It’s the age old question of which is more valuable, knowledge or experience. Those arguing for experience rightfully suggest that ‘the numbers’ can be deceiving and that the nuances of a given circumstance – unaccounted for by broadly applicable models and high-level, quantitative facts – often dictate the best course of action. Those favoring knowledge would argue that no two situations are exactly alike and that the underlying nuanced conditions providing success in the past likely went unrecognized and represent the very differences that will cause an experienced-based decision to go awry. The question is, Who is right? – those favoring knowledge or those favoring experience? Our answer is neither and both. We believe the best decisions are made using a well-proportioned blend of both knowledge and experience. 06:46:122018-12-25 08:31:03Decision-Making Best Practice 14 – Balanced Use of Knowledge and Experience
Every decision made represents a risk to the organization; some large, others small; some immediate, others latent; some positive, others adverse. Regardless of the impact, it is desirable to have each decision bring optimal benefit to the organization. Achieving these frequent, repeatable, and positive results requires a mechanism to drive consistency in decision-making; consistency that is only achieved through established procedures on which decision-makers are trained and against which performance is evaluated and acceptable behaviors reinforced. 06:53:052018-12-25 08:21:56Decision-Making Best Practice 13 – Document the Decision-Making Process
“It is the nature of all greatness not to be exact.” Edmund Burke (1729 – 1797) Anglo-Irish statesman, author, orator, political theorist, and philosopher Remember to avoid using absolutes…
There are people in every organization you know whose titles indicate they are leaders. Often, and unfortunately, their employees beg to differ. Oh, they don’t say it directly, not to the boss’s face, anyway. They say it with their ho-hum performance, their games of avoidance, their dearth of enthusiasm. Leaders – real leaders who have […] 06:50:032016-01-31 21:19:54Have You Earned the Right to Lead? Ten Deeply Destructive Mistakes That Suggest the Answer Is No (and How to Stop Making Them) 06:17:582016-08-08 16:10:35Leadership Inspirations – The True Nature of People
There are two ways to compete in existing markets – gaining brand preference and making competitors irrelevant. Brand Relevance The first and most commonly used route to winning customers and sales focuses on generating brand preference among the brand choices considered by customers, on beating the competition. Most marketing strategists perceive themselves to be engaged […]
“We are inclined to believe those whom we do not know because they never have deceived us.” Dr. Samuel Johnson (1709 – 1784) British author who made lasting contributions to English literature as a poet, essayist, moralist, literary critic, biographer, editor and lexicographer cited as “arguably the most distinguished man of letters in English history”
This essay uses grammar as an analogy for looking new ways at how business is conducted. Strategy development requires the mining the gold within any organization and seeking new outcomes via creative applications of ideas. Times of crisis and economic downturn get people thinking differently about the conduct of business. Organizations say that they need […] 01:53:092018-07-19 21:02:21The Big Picture of Business – Sayings, Meanings and Interpretations
Decision-Making Best Practice 14 – Balanced Use of Knowledge and Experience
/in Decision-Making, Premium/by StrategyDrivenIt’s the age old question of which is more valuable, knowledge or experience. Those arguing for experience rightfully suggest that ‘the numbers’ can be deceiving and that the nuances of a given circumstance – unaccounted for by broadly applicable models and high-level, quantitative facts – often dictate the best course of action. Those favoring knowledge would argue that no two situations are exactly alike and that the underlying nuanced conditions providing success in the past likely went unrecognized and represent the very differences that will cause an experienced-based decision to go awry. The question is, Who is right? – those favoring knowledge or those favoring experience? Our answer is neither and both. We believe the best decisions are made using a well-proportioned blend of both knowledge and experience.
Leadership Inspirations – Finding Yourself
/in Leadership Inspirations/by StrategyDriven“Adversity introduces a man to himself.” Anonymous
Decision-Making Best Practice 13 – Document the Decision-Making Process
/in Decision-Making, Premium/by StrategyDrivenEvery decision made represents a risk to the organization; some large, others small; some immediate, others latent; some positive, others adverse. Regardless of the impact, it is desirable to have each decision bring optimal benefit to the organization. Achieving these frequent, repeatable, and positive results requires a mechanism to drive consistency in decision-making; consistency that is only achieved through established procedures on which decision-makers are trained and against which performance is evaluated and acceptable behaviors reinforced.
Leadership Inspirations – Avoid Absolutes
/in Leadership Inspirations/by StrategyDriven“It is the nature of all greatness not to be exact.” Edmund Burke (1729 – 1797) Anglo-Irish statesman, author, orator, political theorist, and philosopher Remember to avoid using absolutes…
Have You Earned the Right to Lead? Ten Deeply Destructive Mistakes That Suggest the Answer Is No (and How to Stop Making Them)
/in Management & Leadership, Practices for Professionals/by John HammThere are people in every organization you know whose titles indicate they are leaders. Often, and unfortunately, their employees beg to differ. Oh, they don’t say it directly, not to the boss’s face, anyway. They say it with their ho-hum performance, their games of avoidance, their dearth of enthusiasm. Leaders – real leaders who have […]
Leadership Inspirations – Endurance and Indecision
/in Leadership Inspirations/by StrategyDriven“Endurance is frequently a form of indecision.” Princess Elizabeth Bibesco (1897 – 1945) English writer
Leadership Inspirations – The True Nature of People
/in Leadership Inspirations/by StrategyDriven“Fortune does not change men; it unmasks them.” Suzanne Curchod – Necker (1739 – 1794) French-Swiss salonist and writer
Forget Brand Preference – Win the Brand Relevance War
/in Marketing & Sales, Strategic Planning/by David AakerThere are two ways to compete in existing markets – gaining brand preference and making competitors irrelevant. Brand Relevance The first and most commonly used route to winning customers and sales focuses on generating brand preference among the brand choices considered by customers, on beating the competition. Most marketing strategists perceive themselves to be engaged […]
Leadership Inspirations – Believable
/in Leadership Inspirations/by StrategyDriven“We are inclined to believe those whom we do not know because they never have deceived us.” Dr. Samuel Johnson (1709 – 1784) British author who made lasting contributions to English literature as a poet, essayist, moralist, literary critic, biographer, editor and lexicographer cited as “arguably the most distinguished man of letters in English history”
The Big Picture of Business – Sayings, Meanings and Interpretations
/in Business Communications/by Hank MooreThis essay uses grammar as an analogy for looking new ways at how business is conducted. Strategy development requires the mining the gold within any organization and seeking new outcomes via creative applications of ideas. Times of crisis and economic downturn get people thinking differently about the conduct of business. Organizations say that they need […]