Creating Customer Focused Teams, Part 3

Developmental Stage Movement In time, Stage 1 teams arrive at Stage 2. Stage 2 teams will either get stuck in Stage 2 or move on to Stage 3. Stage 3 teams can slip back into Stage 2 or move on to Stage 4. Progress or slippage depends on whether the team builds on its momentum […]

Jeffrey Gitomer

Think the ‘write’ way. Do the ‘write’ thing. And all will be well.

RELAX! You’ve heard that word since the first time you got angry or upset. Or maybe it’s a word in your head that beacons reality. Pent up frustration, worry, or concern about the present or the future – or both – and nervousness about what’s about to happen in the world, at work, at home, […]

Creating Customer Focused Teams, Part 2

Customer Focus, Feedback and Service Strategy To create customer-focused teams, employees must understand that they win when the customers win; there is more to this positioning than meets the eye. The customer win has to be defined so that the company also wins. If you ask customers what they want they will tell you I […]

Leadership Inspirations – Guided by Experience

“The trouble with using experience as a guide is that the final exam often comes first and then the lesson.” Anonymous

Recommended Resource – Secrets of Power Problem Solving

Secrets of Power Problem Solving by Roger Dawson About the Reference Secrets of Power Problem Solving by Roger Dawson provides an insightful examination of the theories and practices associated with decision-making. Throughout his book, Roger challenges commonly held beliefs about the decision-making process and provides actionable methods to effectively address problems of all types… of […]

Creating Customer Focused Teams, Part 1

What is a Customer Focused Team? The word ‘team’ is overused in business; it gets applied to any group of humans in a work setting. However, when you define a team as everything, you end up with nothing. The best and most concise definition for corporate teams I have found comes from The Wisdom of […]

Creating Teams

Performance within groups typically does not just happen. For a group to really perform well it needs practice. The group needs to understand the best way to organize itself for performance. This concept is commonly understood by sports teams and the military. They clearly see the need to give groups opportunities to practice. Boot Camp […]

Leadership Inspirations – Complexity

“There is most often no simple solution for a complex problem. True genius is finding the complex solution for the complex problem and being able to communicate it simply.” Author Unknown

Recommended Resource – Judgment Calls

Judgment Calls: Twelve Stories of Big Decisions and the Teams That Got Them Right by Thomas H. Davenport and Brook Manville About the Reference Judgment Calls by Thomas H. Davenport and Brook Manville examines twelve mission critical decisions made by public and private organizations for the key aspects of the decision process employed and analytical […]

Jeffrey Gitomer

Championship aftermath. The first breeds the second.

The Miami Heat just won the NBA title, and LeBron James, aka ‘King James,’ won the most valuable player award. He completed a nine-year mission. A reporter asked him what his first thoughts were. He instantly replied with a HUGE smile, “It’s about damn time.” As most know, the game of basketball is a team […]