Ben Franklin sought to cultivate his character by a plan of 13 virtues, which he developed at age 20 (in 1726), and continued to practice in some form for the rest of his life. His autobiography lists his 13 virtues as: Temperance. Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation. Silence. Speak not but what […] 06:36:532016-08-07 22:10:09A penny saved is a penny earned. Or is it?
Question: Is there a right way to FIRE an employee? StrategyDriven Response: (by Roxi Hewertson, StrategyDriven Principal Contributor) Unfortunately, on average, we still have a 50 percent or more failure rate in hiring. This means we are as likely as not going to find ourselves in this unpleasant situation. Aside from legal, union, or other […] 06:13:122016-05-11 14:49:57The Advisor’s Corner – Is there a right way to FIRE an employee?
Effectively managing people, processes, or both is in many ways a balancing act. Some would even describe it as an art form. There are many variables in play simultaneously which determine if somebody will ultimately be successful in a leadership role. Before a manager begins to understand all of these nuances they must learn one […] 06:06:072016-01-30 22:26:12How to be an Effective Manager
In today’s global marketplace, leaders must possess strong communication skills. The sound of someone’s voice matters twice as much as the content of his or her message, according to recent findings as reported in the Wall Street Journal. Studies have shown that a person’s speech patterns, including the quality of their voice, strongly influences how […] 06:59:002018-06-09 13:48:23Communication Skills Can Increase Your Leadership Credibility
Question: Can I Afford a Bad Hire? StrategyDriven Response: (by Roxi Hewertson, StrategyDriven Principal Contributor) Fact 1: No one can afford a bad hire! Fact 2: Nationally, about 50 percent of hires, fail. Of those that succeed only about 20 percent are top performers. Fact 3: 90 percent of failures are UNRELATED to brains and […] 06:00:502016-05-11 14:53:26The Advisor’s Corner – Can I Afford a Bad Hire?
Question from a reader: Jeffrey, I speak with many people in organizations that want you to think they are the decision maker when in fact they are not. I have wasted too many emails and follow up on people that can’t help. How do you ask without hurting the relationship you may have built? How […] 06:26:322016-08-08 16:30:56Finding the elusive decision maker. Then what?
Internships can be a valuable stepping stone for college students to start on their career path. But when it comes to deciding where to intern, students must consider where they’ll gain the most experience. Should they pursue a big-name firm that offers prestige, or will a small company offering practical, hands-on experience that is directly […] 06:44:162016-08-08 16:34:37Big-Name Firm or Hands-on Experience: How to Get the Most out of Your Internship
“Thoughts are things” is the title and the first words of the first chapter of the book. When I first read those words, I didn’t really understand what they meant – even when I read the first chapter and the examples offered in Napoleon Hill’s classic Think and Grow Rich. It didn’t resonate until I […] 06:48:332016-08-08 16:37:17Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich is full of timeless lessons.
Question: How do I ask for a raise or promotion? StrategyDriven Response: (by Roxi Hewertson, StrategyDriven Principal Contributor) Think about it this way – you lose nothing by advocating for the pay and position you deserve. If the answer you receive is ‘no,’ then you’ll be right where you are now except you will know […] 06:35:572015-09-17 23:50:16The Advisor’s Corner – How do I ask for a raise or promotion?
The biggest problem with our business in our society, in a capsule sentence: People with one set of experiences, values, wants and perceptions make mis-targeted attempts to communicate with others in trying to get what they want and need. Success is just in front of our faces. Yet, we often fail to see it coming. […] 06:41:392015-12-19 21:39:34The Big Picture of Business – Communications Reflect Your Strategy
A penny saved is a penny earned. Or is it?
/in Practices for Professionals/by Jeffrey GitomerBen Franklin sought to cultivate his character by a plan of 13 virtues, which he developed at age 20 (in 1726), and continued to practice in some form for the rest of his life. His autobiography lists his 13 virtues as: Temperance. Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation. Silence. Speak not but what […]
The Advisor’s Corner – Is there a right way to FIRE an employee?
/in Talent Management, The Advisor's Corner/by Roxi HewertsonQuestion: Is there a right way to FIRE an employee? StrategyDriven Response: (by Roxi Hewertson, StrategyDriven Principal Contributor) Unfortunately, on average, we still have a 50 percent or more failure rate in hiring. This means we are as likely as not going to find ourselves in this unpleasant situation. Aside from legal, union, or other […]
How to be an Effective Manager
/in Management & Leadership/by Gabriel BristolEffectively managing people, processes, or both is in many ways a balancing act. Some would even describe it as an art form. There are many variables in play simultaneously which determine if somebody will ultimately be successful in a leadership role. Before a manager begins to understand all of these nuances they must learn one […]
Communication Skills Can Increase Your Leadership Credibility
/in Business Communications, Practices for Professionals/by Jayne LatzIn today’s global marketplace, leaders must possess strong communication skills. The sound of someone’s voice matters twice as much as the content of his or her message, according to recent findings as reported in the Wall Street Journal. Studies have shown that a person’s speech patterns, including the quality of their voice, strongly influences how […]
The Advisor’s Corner – Can I Afford a Bad Hire?
/in Talent Management, The Advisor's Corner/by Roxi HewertsonQuestion: Can I Afford a Bad Hire? StrategyDriven Response: (by Roxi Hewertson, StrategyDriven Principal Contributor) Fact 1: No one can afford a bad hire! Fact 2: Nationally, about 50 percent of hires, fail. Of those that succeed only about 20 percent are top performers. Fact 3: 90 percent of failures are UNRELATED to brains and […]
Finding the elusive decision maker. Then what?
/in Decision-Making, Management & Leadership, Practices for Professionals/by Jeffrey GitomerQuestion from a reader: Jeffrey, I speak with many people in organizations that want you to think they are the decision maker when in fact they are not. I have wasted too many emails and follow up on people that can’t help. How do you ask without hurting the relationship you may have built? How […]
Big-Name Firm or Hands-on Experience: How to Get the Most out of Your Internship
/in Practices for Professionals/by Kathy HarrisInternships can be a valuable stepping stone for college students to start on their career path. But when it comes to deciding where to intern, students must consider where they’ll gain the most experience. Should they pursue a big-name firm that offers prestige, or will a small company offering practical, hands-on experience that is directly […]
Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich is full of timeless lessons.
/in Practices for Professionals/by Jeffrey Gitomer“Thoughts are things” is the title and the first words of the first chapter of the book. When I first read those words, I didn’t really understand what they meant – even when I read the first chapter and the examples offered in Napoleon Hill’s classic Think and Grow Rich. It didn’t resonate until I […]
The Advisor’s Corner – How do I ask for a raise or promotion?
/in Practices for Professionals, The Advisor's Corner/by Roxi HewertsonQuestion: How do I ask for a raise or promotion? StrategyDriven Response: (by Roxi Hewertson, StrategyDriven Principal Contributor) Think about it this way – you lose nothing by advocating for the pay and position you deserve. If the answer you receive is ‘no,’ then you’ll be right where you are now except you will know […]
The Big Picture of Business – Communications Reflect Your Strategy
/in Business Communications, Practices for Professionals/by Hank MooreThe biggest problem with our business in our society, in a capsule sentence: People with one set of experiences, values, wants and perceptions make mis-targeted attempts to communicate with others in trying to get what they want and need. Success is just in front of our faces. Yet, we often fail to see it coming. […]