Each Sustaining Nuclear Cost Reduction Idea is a specific initiative focused on enhancing overall fleet/station efficiency in a manner that reduces operations and maintenance costs while maintaining or improving nuclear plant safety and reliability. Ideas consist of an executive summary, estimated savings, required implementation resources, and implementation risks.
Functional Area Cost Reduction Ideas (CRIs)
Cost Reduction Ideas are organized according to the functional area(s) involved in the recommended organizational, process, and/or technology change.
Oversight Cost Reduction Ideas represent opportunities to modify or re-engineer the organization, process, and/or technology components of a fleet/station oversight (Nuclear Oversight, Performance Improvement, Internal Audit, Corporate Compliance, etcetera) program in a manner that reduces overall operations and maintenance costs while maintaining or improving nuclear plant safety and reliability.
Supply Chain
Supply Chain Cost Reduction Ideas represent opportunities to modify or re-engineer the organization, process, and/or technology components of a fleet/station supply chain (procurement, inventory management, warehouse, receiving, issues/returns) program in a manner that reduces overall operations and maintenance costs while maintaining or improving nuclear plant safety and reliability.
Work Management
Work Management Cost Reduction Ideas represent opportunities to modify or re-engineer the organization, process, and/or technology components of a fleet/station supply chain (online and outage work planning, scheduling, execution, and closure) program in a manner that reduces overall operations and maintenance costs while maintaining or improving nuclear plant safety and reliability.