Pull Money Out of Thin Air: Print Money at Work by Doing Your Own Job Better

If you’re feeling daunted by the idea of creating proposals to increase profits and of seeking others’ approval, then this article is for you. You can contribute financially to your company simply by regulating yourself. By improving your own job performance – that is, the quantity or quality of your work—you add value to your company.

Stay on Task

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About the Author

Larry Myler is CEO of By Monday, Inc., a consulting firm specializing in profit enhancement through employee engagement. Previously, Larry was president of VitalSmarts, serving from 1992-2001. Larry is a serial entrepreneur with six startups under his belt. Over the course of his thirty-year career, he has helped others improve their businesses by consulting and training for leadership teams and employees in the areas of interpersonal communication, profit enhancement, organizational efficiency, survey research, and more. Past clients include companies such as AT&T, Shell Oil, Lockheed Martin, and Ford Motor Company.

This column is excerpted from Larry Myler’s best-selling book, Indispensable By Monday: Learn the Profit-Producing Behaviors that will Help Your Company and Yourself, available from Amazon.com and bookstores nationwide. Readers can find Larry Myler’s free online tool, the Profit Proposal Generator, at www.bymonday.com.

StrategyDriven Organizational Accountability Best Practice Article

Organizational Accountability Best Practice 2 – Data Transparency

StrategyDriven Organizational Accountability Best Practice ArticleIs it still wrong if I don’t get caught? YES!

Organizations live and die by the decisions of executives and managers and the actions of employees. Therefore, individuals must be held accountable for their work that both helps and hinders goal achievement if the organization expects to thrive. This accountability can only happen, however, if the decisions/actions and associated results are visible. Data transparency helps create this visibility.

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StrategyDriven Podcast Series

StrategyDriven Editorial Perspective – Self Inflicted Uncertainty

On February 2, Dow Jones reported the Obama Administration’s decision not to expand the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve as had been provisioned under the Energy Act of 20051. Energy Secretary Steven Chu indicated the basis for the decision was that the current reserve of 727 million barrels of crude oil met international standards.

(The International Energy Agency established a 90 day crude oil reserve standard. Filled to capacity, the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve covers approximately 80 days of imports.)

At first glance, this decision may appear to be ill conceived. Rising oil consumption combined with no additional storage capacity suggests that the U.S. would fall short of meeting the IEA reserve standard with ever increasing severity. Closer examination of U.S. oil consumption relative to the volume of its strategic petroleum reserve indicates that relatively small projected growth in petroleum consumption in the next 20 years supports the decision2. (See Figure 1: U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve Compared to Consumption)
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Leadership Inspirations – The Price of Success

“There is a price for success but there is also a price for failure. Given the choice, the price of success clearly has the best return on investment.”

Michael Angier
Father, husband, writer, speaker, entrepreneur, coach and student;
Founder and President of Success Networks International

“I know the price of success: dedication, hard work and a devotion to the things you want to see happen.”

Frank Lloyd Wright (1867 – 1959)
American architect, interior designer, writer and educator

The 12 Minute Challenge: Power Through to Success

I love a good long workout on the treadmill. I should be more specific. I love when I’m finished with a good long workout on the treadmill. Whether I’m running, walking hills, or a little of both, the energy that this type of activity provides is addicting and invigorating. Despite this, it seems that towards the end of my workout, I will inevitably get that “I just want to quit” feeling. In fact, it’s not just close to the end of the work out, it’s almost always 12 minutes before I’m finished. It doesn’t seem to matter how long I’ve been going, when I get that “done” feeling, I look down and I have 12 minutes left.

Though 12 minutes doesn’t seem like a long time, when you’re tired, hungry and out of breath, it can feel like an eternity. So to power myself through the last bit of my workout, I have to find ways to keep my mind busy. Yes, my mind. It’s all mental at this point.

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About the Author

Shelli Stinson is the VP of Business Development at WealthBridge Connect. She brings experience from education, sales and marketing as well as project management. Most recently, Shelli was the employee wellness manager at Northern Kentucky University. In this position, she learned how much influence that leadership has on the physical, emotional and mental wellness of employees in the workplace. After graduating from NKU with a Masters degree in Executive Leadership and Organizational Change, she joined WealthBridge Connect. In this new role, she hopes to influence businesses to invest in their employees through comprehensive leadership development initiatives, promoting healthier and more productive workplaces- from the top down and the inside out.