Sharon Drew Morgen

Why Pitching, Persuading, Guiding, and Influencing are Largely Unsuccessful – a thought paper for sellers, coaches, leaders, parents, and managers

You recognize what someone needs and offer just the right guidance, product data, or experience to help. Yet, except for occasionally, they don’t act on your brilliance. Why? Why would they prefer to keep doing what they’re doing when it‘s obvious, even to them, they’re less-than-effective? Because making the switch to behave differently is not […]

Jamie Gerdsen

Zombie Hunter Extraordinaire

On my business cards, I’ve often thought the titles under my name should read: Owner. CEO. Zombie Hunter. Handing them out and watching for the inevitable eye roll would be kind of fun. But make no mistake; I’m dead serious about zombie hunting. This is a skill that – if Owner or CEO is a […]

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article

Risk Management – Protocols for Responding to Unexpected, Catastrophic Black Swan Events

Black Swans events are rare (low probability), catastrophic (high impact) incidents that are seemingly unpredictable, go unrecognized, or are deemed so unlikely as to not reasonably warrant expensive preventive measures.

Managing Millennials: 5 Lessons that Social Media Can Teach HR

As Millennials pour into the workforce, HR executives and business leaders are struggling to adapt their management strategies. Glued to their smartphones and practically wired to social media, Gen Y, sometimes known as “generation we”, has gained an unfair reputation for being distracted, unproductive and self-absorbed. But rather than viewing their immersion in social technology […]

StrategyDriven Business Performance Assessment Program Video

Four Phases of High-Quality Business Performance Assessments

Business performance assessments are conducted in a series of phases: Identify, Plan & Schedule, Execute, and Close-out.

Sharon Drew Morgen

The Discipline of Listening

Our brains make it difficult, if not impossible, to fully or accurately comprehend what our Communication Partners wish to convey. We hear their words, of course, but we often end up interpreting them well outside the intent of the Speaker. I spent 3 years researching and writing on this topic for a book, (What?) and […]

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article

Risk Management – Principles for Responding to Unexpected, Catastrophic Black Swan Events

Black Swans events are rare (low probability), catastrophic (high impact) incidents that are seemingly unpredictable, go unrecognized, or are deemed so unlikely as to not reasonably warrant expensive preventive measures.

StrategyDriven Risk Management Video

Why have a Risk Management Program?

Most people think of risk management as an insurance policy, the price paid to help prevent potentially negative outcomes from being realized by their company. Such a view leads to the conclusion that risk management is a business expense with a highly subjective value proposition.

Leadership Lessons from the United States Naval Academy

Leadership Lessons from the United States Naval Academy – Make the Decision Your Own

StrategyDriven Professional Leadership Lessons from the United States Naval AcademyNations entrust their military personnel with the responsibility of providing for the national defense and securing the rights and liberties of their people. This goal places many who serve in harms way, whether during peacetime or when at war.

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