StrategyDriven Succession and Succession Planning Forum

Advancement, transfer, retirement, resignation, and termination are all causes of position vacancies. Regardless of the reason for or timing of a position opening, the organization must continue to function through the subsequent transition. Organizations proactively positioning themselves for personnel changes maintain a higher degree of business continuity; realizing a shallower and shorter productivity dip and pursuing performance improvement more rapidly.

Effective succession and succession planning processes enable smooth transitions of power and operational continuity. Performed well, these processes help ensure the proactive identification and development of an adequate number of candidates to fill potential vacancies, careful selection of the right replacement, thorough preparation of the selectee for his or her new role and organization members to well receive the successor, and advanced provisions to support the entrant with the post transition coaching needed for their and the organization’s success.

Focus of the Succession and Succession Planning Forum

Materials in this forum are dedicated to discussing the leading practices of companies that successfully execute succession and succession planning processes; maximizing the new entrant’s probability of success and the organization’s operational continuity. The following articles, podcasts, documents, and resources cover those topics critical to effective leadership succession.


Best Practices

StrategyDriven Expert Contributor Articles

StrategyDriven Podcasts

StrategyDriven Podcast – Special Edition

Leadership Inspirations – Fortune Favors the Prepared

“You better live your best and act your best and think your best today, for today is the sure preparation for tomorrow and all the other tomorrows that follow.”

Harriet Martineau
English writer and philosopher

“Every great man was once a nobody prepared for opportunity.”

Dorothy Tode

Everyone wants to win but only a few are willing to put in the preparation and training time needed to achieve greatness. The pinnacle event we often observe as marking an individual or team’s success represents only a small fraction of the blood, sweat, and tears required to reach that summit.

Do you want to win? The truth lies with the answer to another question… Are you doing everything necessary today to make yourself mentally and physically capable of winning tomorrow?

Are you prepared to achieve greatness?

StrategyDriven Podcast Special Edition 19 – An Interview with Arlene Johnson, author of Success Mapping

StrategyDriven Podcasts focus on the tools and techniques executives and managers can use to improve their organization’s alignment and accountability to ultimately achieve superior results. These podcasts elaborate on the best practice and warning flag articles on the StrategyDriven website.

Special Edition 19 – An Interview with Arlene Johnson, author of Success Mapping explores how to identify personal success blockers, create a life strategy, and execute the actions necessary to realize your vision of success. During our discussion, Arlene Johnson, Founder and President of the Sinequanon Group and author of Success Mapping: Achieve What You Want…Right Now! shares her insights regarding:

  • developing a personal success strategy
  • leveraging personal strengths when pursuing a goal
  • overcoming mental distractions that impede progress toward success
  • maximizing personal and organizational benefit once a goal is achieved

Additional Information

In addition to the incredible insights Arlene shares in Success Mapping and this special edition podcast are the additional resources accessible from her Success Mapping website, ( Arlene’s book, Success Mapping, can be purchased by clicking here.

Final Request…

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Thank you again for listening to the StrategyDriven Podcast!

About the Author

Arlene Johnson, author of Success Mapping, is Founder and President of the Sinequanon Group. Arlene is an internationally known speaker, author, and consultant with more than two decades of experience in executive leadership, change management, and sales performance coaching. She serves as trusted advisor to many Fortune 500 clients including American Express, Hewlett-Packard, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Texas Instruments, and Lockheed Martin. To read Arlene’s full biography, click here.

Business Survival in a Recession

It’s no secret that America is facing some hard economic times. What does this mean for business owners? It means a variety of things such as cutting spending in the right areas, maintaining an advertising budget, keeping an eye on the original goal and retention marketing. Each one plays a major role in recession business survival, but they become of utmost importance during a slow economy.

Cut spending in the right areas

Cutting spending is an immediate reaction to recessionary talk and fallout; it’s only natural and logical to get rid of that which you don’t need to stay afloat. But any cuts you make now need to be good for the short and the long term. A business needs to think long and hard before slashing spending in areas that may affect future business operations such as product/service quality and standards, customer service and advertising.

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About the Author

Emmy Bill is the Owner of E-Learn About and an accomplished writer and Search Engine Optimization Specialist. Find more articles on finance as well as a variety of other topics at E-Learn About on the web at

StrategyDriven Succession and Succession Planning Best Practice Article

Succession and Succession Planning Best Practice 1 – Turnover Checklists

StrategyDriven Succession and Succession Planning Best Practice ArticleEvery position in any company will necessarily be different than even the same position within any other organization. These differences stem from the unique organizational personnel, policies, culture, and marketplace positioning and environment. To be best prepared to assume his or her new role, a successor must have a thorough understanding of all of the position’s critical success factors, drivers, and influencers. Turnover checklists leverage the collective experiences of past position holders to help ensure successors receive all of this vital area knowledge.

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