The StrategyDriven family is proud to introduce Sharon Drew Morgen as our newest contributing author!
Sharon Drew is the developer of the Morgen Buying Facilitation Method®, a decision facilitation model that helps decision-makers recognize and manage the internal, behind-the-scenes issues that must be addressed in order to get the buy-in necessary to implement any change.
Sharon Drew is the author of The New York Times Business Bestseller Selling with Integrity, the Amazon Bestseller, Dirty Little Secrets: Why buyers can’t buy and sellers can’t sell and what you can do about it, and 5 other books on helping buyers manage their change management issues before they can make a purchase. She has written over 1000 articles, done over 40 podcasts and webinars, and has a blog that is currently ranked #6 of all sales and marketing blogs. Sample chapters of Sharon Drew’s work include:
Buying FacilitationTM has been trained on at several global corporations such as: KPMG, BOSE, Intuit, Wachovia, Dryfus-Mellon, Morgan Stanley, Kaiser, Proctor and Gamble, and DuPont. Sharon Drew is currently adding her content to Kadient playbooks and is speaking with other sales/marketing enablement companies to add Buying FacilitationTM to the front end of their current technology to help sellers enter the buyer’s buying decision journey earlier.
In this hyper-competitive business world there are no points for second place. Companies not achieving excellence in key performance areas as defined by their chosen market often find themselves driven to irrelevancy by competitors and in danger of going out of business. Subsequently, organization leaders must know how their company performs against standards of excellence in the key areas to be able to make the investment decisions necessary to remain competitive.
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Sign-up now for your StrategyDriven Insights Library – Total Access subscription for as low as $15 / month (paid annually). 06:06:122020-03-24 22:57:08Evaluation and Control Program Best Practice 2 – Measure Against Excellence
Politicians and economists have long worried about the global trade implications of China’s practices to control the value of their currency. This PBS Newshour video, hosted by Business and Economics Correspondent Paul Solman, explains why Chinese currency controls are of concern to the Unites States, Europe, and South American countries.
Click here to access a full transcript and mp3 audio file of this video. 11:36:232010-11-26 12:59:55The Chinese Currency Debate – What is behind the concerns
If you’re looking for ways to set your business apart in this economy, look no further. There has never been a better time to be different. Here are ten companies that have done ‘different’ better than the rest.
In today’s business world, ‘business as usual’ is likely to put you out of business. If you’re using the same old marketing strategies today because they brought in business in years past, you’re in danger of being pummeled by your competition. In order to keep your customers happy (and happily spending!), you have to get their attention, and that means your typical tried-and-true marketing tactics aren’t going to cut it anymore. To beat your competition, you have to stand out and find ways to be you – uniquely!
With all the noise in your clients’ and potential clients’ daily lives, it certainly hasn’t become any easier to attract attention and appeal to your target market. But for your business to survive, you have to find ways to cut through that noise. Attracting attention often means that you have to step outside of the current norms and stand out.
If you aren’t sure where to get started, take a cue from other companies that have taken innovation to heart and used it to successfully win and keep customers.
Read on for some innovation inspiration from companies that found ways to make their customers take notice – while sticking with their values:
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Maribeth Kuzmeski, MBA, is the author of five books, including …And the Clients Went Wild!: How Savvy Professionals Win All the Business They Want (Wiley, 2010) and The Connectors: How the World’s Most Successful Businesspeople Build Relationships and Win Clients for Life (Wiley, 2009). She is the founder of Red Zone Marketing, LLC, which consults with businesses from entrepreneurial firms to Fortune 500 corporations on strategic marketing planning and business growth. Maribeth has personally consulted with some of the world’s most successful CEOs, entrepreneurs, and professionals. An internationally recognized speaker, she shares the tactics that businesspeople use today to create more sustainable business relationships, sales, and marketing successes. 06:36:372016-02-02 21:29:49Doing ‘Different’ Right: Ten Big-Time Difference Makers and How They Made Some Serious Dough Thinking Outside the Box, part 1 of 2
Executive Vision is a five part series created by CNBC and sponsored by Credit Suisse. Within each episode, Melissa Francis, Simon Hobbs, and a group of distinguished guests discuss what it takes to be a visionary leader; guiding their companies to success within the rapidly changing global marketplace.
