17:56:162018-09-16 13:50:56Strategic Planning Best Practice 8 – Results First, Actions Second
The business planning process of balancing what the organization will do with its limited resources is an iterative one. However, resource owners too often focus on the amount of resources they have and alter work estimates so the activity portfolio they are responsible for fits within the resource pool under their immediate control. This practice frequently leads to under-estimating resource needs as managers continually strive to expand their activity portfolios; resulting in reduced quality, late deliveries, and a diminished bottom line.
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If you're already a Remote Access or Dedicated Advisor client or a related category subscriber, please log in to read this article. 17:12:492016-05-13 16:42:42Resource Projection Best Practice 2 – Begin with the Work
Managing the Nonprofit Organization by Peter F. Drucker About the Reference Managing the Nonprofit Organization by Peter F. Drucker addresses the unique management challenges associated with nonprofit organizations. In this book, Dr. Drucker explains the differences between managing for-profit and nonprofit organizations in the areas of mission, leadership, resources, marketing, and goals. Benefits of Using […]
Effective decision-making provides the organization with a unified direction aimed at achieving a primary objective and possibly one or more secondary objectives. Regardless of the decision’s complexity or its immediacy, the probability of achieving a successful outcome is directly related to the organization’s ability to execute the decision in a deliberate and focused manner. It is for this reason that decisions and direction for their execution should come from one individual. 07:31:212018-12-24 16:17:16Decision-Making Best Practice 1 – There Can Be Only One
Question: Can a good strategy define a company’s future? StrategyDriven Response: Strategic certainty does not exist. Organizations should, however, leverage a good strategy to establish the vision toward which executives and managers focus employee efforts. Vision combined with excellent execution that reinforces desired behaviors generates a high degree of organizational alignment and accountability that in […]
The Advisor’s Corner expands on the strategic planning and tactical business execution dialogue between StrategyDriven contributors and our websites visitors. Postings in this category reflect questions asked by StrategyDriven members and guests and the advice provided by one or more of our highly experienced business professionals. Additionally, StrategyDriven members are provided the opportunity to share […]
There are likely some hidden performance drivers unintentionally created by the organization’s processes or embedded as an integral component of the organizations’ history and culture. 18:54:492019-04-30 19:42:11Strategic Analysis Best Practice 3 – Identify the Hidden Drivers
Great Escapes: nine decision-making pitfalls and nine simple devices to beat them FORTUNE Magazine, June 27, 2005 by Michael and Jerry Useem About the Reference Great Escapes: nine decision-making pitfalls and nine simple devices to beat them by Michael and Jerry Useem explores the logic flaws that often skew perceptions and undermine decision-making effectiveness. The […]
For better or worse, our decisions and those of the other members of our organization define today’s realities and tomorrow’s outcomes. In a world that is becoming increasingly knowledge based, more and more members of an organization are making impactful decisions every day; thereby extending decision-making’s importance from the executive suites to the desks of […] 05:52:532016-08-08 16:36:56StrategyDriven Decision-Making Forum
Understanding the resource cost of activities is key to creating confidence that assigned work can be completed successfully and on time. Regardless of whether activities are frequently recurring and therefore well understood or one time efforts to produce a unique product or service, the use of standardized resource assumptions greatly helps the organization anticipate the quantity and type of resources needed to perform its approved work. 17:05:562019-05-04 20:39:33Resource Projection Best Practice 1 – Standardized Assumptions
Strategic Planning Best Practice 8 – Results First, Actions Second
/in Premium, Strategic Planning/by Nathan IvesToo often, organizations biased to action move forward with projects and initiatives before defining the results to be achieved.
Resource Projection Best Practice 2 – Begin with the Work
/in Premium, Resource Projection/by Nathan IvesRecommended Resource – Managing the Nonprofit Organization
/in Management & Leadership, Recommended Resources/by StrategyDrivenManaging the Nonprofit Organization by Peter F. Drucker About the Reference Managing the Nonprofit Organization by Peter F. Drucker addresses the unique management challenges associated with nonprofit organizations. In this book, Dr. Drucker explains the differences between managing for-profit and nonprofit organizations in the areas of mission, leadership, resources, marketing, and goals. Benefits of Using […]
Decision-Making Best Practice 1 – There Can Be Only One
/in Decision-Making, Premium/by Nathan IvesEffective decision-making provides the organization with a unified direction aimed at achieving a primary objective and possibly one or more secondary objectives. Regardless of the decision’s complexity or its immediacy, the probability of achieving a successful outcome is directly related to the organization’s ability to execute the decision in a deliberate and focused manner. It is for this reason that decisions and direction for their execution should come from one individual.
The Advisor’s Corner – Guaranteed Future?
/in The Advisor's Corner/by StrategyDrivenQuestion: Can a good strategy define a company’s future? StrategyDriven Response: Strategic certainty does not exist. Organizations should, however, leverage a good strategy to establish the vision toward which executives and managers focus employee efforts. Vision combined with excellent execution that reinforces desired behaviors generates a high degree of organizational alignment and accountability that in […]
The Advisor’s Corner Introduction
/in The Advisor's Corner/by StrategyDrivenThe Advisor’s Corner expands on the strategic planning and tactical business execution dialogue between StrategyDriven contributors and our websites visitors. Postings in this category reflect questions asked by StrategyDriven members and guests and the advice provided by one or more of our highly experienced business professionals. Additionally, StrategyDriven members are provided the opportunity to share […]
Strategic Analysis Best Practice 3 – Identify the Hidden Drivers
/in Premium, Strategic Analysis/by Nathan IvesThere are likely some hidden performance drivers unintentionally created by the organization’s processes or embedded as an integral component of the organizations’ history and culture.
Recommended Resource – Great Escapes
/in Decision-Making, Recommended Resources/by StrategyDrivenGreat Escapes: nine decision-making pitfalls and nine simple devices to beat them FORTUNE Magazine, June 27, 2005 by Michael and Jerry Useem About the Reference Great Escapes: nine decision-making pitfalls and nine simple devices to beat them by Michael and Jerry Useem explores the logic flaws that often skew perceptions and undermine decision-making effectiveness. The […]
StrategyDriven Decision-Making Forum
/in Decision-Making/by StrategyDrivenFor better or worse, our decisions and those of the other members of our organization define today’s realities and tomorrow’s outcomes. In a world that is becoming increasingly knowledge based, more and more members of an organization are making impactful decisions every day; thereby extending decision-making’s importance from the executive suites to the desks of […]
Resource Projection Best Practice 1 – Standardized Assumptions
/in Premium, Resource Projection/by Nathan IvesUnderstanding the resource cost of activities is key to creating confidence that assigned work can be completed successfully and on time. Regardless of whether activities are frequently recurring and therefore well understood or one time efforts to produce a unique product or service, the use of standardized resource assumptions greatly helps the organization anticipate the quantity and type of resources needed to perform its approved work.