Here is one magnifying and surprising solution. I believe we need to teach future business leaders that in our carbon and capital constrained world it is now mission critical to refine all the tools of business to compete on price, quality and social needs. Masters of business administration must also become masters of social needs – from avian and swine flu to energy and environmental matters. I believe this boils down to training to compete for resources and the best minds, while teaching some cultural restraint and leadership skills.
Hi there! This article is available for free. Login or register as a StrategyDriven Personal Business Advisor Self-Guided Client by: 10:15:192016-02-02 22:27:45New Century Leaders
Given the current economic roller coaster, does it feel like you are taking two steps backwards for every one step forward? Have you ever felt like quitting? Even though you knew you were on the right track?
Once a highly coveted and symbol of ultimate success, the job of CEO today has been tarnished in the public’s opinion by the news stories of corporate scandals and executive excess.
Napoleon Hill, wrote “Many successful people have found opportunities in failure and adversity that they could not recognize in more favorable circumstances.” It is through perseverance, and definiteness of purpose that the truly talented CEOs of today will identify those opportunities and reach even greater heights of success than ever imagined.
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Sharon L. Lechter, co-author of Three Feet from Gold is co-author of the #1 New York Times and international bestseller Rich Dad, Poor Dad and 15 other books in the Rich Dad series of books. Sharon works with the Napoleon Hill Foundation to promote Napoleon Hill’s principles for success around the globe. In January 2008, President Bush appointed Sharon to the President’s Advisory Council on Financial Literacy. She serves on the National Boards of Childhelp and Women Presidents’ Organization and speaks internationally as an advocate for financial literacy. To read Sharon’s complete biography, click here.
Greg S. Reid is an author, speaker, filmmaker, CEO of several successful corporations, and co-author of Three Feet from Gold. His prior books include The Millionaire Mentor (2003) and Positive Impact co-authored with Charlie “Tremendous” Jones. In addition, he is co-founder of Personal Development magazine and his work has appeared in more than 30 books. Reid has been featured on local and nationally syndicated programs across the country. He also speaks frequently at corporations, universities, and charitable organizations. To read Greg’s complete biography, click here. 06:15:182016-02-02 22:46:56Three Feet from Gold
StrategyDriven contributors are pleased to announce the release of our eighth whitepaper: Resource Projection – 80 Percent Efficiency Estimate.
Perfect human efficiency? Not likely. How then should personnel resources be estimated?
Human beings are social creatures with both emotional and physical needs. Businesses able to satisfy these needs will be better positioned to attract and retain talented personnel; giving them a much needed advantage in the increasingly knowledge driven marketplace where human resources are increasingly limited. Such organizations will further benefit from increased worker engagement because employees feel more connected and valued.
Meeting these very personalized needs requires an ongoing time investment, social time to build and maintain co-worker relationships, to connect with customers and clients, to contact family and friends, as well as time to physically relax, refresh, reflect, and rejuvenate. This time investment varies day-to-day and person-to-person making it extremely difficult to measure. Time studies, project management research, and our collective managerial experience suggest that knowledge workers, on average, require a twenty percent time investment in these personal activities. Stated another way, professionals spend about one and a half hours of an eight hour workday on non-productive but personally necessary activities. Hence, professionals, those whose breaks are ill-defined, can be assumed to work at eighty percent efficiency when fully engaged.
The StrategyDriven 80 Percent Efficiency Estimate whitepaper provides business planners with an easy to follow set of rules to help them appropriately factor personnel efficiency into their project and business plan resource estimates. These rules are detailed with supporting principles and philosophies; helping users understand the reasoning behind each recommendation.
Succession and Workforce Planning
We help clients enhance their succession and workforce planning programs through pipeline and capability projection, training and development program assessment, and improvement plan design and implementation assistance. Our evaluations identify retention, replacement, productivity, and quality risks while providing leading practice strategies for maintaining full staffing including temporarily filling vacancies with highly qualified personnel. Learn more about how we can help you enhance your succession and workforce pipeline planning programs or contact us for a personal consultation.
Oliver Cromwell
First Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland; best known for his involvement in transforming England into a republican Commonwealth 06:07:202016-08-08 16:09:27Leadership Inspirations – The Deception of Subtlety
presenteeism (going to work when you were so sick you should have stayed home)
reduced concern for customers/ clients
emotional exhaustion
a reduced sense of accomplishment
unable to switch off from work
These are some of the pains you feel when the demands of work and personal life are all too much for you. They can be summed up in one word – stress.
The hidden danger is in the insidious effects of such symptoms, the outcomes of which may not surface for months or even years. But if left unattended, the wheels can eventually fall off, often in dramatic and life-diminishing ways. These include stress-related illnesses, heart conditions, relationship breakdowns, job loss and depression.
When you are not enjoying life, it often seems hard to change things around. The following seven steps may, however, make the task easier for you.
