Leveraging Military Leadership for Civilian Success
The topic of military to civilian work transitions is receiving significant attention as of late, and with good reason. The U.S. Department of Labor estimates that more than one million military service members will leave the military in the coming years. The importance of helping our veterans make this difficult transition into the next chapter of their lives cannot be over stated. However, a review of the transitions resources highlights a few shortcomings in the current approach. Most transitions resources and programs focus on helping the veteran find civilian sector employment – any employment. The transition support is heavily centered on resume writing, working the job boards, and conducting a successful interview. Again, nothing wrong with this.
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About the Authors
Bernadine Karunaratne is a recognized expert in talent management with a special emphasis on integrating talent strategy with business strategy. Her fifteen-year history supporting the public sector’s talent management agenda has resulted in an impressive track record, bringing technical competence and measurement-based, research-focused solutions to her clients.
Noah Rabinowitz is a seasoned business professional with expertise in talent management, sales effectiveness, new business development, and strategic transformations. He is also an executive coach, program manager, and senior faculty member.