Strategic Planning Best Practice 7 – Shared Accountability

StrategyDriven Strategic Planning ArticleOrganizational silos act as barriers; hindering the performance of business units, work groups, and individuals as they strive to achieve the organization’s shared goals. Nowhere in the organization are silos more destructive than if they exist within the executive team. Here, silos prevent the free flow of information and resources needed to successfully execute cross-functional initiatives with the barriers to collaboration cascading downward though the entire organization. To help prevent these silos from forming, all strategic plan goals must be shared equally by all executives.

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Additional Resource

StrategyDriven Contributors recommend the following resource that elaborates and compliments the Shared Accountability best practice:

Silos, Politics and Turf Wars: A Leadership Fable About Destroying the Barriers That Turn Colleagues Into Competitors
by Patrick M. Lencioni

About the Author

Nathan Ives, StrategyDriven Principal is a StrategyDriven Principal and Host of the StrategyDriven Podcast. For over twenty years, he has served as trusted advisor to executives and managers at dozens of Fortune 500 and smaller companies in the areas of management effectiveness, organizational development, and process improvement. To read Nathan’s complete biography, click here.

Recommended Resource – Bringing Out the Best in People

Bringing Out the Best in People
by Aubrey C. Daniels

About the Reference

Bringing Out the Best in People by Aubrey C. Daniels illustrates how executives and managers can motivate their workforce to goal achievement through a system of positive reinforcement. Dr. Daniels’s process shapes worker behaviors by identifying an individual’s recognition and reward reinforcers, establishing a fair performance monitoring system, and providing effective, continuous feedback.

Benefits of Using this Reference

An organization only becomes truly StrategyDriven when all of its members share a common vision, maintain focus on that vision, and continuously exhibit a commitment to successfully achieving the vision. StrategyDriven Contributors like Bringing Out the Best in People because it provides a very direct means of gaining and maintaining employee commitment to the organization’s goals. The system of positive reinforcement presented by Dr. Daniels is powerful because it is readily actionable. Many of the best practice recommendations found on the StrategyDriven website compliment the programs prescribed in Bringing Out the Best in People; making this book a StrategyDriven recommended read.

New Model Released – Strategic Organizational Alignment

StrategyDriven contributors are pleased to announce the release of our second model, Strategic Organizational Alignment. This model depicts activities and resulting products created at various levels within an organization that foster strategic organizational alignment.

Resource Management Best Practice 2 – Categorical Activity Prioritization

StrategyDriven Resource Management ArticleAn organization’s mission defines its purpose for being. Making the mission measurable and then prioritizing those measures helps create a sense of where the organization should focus its efforts. However, prioritization at this level does not create the clarity needed for individuals making resource allocation choices between their day-to-day activities, especially if the activities all serve the same mission measure.

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About the Author

Nathan Ives, StrategyDriven Principal is a StrategyDriven Principal and Host of the StrategyDriven Podcast. For over twenty years, he has served as trusted advisor to executives and managers at dozens of Fortune 500 and smaller companies in the areas of management effectiveness, organizational development, and process improvement. To read Nathan’s complete biography, click here.

StrategyDriven Resource Projection Forum

Business planning is the art and science of identifying what a company should and should not do balanced by its available resources. While much of business planning focuses on setting strategic direction and defining tactical activities, achieving balance requires that significant attention be given to the critical area of resource projection.

Annualized resource projection involves a number of processes that together paint a picture of the organization’s resource availability and needs. Creation of this picture begins with development of two key elements: resource availability and standardized activity assumptions. These assumptions are then applied to the proposed activities identified during the alternative development process. The resulting all encompassing list of resource loaded activities is further honed through an iterative process involving resource projection and alternative selection into the final portfolio of activities to be pursued. Derived from this portfolio is the organization’s time bound resource availability and needs.

Capacity planning refines the annualized resource projections; giving the organization insight to the additional resources needed in order to account for the inefficiencies associated with resource scheduling; personnel hiring delays and qualification; and equipment maintenance, calibration, and retooling. Each of these inefficiencies prevent resources from being available one hundred percent of the time; thereby forcing the organization to either increase its asset base or decrease its level of activity. Capacity planning reveals the average level of inefficiency providing insight to the resource and activity planning adjustments to be made.

Focus of the Resource Projection Forum

Materials in this forum are dedicated to discussing the leading practices of companies successfully executing a resource projection program in support of strategic planning. The following articles, podcasts, documents, and resources cover those topics critical to a strong resource projection program.


Best Practices

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