An organization’s mission statement defines its purpose, its reason for being. These statements, however, tend to be broad and somewhat vague; making it difficult to identify the specific products, services, initiatives, and people that will most directly enable the organization to achieve its purpose. Making the mission measurable provides the added clarity needed to focus […] 16:37:192016-05-13 19:38:55Strategic Planning Best Practice 1 – Make the Mission Measurable
Well-constructed performance measurement systems provide a means of comparison between various products, services, and business units by ensuring relevant measures are horizontally shared across the organization.
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Performance measurement systems should be anchored on the single measure of organizational success (defined by the organization's mission) and vertically cascaded down through the organization Each successive measurement tier becomes more specific than its predecessor with the lowest tier describing individual contributor behaviors and resulting outcomes.
Hi there! This article is available to StrategyDriven Personal Business Advisor Remote Access and Dedicated Advisor clients and those who subscribe to one of the article's
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A company’s true value is largely determined by its long-term performance potential as shaped by management’s decisions made today. These decisions guide the translation of the company’s mission, its purpose for existing, into the products and services it provides and hopefully the market wants. Strategic planning is an iterative, ongoing process consisting of: Analysis: assessment […]
Performance measures serve to align an organization’s efforts to the achievement of its mission. As part of a company’s evaluation and control program, they quantifiably monitor important characteristics of the company’s products and services and the performance of the individuals and processes creating them. Performance measures support managerial decision-making by providing useful information regarding: how […]
Performance measures serve to align an organization’s efforts to the achievement of its mission. As part of a company’s evaluation and control program, they quantifiably monitor important characteristics of the company’s products and services and the performance of the individuals and processes creating them. Performance measures support managerial decision-making by providing useful information regarding: how […]
Strategic Planning Best Practice 1 – Make the Mission Measurable
/in Strategic Planning/by Nathan IvesAn organization’s mission statement defines its purpose, its reason for being. These statements, however, tend to be broad and somewhat vague; making it difficult to identify the specific products, services, initiatives, and people that will most directly enable the organization to achieve its purpose. Making the mission measurable provides the added clarity needed to focus […]
Horizontally Shared
/in Organizational Performance Measures, Premium/by Nathan IvesVertical Cascading
/in Organizational Performance Measures, Premium/by Nathan IvesStrategyDriven Strategic Planning Forum
/in Strategic Planning/by StrategyDrivenA company’s true value is largely determined by its long-term performance potential as shaped by management’s decisions made today. These decisions guide the translation of the company’s mission, its purpose for existing, into the products and services it provides and hopefully the market wants. Strategic planning is an iterative, ongoing process consisting of: Analysis: assessment […]
StrategyDriven Organizational Performance Measures Forum
/in Organizational Performance Measures/by StrategyDrivenPerformance measures serve to align an organization’s efforts to the achievement of its mission. As part of a company’s evaluation and control program, they quantifiably monitor important characteristics of the company’s products and services and the performance of the individuals and processes creating them. Performance measures support managerial decision-making by providing useful information regarding: how […]
StrategyDriven Organizational Performance Measures Forum
/in Organizational Performance Measures/by Nathan IvesPerformance measures serve to align an organization’s efforts to the achievement of its mission. As part of a company’s evaluation and control program, they quantifiably monitor important characteristics of the company’s products and services and the performance of the individuals and processes creating them. Performance measures support managerial decision-making by providing useful information regarding: how […]