StrategyDriven Corporate Cultures How Work Gets Done Model

Corporate Cultures – Individual Initiated, Knowledge and Skills Controlled Environment

The Individual Initiated, Knowledge and Skills Controlled Environment is one of two anchor points on the Culture-based Work Performance Model. Subsequently, organizations aligned with this culture set represent the highest level of engagement and creativity while incurring the greatest degree of risk in work consistency and efficiency.

James Murphy

Benefits of Debriefing

The Forces of global change can render professional skill sets obsolete almost overnight. Organizations that fail to continuously revise assumptions about their operating environment (i.e. market) risk obsolescence or irrelevance. It is vital to develop the capacity to learn from your environment. But how is this done? Information overload is the management crisis of the […]

Leadership Inspirations – Moving Forward

“The only way organizations move forward is through change; begotten from fresh perspectives and new ideas.” Nathan Ives Principal Contributor and Host, StrategyDriven Podcast

Recommended Resource – Beyond Performance: How Great Organizations Build Ultimate Competitive Advantage

Beyond Performance: How Great Organizations Build Ultimate Competitive Advantage by Scott Keller and Colin Price About the Reference In Beyond Performance, Scott Keller and Colin Price reveal that achieving organizational excellence is a combination of performance – the delivery of financial results – and health – the ability to perform year after year. Both are […]

StrategyDriven Podcast Series

StrategyDriven Editorial Perspective – Negotiations and the Divided Government

A Republican controlled House of Representatives, a Democrat controlled Senate and White House – a divided government. And if to make matters more complicated, the Republican Party itself is dominated by two very different groups; the first and larger being the Traditional Republicans and the second being the fiscally conservative Tea Party Republicans. Could ‘getting […]

StrategyDriven Corporate Cultures Article

Corporate Cultures – Culture-based Work Performance Model

Corporate values can be difficult to directly quantify. However, using the Culture-based Work Performance Model, the analysis can be reverse engineered to yield a great deal of insight to the culture of the organization.

The Great Eraser

I am a big proponent of continuous improvement and the need to always improve. Unfortunately, it has brought with it a real negative. It took me 8 years of watching my two sons wrestle until I realized I had fell victim to that negative consequence. My youngest son won a tournament by beating the prior […]

Recommended Resource – Adapt: Why Success Always Starts with Failure

Adapt: Why Success Always Starts with Failure by Tim Harford About the Reference Adapt reveals the power of adaptive trial and error in solving the most difficult organizational challenges. Tim Harford illustrates the benefits of performing small, non-threatening trial projects to determine optimal product features, service options, or process performance. Further, he shows how such […]

The Shortest Path to Higher Revenue

The fastest way to find out what your next customer wants to buy, and how they want to buy it, is to ask your previous customers what they were looking for and how they went about buying it from you. In other words, if you want to increase your revenue, reverse-engineer your successful sales. The […]

StrategyDriven Corporate Cultures Article

Corporate Cultures – Culture’s Impact on How Work Gets Done

An organization’s culture, its collectively shared values system, profoundly impacts what work is performed, when work is performed, and how work is performed. And the culture driver has as much if not more influence on the results achieved as does the organization’s land, labor, capital, technology, and intellectual property resources.