Executive Vision – The Blueprint for Breakthrough Leadership: Health Care

Executive Vision is a five part series created by CNBC and sponsored by Credit Suisse. Within each episode, Melissa Francis, Simon Hobbs, and a group of distinguished guests discuss what it takes to be a visionary leader; guiding their companies to success within the rapidly changing global marketplace.

Distinguished Guests

  • Sir Bill Castell, The Wellcome Trust Chairman
  • Dr. Bill Frist, Cressey & Co. Partner and Former United States Senate Majority Leader
  • Bill George, Harvard Business School Professor Of Management and Former Medtronic Chairman & CEO
  • Jeffrey Kindler, Pfizer Chairman & CEO
  • Gerard Kleisterlee, Philips Chairman & CEO
  • David Snow, Medco CEO
  • Myrtle Potter, President and CEO of Myrtle Potter & Company and Former Genentech COO

Leadership Inspirations – Inspire Others

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”

John Quincy Adams (1767 – 1848)
6th President of the United States

Relational Leadership and Employee Retention – A Match, part 1

Even if you do not have an actual figure, most business leaders realize that there is a substantial cost to employee turnover. This series of articles will address relational leadership methods you can employ right now that will tip the turnover scale to your favor.

The Relational Leader: A Revolutionary Framework to Engage Your Team (Course Technology PTR, Cengage Learning 2010)
by Frank McIntosh


The Relational Leader presents a framework to use as a compass point so that you can project a consistent message and methodology to your people. The book will expose you to the principles of relational leadership and show you how the principles when applied in tandem, can produce substantial results.

People are the core of this leadership style. How you approach people and the environment that you provide for them to work in revolves around seven attributes called: Fairness, Character, Trust, Fun, Celebration, Attentiveness, and Purpose.

You will understand how these attributes affect people through the eyes and experiences of highly successful leaders. You will learn how to put the attributes in play for yourself in your own leadership situation.

This book will explore how our institutional leaders can make claim once again to ethical, fair, and purposeful practices that underscore the value of human beings as the linchpins of our society. The methods presented in the book will help you build a motivated and responsive team within your workgroup.

You do not want to stop turnover; you want to control it. Not all your hires will perform as you hope and some people will just naturally burn out. How can you mitigate these circumstances?

Today’s article will address creating a ‘learning – thinking’ organization. I will share a few key thoughts to get you started.

Low turnover and effective recruiting go hand in hand. Your business environment and culture bear heavily upon your ability to attract and retain the best people. The following are some of the significant success factors in building a winning environment. Your people:

  1. See themselves as growing.
  2. Feel their contributions – big or small – are valued and recognized.
  3. Appreciate that significance is placed on building relationships through shared experiences.
  4. Observe evidence of an overriding commitment to people in the organization.

It’s a great compliment to invest time and money in an individual’s development. A learning – thinking organization will have development plans for the company and personal plans for individuals (based on their strengths) that increase their capacity. The following is an example to improve organizational needs:

  1. Assess individual and company strengths while also determining the top three or four organizational needs.
  2. Create a Strength Inventory for the company (see Table 1 below) on a spread sheet.
  3. Identify top strengths (individual or organization) that can positively impact needs.
  4. Assemble diverse teams by appropriate strength to address the organization’s needs (e.g. 5 people with technical strengths).

Strength Inventory – Sports Stars, Inc.

 Individual    Strengths    
 Ted Williams    Technical*  Disciplined  Analytical
 Larry Bird    Competitive  Doer  Adaptable
 Bobby Orr    Self-Assured  Developer  Energized*
 Tom Brady    Strategic  Communicator  Deliberate
 Organization    Strengths    
 Sports Stars, Inc.    Blend of Experience*
(range of people with
different times on job)
 Market Share*  Location

* Top 4 Strengths to be used in needs analysis and improvement

Table 1: Strength Inventory Example

In the example below, the organizational needs appear at the top of each column. For illustration there are two strengths from both the organization and the individual. I assigned them to the needs as appropriate. The teams assembled by strength concentrate on improving the need assigned. You will need multiple teams from each strength area. People representing the organizational strengths are selected ‘at large’ and have demonstrated an impact on that strength in their daily work.

Figure 1: Organizational Need to Individual Strength Alignment

The matrix that you have created becomes the key to a functioning thinking – learning organization. It will help you arrive at effective strategic decisions thus maximizing success in your company. The concept of building on strengths is a powerful motivator. People like to do things they do well. By helping them to do them even better, it makes sense that they will begin to contribute to the whole at a much higher level. Also, they will feel a personal commitment to the growth of the business, because it becomes a part of who they are.

A learning structure built on these principles will give you the opportunity to celebrate the contributions of people throughout the organization. You will also create multiple opportunities for meaningful shared experiences resulting in a bond that will give cohesion and a shared will to succeed. Finally, it becomes abundantly clear that leadership is committed, first and foremost to its people.

People in organizations like this do not leave. People who find organizations like this want to get in. This is one example of relational leadership at work; there are many more.