The first step is always the most difficult – deciding you really want to take action and do something productive to ease your work/life pain. Once you’ve made that decision, you’ll enjoy the rest of the process.
Create your own enjoyment. Sounds a bit trite? There’s more to what I call “the enjoyment factor” than first meets the eye.
Is a creatable experience from which fun, laughter and pleasure are automatic reactions. If you’re not enjoying life, you’re unlikely to achieve the positive frame of mind needed to resolve your work life harmony problems.
Is a natural mechanism for coping with stress, because your mind is unconsciously transported to a world within the real you – your authentic self – a world in which you feel relaxed, de-stressed and at peace with yourself. Your problems are put on hold.
Heightens your sense of self esteem, self confidence, self belief and feelings of self worth. When your mind returns to the real world, the heightened feelings flow, like a ripple effect, through every thing else you do. The intensity of the enjoyable experience will determine how long and how wide the ripple effect will extend. It can even trigger a new outlook on life.
Do it often, even if only for a few minutes at a time. The more often you create your chosen enjoyable experiences, the better your chances of stabilizing your thinking and your ability to juggle your responsibilities. You might be surprised how much this can help you review how and where you allocate your energies.
You can create enjoyment at work, home and play. Play (any personally chosen discretionary interest that you undertake just for enjoyment) has for too long been undervalued regarding its benefits to work and other responsibilities of life. Much stress comes from a lack of control over what happens to you, the changes being imposed on you and the expectations demanded of you. Discretionary interests – play, leisure, recreation, sport, “time for me”, call it what you will – is perhaps your last bastion of total control and freedom of choice. The more often you get control of your life through leisure interests that you love, the better you will be able to survive and thrive in today’s frenetic lifestyle.
Enjoyable experiences generate new emotional energy to replace the energy burnt by your stress. A lot of the pain of a discordant work life mix is you are trying to burn energy you simply don’t have. It’s not rocket science to realize that you need to replace burnt energy. Resting isn’t enough. A car needs more than regular refueling – its longevity requires regular care and maintenance. It’s the same with you.
Create leisure experiences that are not only enjoyable but are opposite – or at least quite different – to those experienced at work. If you work in a busy and noisy environment, a quiet, perhaps solitary, experience may help, if the work is intellectual then create enjoyable physical or manual experiences. The emphasis here is on experiences of the mind that make you feel good about yourself, irrespective of whether the interest is physical or mental. In the final analysis, every enjoyable experience is of the mind.
How to fit it into the week’s busy schedule. Enjoyment isn’t limited to weekends, joining clubs, or any other of the old leisure traditions. It’s about doing your own thing whenever and wherever you wish, at any time of the day or night and on any day of the week. A few minutes of ‘flight’ can sustain a day of ‘fight’ if, during that time, your inner person is allowed out to enjoy the freedom of self-expression. Self-created interests can include musical appreciation by listening or playing, art, craft, beading, genealogy, bird-watching, walking for pleasure, gardening – anything that transports your thinking into your own world of enjoyment. When you lose yourself in an interest you love you find yourself – the person of worth within you.
These factors do not of themselves overcome a discordant work life mix. They do however generate a more positive attitude, in which you feel good about yourself. You are establishing a revitalized outlook on life that strengthens your self-confidence. Your problems either don’t seem so great any more, or you perceive them more calmly and with a sense of personal power in your ability to make your daily life more enjoyable.
In the final analysis these steps will enable you to become a better friend to the most important person in the world – you!
Peter Nicholls is Australia’s People Gardener – cultivating vigorous personal growth to thrive to one’s full natural potential. Visit Peter’s website at or contact him at [email protected]. 06:15:562016-02-02 22:54:107 Steps Towards Turning Your Work/Life Pain into Pleasure
New Century Leaders
/in Management & Leadership/by Bruce PiaseckiWhat kind of new world leaders should we expect?
Here is one magnifying and surprising solution. I believe we need to teach future business leaders that in our carbon and capital constrained world it is now mission critical to refine all the tools of business to compete on price, quality and social needs. Masters of business administration must also become masters of social needs – from avian and swine flu to energy and environmental matters. I believe this boils down to training to compete for resources and the best minds, while teaching some cultural restraint and leadership skills.
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About the Author
Bruce Piasecki is the President and Founder of the AHC Group Inc. (, which since 1981 has provided general management consulting and leadership benchmarking workshops for a range of corporate affiliates and clients. His latest book is The Surprising Solution: Creating Possibility in a Swift and Severe World. To read Bruce’s complete biography, click here.
Three Feet from Gold
/in Management & Leadership/by Sharon L. Lechter and Greg S. ReidGiven the current economic roller coaster, does it feel like you are taking two steps backwards for every one step forward? Have you ever felt like quitting? Even though you knew you were on the right track?
