16:00:052020-03-31 13:31:14How Close Are We to Developing Plant-Based Meat?
Data is the new currency and often the point of strategic control in many industries. Companies are attempting to control data in order to monetize what the data can do for them. 13:00:582020-09-07 14:34:32Today’s Battle for Data – in the Wind and the Cloud 17:00:022020-08-02 21:23:1210 Interesting Facts About Water That’ll Leave You Astounded 20:00:052020-02-10 13:54:46Business glossary vs. data dictionary 12:00:332020-03-05 19:13:355 Ways to Improve Your Cloud Security Standards 17:00:482022-05-08 00:23:53Accident Risk Management: How to Deal with an Accident in Kansas
Cybersecurity is one of those overriding concerns in modern business. While you can set up various types of systems to protect your company, one of the most vulnerable areas of your business isn’t a technical one, it is a human one. 18:00:122020-01-30 22:41:01Across The Memory Board – How To Educate Our Employees On The Best IT Practices
Cybersecurity is the process of the protection of computer systems, programs, and networks from digital attacks or the theft or from the damage of the hardware, software, electronic data or misdirection or disruption of the services they provide. 13:00:102020-04-22 16:40:117 Outsourcing Trends You Should Keep an Eye on in 2020 07:00:452020-04-14 22:47:26Why Data is Vitally Important to Your Business
How Close Are We to Developing Plant-Based Meat?
/in StrategyDriven Editorial Perspective/by StrategyDrivenEating plant-based meat isn’t just about being vegan.
Today’s Battle for Data – in the Wind and the Cloud
/in Organizational Performance Measures/by Dr. William PutsisData is the new currency and often the point of strategic control in many industries. Companies are attempting to control data in order to monetize what the data can do for them.
10 Interesting Facts About Water That’ll Leave You Astounded
/in StrategyDriven Editorial Perspective/by StrategyDrivenWater can do much more than quench our thirst and clean our bodies. Read on learn the most interesting facts about water here.
Business glossary vs. data dictionary
/in Organizational Performance Measures/by StrategyDrivenWe live in a world that has a prominent and vast scale of complexity to deal with the business and data.
5 Ways to Improve Your Cloud Security Standards
/in Risk Management/by StrategyDrivenAre your cloud security standards high enough? With data breaches increasing, you need these seven improvements to keep your company safe.
Accident Risk Management: How to Deal with an Accident in Kansas
/in Risk Management/by StrategyDrivenAlthough Kansas is a relatively road safe state, knowing what to do if the worst happens is quite important in keeping you and others safe.
Across The Memory Board – How To Educate Our Employees On The Best IT Practices
/in Risk Management, Talent Management/by StrategyDrivenCybersecurity is one of those overriding concerns in modern business. While you can set up various types of systems to protect your company, one of the most vulnerable areas of your business isn’t a technical one, it is a human one.
10 Important Cybersecurity Tips
/in Risk Management/by StrategyDrivenCybersecurity is the process of the protection of computer systems, programs, and networks from digital attacks or the theft or from the damage of the hardware, software, electronic data or misdirection or disruption of the services they provide.
7 Outsourcing Trends You Should Keep an Eye on in 2020
/in StrategyDriven Editorial Perspective/by StrategyDrivenOutsourcing can save your business money and give you a competitive edge. In 2020 and beyond, these are the outsourcing trends to keep your eyes on.
Why Data is Vitally Important to Your Business
/in Organizational Performance Measures/by StrategyDrivenBusinesses have always understood the importance of data and how it relates to their success.