StrategyDriven Expert Contributor GuidelinesContent and Length

StrategyDriven Guest Author content should provide executives and managers useful information related to strategic business planning, tactical execution, or management and leadership practices.

  • Principles-based – Articles should be based on sound planning, execution, or management and leadership principles. Preference will be given to how-to articles including real-world examples and experiences supporting the principles presented. We do not accept press releases or overtly promotional material.
  • Relevant Contextual Links – Articles may contain up to four (4) contextual links to other topically related, non-offensive, non-adult related websites that in some manner enhance the reader experience.  Links flagged as at risk by Google or StrategyDriven’s security software will be immediately removed from the submitted content.
  • Original Content – Submitted articles must be original works by the contributing author. Articles published on the StrategyDriven website are not to be published elsewhere. Authors may publish teasers on their website with a link to the complete article, however, the bulk of the article must be content exclusively published on the StrategyDriven website.
  • High Quality – Submitted articles must be grammatically correct and free of spelling errors.
  • Length – Articles should be principles-based and 300 – 700 words in length.

Content Categories

StrategyDriven provides informative insights on a wide-range of business related topics. Below is a list of those topics, one of which contributed articles should relate:


StrategyDriven Guest Authors retain the copyrights for all original submissions. Contributors grant StrategyDriven the rights to publish, in perpetuity, any submitted material for reading, download, or other use by any visitor to the StrategyDriven website or other StrategyDriven media property. Furthermore, contributors grant StrategyDriven the irrevocable global rights to commercially use all submitted materials, in part or whole, without compensation. The author certifies to StrategyDriven that their submission is original and that they have not violated any copyrights.

Editorial Rights

StrategyDriven’s editorial staff reserves the right to edit for length, clarity, and/or readability any article submitted for publication. Our editorial staff will make the final decision on when any article will be published. However, we will not rewrite your article to meet our publication guidelines.

Recognition and Promotional Opportunity

StrategyDriven Guest Authors will receive recognition and promotion, if desired, via a 2 – 3 sentence “About the Author” section at the end of their contributed article. This section may include a 75 x 96 px headshot photo of the author and 1 – 2 hyperlinks to the the author’s biography and business or book website.


Due to the volume of articles submitted, we now require a one-time $50 USD publication fee per article submitted via the StrategyDriven Guest Contributor Article Submission Portal and $100 USD publication fee per article submitted via email. This fee does not guarantee your article will be immediately accepted but is does ensure we will review it and work with you to make it publishable on the StrategyDriven website.

StrategyDriven Website Traffic

When relying on third-party websites, such as StrategyDriven, for promotion of your business or personal brand, it is important to know how they compare with other websites. Those with higher traffic and numerous quality backlinks offer greater value when supporting your brand building efforts.

StrategyDriven is both proud and humbled by the exceptional reach of our website. We believe this is a tribute to the many StrategyDriven Expert Contributors who routinely offer value to our community through their articles, infographics, podcasts, and videos. To see our latest website traffic statistics, visit StrategyDriven Website Traffic.

If you have a question related to your submission, please contact us at