As a career Wall Streeter and mountaineer, I learned over the years that mountains are not climbed alone; neither are careers. Each depends on the generosity you’re willing to extend to your colleagues, known as the Law of Reciprocity. It’s a universal understanding to explain that in order to create success, extend help to others […] 10:00:112016-08-06 18:08:35Communication and Leadership Tactics to Take Your Career to New Heights
A leader has three primary roles: set the direction — the vision for the team; attract and retain the best talent you can find; and build and protect the corporate culture. Robert Walter Founder and Former CEO, Cardinal Health Leo Van Wart is a professional golfer who helped propel Notah Begay III to the ranks […] 11:00:152016-08-06 18:10:30Are There Gaps on Your Team?
For some of us, it may be a dubious hobby, a 2000-piece jigsaw puzzle offers a great analogy for a vision. Specifically, the picture on the puzzle box is your vision. It is extremely difficult to complete a jigsaw puzzle without having that picture to reference, and the same is true for realizing your vision. […] Ives Ives2016-07-04 08:00:572016-08-06 18:12:16Every Leader Needs a Great Vision – 3 Types of Visions
As a modern and forward thinking business, no doubt that if you don’t already use cloud based collaboration software, you’re embedded in the process of discovering what options are out there for you and what they could offer. While taking advantage of free trials of various software is a great way to identify what really […] 09:00:592018-10-17 10:45:45What to Ask When Choosing Collaboration Software
I’m often amazed when I get the tour of corporate offices before I am hired to speak. The executives complain about lack of leadership, inspiration, and teamwork. “Do you have any suggestions?” they often ask. “Yes, a good first step would be to get everyone to stop walking with their heads down, and get them […] 08:00:502016-08-06 18:05:57Profit from Happiness
Collaboration. Empowerment. Win/Win. Integrity. Authenticity. We’re finally recognizing the efficacy of acting with humanitarian values! But how do we DO it? How do we know what, or if, to change our comfortable communication patterns? How do we modify any unconscious behaviors to make new habitual choices and recognize when what we’re doing no longer is […] 10:00:592016-06-18 20:50:16The How of Heart
How does one find, or how did you find, a mentor/mentee? Before finding a mentor, a person should ask “what do I want to be the best at?” and then find the person whom they feel is currently the best at whatever they want to me the best at. Once you identify this person, you […] 08:00:392016-08-06 17:49:33How To Find A Mentor
It is now commonplace to hear stories of Boomer and GenX managers having difficulty managing Millennials in the workplace. Most managers look at it as having to deal with differences in attitudes and experience that can lead to frustration and resentment at its worst. The truth is that the actual monetary costs of not bridging […] 11:00:392016-08-06 17:52:25The Costs of Not Bridging the Gap Between Generations
What do you think of when you hear the term “self-improvement”? If you’re like a lot of people, you might imagine working your way through giant stacks of self-help books, starting an intensive new exercise regimen, or devoting more time to charitable causes – all of which are certainly worthwhile ways to improve oneself. However, […] 08:00:532016-08-06 17:59:223 Simple Ways Productivity Leads to Your Best Self
Most of us have first-hand experience with just how ridiculous stereotypes can be. I, for example, proudly break the stereotype of the reserved British person by being blunt and speaking my mind; seldom will you find me acquiescing about things I’m passionate about for the sake of English decorum. While politeness is a stereotype that […] 10:00:112018-06-17 22:01:486 Things I’m Learning from Millennials
Communication and Leadership Tactics to Take Your Career to New Heights
/in Business Communications, Practices for Professionals/by Chuck GarciaAs a career Wall Streeter and mountaineer, I learned over the years that mountains are not climbed alone; neither are careers. Each depends on the generosity you’re willing to extend to your colleagues, known as the Law of Reciprocity. It’s a universal understanding to explain that in order to create success, extend help to others […]
Are There Gaps on Your Team?
/in Management & Leadership/by JV VenableA leader has three primary roles: set the direction — the vision for the team; attract and retain the best talent you can find; and build and protect the corporate culture. Robert Walter Founder and Former CEO, Cardinal Health Leo Van Wart is a professional golfer who helped propel Notah Begay III to the ranks […]
Every Leader Needs a Great Vision – 3 Types of Visions
/in Management & Leadership/by Peter B. Stark and Mary C. KellyFor some of us, it may be a dubious hobby, a 2000-piece jigsaw puzzle offers a great analogy for a vision. Specifically, the picture on the puzzle box is your vision. It is extremely difficult to complete a jigsaw puzzle without having that picture to reference, and the same is true for realizing your vision. […]
What to Ask When Choosing Collaboration Software
/in Tactical Execution, Tools for Professionals/by Gemma WalfordAs a modern and forward thinking business, no doubt that if you don’t already use cloud based collaboration software, you’re embedded in the process of discovering what options are out there for you and what they could offer. While taking advantage of free trials of various software is a great way to identify what really […]
Profit from Happiness
/in Management & Leadership, Practices for Professionals/by Jake DuceyI’m often amazed when I get the tour of corporate offices before I am hired to speak. The executives complain about lack of leadership, inspiration, and teamwork. “Do you have any suggestions?” they often ask. “Yes, a good first step would be to get everyone to stop walking with their heads down, and get them […]
The How of Heart
/in Practices for Professionals/by Sharon Drew MorgenCollaboration. Empowerment. Win/Win. Integrity. Authenticity. We’re finally recognizing the efficacy of acting with humanitarian values! But how do we DO it? How do we know what, or if, to change our comfortable communication patterns? How do we modify any unconscious behaviors to make new habitual choices and recognize when what we’re doing no longer is […]
How To Find A Mentor
/in Professional Development/by Ryan McCormickHow does one find, or how did you find, a mentor/mentee? Before finding a mentor, a person should ask “what do I want to be the best at?” and then find the person whom they feel is currently the best at whatever they want to me the best at. Once you identify this person, you […]
The Costs of Not Bridging the Gap Between Generations
/in Diversity & Inclusion, Management & Leadership/by Marc RobertsonIt is now commonplace to hear stories of Boomer and GenX managers having difficulty managing Millennials in the workplace. Most managers look at it as having to deal with differences in attitudes and experience that can lead to frustration and resentment at its worst. The truth is that the actual monetary costs of not bridging […]
3 Simple Ways Productivity Leads to Your Best Self
/in Practices for Professionals/by Johan GunnarsWhat do you think of when you hear the term “self-improvement”? If you’re like a lot of people, you might imagine working your way through giant stacks of self-help books, starting an intensive new exercise regimen, or devoting more time to charitable causes – all of which are certainly worthwhile ways to improve oneself. However, […]
6 Things I’m Learning from Millennials
/in Diversity & Inclusion, Management & Leadership/by Nick GoodeMost of us have first-hand experience with just how ridiculous stereotypes can be. I, for example, proudly break the stereotype of the reserved British person by being blunt and speaking my mind; seldom will you find me acquiescing about things I’m passionate about for the sake of English decorum. While politeness is a stereotype that […]