Once a highly coveted and symbol of ultimate success, the job of CEO today has been tarnished in the public’s opinion by the news stories of corporate scandals and executive excess.
Napoleon Hill, wrote “Many successful people have found opportunities in failure and adversity that they could not recognize in more favorable circumstances.” It is through perseverance, and definiteness of purpose that the truly talented CEOs of today will identify those opportunities and reach even greater heights of success than ever imagined.
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About the Authors
Sharon L. Lechter, co-author of Three Feet from Gold is co-author of the #1 New York Times and international bestseller Rich Dad, Poor Dad and 15 other books in the Rich Dad series of books. Sharon works with the Napoleon Hill Foundation to promote Napoleon Hill’s principles for success around the globe. In January 2008, President Bush appointed Sharon to the President’s Advisory Council on Financial Literacy. She serves on the National Boards of Childhelp and Women Presidents’ Organization and speaks internationally as an advocate for financial literacy. To read Sharon’s complete biography, click here.
Greg S. Reid is an author, speaker, filmmaker, CEO of several successful corporations, and co-author of Three Feet from Gold. His prior books include The Millionaire Mentor (2003) and Positive Impact co-authored with Charlie “Tremendous” Jones. In addition, he is co-founder of Personal Development magazine and his work has appeared in more than 30 books. Reid has been featured on local and nationally syndicated programs across the country. He also speaks frequently at corporations, universities, and charitable organizations. To read Greg’s complete biography, click here.
New Whitepaper Release – 80 Percent Efficiency Estimate
/in Announcements, Resource Projection/by StrategyDrivenStrategyDriven contributors are pleased to announce the release of our eighth whitepaper: Resource Projection – 80 Percent Efficiency Estimate.
Perfect human efficiency? Not likely. How then should personnel resources be estimated?
Human beings are social creatures with both emotional and physical needs. Businesses able to satisfy these needs will be better positioned to attract and retain talented personnel; giving them a much needed advantage in the increasingly knowledge driven marketplace where human resources are increasingly limited. Such organizations will further benefit from increased worker engagement because employees feel more connected and valued.
Meeting these very personalized needs requires an ongoing time investment, social time to build and maintain co-worker relationships, to connect with customers and clients, to contact family and friends, as well as time to physically relax, refresh, reflect, and rejuvenate. This time investment varies day-to-day and person-to-person making it extremely difficult to measure. Time studies, project management research, and our collective managerial experience suggest that knowledge workers, on average, require a twenty percent time investment in these personal activities. Stated another way, professionals spend about one and a half hours of an eight hour workday on non-productive but personally necessary activities. Hence, professionals, those whose breaks are ill-defined, can be assumed to work at eighty percent efficiency when fully engaged.
The StrategyDriven 80 Percent Efficiency Estimate whitepaper provides business planners with an easy to follow set of rules to help them appropriately factor personnel efficiency into their project and business plan resource estimates. These rules are detailed with supporting principles and philosophies; helping users understand the reasoning behind each recommendation.
Succession and Workforce Planning
We help clients enhance their succession and workforce planning programs through pipeline and capability projection, training and development program assessment, and improvement plan design and implementation assistance. Our evaluations identify retention, replacement, productivity, and quality risks while providing leading practice strategies for maintaining full staffing including temporarily filling vacancies with highly qualified personnel. Learn more about how we can help you enhance your succession and workforce pipeline planning programs or contact us for a personal consultation.
Leadership Inspirations – The Deception of Subtlety
/in Leadership Inspirations/by StrategyDriven“Subtlety may deceive you; integrity never will.”
Oliver Cromwell
First Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland; best known for his involvement in transforming England into a republican Commonwealth
7 Steps Towards Turning Your Work/Life Pain into Pleasure
/in Practices for Professionals/by Peter NichollsDoes this picture fit you?
These are some of the pains you feel when the demands of work and personal life are all too much for you. They can be summed up in one word – stress.
The hidden danger is in the insidious effects of such symptoms, the outcomes of which may not surface for months or even years. But if left unattended, the wheels can eventually fall off, often in dramatic and life-diminishing ways. These include stress-related illnesses, heart conditions, relationship breakdowns, job loss and depression.
When you are not enjoying life, it often seems hard to change things around. The following seven steps may, however, make the task easier for you.
These factors do not of themselves overcome a discordant work life mix. They do however generate a more positive attitude, in which you feel good about yourself. You are establishing a revitalized outlook on life that strengthens your self-confidence. Your problems either don’t seem so great any more, or you perceive them more calmly and with a sense of personal power in your ability to make your daily life more enjoyable.
In the final analysis these steps will enable you to become a better friend to the most important person in the world – you!
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About the Author
Peter Nicholls is Australia’s People Gardener – cultivating vigorous personal growth to thrive to one’s full natural potential. Visit Peter’s website at or contact him at [email protected].