Ten Questions that Motivate Engagement and Drive Greater Accountability
Do you want to move an important project ahead faster? Would you rather motivate and engage than give orders and ride herd? How about inspiring greater accountability? Why do I ask so many questions? Because questions deliver better results.
As you read the questions above, I have no doubt that you at least began to consider answers. When someone asks questions – especially when you as a manager ask questions of a direct report – the listener can’t help but begin to formulate a response.
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About the Author
Helanie (pronounced yeh-LAH-nee) Scott has driven stunning leadership and cultural transformations for an impressive list of organizations including: Dr. Pepper, Reuters, Fluor, Ericsson, PepsiCo and more.
Raised in a small, South African mining town, by the age of 21 Helanie had set out on her own in Johannesburg, learned the ropes of the big city, and purchased the business that hired her. She emigrated to Canada and then to the United States, researching and studying leadership and organizational development, and growing her Align4Profit consulting firm.
The culmination of her life experience, years of business consulting, and colorfully diverse background manifests itself in her deeply personal Leadership Intimacy philosophy, which serves as the foundation of CoachQuest – a strategic and tactical learning organization based in Dallas, Texas, that caters to the behavioral and operational growth of leaders and teams with a focus on improving culture and results.