StrategyDriven Podcast Begins the Year with Top Honors

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StrategyDriven Decision-Making Best Practice Article

Decision-Making Best Practice 5 – Ongoing Decision Evaluation

StrategyDriven Decision-Making ArticleDecision-making involves a degree of risk that increases with the complexity of the decision to be made. Good decisions not only yield desired results but also minimize the risk exposure of the individual or organization making and executing the decision. While there are many ways to minimize decision risk, one that is often overlooked is the ongoing evaluation of the execution of the decision-making process itself.

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Additional Resources

StrategyDriven offers many additional resources that can be used during decision-making process evaluations including:

Leadership Inspirations – Foolish Questions

“There are no foolish questions and no one becomes a fool until he has stopped asking questions.”

Charles Proteus Steinmetz (1865 – 1923)

German-American mathematician and electrical engineer fostered development of alternating current; enabling the expansion of the U.S. electric power industry

Thriving in the New Economy

Have you ever wanted to get into the minds of some of the most inspirational dealmakers in the business world? After working at CNBC for almost a decade, I have been lucky enough to talk to some of them on a regular basis. Realizing not everyone has that kind of access, I decided to open up my “trillion dollar” rolodex (it’s called that in my industry since I have a trillion dollar money manager, a dozen billionaires and countless millionaires in it) and ask them to open up and reveal some of their winning strategies on how they view a crisis (particularly the fire sale of Bear Stearns, the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers and the credit crisis) but more importantly *how* and *why* they executed certain strategies. It’s those two elements that make successful leaders.

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About the Author

Lori Ann LaRocco is the author of, Thriving in the New Economy: Lessons from Today’s Top Business Minds and is the Senior Talent Producer at CNBC and one of the producers of the CNBC show Squawk Box.

Leadership Inspirations – Planned Fortune

“Good fortune is what happens when opportunity meets with planning.”

Thomas Edison(1847 – 1931)
American inventor, scientist and businessman