Where Have All the Leaders Gone?, part 2 of 6

Leadership Role #1: Reading the World and Creating a Vision No business is an island. Each organization exists within a rich and ever-evolving set of social, economic, political, cultural, and institutional environments. To a large degree, an organization’s success depends on how well it positions itself in the world. Therefore, one of the most important […]

Jeffrey Gitomer

Still making goals and resolutions? Why?

Holy frijoles, 2013 is over! How did you do? How did those resolutions and goals you made at the end of last year work out? Think about the word resolution – the root word is resolve. What was your 2013 resolve? What got in the way of achievement? Personally, I am against traditional resolutions and […]

StrategyDriven Expert Contributor Hank Moore

The Big Picture of Business – Doing Your Best Work on Deadlines: Mobilizing the Energy for Best Business Success

We just had the first live TV musical play extravaganza on television after a 50-year hiatus. The production was The Sound of Music, starring Carrie Underwood. This TV special got a lot of attention because it was unique live, just like opening night of the Broadway show on which it was based. Truth is that […]

Where Have All the Leaders Gone?, part 1 of 6

Today, in almost every sector of society, we are facing a crisis of leadership. This cry is heard in newspapers, magazines, and TV debates and at dinner tables across the nation. In the realm of business in particular, the need for leadership has become crucial. When we compare our country’s economic performance with that of […]

Recommended New Year’s Resolutions for Entrepreneurs

With 2013 winding down, it’s time to start thinking of ways to change, or improve, for the New Year. As the New Year approaches, here are a few New Year’s resolutions and recommendations for the entrepreneur: As an entrepreneur: Hire Great People: Continue to try to hire great people so I can focus on my […]

Chris Majer

6 Silent Productivity and Profitability Pitfalls, part 7 of 7

Silent Killer #6: Modern Indentured Servitude Today’s world is one of sharp contrasts. As a society, we have more choices, opportunities, wealth, and prosperity than at any other point in human history. Yet, we are also more depressed, dissatisfied, and despondent than ever before. In fact, more than 21 million Americans are depressed, according to […]

The Best Jobs Go to the Best Educated People and Here is Why

Quite a bit of debate exists about whether education is obtained in school or through life experience. Looking at homes and families, the latter may reign supreme. However, universities, and the job market, often argue that a college degree is necessary to succeed in life and obtain a high paying job. Assuming that people can […]

Chris Majer

6 Silent Productivity and Profitability Pitfalls, part 6 of 7

Silent Killer #5: Suppressing Innovation Thanks to the bureaucracy and lack of listening that exists in most companies today, we have created working environments that stifle the creativity, original thought, and innovation that make our human capital so valuable. As such, it has become all but impossible for many organizations to adapt to our changing […]

StrategyDriven Recommended Resources Article

Recommended Resources – Whole Business Thinking

Whole Business Thinking – A Guide To Exceptional Business Performance by Robert S. Block About the Book Whole Business Thinking by Robert S. Block provides operational executives and managers with the insight needed to relate ‘shop floor’ decisions and activities with the organization’s financial future. Robert reveals how to connect the decisions and actions of […]

The Advisor’s Corner – When Should I Remain Quiet?

Question: As a leader, are there times when I should hold back my opinions? StrategyDriven Response: (by Roxi Hewertson, StrategyDriven Principal Contributor) It is a balancing act for leaders to know just how much to talk and how much to listen. Extroverted leaders have a particular challenge because they talk to think as an important […]