StrategyDriven Diversity and Inclusion Forum

“Diversity and inclusion exists when members of an organization act in a manner that recognizes and respects individual similarities and differences such that employees feel they and their work are valued and meaningfully contribute to the mission of the organization.” StrategyDriven Contributors Remaining relevant in today’s hyper-competitive business environment requires the full engagement of an organization’s […]

StrategyDriven Podcast Series

StrategyDriven Podcast Episode 4 – Prioritize the Mission, part 2 of 2

Prioritize the Mission, part 2 of 2 concludes the Prioritize the Mission series by examining in detail the quantitative and qualitative methods to differentiate important mission-based goals.

StrategyDriven Decision Making Article

Decision-Making – Evaluating Decision Options, part 1 of 3

Decision-making often involves trade-offs. Risk aversion suggests that all things being equal, decision-makers will select the option having the lowest risk. But because all things are never quite equal, decision-makers concede items they deem to be of lesser value to items they believe hold greater value with risk being one of the commodities considered.

StrategyDriven Organizational Accountability Article

Organizational Accountability – Pillars of Accountability

Building an accountable organization can be a long and arduous task; renovating an entitlement organization even more difficult. During this construction project, many able builders will be lost, the victims of a harsh environment that naturally exists between the competent who seek the rightfully earned rewards of performance-based accountability and the low performers struggling to hold on to their positions of power and the accompanying easy life organizational indifference and years of clock-punching bestowed upon them.

Organizational Performance Measures Whitepaper Introduction – Construction

StrategyDriven contributors are pleased to introduce the organizational performance measures whitepaper: Construction. This whitepaper focuses on the process of building selected performance measures in a manner that allows vertical cascading and horizontal sharing while also supporting organizational decision-making. Organizational Performance Measures – Construction is the capstone of the Organizational Performance Measures Whitepaper Series; presenting a […]

StrategyDriven Podcast Series

StrategyDriven Podcast Episode 3 – Prioritize the Mission, part 1 of 2

Prioritize the Mission, part 1 of 2 defines what mission prioritization is, identifies the benefits of prioritizing the mission measures, and specifies the steps involved in prioritizing the mission measures

Organizational Performance Measures Whitepaper Introduction – Selection

StrategyDriven contributors are pleased to introduce the organizational performance measures whitepaper: Selection. This whitepaper focuses on the process of selecting measures that create complete understanding of organizational performance while at the same time aligning the organization’s efforts towards its mission goals. Organizational Performance Measures – Selection compliments and expands upon the principles discussed in the […]

StrategyDriven Podcast Series

StrategyDriven Podcast Episode 2 – Make the Mission Measurable

Make the Mission Measurable examines what a mission statement is, identifies the benefits of making the mission statement measurable, and specifies the steps involved in making the mission measurable

Organizational Performance Measures Whitepaper Introduction – Types

StrategyDriven contributors are pleased to introduce the organizational performance measures whitepaper: Types. This whitepaper describes the many types of organizational performance measures and how each is uniquely suited to support decision-making for various circumstances. Selecting the best performance measure to be used for a particular situation can be difficult. Because there exists a wide range […]

StrategyDriven Business Performance Assessment Program Best Practice Article

Business Performance Assessment Program Best Practice 2 – Multidiscipline Teams

Complex business processes often involve many of the functional business units within an organization. Regardless of the process specifics, it is unlikely a single individual will possess the broad range of knowledge and experience needed to fully understand the influences and impacts each functional contributor has on the process’s overall outcomes. Therefore, when evaluating cross-functional programs, processes, and procedures it is critical that a multidiscipline assessment team be employed.