elaborate on the best practice and warning flag articles on the StrategyDriven website.

Special Edition 17 – An Interview with Garry Ridge, co-author of Helping People Win at Work explores the Partnering for Performance management system and how it engages employees to assess and improve their performance to unprecedented levels. During our discussion, Garry Ridge, President and CEO of the WD-40 Company and co-author of Helping People Win at Work: A Business Philosophy Called “Don’t Mark My Paper, Help Me Get an A” shares his insights regarding:

  • the importance of building a “tribe member” versus an employer-employee relationship with organization members
  • how the Partnering for Performance system engages tribe members to develop their own performance assessments and take responsibility for their own development
  • benefits of eliminating the manager developed performance assessments, forced rankings, and bell curve performance distributions of traditional performance management systems
  • steps needed to move an organization, particularly its culture, to embrace the Partnering for Performance system
  • quantified improvement in bottom line results achieved after implementing the Partnering for Performance system at the WD-40 Company

Additional Information

In addition to the incredible insights Garry shares in Helping People Win at Work and this special edition podcast are the additional resources accessible from his The Learning Moment website, ( Garry’s book, Helping People Win at Work, published by FT Press can be purchased by clicking here.

Final Request…

The strength of our community grows with the additional insights brought by our expanding member base. Please consider rating us on iTunes by clicking here. Rating the StrategyDriven Podcast and providing your comments online improves our ranking and helps us attract new listeners which, in turn, helps us grow our community.

Thank you again for listening to the StrategyDriven Podcast!

About the Author

Garry Ridge, co-author of Helping People Win at Work, is President and CEO of the WD-40 Company, the San Diego, California based maker of the ever-popular WD-40, as well as the Lava heavy duty hand cleaners, Carpet Fresh, and 2000 Flushes household cleaning products. Garry teaches leadership, talent management, and succession planning at the University of San Diego’s Executive Leadership program and in 2003 was named Director of the Year for Enhancement of Economic Value by the Corporate Directors Forum. A native of Australia, he has served as national Vice President of the Australian Institute and the Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association. To read Garry’s full biography, click here.

Business Performance Assessment Program Best Practice 4 – Random, Unannounced Inspections

StrategyDriven Business Performance Assessment Program Best Practice ArticleIt’s perfectly natural and expected that individuals want to do a good job and be recognized for it or at a minimum want to do a good enough job to avoid what are to them undesired consequences. Subsequently, people look to what their superiors communicate as required job performance to gag the level and timing of their efforts.

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The Advisor’s Corner – If I Don’t Measure, Can I Manage?


There are several axioms regarding measurement such as:

  • What gets measured gets done.
  • What gets measured and rewarded gets done well.
  • If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.
  • What gets measured gets managed.

Is it really true that if something is not measured it is not being managed? Not everything can be measured simply because of resource constraints and I would hesitate to assert that these areas subsequently suffer from management neglect. What are your thoughts?

StrategyDriven Response:

The short answer is no. Not measuring something does not necessarily equate to its not being managed. An organization’s limited resources dictate that only a finite number of activities can be directly measured; just as a manager’s limited available time prevents all activities from being directly monitored. But while these cliches do not represent an absolute truth, managers do need to recognize current realities in terms of defined future goals in order to possess the knowledge necessary to formulate their organization’s activities. Performance measures represent one very effective means of acquiring this knowledge on a routine basis with relatively minimal cost.

Therefore, a key manager responsibility is to identify those few performance measures that will best enable him or her to guide their organization in the achievement of the company’s mission goals in the most efficient manner possible. These measures must necessarily monitor the conduct of ongoing production work and support identification and implementation of improvement opportunities. Because an organization’s circumstances and the market environment change over time, the adopted performance measures will likely be changed and/or replaced over time.

Final Thought…

Since having no performance measures is not an option, the real challenge becomes determining what to measure in order to effectively manages while at the same time remaining within the organization’s constrained resource budget. Several StrategyDriven articles, podcasts, and whitepapers are dedicated to the topic of identifying the right performance measures including:




Lastly, it is important to recognize that the reverse is not necessarily true either; having performance measures does not necessarily result in a process or activity being managed or managed well. Performance measures are simply a management tool without which effective management is difficult.

StrategyDriven Podcast Special Edition 13 – An Interview with Michael Dunn, author of The Marketing Accountability Imperative

StrategyDriven Podcasts focus on the tools and techniques executives and managers can use to improve their organization’s alignment and accountability to ultimately achieve superior results. These podcasts elaborate on the best practice and warning flag articles on the StrategyDriven website.

Special Edition 13 – An Interview with Michael Dunn, author of The Marketing Accountability Imperative explores the challenges and solutions to creating alignment between an organization’s strategic and marketing plans and accountability to achieving predetermined marketing results. During our discussion, Michael Dunn, author of The Marketing Accountability Imperative: Driving Superior Returns on Marketing Investments and CEO and Chairman of Prophet, shares with us his insights regarding:

  • what marketing accountability is and how it benefits an organization
  • three Horizons organizations go through in order to achieve marketing accountability
  • landmines and enablers to achieving marketing accountability
  • common marketing performance metrics used by accountable organizations

Additional Information

Complimenting the outstanding insights Michael shares in The Marketing Accountability Imperative and this special edition podcast are the additional resources accessible from his organization’s website at Michael’s book, The Marketing Accountability Imperative, can be purchased by clicking here.

About the Author

Michael Dunn, author of The Marketing Accountability Imperative, is CEO and Chairman of Prophet, a marketing consultancy that helps senior executives balance their organization’s short-term business needs against their long-term growth goals. Michael and his organization serve numerous Fortune 500 companies including GE, Johnson & Johnson, Staples, UBS, and American Airlines. To read Michael’s full biography, click here.