About the Author

Frank McIntosh is author of The Relational Leader (Course Technology PTR, Cengage Learning 2010). During his 36 year career, Frank has worked with many of the most recognized companies and executives in the world. He has provided consulting services for peers across the country and helped initiate Junior Achievement programs in Ireland, the Ivory Coast, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Uzbekistan. Frank was inducted into the Delaware Business Leaders Hall of Fame in October 2008, one of 38 individuals so honored and the first not-for-profit executive to receive this distinction in Delaware’s 300 year business history. To read Frank’s complete biography, click here.

For more information regarding this subject, visit Frank McIntosh at his website www.FJMcIntosh.com.

StrategyDriven Organizational Performance Measures Article

Eight Levels of Analytics

Not all analytics are created equal. Like most software solutions, you’ll find a range of capabilities with analytics, from the simplest to the most advanced. In the spectrum shown here, your competitive advantage increases with the degree of intelligence.

Answer the questions: What happened? When did it happen?
Example: Monthly or quarterly financial reports.
We all know about these. They’re generated on a regular basis and describe just “what happened” in a particular area. They’re useful to some extent, but not for making long-term decisions.

Answer the questions: How many? How often? Where?
Example: Custom reports that describe the number of hospital patients for every diagnosis code for each day of the week.
At their best, ad hoc reports let you ask the questions and request a couple of custom reports to find the answers.

Answers the questions: Where exactly is the problem? How do I find the answers?
Example: Sort and explore data about different types of cell phone users and their calling behaviors.
Query drilldown allows for a little bit of discovery. OLAP lets you manipulate the data yourself to find out how many, what color and where.

Answer the questions: When should I react? What actions are needed now?
Example: Sales executives receive alerts when sales targets are falling behind.
With alerts, you can learn when you have a problem and be notified when something similar happens again in the future. Alerts can appear via e-mail, RSS feeds or as red dials on a scorecard or dashboard.

Answers the questions: Why is this happening? What opportunities am I missing?
Example: Banks can discover why an increasing number of customers are refinancing their homes.
Here we can begin to run some complex analytics, like frequency models and regression analysis. We can begin to look at why things are happening using the stored data and then begin to answer questions based on the data.

Answers the questions: What if these trends continue? How much is needed? When will it be needed?
Example: Retailers can predict how demand for individual products will vary from store to store.
Forecasting is one of the hottest markets – and hottest analytical applications – right now. It applies everywhere. In particular, forecasting demand helps supply just enough inventory, so you don’t run out or have too much.

Answers the questions: What will happen next? How will it affect my business?
Example: Hotels and casinos can predict which VIP customers will be more interested in particular vacation packages.
If you have 10 million customers and want to do a marketing campaign, who’s most likely to respond? How do you segment that group? And how do you determine who’s most likely to leave your organization? Predictive modeling provides the answers.

Answers the question: How do we do things better? What is the best decision for a complex problem?
Example: Given business priorities, resource constraints and available technology, determine the best way to optimize your IT platform to satisfy the needs of every user.
Optimization supports innovation. It takes your resources and needs into consideration and helps you find the best possible way to accomplish your goals.

The best analytics for your business problem
The majority of analytic offerings available today fall into one of the first four areas, which report historical data on what happened in the past but no insight about the future. For simple business problems, these analytic solutions will be all you need. But if you’re asking more complex questions or looking for predictive insight, you need to look at the second half of the spectrum. Even better, if you can learn to use these technologies together and identify what type of analytics to use for every individual situation, you’ll really be increasing your chances for true business intelligence.

This article was republished with the permission of sascom Magazine.

About SAS – Providing organizations with THE POWER TO KNOW® since 1976.

SAS is the leader in business analytics software and services, and the largest independent vendor in the business intelligence market. Through innovative solutions delivered within an integrated framework, SAS helps customers at more than 45,000 sites improve performance and deliver value by making better decisions faster. Since 1976, SAS has been giving customers around the world THE POWER TO KNOW®. To learn more about SAS, its products and services, visit www.sas.com.

About sascom Magazine

sascom Magazine is the quarterly publication of the SAS Institute, Inc. Each issue is packed with thought-provoking content and insight into the business issues that affect all companies competing in today’s technology-driven marketplace with recent contributions by best-selling author and researcher Tom Davenport; social media guru Chris Brogan; and Myron Scholes, world renowned economist and Nobel Prize winner. Subscribe now to get your subscription to this award-winning quarterly magazine. sascom Magazine can also be accessed online at www.sas.com/sascom.

StrategyDriven Organizational Performance Measures Best Practice Article

Identify the Measures First

“Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.”

Albert Einstein
Awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics, named Time’s Man of the Century in 1999, and best known for his conception of the theories of special and general relativity

Organizations today seem to have a never ending supply of performance measures. Our data rich environment feeds the need of many managers to have all things counted. Yet as Albert Einstein suggests, not everything that can be counted matters. And just because something is counted doesn’t make it important. Thus, not everything that is measurable should be assigned its own performance indicator; rather only those things that are truly important, whether currently counted or not, should be measured. The identification of performance measures should therefore start with the identification of the key factors critical to the organization’s success.

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Additional Information

The following StrategyDriven articles and whitepapers provide additional information on the identification of those performance measures important to the organization’s ongoing success:


StrategyDriven Podcast – Special Edition


Resource – Book