StrategyDriven Management and Leadership Article

How to Lead in High Turbulence – 5 Lessons from the Tunisian revolution

What would you do if you were offered a new job and were told you would be fired after one year but you weren’t allowed to quit during your mandate? That you would be paid peanuts compared to your old comfortable job, and you would be harassed and bashed in the media constantly. And you […]

Reaching Your Ultimate Potential

“You have potential.” Those words have never seemed to move people toward success. They send the message, “You are not yet where you need to be.” The spirit of the message, that you believe in that person is an important one. However, what’s key is not just that you believe in someone, it’s teaching them […]

Jeff Shane

Are You Betting On the Wrong Job References?

Most of us can relate to this scenario: when completing an employment application, you are asked to identify a number of references (typically 3-5) for prospective employers to contact. In order to put your best foot forward, you choose these references wisely and list those whom will provide the most glowing reviews of their professional […]

Marie Peeler

Becoming a Smarter Leader

One of the traits that often come to mind when people describe leaders is intellect. A leader is expected to be smart. But being smart shouldn’t be a static condition – there are always opportunities to expand your knowledge base. Here are a few ideas of ways to not only become smarter, but to become […]

Flexible Thinking Versus Rigid Thinking

The Most Important Quality In 1995, the Menninger Institute of New York conducted a study to determine the most important quality or qualities that would be necessary for business success in the twenty-first century. It finally concluded that the most important quality required for success would be “flexibility.” It would be the ability to rapidly […]

Skills necessary to compete in rapidly evolving markets

Speed, agility, communication, delegation, innovation You’ve heard the saying “fighting the last war”. It refers to preparing to compete using familiar techniques, against competitors you’ve faced before, in the same markets or industries, only to discover that the rules have changed. Modern business competition is changing rapidly, and to compete effectively, you need to understand […]

Harry Hutson and Martha Johnson

Leaders: Build Your Pre-Resilience for Times of Crisis

Your organization is going to face a crisis. This is not a question of IF but WHEN. Our world is too complex, markets too volatile, and technology too fast-paced for us to relax into complacency about organizational safety and normalcy. What’s a leader to do? How is a leader to be ready? How can leaders […]

Leadership Lessions from the United States Naval Academy

Leadership Lessons from the United States Naval Academy – Don’t Bilge Your Teammates

Effective teamwork demands that each team member value and respect the others with whom they are working. Nothing diminishes this more than when one team member openly attacks or in some way seeks to diminish the value and respect of another.

Jeffrey Gitomer

Why do some persist and some quit? Because…

Is there a secret to follow-up? No. Is there a best way to follow-up? No. Why do people quit too soon? Big question. Why do you quit too soon? Bigger question. Have you ever read Think and Grow Rich? Biggest question. Reason? Think and Grow Rich (written by Napoleon Hill 78 years ago) has an […]

Ritch Eich

Leaders Should Sweat the Small Stuff

Almost every day we read about a CEO ouster, a logo change that backfires, or a product launch that fails to live up to its hype. As a young sailor, I was taught how to salute properly, and how to wear my dress blues and summer whites correctly. Later, as a naval officer I was […]