StrategyDriven Organizational Accountability Article

Fire the Slugs! And Other Great, No-Nonsense Ways to Retain Your Best People

There isn’t an organization anywhere that doesn’t have a problem with some type of personnel turnover problems. Depending on the study you look at, the impact of turnover ranges from three months of salary for a low level employee who leaves to as high as 400 percent of the annual salary of an upper-level person […]

Leadership Inspirations – Well Done

“Well done is so much better than well said.” Benjamin Franklin (1706 – 1790) Founding Father of the United States of America

StrategyDriven Podcast Series

Inside Job – Unveiling Economists’ Ties to the Financial Sector

America and the world are still recovering from the global economic crisis of 2008. And with unemployment rates above 9 percent, many wonder if the market turmoil will ever end. PBS NewsHour Economics Correspondent Paul Solman talks to Charles Ferguson, director of Academy Award winning documentary, Inside Job, a film that raises red flags about […]

Are You a Good Fit for Potential Employers?

Determining if you are a good fit for an employer and vice-versa is not always as hard as it might seem. As I describe in my book Career Mapping: Charting Your Course in the New World of Work, you first need to have decided that you want to work in the industry in which the […]

StrategyDriven Big Picture of Business Article

The Big Picture of Business – Fine Wine, Aged Cheese and Valuable Antiques: Part II

The successful professional person takes the time and appropriates the resources to develop a Body of Work, rather than just hold jobs. Business is approached as a lifetime track record of accomplishments. This sophisticated and vital category includes:

Is Email Taking Over Your Life? 7 ways to get your life back

During a recent film shoot in Tucson, Arizona for a new Internet project, I woke up at 4am unable to sleep. So as millions do when our sleep is interrupted, I got up and started wading through my cluttered email inbox. Email consumes enormous amounts of time (some studies indicate that 40% of a typical […]

StrategyDriven Big Picture of Business Article

The Big Picture of Business – Fine Wine, Aged Cheese and Valuable Antiques: Part I

A professional’s career and their collected Body of Work encompass time, energy, resources, perseverance and lots of commitment in order to produce. This holds true for any company, institution and for any person.

How to Turn a Great Strategic Principle into Great Results

Results start with a strong strategic principle – a shared objective about what the organization wants to accomplish. The strategic principle guides the company’s allocation of scarce resources – money, time, and talent. The strategic principle doesn’t merely aggregate a collection of objectives. Rather, this simple statement captures the thinking required to build a sustainable […]

The Transformational Leader: Compass to a New World, part 2

Inspire A pure fact of transformational leadership is that you can accomplish only a small portion of the requisite forward movement on your own. Therefore, if you are to transform a company you must inspire others to follow you. What are the qualities of a leader that inspire others and impel them to follow? About […]

Is Your Team Failing Elegantly? Seven Leadership Mistakes That Wear Away at Your Company’s Will to Win

No one wants to lose. That’s true whether you’re talking about the Super Bowl, a friendly basketball game with the neighbors, or a footrace between eight-year-olds. Yes, the desire to win is embedded in the human psyche. So why is it that in the business world the ‘win or (almost) die trying’ principle seems to […]