Dr. Beverly Scott, CEO, Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority 22:43:142015-09-17 23:15:39Executive Vision – Leading in an Interconnected World: Transportation
StrategyDriven Welcomes Sharon Drew Morgen
/in Announcements/by StrategyDrivenSharon Drew is the developer of the Morgen Buying Facilitation Method®, a decision facilitation model that helps decision-makers recognize and manage the internal, behind-the-scenes issues that must be addressed in order to get the buy-in necessary to implement any change.
Sharon Drew is the author of The New York Times Business Bestseller Selling with Integrity
, the Amazon Bestseller, Dirty Little Secrets: Why buyers can’t buy and sellers can’t sell and what you can do about it
, and 5 other books on helping buyers manage their change management issues before they can make a purchase. She has written over 1000 articles, done over 40 podcasts and webinars, and has a blog that is currently ranked #6 of all sales and marketing blogs. Sample chapters of Sharon Drew’s work include:
Buying FacilitationTM has been trained on at several global corporations such as: KPMG, BOSE, Intuit, Wachovia, Dryfus-Mellon, Morgan Stanley, Kaiser, Proctor and Gamble, and DuPont. Sharon Drew is currently adding her content to Kadient playbooks and is speaking with other sales/marketing enablement companies to add Buying FacilitationTM to the front end of their current technology to help sellers enter the buyer’s buying decision journey earlier.
Evaluation and Control Program Best Practice 2 – Measure Against Excellence
/in Benchmarking Program, Business Performance Assessment Program, Evaluation & Control Program, Premium/by StrategyDrivenHi there! Gain access to this article with a StrategyDriven Insights Library – Total Access subscription or buy access to the article itself.
Sign-up now for your StrategyDriven Insights Library – Total Access subscription for as low as $15 / month (paid annually).
Not sure? Click here to learn more.
Don’t need a subscription? Buy access to Evaluation and Control Program Best Practice 2 – Measure Against Excellence for just $2!
The Chinese Currency Debate – What is behind the concerns
/in General/by StrategyDrivenPoliticians and economists have long worried about the global trade implications of China’s practices to control the value of their currency. This PBS Newshour video, hosted by Business and Economics Correspondent Paul Solman, explains why Chinese currency controls are of concern to the Unites States, Europe, and South American countries.
Click here to access a full transcript and mp3 audio file of this video.
Doing ‘Different’ Right: Ten Big-Time Difference Makers and How They Made Some Serious Dough Thinking Outside the Box, part 1 of 2
/in Marketing & Sales/by Maribeth KuzmeskiIf you’re looking for ways to set your business apart in this economy, look no further. There has never been a better time to be different. Here are ten companies that have done ‘different’ better than the rest.
In today’s business world, ‘business as usual’ is likely to put you out of business. If you’re using the same old marketing strategies today because they brought in business in years past, you’re in danger of being pummeled by your competition. In order to keep your customers happy (and happily spending!), you have to get their attention, and that means your typical tried-and-true marketing tactics aren’t going to cut it anymore. To beat your competition, you have to stand out and find ways to be you – uniquely!
With all the noise in your clients’ and potential clients’ daily lives, it certainly hasn’t become any easier to attract attention and appeal to your target market. But for your business to survive, you have to find ways to cut through that noise. Attracting attention often means that you have to step outside of the current norms and stand out.
If you aren’t sure where to get started, take a cue from other companies that have taken innovation to heart and used it to successfully win and keep customers.
Read on for some innovation inspiration from companies that found ways to make their customers take notice – while sticking with their values:
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About the Author
Executive Vision – Leading in an Interconnected World: Transportation
/in Practices for Professionals, Recommended Resources/by StrategyDrivenExecutive Vision is a five part series created by CNBC and sponsored by Credit Suisse. Within each episode, Melissa Francis, Simon Hobbs, and a group of distinguished guests discuss what it takes to be a visionary leader; guiding their companies to success within the rapidly changing global marketplace.
Distinguished Guests