StrategyDriven Business Performance Assessment Program Best Practice Article

Business Performance Assessment Program Best Practice 1 – Executive Sponsorship

There tends to exist a perception that companies are generally open to the identification and resolution of problems; that resources will be applied to solve issues if the gains expected can be shown to outweigh the costs. Reality is frequently different. Priority setting driven by limited resources and at times less visible agendas often precludes an organization from addressing small tactical issues and large global initiatives.

StrategyDriven Podcast

StrategyDriven Podcast Episode 1 – What is a Strategy Driven Organization?

What is a Strategy Driven Organization? introduces the StrategyDriven Podcast series…

StrategyDriven Resource Management Warning Flag Article

Resource Management Warning Flag 2 – Parkinson’s Law

There exists a tendency among workers to use all of the time allotted to perform a task even if the work can be done in a shorter period of time. Some organizations, through high accountability and managerial engagement, minimize the amount of lost time caused by unnecessary work expansion. In other organizations, however, a lack of managerial oversight and reinforcement of high performance standards allows the Thieves of Time to rob the organization of precious productivity.

Recommended Resource – The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century

The World Is Flat [Updated and Expanded]: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century by Thomas L. Friedman About the Reference The World Is Flat [Updated and Expanded]: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century by Thomas L. Friedman examines the social, political, and technological forces that are bringing the peoples of our world closer […]

StrategyDriven Organizational Accountability Article

Organizational Accountability – Increase Opportunities with Accountability

Every day, executives and managers are presented with opportunities to enhance their organization’s success. Frequently, these opportunities go unrecognized, unexplored, or unexploited because the organization is not prepared for them. Certainly, some opportunities are beyond an organization’s reach because of resource limitations. However, ensuring the organization possesses key attributes will better enable it to take advantage of those opportunities for which it has the resources and that are consistent and aligned with its mission.

StrategyDriven Strategic Planning Whitepaper

Strategic Planning Whitepaper Introduction – Analysis

StrategyDriven contributors are pleased to introduce the strategic planning whitepaper: Analysis. This whitepaper outlines and describes the major steps taken to assess the organization’s internal performance and external environment in support of long range activity planning. Strategic analysis is a critical component of the strategic planning process. An integral part of a company’s evaluation and […]

The Advisor’s Corner – How Do You Sell a Major Change?

Question: Feedback indicates my company’s current leadership training program, though inexpensive, yields little to no value. My research shows that an alternative training program has produced superior, measurable results at other organizations. How should I go about selling my manager and the organization on the need to change from our current training program to this […]

New Model Release – Opportunity & Problem Statement Development Model

StrategyDriven contributors are pleased to announce the release of our seventh model: Opportunity & Problem Statement Development model. This model compliments StrategyDriven‘s decision-making best practices Identify the Target and Multidiscipline Teams by illustrating the often complex, multifaceted nature of organizational opportunities and challenges and how cross-functional teams are needed to ensure full understanding and appropriate response is […]

StrategyDriven Resource Projection Article

Resource Projection Best Practice 3 – Controlling Assumption Changes

Standardized activity resource assumptions enable decision-makers to anticipate the quantity and type of resources needed to perform approved work; facilitating selection between competing alternatives, long-term resource planning, day-to-day scheduling, and performance measurement. Over time however, personnel, process, and business environment changes will necessitate reevaluation and alteration of the organization’s standardized activity assumptions. To accommodate these changes and maintain the benefits of using standardized assumptions requires establishment and use of a change control process.

StrategyDriven Decision Making Best Practice Article

Decision-Making Best Practice 4 – Identify the Target

Decision-makers and implementers must clearly understand the desired opportunity or problem outcomes in order to effectively select and execute appropriate actions. Without a well defined focal point, decision-makers and implementers risk selecting and performing either inefficient or inappropriate actions; expending resources on low value adding activities thereby diminishing an opportunity’s benefits or increasing a problem’s adverse impacts. Clear, concise opportunity and problem statements enable decision-makers to more readily identify the appropriate solution alternative and give implementers a target against which they can judge the effectiveness of their actions.