Procedure development is a craft requiring process-specific technical knowledge, organizational culture and values understanding, and human-machine/procedure interface awareness. Combined, these knowledge and skill specialties enable creation of instructional guides transferring inherent organizational knowledge, possessing technical accuracy, supporting execution efficiency, and reinforcing behavioral expectations.
By the very nature of their use, procedures drive consistency of performance. However, well-constructed procedures embody structural features and human factors ensuring consistency of interpretation and accuracy of performance. Similarly, non-technical values elements and features should be included within relevant procedures to reinforce desired personnel behaviors.
Finally, implementation of a graded approach to procedure use helps ensure these instructional guides support process execution efficiency without unnecessarily stifling work progress.
StrategyDriven and members of our Service Providers Network stand ready to support business leaders with their procedure development activities – process assessment, documentation, enhancement, and training/implementation – to whatever degree they desire. From online advice and benchmarks to direct consultation and the provision of services, we are business leaders’ most trusted partner.